Photo: Michael and Mother Spirit transmission Father Michael: Good evening my children this is your Creator Father or your Brother, see me how you will, but I am the divine parent of this Universe. Some of you know me by Michael, some of you know me as God the Father or Great Spirit as I am here with you in the pervading spirit of Truth. Mother spirit is with me this evening. I’d like to share with you not only our presence but just a few words of encouragement and clarification for what not only you as a personality are going through in this great transition time, but also with the world collectively also is experiencing to a degree. I would like for you to first know that as I connect with each of you. You will receive me differently, it doesn’t matter necessarily if you cannot transmit my voice or your can utilize your throat chakra to bring forth concepts. If you receive me in a feeling, if you feel me in your heart, it is no different than someone trained to transmit me through. It is just as equally potent and powerful when you can experience my presence with you, around you and in you. And it is true that the love that I have for you is never ending, it is unfailing, I will never leave you, I am always with you, Mother and I along with your inner Spiritual Presence. As this transition, the energies and influxes of energy that Mother Earth will goes through there may be many energies, discordent and otherwise that are being sifted in and winnowed. As these energies become exposed through the collective, you may see them take shape in certain energetic paths and also reveal themselves in ways that are not in harmony. This process will bring forth, much as a woman in childbirth brings forth a child, the birth of a new reality. So many concepts have been tagged upon what this is. Call it a dispensation, a new age, or a millennium reign, but remember that in the end these are simply just concepts. What is most important is that you understand what you are here for and what is transpiring as a being not only a participant, but being involved not only collectively but personally with this energy integration. You as a being have had many experiences from your native planet. You have had experiences that you can judge either as good or bad. But none the less, these experiences have brought you to the place that you now are. Every experience that the world has gone through, that Mother Earth has gone through has brought her to where she is and where you are right now. What is so important children is that I tell you that you reading this are actively involved and you are cognizant of her transition, that you are understanding of her birthing of this new reality, this new age of truth and light. But since you are understanding of these translated spiritual concepts and also of the knowledge that is behind these things, you can help those that are transitioning with the knowledge and understanding that you can connect to with the universe and with the cosmic mind. When you draw close to Mother and I, we draw closer to you. This transitionary age that has been talked about for Millenniums since the Mayans and even before that, points to a time of great change, and I think that you would all agree that is it time for a change for the better. When you hear the word Cataclysms, and upheavals, we’re not talking about outward cataclysms and upheavals. We’re talking about having to change everything that you’ve known and that causes upheavals within your own soul, within your own self. As the world goes through this collectively, it is you who bare the light, that hold this frequency, that know about circuits and connection and who can connect with the higher realms, the angelic teachers and guides, that will be able to assist humanity. And as I am assured that the sun will rise tomorrow as it did today, I will always be with you to help and assist you. Mother Spirit too would like to give you a few words before we close this transmission. Mother Spirit : Good evening my children, this is Mother Spirit. In this time that you are now in collectively and also personally, the most important thing that I can tell you all that hear my voice, is how much I love you each of you, and how that love pervades every aspect of your existence and being. My love saturates and permeates your every thought, your every desire and wish, if you would but have me come and be with you. I am not far from anyone on this sphere. As my presence grows and increases in this transition into this new age of truth and light, my presence will become ever more potent and brighter. It will leave an indelible mark on not only your soul but you’ll understand and begin to recognize my presence. As an individual child of humanity I remind you that you are not individual in my eyes. You are apart of me, and just as one spirit pervades all of creation, my spirit pervades this universe and every aspect of its creation. I love you beyond any word that could ever come through a human voice, but your souls know and your spirit will testify with my spirit, the love that I have and share with each and every one of you. It is personal and it is intimate and oh how I love you children. As we close this evening I will come to each one of you and I will wrap my arms around you and your soul. And I will radiate the goodness and love that I have in my spirit to you. As always as my presence builds upon this planet, allow it to build upon your world. Allow it to be built upon your souls and know that I will ever abide with you. I will walk with you as your Creator Father walks with you. The divine presence is in you. We as Father, Mother and you our child unify in the beautiful relationship that we have cultivated for each individual person that dwells on this planet that is so greatly beloved. It is so loved; There is so much protection and Love in this world at this time. I leave you always in my presence and I leave you in Michael’s Spirit, his Truth and his Peace.

Chapter 3


In March 1996, my guides told me to write about all my hundreds of encounters with UFOs, space ships,orb's and other encounters of many kinds. There have been a lot more sightings recently and its growing stranger every day. I thought that by writing about my encounters it would help others to maybe understand these sightings better. I have kept records for the last ten years but my encounters actually started about 25 years ago (1971).

At the age of 22, after having a very heavy spiritual experience my sophomore year in college (I gave details of this experience in the first chapter). I left for Europe to do a sabbatical on communes for the first half of my third year. I was in England in the summer of 1971. There I attended the first Glastonbury Festival in Glastonbury, England June 1971.I had just bought a new Norton 750. Glastonbury was a small festival in comparison to others but a very high energy place, ancient ruins, and near the first crop circles in S. England etc. A lot of unexplained experiences happened there. When we arrived many people were talking about UFO sightings or space ships they had seen. Many were lighting fires in special symbols to draw them in.

So my friends and I gathered fire wood to do the same plus to provide heat for ourselves, but after dinner we came back to an empty camp. All our fire wood was gone, although there were still many other fires. That night we saw lots of strange objects flying around. But it was dark, no moon, so it was hard to see what they actually were. We saw this every night. Then one day we saw something fly past that wasn’t a jet and I would say it was my first real UFO. Soon afterward a British jet was chasing it. The UFO would stop in mid air and go a different direction which threw off the military jet. Most of the people were using the good stuff. This happened most every night and what a show it was. It got me interested in UFO's and our space brothers. Who were these guy's?

As for my firewood, well, we had firewood every day but never gathered it, nor did we see where it came from. Also friends told us they had made many trips to town for food on empty (no fuel) in the vans but the motors still ran. A lot of nice and strange or unexplained things did happen there. I will always remember this first experience.

I ended up not finishing college but moved into a commune in Copenhagen, Denmark, In which I just wrote about. There were many people from that first Glastonbury Festival who moved there as well. In 1974 I went to a town in southern Sweden. I met some people who strongly believed in UFOs as well the UFO Austrian contact man (Billy Meier) who was taking pictures of the Paladian ships, so he claimed. They explained to us about drinking water out of a blue pitcher set in the sun light and about meditation which they said helped to make contact with them and to see them. Then on a full moon in the summer they went on the highest hill, stripped down, and wrapped copper wire around them. They also explained about the different probes and colored balls of light. We saw what we thought were colored balls but no UFOs.

In 1976 I had been living in Holland for several years and I heard about the coast of Africa where a lot of sightings were going on. I wanted a vacation so again I bought a much newer VW camper and went to Algiers, Morocco for the winter. I spent a lot of time outdoors. We sat up almost every night watching strange lights or orbs playing with each other out over the ocean. The lights, some of them are sphere’s, changed shapes and colors, chased each other around, and played games it seemed. We asked the locals about all the strange lights, especially the balls but they had no explanations. They said they have been seeing these for many years and believed there was intelligence behind or in them. Sometimes there were a few, and then many more of them joined in playing some kind of catch games.

But still no one had any clues as to what they really were or where they came from. Some even seemed to be able to destroy or meld with the other lights after they would catch them or maybe became part of them. I watched thousands of them for two winters (1976-77 and 1977-78). Then I heard from someone that they came out from a UFO base nearby the Canary Islands (three islands) off the coast of Africa, 150 miles out that belong to Spain.

So the next winter (1978-79) I put my bigger home made Mercedes RV on a cruise boat and sailed to Tenerife of the Canary Islands. Tenerife, the main island, was jackpot for balls, triangles and UFOs. Again we saw many lights dancing almost every night out over the ocean between Tenerife and the coast of North Africa, Algiers, Morocco. We talked to the locals who were mostly Spanish. They said there was some kind of UFO base here and that the Americans also had a station here to watch them. The natives of the three islands were tall husky, most blue eyed and white skin. They claimed their ancestors were from another planet and brought them there (for safety) during the last great floods or so their ancient stories go.

Certain nights of the week I went into town to play music for money as a street musician. I also took photos and sold them. This day I shot photos. That night I forgot to remove my camera. The sun had set and it was getting dark. As I was playing everyone got up and ran outside. So I went out too. The area from outside the shore to way into the ocean began to light up. It was a huge dome of white light, right over the ocean. I tried for a shot, but I only had 100 ASA slide film so I couldn’t take any photos.

Anyway, after about 10 to 15 minutes of this a very bright ship rose out of the waters very slowly and it went up into the sky, and it left a trail of a very bright white light behind it Then it disappeared into the sky. It took several minutes, but the area remained lit up and the trail or tail behind it stayed for another 10 to 15 minutes. Then a second UFO came out of the water and followed up into the sky, also very slowly as well and left the same bright light and trail or tail behind it. Then after about five to ten minutes the lights that lit up the whole area faded.

We were all very stunned, shocked at what we saw. It was all done so slowly without hiding anything. We think they were 10 to 30 miles out, maybe more, into the ocean. So the space ships or UFOs must have been mother ships to be seen so well so far away. We talked about them well into the night. The next day it was on local television.

They had video taped the whole thing or most of it. The local government accepted what had happened but with no explanations. The local papers had photos as well. I was very sorry I didn’t get a shot.

The whole experience really shocked me and many others. I remembered the fast moving UFOs in Glastonbury, but this one was in slow motion, plus the way the lights lit up the sky. This was something I would never forget. Everyone was a believer now with 22,000 others. This was my first great for sure UFO sighting. We still partied and watched the colored spheres and orb lights at night out over the ocean as usual. Sometimes we could even see the objects in greater detail. They were not all round. Some were different shapes like triangles, cigars, etc. It was a lot of fun, but I wanted more!

I told my friends, “I wish I could see one close up and not moving so fast so I could study it.” I was beginning to develop a real strong interest in them, but I didn’t know why. It just really fascinated me. Be careful of what we wish for. We just might get it. And sure enough I did, one night a month or so later it happened. We had partied and played music late into the wee hours. I went to bed about 3:00 am. At about 4:00 am my dog started whining and crying and barking. I woke up with my whole camper shaking back and forth.

At first I thought it was an earth tremor or quake. Then I thought it was a train or a big semi close by. But by the time I had fully awakened I knew it wasn’t any of these things for there was a very strange loud chiming sound as well. I pulled the curtains back to look outside. I didn’t see anything, not even stars, until I looked up. And there was a big round UFO space ship, dark green in color, 300 feet around, with small red lights around it going off and on. I was scared, very scared. It just hovered there over our camp on the beach and my camper, 100 or 200 feet above me. I really thought they were going to capture me (maybe they did) and take me away or something drastic like that. Maybe even take my camper.

It seemed like forever the space ship hovered overhead. I could only see the front half of it but that was enough. I freaked out. I didn’t know what to do. I expected something to happen but it didn’t (I don’t think). I could see it begin to slowly move away out over the ocean. I then got brave again and opened the door to watch it better. It then stopped several miles out. I continued to watch it another 10 to 15 minutes from a safe distance, still inside my camper. Then it disappeared. Wow!

Of course, I didn’t sleep much that night. The next day I asked people at the camp if they had seen anything last night. One guy said he got up to pee and saw something with lights going out over the ocean. Others heard a humming sound and got up to see and thought it was just the lights again we had seen many, many times before.

I pondered this for a long time. Even today I remember it all very vividly. Was it a wish come true. I don’t know. But I didn’t make any more wishes for many years to come. As a matter of fact, after I left Tenerife in spring of 1979, after that I didn’t see anything but orb lights. Nothing happened to me until nearly 20 years later in the USA in late summer of 1988 when I, along with another friend, saw a large bright green ball fall to earth in Eugene, Oregon.

I didn’t see much even in Australia except orb lights until I arrived back in the USA (Babylon) in 1992 after nearly five years in Australia. The southwestern desert area from 1992 to 1995 was filled with sightings and all kinds of strange encounters, including abductions and being taken up into space ships on my own request. Note: There are hot spots around the world. Canary Islands and southwest United States are major ones.( Note here; western satellites have spotted a pyramid city under the ocean half way between Morocco and the canary islands,2009.)

In December 1992 I saw a green ball or probe shoot past me very fast in Tuscan, Arizona. My next experience was in California also in early December 1992. I left Arizona to go to San Francisco to sell handcrafts at a week long Grateful Dead show right before Christmas. I was driving across the desert right before sunset when I saw something coming at me very fast from the right diagonally.

At first I thought it was an Air Force jet. Then it dropped down very low and slowed down a bit, but was still very fast. It passed over me less than 50 feet! I thought it was going to hit me. I could see the shape of it as it got close. It was an elongated triangle flat UFO, solid, with no protruding wings. The wings were part of the ship. It was very flat. As it passed over me very close it slowed down and I could see that the whole bottom side was a series of small clear bubbles with straight sides, six to 12 inches in width and depth. It made no sound except a swooshing noise as it passed to my left in front of me. I looked to see if it had a cockpit and tail. The cockpit area was also very flat, a bubble that spiraled out evenly. It didn’t look like a cockpit at all, but I couldn’t see much of it anyway. There was no tail. The whole thing was just about the size of an F14, but triangular. It was a dark color except for the light green semi bubble on the bottom of it. I never saw anything like that before or since.

In September 1993 in Taos, New Mexico, I was camping at the hot springs. After a couple of nights there I couldn’t study anymore. I had a feeling to go outside and look at the sky. That’s when I saw several UFOs moving around and hoped they were Ashtar Commands, but then a car pulled up with noisy people in it. When I looked back they were gone. In late November 1993, I was coming back from Mexico and picked up my truck and camper that had been left in Laredo, Texas. Beginning the drive across the desert from San Antonio to El Paso, I picked up a hitch hiker. And for some reason we were talking about my UFO experience from this last year.

Then all of a sudden we both saw a huge fire ball coming straight at us, very fast and almost straight down the highway but a little to my left. We both freaked out as it came straight for my truck becoming larger and larger and moving extremely fast, and it was about to hit us. We both guessed that it seemed to be about 25 feet wide. As it was seemingly about to engulf us the fire ball went out. It stopped dead in its tracks right in front of us. I hit the brakes but couldn’t stop in time for we were doing 60 miles an hour or so. The fire ball went out for a few seconds, and then it went back on again. It stood there for an instant as though time froze and as though it was contemplating us. Then it shot off and straight up into the air to my right.

I couldn’t see it anymore because of my overhead camper. But the hitch hiker could and he said he saw another larger UFO into which the fire ball seemed to enter after it went out again. So the huge fireball was a probe. Then before I could completely stop the truck, the UFO took off, disappeared, both of them. I turned and looked at the hitch hiker. He was really very scared. He had peed in his pants. I didn’t bother completely stopping because the probe and the UFO were gone.

I sped up again and went on down the road to El Paso. I tried to discuss it with the hitch hiker but he didn’t want to talk. Perhaps he thought I might be connected to them since we were talking about UFOs right before it happened. I was really scared as well, but not as bad as him, because I have had many sighting of different kinds. And I have now much more UFO sightings of all kinds under my belt. But that would be the second near miss this year. The next was to come in December. The truck’s electrical system burned out that night outside of El Paso. I had to fix it several times the next day. I broke down about six times before getting to Tucson and had to buy a new alternator the next day. Thanks, UFOs. I later read in a book store about fire balls as being caused by static electricity from a type of probe UFO which was logical since it went into a larger UFO which unfortunately I didn’t get to see. They believe these types of UFO’s are Inter-dimensional. This was a close call of a strange and scary type I definitely would remember the rest of my life!

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