Photo: I will present my teaching in a parable, so that you may each take for yourself that which finds a reception in your heart. “The true shepherd gathers his flock into the fold for the night in times of danger. And when the morning has come, he enters into the fold by the door, and when he calls, the sheep know his voice. Every shepherd who gains entrance to the sheepfold by any other means than by the door is a thief and a robber. The true shepherd enters the fold after the porter has opened the door for him, and his sheep, knowing his voice, come out at his word; and when they that are his are thus brought forth, the true shepherd goes before them; he leads the way and the sheep follow him. His sheep follow him because they know his voice; they will not follow a stranger. They will flee from the stranger because they know not his voice. This multitude which is gathered about us here are like sheep without a shepherd, but when we speak to them, they know the shepherd’s voice, and they follow after us; at least, those who hunger for truth and thirst for righteousness do. Some of you are not of my fold; you know not my voice, and you do not follow me. And because you are false shepherds, the sheep know not your voice and will not follow you.”

Chapter 6


As I have come across more than a few aliens or strange beings and ET's, it would be good to tell about them here. This is a follow up to my UFO experiences that are happening now and have been going on down here on earth for quite some time, 10 – 100,000 years at least. I did meet some local residents on Canary Islands who claimed their ancestors came from the stars. They were tall, blond hair and blue eyed and lived on the islands for many centuries before the Spanish came. I saw many UFOs there which I have told about in past chapters.

The next time, I came across some very interesting people or beings was in the USA in Oct.1989. I was camped up in Mt. Shasta, California, in my RV bus. It was late autumn. I was parked as far as possible at the base. The space brothers told me that there were alien humanoids from Lumuria that are now earthlings that lived under Mt. Shasta in a city called Telos and that they came out from time to time and went about in the town as tourists. I wanted to see them for myself if possible so I waited, and at sunset a group of beings, two women and four men who looked like regular people, except they were giving out positive vibes, were hiking up the trail. It was getting quite cold but they had no heavy jackets on.

They stopped and talked to me. I asked them if they were cold. They said a little bit. I asked them where they were going as it was quite late to be hiking. They said they were camped a little further up on the other side just out of sight. They seemed to be out of place like a foreigner in a different country, tourist, which is a feeling which I am familiar with because I have been a foreigner in many different countries. They were polite but needed to get moving on, so I said, “I’ll see you tomorrow.” They said, “Yes, okay, see you.” Then they hiked up and around the bend out of sight.

That night it snowed and the next day a few inches of snow was still on the ground. So I decided to go visit my neighbors, but when I got up to where they were supposed to have camped there was no campsite and no people, and no snow tracks, and I never saw them come back down. Perhaps they did go inside the mountain. Lord Adama is a 600 year old leader of Telos city in Mt.Shasta. (See photo above) 12,000 years ago 25,000 of there ancestors from Lemuria escaped from the nuclear war of Atlantis to the huge underground caverns of Mt.Shasta. Today he is one of the many lords and leaders who have joined Ashtar command, ,Jesus plus the Galactic federation of light for the 2012 Paradigm shift earth changes. To rescue us as foretold. This next strange event took place back in Australia, 1990, in NSW. I was in the University town of Lismore, the biggest town near the village of Nimbin where I had been staying. I came to work the market on Saturday morning selling my own handmade leather hats. The market was underneath Wal-Mart in the basement at ground level. It was a cloudy day and they had on their fluorescent lights to help us see.

A young lady walked up to my booth to try on a hat. She had a heavy coat on even though it was just a little bit chilly and she had an accent that wasn’t Australian. So I asked her where she was from and she said, “Oh, I’m just ave tourist.” I said, “Must have been a long night with a lot of partying because you still have your sunglasses on even though it’s so dimly lit down here.”

Then I said, “Here, let me put the hat on you properly as I adjusted the hat, Then I said let me see those beautiful eyes,” as I reached for her glasses and then took them off. My goodness, she had yellow cat eyes, or better yet, slit eyes like a reptilian! She grabbed the sunglasses and put them on quickly, turned and then ran into the crowd of people. I asked my neighbor if he saw her eyes. He said, “Yes, very strange.” I then asked him to watch my booth and ran after her but she soon disappeared into the crowd. Later I found out she was probably a reptilian shape shifter or hybrid, who couldn’t change her eyes. Maybe also that’s why she had on a long coat to hide her reptilian skin.

So we are not alone are we? I later learned there have been many of them living here on earth for centuries mostly underground among us. They are supposed to come from Sirius, and there are many types. Sometimes they are discovered but disappear again, and like us humans there are good ones and bad ones. The bad ones are said to be the original leader of the NWO (Illuminati), but the leader was captured by another shape shifter, a ranger also from Sirius twenty-five years ago.

I remember that there were many other times when I felt that the people I encountered were not human but surface dwellers. For example, I met a woman who radiated positive glowing energy and had an angelic essence about her also there in the Rainbow Valley and again at the Sunday market. We had talked about many things and she bought my last book. She was also very intelligent. She had a light orange glow about her, with long blond hair and green eyes. She invited me to her party, but I didn’t make it for some reason. The next month when I saw her again she told me how lovely the party had been. She said there was no alcohol or drugs, only herbs, herbal tea and food that got people high naturally. There was something about this woman, and I remember seeing two other men in my past that glowed orange as well.

When I was back in the USA and again at the flea market I met a small group of people who seemed to be, let’s say different. I couldn’t put my finger on it but I just felt they weren’t surface dwellers. As always, I talked heavy and straight to the point and about UFOs, aliens, NWO, earth changes, etc. I asked them where they were from as I couldn’t quite make out the accent. They said they were from France. “Oh, really, I’ve been there many times. What part?” I asked. They didn’t answer but said they had to go. As they left, I could hear them talking and it wasn’t in French.

I think they knew I figured them out. Some of them then turned around and looked at me from a distance as they disappeared into the crowd, another unexplained meeting. I’ve had many of these meetings now. These encounters may have something to do with all the UFO contacts I have had. Everything relates. I am relating to you only my encounters ,not the ones friends and family have told me, and there are many of them.

In the fall of 1992 I drove into TAO’S New Mexico in my truck camper. I pulled into a food store parking lot to park. As I stopped to look for a spot, a middle aged man (?) got my attention as he asked me to move my truck camper so he could get out. His voice was very robotic and his movements were a bit awkward as thought he was out of place I could feel and see he had no emotions. I just knew he was a advanced robot or android, maybe from having met them on ship’s in my past I think they let this one out just to see if they could fool the public. Of course I have been a Star Trek next generation fan from that time on and Data ( photo's)was my favorite, even today.

Now we jump forward skipping the rest of the 1990s because there were so many encounters by both the good guys and the bad ones and everything in between that to this day I haven’t completely figured out who’s who. So I only want to write about things outside of that realm, encounters that could happen to anyone. So we jump forward again now to Belize, one and a half years ago in (2005). I started going to the casino, as there was not much to do here.

A few months before, I saw strange lights in the sky, ones that moved about in irregular formations. I also saw a few green probes shoot down. Then we heard a strange crash here. The military said it was a meteor that hit and, of course, the military covered it and carried it off. Although hundreds of people saw something hit the ground near El Pillar ruins, no paper reported anything. People kept the incident quiet because the Belize and U.S. military told them to.

Anyway, a some time after that I saw very strange humanoids that were definitely not surface dwellers in the Turkish casino. They were playing or gambling. I got there as they were cashing out. The taller and older one had won $60 BZ and was cashing it in. I was standing right behind him waiting to get my coins and was able to study him. At first I thought they might be from a local religious sect where some of the people look a little strange from too much inbreeding. But then I noticed how strange their hair was, sort of like the hair on a pig, very thick and far apart. The hair covered the whole face, their head and neck down their backs, arms, hands, everywhere except around the eyes.

The older taller one was very thin. His cheekbones stood out. When he turned in the coins he only made grunt noises like he was deaf and mute. They kept sticking their tongues out like they were trying to catch flies or oxygen. When they opened their mouths wide I noticed the end of their tongues were cut off and there were large white spots underneath them. I thought they must be father and son because they both had the same short tongue with white spots under it. I was really shocked when they began to speak.

The older taller one turned around with the $60 in his hands looking at it strangely. I surmised what they said, a skill learned from having to make do with languages while traveling in over 50 countries. Anyway the young one asked how much he won and the taller one said $60. The young one said, “Is that a lot?” The tall one shook his head and said, “I don’t know.” It seemed the little one had lost his allotted money and wanted to play more but the older one said, “No, let’s go.” Now that was really strange. I mentioned it to the manager who was a friend. He said, “We get a lot of strange ones in here.” But that’s not the end of the story.

During the next weekend a third one came, even much taller than the older one, between six and six and a half feet, also very thin and again with pig hair all over his body. And guess what? He had the same cut or short stubby tongue with white dots on the bottom as well. He was being escorted by a middle age American couple, who didn’t seem to actually be a couple. Maybe they were co-workers of some kind and they took this sub dweller with them to the casino. Perhaps either they came from the ship that crashed a year earlier or they were subterranean dwellers like the ones Mr. Richard Shaver spoke about in his magazines and books.

Belize probably has the largest amount of caves due to the lime deposits. This guy was led around as they gambled and like the others he could not speak a word of English or Spanish. He just made garbled sounds and motions with his head and hands. Everyone else thought the middle age couple was his parents or caretakers of some kind. But he was exactly the same as the other two only taller and if they could speak to each other then he could speak I am sure. But I don't think the American couple could understand him very well. I think they taught him hand sign language because he made a lot of gestures.

So the humans were taking him out to see our world and our people. They just looked like deaf and mute people, but they most definitely were not. They brought the really tall one in again the next weekend. He looked to be much older than the other two. And they all looked like they were very aged and definitely not surface dwellers. Most people didn’t pay much attention, but I watched them all very closely. I tried to tell people who they were, but no one would believe me. The third week I saw the couple and the tall one at the border going out of Belize into Guatemala. After that I never saw any of them ever again, either the couple, the tall one or the father and son. I wonder where they went (maybe underground) back to the so called secret American base up the road a ways.

Last but not least is the most unusual person I met last month. I had a congested heart failure from a company (Running W) that was burning the bush around my house to make one hundred lots to sell. The smoke caused a lung infection and congestive heart failure and I went into the hospital for one week. The day after I was in the Belmopan Hospital around 8:00 am there were all kinds of people in the ward, visitors, nurses, etc. I looked up and there standing in the middle of the room was a very large man, middle aged I’d say, about 6.4 feet, 250 pounds. He was dressed in New Age clothes, the kind I like to wear sometimes, very colorful, and he was wearing a special necklace with a long silver chain down to his solar plexus. On it was a medallion, a Maltese cross, made of thick gold. The gold was dark and had wave like lines going across it left to right.

At first his back was to me, then he very slowly turned around and I could see he was looking at the patients in each bed. My bed was in the corner next to the boarded up window and as he turned towards me he looked at me, blinked and nodded his head at me as some kind of gesture. He then turned around and went to the entrance door. Now the walls on both sides of the door were open cut outs so we could see people coming and going and they could see in. Anyway, he passed through the door and he just disappeared. I could see through both openings but he was not to be seen.

I quickly turned to the guy in the bed half asleep,next to me and asked him if he saw that very large man dressed in bright colors and did he see where he went. The guy said no, he saw no one like that and that whoever he was that he was gone now. I also asked the nurse who had her back turned from him,if she saw him, and she said no. So then I had a visitor, possibly an angel that manifested into human form or it could have been one of my space brothers beaming down to check on me. And sending me a message that everything was going to be alright and it was. A week later I was better and left the hospital.

Recently I heard on my favorite radio show Coast to Coast AM (C2C) a lady who had a near death experience, also in the hospital, who described this same sort of being coming to her, interacting and then disappearing. Her description was the same as mine.

Shortly after that I received Divine Inspiration and began to write this book.

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  • Sence I wrote this book, I have had several more encounters with alien beings or beings not from the surface. The two I am sure about was encountered at the Hodes restaurant I used for my internet. I noticed two very pale gringo's sitting in a corner both that didn't fit in at all. They were wearing cloths from the 60's and they keep looking around. As they were leaving they came up to me and asked where the bath room was. I told them all the way back to the end on the left. I then asked them where they were from and they said New York and New jersey but they didn't have a accent from there. We talked a bit and I showed them the blog I was writing for this site and I asked them if they new about the DC and the ET's. they said no and the girl became very nervous and kept looking all around. I think they were time travelers or ET's that didn't get the year right. The girl didn't go to the bathroom and they disappeared rather quickly up the road. My friend there agreed that they were out of place.
    The next one was about 2 mo's later at the same place. My SUV was parked up front close to my table. I have lots of art work and info on it about ET'S Disclosure and Contact. They were reading it in amazement. The young man then came over to me and asked if the SUV was mine and I said yes. He asked if I believed in such stuff and I said yes, thats why I did the art work. NOw this young man had a very strange voice, he spoke from his throat and not from his mouth. His shoulders were wide and he had a very thin waist. I asked him where he was from and he said Palestine, but his wife and child was from Belize. But they stayed near the SUV, This guy also looked around a lot. He didn't buy anything and they got back in there car and drove away, My friend also saw them and said the same as me, very strange indeed. I think he was a Reptilian, maybe a shape shifter or Hybrid. I have meet some other strange people but these two couples I was sure of. There here in tiny little Belize. My friend who works security, also works at a house in the bush that he thinks are full of them, .Huh Adonai
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