
The Latest Sickness Epidemics ~ via Brian the Dragon

Posted: 13 Mar 2013 09:07 PM PDT As channeled by BTD

Hi everyone,
What you call colds, or for that matter any kind of sickness, is not a natural state for your spirit, and therefore the human race, which descended from higher vibration and manifested emulated "3d bodies" to experience physicality. Sicknesses are also not a necessary part of so-called 3d experience. They are in general a very unfortunate thing that we hope humanity does not have to experience much longer. Nevertheless, they are part of your current story in the "Now" and something you are currently experiencing. They have also presented an interesting opportunity in recent times. You are in a new age even if it doesn't seem so. So why are there all these new sickness strains? There has been a lot of it going around lately, which presented a unique opportunity for your souls to deal with so-called "negative energy", and we will get into the "Why" of that after a little background.

For the rest of the channeling, by sickness we mean things like the flu and common cold that come and go and not the more extreme things like AIDS, which actually creates more "negative energy" than it exhausts due to its destructive impact of fear of sexuality.


It probably comes as old news that you have built up an unhealthy level of so-called "negative energy" in your local reality. Let's describe that a little more. The concept of "negative energy" is really an arbitrary judgement which aligns to a similar meaning amongst beings in 3d bodies like your own (or emulating it, like in your case). It is not an absolute thing. Obviously, what your 3d consciousness cut off from the full collective of higher vibrational consciousness views as negative may present opportunities that are viewed as positive by your higher selves. However, behind the veil, most do not see that nor is that any solace for the kind of experiences you often have to endure. What energies you judge as negative are typically either tired energies or energies cut off from all-that-is. In both cases, these energies have "been around the block" a bit longer than other energies without being touched by the love and oneness of all-that-is. They are also in need of being exhausted (transmuted or recycled) to return them to be in alignment with all-that-is. And there is a lot of negative energy around your reality at this time and part of your responsibility, or specialty, has always been to transmute these energies.

The experience of sickness definitely falls within the range of what you generally judge as negative experience. The sickness can disrupt your life, cause disgusting and painful sensations, get in the way of the sleep you desperately need, and last long enough to almost torture your body. It is usually a cat-and-mouse game, or even a war, waged between your 3d body and other 3d entities so small that you cannot even see with your eyes. There are alternative ways to deal with these little guys but your body typically only has the ability to employ 3d techniques to fight them, because that's all you let through right now. Pair the extreme reaction of your body with the disruptions to your body processes that some of these little things cause, such as toxins, and you get a very unpleasant experience.

Lately, as part of this cat-and-mouse game, you have had some new strains of these pathogens, including but definitely not limited to one you called the superbug, which may not have been the best naming choice if you are looking not to spread fear. Many of these new strains have already run their course for this season, will return again for another season or two, joined by new strains. In fact, the number of new strains of pathogens humanity has added to its global experience in the last twenty to thirty years is higher than throughout the history of mankind on earth. There is a reason for that both from a physical 3d perspective and alternate reason from a higher vibrational perspective. From a physical 3d perspective, humanity is a lot more mobile than it used to be. People are travelling all over the world, coming in contact with people they otherwise wouldn't. Often, strains would flare up in the past, run their course, exhaust a small local population, and disappear forever when everyone there became immune. Now, a few people visiting an area will take that strain into an airplane and present the strain a brand new population to infect. The pathogens can hide out in one population until the immunity in another population runs out, then they can continue to wreak havok elsewhere.

However, the higher vibrational reason for the experience is the focus of the channeling. Let's ignore that some souls new to the earthly experience, believe it or not, want the unique and new experience of being sick. Let's ignore that sometimes sicknesses can be used by a soul to guide you to slow down, and sometimes sicknesses are a way for a soul to end an incarnation. Most souls in this experience are old souls and being sick is not unique to them. The quotient of those using sickness to alleviate "negative energy" is much higher than those using sickness to slow down or end an incarnation. Even for someone who dies in old age due to a sickness, they have been sick many more times without dying. The opportunity sickness presents for all of your souls all goes back to this collection of "negative energy" that you have accumulated. With these sicknesses, you have had the ability to exhaust (recycle or transmute) some of this energy because a cold, unlike other ways to exhaust "negative energy", usually exhausts "negative energy" without a risk of creating new "negative energy". Small colds also do not present extreme dangers to humanity. To highlight that, let's talk about a couple other ways to exhaust "negative energy": war and Gaia's natural disasters. War, unfortunately, often creates as much "negative energy" as it exhausts, often concentrated in a small number of individuals and projected decades into the future. So it's more of a temporary release versus something lasting. Plus, nowadays the weapons that you have presents an extreme danger to wipe out your civilization. Gaia is very good at exhausting "negative energy", but unfortunately sometimes she's hard to dial back when she gets started. You experienced this between approximlatey twenty to ten thousand years ago in linear time when your earlier civilizations prior to the beginning of your current historic records were thoroughly wiped out up to almost every last trace and your world population became dangerously low due to what seemed to the people of the time as a seemingly endless deluge of natural disasters.

The Cold and Flu

So, as far as exhausting "negative energy", you and Gaia are taking a more balanced path and lightly using many different approaches in parallel to avoid the dangers inherent in each one if you over-use them, which shows wisdom of your souls. Included in that is how you are using colds to relieve some "negative energy". As we mentioned, the cold often exhausts "negative energy" without the risks of creating more "negative energy" that other methods have. The reason for this is that first of all, you have no one you think you can blame and carry forward a hatred like you do with wars. So you don't create new "negative energy" that way. Also, the amount of fear produced by colds is not usually on an extreme because you are conditioned to be used to co-existing with them. Furthermore, the new strains are usually so close to the originals that they don't pose a huge threat to mankind as a species. They do sometimes kill people with weak immune systems, and that is very unfortunate for anyone left behind but a normal part of your reality. But for most people, they just ruin a few weeks or less. That very fact of you going through something very disruptive for a while is what is exhausting some of the "negative energy".

Your souls know that, and are taking advantage of that. It may seem completely random, but it's not. The soul has some influence on guiding you to situations that do or do not result in infection. Sometimes you will get sick during an epidemic, and sometimes you won't. Sometimes you decide to sit out an epidemic, and sometimes you feel it's time to help contribute to exhausting "negative energy". Sometimes you have other experiences you need that just have a side-effect of you getting infected. Your soul isn't saying, "I think it's time to get get Norovirus" but instead just working with the energy and epidemics present a unique energy signature. Your soul can see where in an experience the potential to become infected exists and how much that intersects with your path. Keep in mind that your soul and your incarnation are the same consciousness, same being. Most just don't see it because you are on your side of the veil.

If you were to tally the percentage of "negative energy" that is exhausted by people getting sick, it wouldn't be a majority of it. It'd be less than 10%. However, it is a significant minority and this approach is so efficient that your collective souls utilize it as much as possible.

Don't be disheartened by the low amount of "negative energy" exhausted by people being sick. Right now, most of your approaches just chip away, and only combined do they have a significant effect. That balanced approach helps avoid setbacks. For instance, you know of cases where pandemics posed a risk to wipe out your species, and more than one case that could have done so had you not found a cure. So, you are being safe and responsible by only using sickness to a small degree to exhaust "negative energy".

Next Steps

We suggest that you neither fear getting sick, nor seek it out. Try to keep yourself healthy. However, if you do get sick, you can understand it is part of a bigger picture. Hopefully, that helps you a little in getting through it because you are helping get something done.

Eventually, you will not get sick anymore. That is a potential for humanity and we don't see any reason why you won't jump on that potential when you have the ability to. From your perspective, it's a long way off, but we see it as a strong potential.

Eventually, there will be much more powerful ways at your disposal to exhaust "negative energy" such as a spread of unconditional love in a way that every one is touched in a powerful way. They cannot take effect, however, until you've chipped away at enough of the "negative energy" the hard way. Once you are ready for the more powerful and easier methods to take effect, the "negative energies" will seem to transform very quickly.

However, for now, you do what you can, and hopefully we have provided some clarity to the bigger picture on sickness.
Edit: I also had something come to me later from the same source: 'There will also be an impact of this clearing of "negative energy" in your personal lives, helping to clear things up and relieve. Imagine an image of you personally crying in happy relief as the clearing of "negative energies" in your life brings back more of a memory and connection to your greater self, and imagine a scene in your life where everything is grey and worn, such as a part of town you might avoid, eventually replaced with glowing, vibrant colors, beauty, love, harmony, and people working together actively to make things better.
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  • Thanks ,FW. I thought it would be interesting ,especially for those of us who are still sick from all the Chemtrail spraying of toxins on us. In my area they are now spraying in the mornings instead of the late afternoon which they have done for many years before. I wake up in the morning coughing and spitting out strange colored mucus. This guy doesn't say its chem-trails causing it. He is just dealing with the aftereffects. I don't know why he didn't, so I did it for him. They keep telling us that it has stopped or that they are fixing it when they do spray but its not true. I wonder how long we have tot put up with this, another friends pregnant wife has a infection and is the hospital. I hope she doesn't end up like my other friends wife. Anyway we must carry on,Huh. Adonai
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