from the book by Stuart Hample and Eric Marshal
the image from:
Dear GOD
Thank you for helping me see the good in people and feeling love.
– Janna
Dear GOD
I’m always thinking of you, you brought me into this world. I’ve always wondered how many times have I been in this world?
Sincerely, Shaila
Comments life is what destroys the child in us... we have constructed a social system which chocks our inner child mind... only those who can stay away from society and its ways in general, can stay like children... but its not an easy thing to do...
I just want to add one more thing...remember what Jesus said, those who become like children will be the greatest among you. And..I know I see that, when I look at great men that I Michael Jackson, or Michael Jordan, or Arnold Schwarzenegger....people who are masters at their craft....they're always very pure and innocent and child like.
And not just the artistic world of expression, but even in the intellectual world...the greatest scientists and intellectuals...are always very child like, like Einstein, perfect example. The symbol, the archetype..of genius...and he was very innocent and child like. Even Hitler...who despite his dark side, I think was a great of the great statesmen to ever's just too bad he had to be on the dark side, but even then, there was something innocent and pure about him.
Jesus was right, the greatest among us, will be like children. And it's very important, I think, to spiritual be like children. That's all I have to say, I'll stop talking now lol
Thanks Kel, it was awesome ... ;) music+creativity=unity
Well I we grow older, we just become too serious....we forget how to laugh and be silly and...just be light, be light hearted. To enjoy life, because life is meant to be enjoyed. The weight of life in this world weighs on us, and we have standards to live up to to be accepted, we have responsibilities, most of the time we aren't living the type of life we want that kills our spirit and closes our hearts and puts us in a very serious minded mode.
And I know how it is to be too serious, as a kid I was very serious, I lost my innocence early on...and in adulthood I now am finding my innocence and joy again. I think a balance is key, you have to be able to be serious and take things seriously, but not too much...and be happy and joyful and light and have fun.
glad that you like it Andy ... ;) sense of humor is the best remedy in our insane world.
Love and light
right Jancar i was thinking about that too, what did happened to us ... is it the knowledge which is like a brick that brings us down, or is it the self-importance ... (both important) ... or maybe we have to let everything in ... ;) whatever sticks is ours the rest is not ... lol ... welcome to the adulthood.
now, wouldn't be nice if we 'adults' will listen to each other as we do with the kids ... with kindness, love and compassion, without any expectation ... i think it's possible. We watch kids grow, change and become .... we are still kids ( maybe deep inside, but we are) ... so the same principle could apply to us as well. Just a thought ....
it's certainly brighten up my day ... ;) and good reminder of innocence. Just hope that they will stay that way as long as possible...
this video is cute ... ;)
I remember once me and my family were talking about God, and someone, I forget who, mentioned how God could sometimes make mistakes...and my little cousin said, God never makes mistakes, that's how he got to be God! lol The innocence of childhood, it's a shame we as adults have to lose that.
That last one is my favorite lol I don't think anybody could be a better God than you, and I'm not just saying that because you're God lol Kids say the darndest things...