All of this is in many prophecies of the past warning us even back then to get ready and up until recently we couldn’t figure out how these things could happen. But thanks to the NWO and stolen technology and personal computers we can now see how it could and is happening in this moment we speak. They warned us, but the problem is what to do about it?

What I am trying to show here is that the future evolves not only from our present and past but also from our now moment. Everything that could happen or has happened it seems is being played out somewhere, maybe in an alternative or different dimension or time line or on another earth. And we all play together in this giant playground where everything is possible. Not only is it possible, but we can and do create it. We are recreating what God has created for us to play with.


Let us now review what we have read and studied. I myself have learned much from this experience of trying my best to bring another view of what is happening on this world of ours. To many outsiders who haven’t done their homework it may seem to be that too much is happening at the same time. And I agree it’s a lot of events to put together. That’s why we need help from our spiritual hierarchy as we go on our own vision-quests to understand our mission and our real purpose for being here. It is said that these times will be known as the greatest times in history!. Unfortunately, most people are in denial and refuse to use their energy to help change any events so it’s left up to the rest of us. We have our space brothers here to help us as well. Soon they will show their mother ships to the whole world and then later contact will be made hopefully in 2010-11 and for sure before 2012.


We have many great earth changes happening now and even greater ones to come. Some of them are created by HAARP, chem-trails and the SSG. We are presently in the midst of magnetic changes which is causing the poles to shift. This will cause some havoc with our brains, electrical equipment and computer systems for sometime. Also we have Planet X coming again in 2009-10,2011 ! 2012, and possibly others bodies as our position in the universe now changes.


This will cause many things to happen here on earth including a dimensional change. We have the Photon Belt moving into our range again. And as we enter it even more earth changes will take place such as particles and anti-particles colliding, causing a fluorescent light to surround us 24 hours a day. And the asteroids and comets that are coming will cause some explosions and fallout along with the volcanoes erupting. Some of them will be caused by huge earthquakes. The great earth changes will be influenced by all the above as a new planet is born.


In the midst of these great birth pains the SSG Dark Cabal is now exploding onto the scene mainly because they can no longer hide behind their tricks, secrecy, symbols, myths, untruths and outright lies, deceit, disinformation and their diabolical plan to take over the world, to eliminate six billion people. They are the reason behind most wars as they control the drug business (legal and illegal), the war machines and war industry and energy (mostly from oil). And the Illuminati Banksters own and control 90 percent of the world’s wealth. They own and control the vast number of banks in the world through their central banking system, and they print and control the so called (fiat) money.


The NWO is now installing the next Great Depression with the combined power of the banks and fiat money. Their 30 companies own the rest of the major industries and investment firms in the world that are trading on the stock markets. They run their games in cycles as we are all remembering from our history books about the last great depression. And actually there have many crashes in the last several hundred years (1873, 1929, 1987 and 2008, for example).


This cycle is winding down so soon there will be no one left to play the giant global monopoly game. Then their invisible money will fade away as they install a cashless society, the mark of the beast ( 666 ). We have been warned about them by many of our great prophets and prophecies. These predictions were in our revelations and were given to us even before the NWO became established. And all the earth changes, including Planet X, were also predicted.


At the same time we were given the means to defeat the SSG. We cannot and should not try on our own to attack the Illuminati. They are extremely rich and powerful ! This Dark Cabal force has been organized and gaining momentum for two thousand years to reach this point. So the best defense is a good offense. We must learn and then expose everything about them that we can and make sure we stay one step ahead of them. As I said, we don’t personally engage them. Instead we let Archangel Michael (and his army of angels) defeat them and take them away, that is all of their evil leaders, devils, demons and Satan himself.


At the same time our space brothers will be arriving and will expose the NWO's evil plan to the world. This will be quite embarrassing to them. After they are exposed our space brothers will bring forth new plans and ways to overcome the great depression that is upon us now and suggest a new spiritual one world government. But they will not force anything on us. It is against their laws to interfere, except when we are on the brink of destruction (which we are close to now) and/or when we are a threat to the rest of the universe, especially now as the SSG plans to bring in WWIII as an excuse to get us out of the great depression that they created; They will present the plans for the “Federation of Nations” A New Spiritual World Government.


And for the rest of us, a Survival retreat is necessary. By that I mean we have to move to a safe area in communes or communities with underground and dome houses with basements 35ft.down to protect us from the weather and great earth changes. We need to utilize alternative energies (such as magnetic and fuel less generators and solar, wind, water turbines, alcohol, hydrogen from water etc.). It is also necessary that we grow and control our own food supply (including organic seeds), mostly in greenhouses. And spirituality will bind us all together for complete safety and efficiency, organic seeds could someday be worth their weight in gold!.


So as you can see, this scenario is huge. It has taken me nearly 40 years of study and experience to get this far. That’s why my guides had me put so much spiritual information and “truths” in this book to help endure and overcome our great burden or yoke that is too much for many of us to carry. We need the strength to be able to survive. And survival is the name of the game!. But we won’t be able to survive without this bonding of “oneness”. The Brotherhood (our family) is the universal “religion” of all creation. Even the angels and space brothers abide by it. And we can and do recreate it in our own ways and needs. We are all in this together. This is the reason for our being here, to not only be able to survive but to flourish and bring in a new dispensation, a new earth, a new type of human being in this new Golden Age.


We are the living revelations. We are all one. Awaken! Take a stand. Lend a helping hand. We are our brothers’ saviors. We are the answer.


The U.S. dollar is now valued lower than it has been in 20 years. Most of the world has fiat money, except the Euro, Yen, Sterling pound, Ruble, Swiss, Franc, etc. These currencies and precious metals are very wise to buy! Most of the world is under NWO control, as they role in the next Great Depression! This begins the Mark of the Beast (666) and they are now in the process of “eliminating” six billion people to bring the world’s population down to 500 million by 2012


The NWO sells poison food and controlled seeds. Eighty percent are genetically modified (GM) hybrids. They create artificial shortages of oil, metal, and now food staples! Oil controls the countries and food controls the people. We need to grow our own clean food. Great earth changes are upon us. Planet X (Wormwood) is coming. By or before 2011 UFO contact will be made, hopefully to expose and stop the NWO! Jesus (the man) is back to help (save) us. As a Reverend of Revelation, I’d say to have an honest government we need to raise honest families, say what we mean, and mean what we say! Spirituality should be in every aspect of our lives. We are all children of God. Let’s forgive and survive the tribulations and save planet earth.



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