CHEMA- KILL ~ The movie about CHEMTRAILS
Posted by amparo alvarez on April 11, 2010 at 12:30am
Chema-Kill ~ The Movie About Chemtrails
This movie documents the irrefutable evidence proving beyond the shadow of a doubt or any refutation of the facts that 'Chemtrails', eg. government 'geo-engineering aerosol
operations' are fully in effect over all of the United States, the U.K.,
and many other parts of the world! Also covered are the historical
pieces of the puzzle revealing a long standing policy of experimentation
on the American and U.K. public by Western governments, and the new
'Morgellons' epidemic of non-organic parasites which infest the human
body, and may well be the latest scientific experiment!! Learn for
yourself before it's too late! History shows us the strong manipulate
the weak, and the trillion dollar banking oligarchs, dynasty families,
planetary over-lords have finally reached the point of high-technology
sufficient to nearly completely possess the whole of the world! Only one
thing stands in their way to total domination. The 'useless eaters',
the bulk of the chattel population that is no longer necessary to the
continuation of their monolithic and persistent endeavor to attain full
and unrivaled ownership of the 3rd rock from the sun, Earth. To this
end, 'soft-kill' elite military biological warfare operations are set in
motion behind the scenes, and kept in place by an intricate web of
outright denial, dismissing the empirical proofs, creating confusion and
distraction, and other disinformation tactics used by the military
industrial complex, as well as the main stream media. See in unequivocal
measure all of the powerful evidence making the case for global
depopulation, with massive yet clandestine scientific eugenics
operations underway RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT AROUND THE EARTH! It is a
guarantee that saving all our lives may depend on YOU knowing about this
ultra-important information, and sharing it with others. Do your duty
as a life and freedom loving individual, and your due diligence to
research, review, and verify this information so you will completely
understand how vital it is!- Click: to view.