Spiritual Mystical Experiences

Mystical experiences come in all sizes, shapes and colors. Everyone needs to have them, as many as they can and as often as they can. These spiritual experiences with God or an aspect of God, Jesus, Holy Spirit or the God within, the Christ Self, always uplifts one greatly. Everyone will have at least one of these in their life and if they are devoted they can have many. And they will vary in types of communication as well as depth of character. It seems that each one is completely different than the one before.


My second mystical experience came about 10 or 11 years after the first one (see the Mystic Dream chapter) around Christmas and New Years 1981 – 1982. I was back in the States and very depressed over the way my life was going. I didn’t want to fail the first Vision-Quest. I wanted to live my life being true to myself. I was looking outside of myself to the other people around me to find the answers. I wasn’t even sure what I was looking for except, of course, friends, a place in society, or a home to feel my life has meaning. Of course, we all want joy, peace and happiness and to maybe even have some sense of belonging.


I was going through some sort of culture crisis having lived in Europe for nearly nine years. My RV got towed while I was eating, so that night I began to talk to God, to pray to Jesus or our father Christ Michael or any of the family of deities that was listening to me. I even cried for a little while, for now I was also broke. Things were not going well for me. Even though I was studying The Urantia Book, I had lost something.


So I tried praying deep and all night long. I didn’t stop until the next day. I was very tired from not having slept but I felt peace and some joy. I knew I was forgiven for all of my mistakes and errors and that I was back into the family of God. This really lifted me up and made me feel good. I could go out into the world a stronger man. I sold my ring at the market and bought materials for making crafts. Everyone treated me differently. It’s as though they could read my mystical experience. And for many months things went well for me. I worked the World Fair in 1982 in Knoxville, Tennessee, and saved $10,000. But after that I stopped praying so much and, of course, my life went downhill again. And this time even worse than before. I had to get out of the USA. I felt people were unhappy and were pulling me down.


My third and Greatest mystical experience found me in Australia, 1987, still trying to get my head together. The States had pulled me down far. My body began to have all kinds of problems and I had arthritis now for several years. By 1988 , I was tired of all that and decided to forgive everyone in the USA (Babylon) and let the past go. I was in Nimbin in NSW in the rainbow valley for nearly one year and was inspired by the people around who were mostly very positive. I decided to do what is called the “Chinese Water Treatment” to heal and cleanse myself. The idea is to drink pure water, and Nimbin water was very pure, some called it holy water. The local residents say it has healing properties. And upon rising every day I would start drinking pure water. The idea was to drink a gallon of water as fast as one could. Of course, this took time. After one month I had it down to one glass every 5 minutes. Drinking this much pure water cleansed the colon out because the bladder could only hold so much. After about a month I really felt fine, much better than I had for many years. My mind was clear as well and I went back inside myself and prayed to my higher self through the Holy Spirit for my answers instead of outside, which I was doing when I left the States.


I read New Age books, and then one day when I had finished my meditation I started talking to my higher self and to my surprise this time I got an answer. It wasn’t my regular thoughts I had and whatever I asked this higher self, through the Holy Spirit, the voice inside would answer me. So I walked around half the time now talking and asking questions to this inner voice. I believe I was talking to the adjuster with the help of the Holy Spirit as my interpreter translator. It was really great and uplifting. I was shining. I was beaming my light around. I never felt so much joy and peace in my life. After five months, I was told to go back to the States and shine my light around there. So I sold everything and in mid September 1988 found myself in Sydney again, six months after I started the water cleansing treatment.


I was in my hotel room and for some reason I laid down early for my afternoon meditation. Even though it was a little noisy I was able to meditate even laying down. I did my prayers just before, thinking I would take a nap afterward. Then my guide said he had a very special gift for me. Something that he had arranged with the Spiritual Hierarchy to accelerate my spiritual growth even faster and deeper than what I had been going through the last six months. And that he wanted to give it to me now! He told me to just completely relax, let everything go and let the angels whom he had called,come and do their work, and to keep my eyes closed. So I did. Then I could feel the presence of angels. I wanted to open my eyes to be able to see them. I had heard so much about angels all my life and now I had a chance to see them but I didn’t want to lose my gift, so I obeyed. I didn’t want to spoil whatever they were going to do.


I felt them working on my chakras moving up and down my body opening them more and more. All of a sudden my Astral Spiritual Body rose up out of my material body I was conscious as I looked down on my material body. This part I had done before on my own a few times. Next thing I knew I was swirling through a glowing white tunnel towards a bright light, exactly like I had read about people who had a near death experience. I went through the tunnel to the light.


When I got there I only saw stars or orbs of some kind and the sky was a beautiful blue. But most important of all I began to feel great love and a very deep, strong emotion of love, like I never felt before! Like most, I never really knew what true love really was. What we call love back down on earth is nothing compared to this. This kind of love overshadowed anything on earth. So it can only come from one source, and that is GOD!

I called out, “My God ,Father are you there?” And a voice answered “Yes, Joshua, I am here.” “Father,” I said, “I love you.” As I thought to myself, I never new love could feel this great. He said, “Yes, Joshua, I love you, too.” I said, “Father, what am I doing here, am I dying?” He said, “No, you’re not dying. Your teacher and guide requested this very special experience for you.” This is not normally done, under these conditions but your circumstance is special, as is your mission.


At that point, I became conscious of both of my bodies at the same time, my spiritual or astral and my material or physical body. I then could look back and see my earthly body lying on the bed. My pillow was filled wet with tears of joy. And so I was conscious in both bodies at the same time. I said, “Father, I want to stay here with you always.” He said a special gift had been granted to me but that I had much more spiritual work to do back down on earth. I had to finish my mission before I could come back and then I could be with him as long as I liked.

I said, “Father, they can keep the material body on earth, maybe a walk-in can use it. I never had much joy or peace and never really knew what love was down there except for a little in the end from my guide and partner.” He said I must go back now, we will meet again and that I had much work to finish my mission. And that he would send me an angel and all the help I would need. Then I went back down through the white tunnel and soon I was back in my body.


I was exhausted and sad that I had to come back. But, wow, what an experience! I slowly got up with my head still spinning and my body tingling and went to the bathroom. Then my guide said to lie down on the floor and try to relax, so I did. The next thing I knew there were angels over me and around me and again they were working on me, but this time I was on my stomach. They said they were going to put a lot of information into my brain through my medulla in the back of my head. And that it would be stored there until I needed it at the end of the age. So I should be as still as possible for the next hour or so till it is all finished.


Then all of a sudden I started to receive information into my head. My guide said this is the language of the universe, and that I would understand it in time. It came faster and faster. I told them to please slow down. I couldn’t handle it so fast. They said my subconscious could and that they had a lot of information to give to me, that I will be able to access and use later in life when I needed it. I lay there several more hours and then crawled up to bed. I was exhausted and slept good, but late. The next day I didn’t remember much of the information given me. But I was feeling wonderful. I got to meet God, whom I called father. It was the most wonderful experience I ever had in my life! I wondered how long this ecstasy would last.


Now I know for sure beyond any doubt that God is love because I experienced it and him personally. So I know true “love” exists but it’s beyond what we humans call love. I know for sure that I am loved by God. And now I must find a way to keep it for myself and share it with others if possible. Over the years I finally learned that to have and or to keep Love, I had to give it away, that is to share it with other sons of God! There are many degree’s or levels of Love. For instance, Joy, Peace happiness, health are all aspects of Love. It is an experience I will remember in eternity for not many people get to meet God there Creator. I wrote about it in my diary and in my books. But in the back of my mind I always asked the question why me? And was I worthy of such a gift I only wish I had kept a diary of all my conversations with my higher self like the book Communion with God. And it is he, the Great Holy Spirit within, who requested that I be able to meet my creator father also I think Jesus had a hand in making this special Mystical experience happen. I thanked both of them from the bottom of my heart.



I wondered how many people on earth get to meet their Creator or even Lord Jesus while still alive. And what am I suppose to do with that experience? How was I supposed to share it? How do I tell people? If I just blurt it out, people would think I was crazy or strange, at the very least, but I knew it had to have a special meaning, not only for me but for us all. So how was I to share it? My higher self told me to write a book and put it in there. Later I did hear of a few other light workers who had a similar experence.


That was one of my assignments when I got back to the USA (Babylon) and now again in this book in greater detail. Part of my mission was to let people know that there is a loving God and that he loves us and wont's us to come home someday. And that we are all loving sons of God the Father and that my experience was not just for me but for the whole world to know that it is possible to see and touch him, if we reach out to him. Amen


But soon in the US I found myself backsliding again. Well little did I know that I would loose everything that I had gained except my memory during my experience in Australia and in only a short period of time? I started backsliding as soon as I stepped in the plane and saw all those confused American faces. It brought back all the judgments of them and all the negative things that had happened to me in my life time while in the USA (Babylon).


I thought I had forgiven them as a people but I guess all I really did was release some of my frustrations, for I had not really learned about total or complete forgiveness was until recently. I asked my Adjuster (my higher self), “What am I doing? I am not really ready for this. I was only in Australia one and a half years. That wasn’t enough time to get over all the negative programing and things that had happened to me in the US.” The Adjuster said I had a mission to finish. “Spread light on them,” he said. Well that didn’t work very well. I was soon pulled back down by all the negative fear energy. At first I thought I was strong enough to be there for awhile, so I went to one of my most favorite places, Eugene, Oregon. I bought a bus to make into an RV.


Soon afterward a huge guy in his mid to late twenty’s, a drug addict, walked into my bus and attacked me, beating me up bad on my 40th birthday. Boy what a way to start off. Then the bus blew up and it was down hill from there all the way. The water treatment didn’t work anymore because it had to be pure water, and I soon lost contact with my higher self. He didn’t answer my calls, so I was on my own again. I tried to do everything I had learned in Australia but nothing worked. So I soon slid further down hill until I was lost again, hiding behind a bubble with a mask on so no one could touch me or hurt me, just like the rest of the zombie’s sleep walking around me in the mass confusion in the USA. I didn’t want to be attached in any way, words or otherwise. The christens call this backsliding. Two steps forward, one step backward!


I tried to analyze exactly what had happened but couldn’t see how I had lost it. My light didn’t shine anymore. Where did I go wrong? How do we get back to where we were before? Could I back step, retrace my steps? One thing I learned was that each time one has a Mystical experience and then backslides, one could not get back in the same way one got there the last time. So again something new had to be learned and applied. I wrote the booklet and got into crystals. By September 1989 one year later I went back to Australia to self publish the booklet and try again. And crystals helped me greatly to get back on track.


After several years of spiritual studies in the many new age books, I finally found my new spiritual teacher Mafu. Mafu was a male channeled entity who came through a women and was the last leper Jesus healed and the only one who returned to give thanks. Mafu helped me greatly and even though I couldn't afford to go to his lectures, I did buy from fellow believers hundreds of audio tapes. I just couldn't get enough of him. I listened to him day and night. He even visited me in my dream states. And in less than a year or so he told me to start teaching. And so I did. For the first time I learned to teach which by the way ,Jesus was right . Teaching is a art, one must learn to do correctly. To be a master teacher you first have to learn to be a master leaner!


So I set up my base in the Lismore community house and started there. Then I also did the same at the other community houses in Bryon bay and Nimbin. I rented out rooms that I paid for through my donations at my lectures. I also sold my fist booklet on New Earth Survival trying to prepare people for what was about to come at the end of the age. I did this for about a year or so and then I ran out of information. My term of teaching was over and now I had to become a student again. Mafu also told me that in the distant future , I would write the real full book of New Earth Survival and that it would be much more spiritual.


But first I had to learn more and experience more before I could do it. And as you can see in this book,all that he said has come true. Of course I fought against all of this spiritual stuff . I just wanted to give out the information for material survival for 2012. But I was told that the survival of the spiritual body and the soul was more important than the survival of the body. Besides the body wouldn't survive the changes without the spiritual help !


This changing Paradigm shift involves all three, not just one or two. And so that's why I have been directed to write this book in this way. I had only a idea of what all was to be put in this book nor how it was all to be put together. I didn't wont to put so much spiritual information in this book, but now I understand that there must be a balance between exposing the Dark Forces and explaining the light Forces part of how to get through all of these Great Shifts and complete the Ascension plan, which is also three fold.




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Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Sheldan has completed extensive work, on categorising the various star nations, within the GFL...I would recommend that all AC members read this book, by Sheldan Nidle, in preparation for official first contact.....…"
17 minutes ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Love that Your Galactic Neighbors book where all this info comes from. I need to revisit the Aldebaran and Eta Ophiuchi parts of the book. Speaking of Galactic info my blog on the Arcturians is almost done. I'm gonna finish that one up right now.…"
23 minutes ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Yes, that's their name for the system of Tau Ceti....And of course, we can use both terrestrial and ET names, if we so wish....✨✨🔶✨✨"
37 minutes ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Yep just checked and got the spelling right the star system there is indeed called Lakwedak."
48 minutes ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"I forgot to mention after naming all their Home Worlds the star system there is called Lakwedak. I'll have to check if I got the spelling I got right."
50 minutes ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Subconsciously, Alternative Earth was looking for an alternative to Earth and he's found it, in the planet of divine the Tau Ceti system....That is "Agada" I believe.....Which translates to "divine love," in their language...…"
56 minutes ago
Edward posted a status
** Spirit -- 1~2 weeks..!!!
.... Yeah, Done..
.... Thanks....
1 hour ago
Edward posted a status
* Yeah, Done........
" Spirit "
Have a nice week...
Thanks..take care....^^
1 hour ago