YOu can also see it on other things, I see it on my white tarps on my awnings that cover both my plants and my vehicles. This one causes many symptoms such as the man made e-bola, which is renamed each yr for the past 17 yrs sence they 1st started spraying the whole world not just in test ereas like they did the 1st 40 yrs of Chem-trails ! Of course the main idea behind this attack is to make people think that they have the e-bola or what ever name they use that year. So that they run out and get the deadly flue shot that has the real disease or plague in it as well as Mercury and other heavy metals poisons. The idea is to create the plague for real through the deadly vaccines, Being winter in the north and the wet season here people are more prone to catch a flue or at least think that they are, so the DC uses that to fool us,oh my.
Now in the last 3 yrs they have a after holiday more deadly chem-trail as well. If you will take the time to look up in the skys ,you will notice that they are spraying even more than normal after the new year. The idea here is to make us even more sick and tired than normal from the Deadly Chem-trails. They spray morning , noon and night. They even spray us on the full moon. What is different about these Chem-trails is that not only does it attack the upper respiratory system but also the internal organs from stomach to the colon, liver, kidneys, gallbladder ect,ect. When one breaths in these toxins not only do we get the runny noise and sinus problems, sore throat,coughing and sore bronchial tubes and lung infections. As a bonus we also get sever stomach achs, al kinds of headaches, stomach bloating and gas. This year seems to be the worst yet!!Not only are we very tired but unable to sleep from all the pain in the organs and stomach and to make matters worse, we get sever headaces while trying to sleep or rest and if one takes pain pills it only makes the stomach worse !
And Now ,many of the leading liteworkers even admit that they have got it but explain it away by saying ,its the energy changes and of course its not, or they say it's OK our ET friends will get rid of them for us or the Sylphs will eat them and from my prospective extremely few chem-trails are erased or eaten. Seems to be to few Sylphs around and the ET'S must be on strike. Its the newly improved Chem-trails weather they wont to admit it or not. Another way to prove this besides looking up into the sky,is to look at your pet animals and plants. All 3 of my dog are sick as well, with warm and runny noises , loose bowels and throwing up. Next turn to your plants, look on the outer leaves, the ones that are exposed to the rain and sunshine. YOu will notice burn holes or just dark brown spots and when they spray this newest chem-trails you will see silver spots,like silver praypaint when it drips from the can when you are spraying it,look on your plants. The Chubby Rain chem-trails leave that same thick brown bird looking poop on it. Again do not touch any of that stuff as it will go through the skin 6 times faster than if you swallow it.. And just when we think we are getting a bit better, the cycle starts all over again as they continue to spray us ,morning,noon and night.
It makes one wonder sometimes if we are truly winning the War against the DC. Supposedly were told were winning the War but in reality, we may not be winning so much if they are still able to spend many billions of dollars every day to spray us with the Deadly Chem-trails. Of course they get back billions each day as the majority of sleeping Sheepels walking around in a day-dream run to the nearest Drug center to buy any Pharm. Drugs that they think will make them better and of course it wont but they don't know that as they wont relief of any kind ASAP. I understand there De-lima but that only puts more money back into the DC hands so that they can keep on spraying daily. Of course all of this causes people to become even more apathetic and even makes us light-workers even wonder whats going on.So I am from Missiouri, the show me state,"I will believe it when I see it" or in this case when I don't see it or feel sick anymore, then I will believe that we are winning the war against the DC.!!
As many do not want to address this problem and just brush it off as energy changes or earth changes ect. And I admit there are a lot of earth changes daily. Not only from Fukashima but many volcanoes going off nearly everyday now and this only adds to our problem as all of that ash is spreading around the earth and I suspect its going to get much worse. But if we were reallly winning the War against the DC, well then that means that at some point that they (DC) would not be able to afford to keep spraying us with the deadly Chemtrails. And then maybe we could handle all the other Earth Chnges that are happening now,day by day !!
So, what to do about it. As you know the really young kids under 7 and the elders over 60 like myself are the ones hardest hit, as the immune system is weaker for us! No one seem's to be able to do anything at the moment to stop the Deadly Chem-trails nor the Volcanoes erupting but we can change our diets so that we can and will survive in these last days of the old ways and hopefully soon the monetary tide NESARA will turn and they will not be able to afford to keep spraying us. In the meantime I can only tell you what I am doing to stay alive, so that I can make it through and complete our mission and Ascend!!
I hope maybe this blog will help others who are suffering with this problem, to make it through as well. Many people and light-workers always give me there solutions for this problem but they are usually much younger than myself, so it dosen't always work or they deny that there is a problem . I became my own doctor many years ago after my so called doctors,nearly killed me many times. You heard the old saying that "the most likely person to kill you is your doctor", well its true. But enough of that talk. Lets get down to the nitty gritty.
I gave up red meat many years ago but I still eat white meat, like chicken and fish. But as of the last year when they started hitting us with the really heavy stuff, I only eat one piece of chicken a mo. and one piece of fish. For protein I eat eggs, cheese and organic tofu. After the last holiday Chem-trail wave a yr ago I was so sick that I decided to go raw vege. The 1st 6 mo's I was 75% raw vege's and the last 6 mo's 50%. The only thing I cook is noodles of some kind once a wk and afterwards I put in raw vege's, Tofu or eggs or cheese. The problem with cooking is that people over-cook, so that we kill the enzymes and chlorophyl and of course most of the vitamins and minerals that we need most all goes up into the air.
There are some veges that one has to cook that cannot be eaten raw, like potatoes ect. Then the idea is to cook them litely and not to over cook them which is usually the case in cooking, people tend to over cook and loose all the good stuff that is in the food. Remember we eat food not just for enjoyment but to get energy and if we cook all that stuff out then we have nothing left of any value. Of couse I stay away from all fast food as we call it it here also known as junk food both from the shops and the super markets, for they are greatly poisoned and the biggest cause of obesity . That includes all processed foods if possible and read all the labels, if its not food don't put it into the body huh. Stay away from any thing that has a Corn or Soya product in it as it is most likely MGO's. There is a list on Naturalnews.com.
I eat a lot of vege's that help to detox the body. Sadly to say they are not organic, so I wash them well, and pray over them as Organic food is very hard to find or grow here, my soil is very poor. As the chinese say,"food is medicine and medicine is food" ! So with that thought in mind you can also add the saying that ''you are what you eat". As for medicine of the other kind I use a lot of herbs. But here I will only mention the ones I use for the Chem-trails. I made a lot of Noni-wine 5 yrs ago and I am now using that as well as silver water also known as colloidal silver, normally I drink about 1/4 to 1/2 glass per day.And I drink a lot of Green tea now mixed with local bush herbs.
But at this time of year when they are hitting us the most, I drink 1 to 2 glasses per day of silver water. I also put baking soda and sometimes apple cider vinegar in it, some days mineral salt and natural sugar to kill the taste so the stomach wont reject it..all of it to help with the stomach problems, especially the bloating and gas.. I eat salads 3 to 4 days a wk for my dinner and I only use cold pressed virgin olive oil for cooking and eating and again mixed with apple cider vinegar with special mixed herbs that I put together myself for my salad dressing.
I also use a lot of Turmeric, I put it in most everything. I use only whole wheat bread, one small loaf a wk. I eat a lot of yogurt for the good bacteria , that helps the stomach problems, I even give it to my dogs even though its expensive here. When I have time I make my own and my own cheese. Of course I pray a lot and study, write e-books & post blogs and do meditations of many kinds and I rest for 12 hrs a day or more when i am sick as I have been. I also do exercises like yoga and chi-gung and walking my dogs when my Lupus disease allows me to.
I hope this all helps as we need each other in these hard times. For we are all one as brothers in this family of God and need each other and much healing both in the body and the mind. We must heal the mind 1st so that we can heal the body. Stay healthy my friends,bye. Comments are welcomed. L&L, Adonai