To Kerrie, There are those extraterrestrials who do have our best interest at heart, and then there are those who are vile, evil creatures with no connection to source. This is what Chris Thomas is speaking of. The Greys and the human-type extraterrestrials are ones that want us to spiritually evolve. While the Reptile ones want to keep us enslaved. This is the reality of the situation. As you did not listen for more than two minutes, you did not manage to understand the whole message. It is true we must not live in Fear, that only gives energy to these lower 4th Dimensional entities. Things are changing and soon these Reptiles can no longer hide within those people that control us once the veil dissolves. You cannot know anything of what Chris Thomas has said in two minutes when the two videos equals two hours of information.
A member of my site asked me to listen to this but I could not listen past 2 min.,Blossom Goodchild's guide has said in these days it is important to choose that which is of a vibrational match and this is not a match to mine,listen to your hearts people, not buy into the fear of the mind matrix, your feelings will guide you to YOUR truth,for me personally and I have been working with light beings full on for the last 2 years I know my truth THAT THEY AND US ARE LOVE all else is an illusion and this illusion is trying so hard to remain within our conscious it can not, Patrica-Cota-Robles has said the tipping point has happened and it is done, we are shifting people so lets do it with open heart and align within it's frequency it will be a much less bumpy ride and you will know your soul truth.
~The Federation of Light~ Each and every one of you as an individual is responsible for your own Ascension. You cannot simply hope that you will be taken along with the tide … it is not like this. For you cannot move into a vibration unless the entirety of yourself as a soul sphere is able to sit comfortably in that new place. It simply does not work in a way that would allow this to beTherefore …. This is why we are asking those of you who ARE aware to assist. This is why you are here. Not just for yourselves, but for your world as a whole. As a ONENESS. It is essential for those in the KNOW to liberate those who are not yet able to understand this movement into Higher Realms. It is interesting to us, that some have slipped away from reading our words, for they are not to do with what you in your world express as UFO’s and all the phenomena that goes with it. And yet …. What theses souls do not understand is that these words of LOVE that we offer is exactly what all this UFO phenomena is about!!!!
*11/11/11 is around the corner to lets be in our hearts for that cosmic event see fire the grid on face book as Ben said faith can move mountains
Thank you for your comment Linda, You are right with many aspects of what you have said, but the truth of the matter is The dark forces or Velon that control the Elite, don't want us to have good food, or to spirtually evolve! As Chris Thomas said, it is not about going to the 5th dimension, but raising the level of the Earth and ourselves to bring the Earth up to meet the full soul so that the body gathers up the entire soul, not just a fragment of one.
We all want to see a better world, but the evil beings have been going all out to try and stop us ever seeing it! We must not allow them to do this! We must stand together as one Brotherhood of Humanity and stop complying to their dictatorship.
I feel we need to get very clear here on the different off planet beings and of course there are the us generated ones coming out of dulse military base. There are ets that have been in contact with our governments for decades they exchanged technology for the right to abduct and experiment on us humans. These may come into a few different types from the evidence available from whistleblowers.
There are also the higher beings who have contacted many people for decades - who do not abduct - who give powerful guidance to us in channellings that come thru many people. They told me 20 years ago that they refused to give our governments the high technology because we were not evolved enough as a race for this - it would be misused - which of course it has been when they got it from the other ets. They tried to reason with the governments of the time and told them that they would never be allowed to come out in the greater galactic space with their weapons because of it affecting the universal arena. This has happened with many space explorations being affected by these higher beings and they are turning off nuclear war heads as you may have seen with the airmen witness coming forward recently.
These higher beings advise us to raise up our energies thru meditation - formal meditation where we gain mastery of our lower mind, be in the now moment thru awareness exercises, feed ourselves high level real food and be ready for all the changes physical and metaphysical that are coming as the planet raises to the fifth dimension.
Hi Ben! I believe in the same, just I don't believe that we have many friends out there! I wish we did!!! The governments around the world are talking openly about UFOs and ET Cultures, They are gearing up the mind of the public to accept ETs for a fake invasion that is due in 2012 around the time of the Olympic Games which if you look closely at the logo, isn't 2012, but spells the word Zion including the dot above the i! You need to turn one of the apparent 2's on its side to form N. This is the End game, where they attempt to make the world panic! So that the people will call upon the government for leadership, this is where they will call for a One World government, one currency, etc! It is the scam of the century!! Don't fall for it! Suddenly the good guys may appear (another ET race that is believed to be good) Will ask people to walk on board the ships to journey to the stars!! But it will be a death trap!!! The greatest mass extermination of the human race ever done!!! Don't fall for it!!!
Ben, It is easier to believe that we have aliens trying to help us than harming us! I am keeping an open mind and not putting my trust in beneficial Aliens! We have to do things ourselves, the answers lay within!
Well Ann, you are not very open to anything that challenges your belief sytem, Like the dogma of the Catholic Church!! (Earth is Flat and torture anyone that says anything different!) Very Warm!
This blog is aimed at those familiar with Uranian Astrology. Note that certain weapons platform guns (i.e. particle beam accelerators) can cause earthquakes if such are fired at and hit critical areas of certain fault lines. As far as selecting…
Events that were supposed to take place in 2012 –ie the start of a new golden age– look like they are finally about to begin. This opportunity comes because the Dragon family is offering virtually unlimited funding to US President Donald Trump.As…
"Suz Walsh, yes and that's correct if '' Ty ''means '' Try'-' love and light. Its part of my daily prayers and many other affirmation and can be used as a mantra or prayer, for Ascension as the Solar Flash is now upon us.This is what we all have been…"
To Kerrie, There are those extraterrestrials who do have our best interest at heart, and then there are those who are vile, evil creatures with no connection to source. This is what Chris Thomas is speaking of. The Greys and the human-type extraterrestrials are ones that want us to spiritually evolve. While the Reptile ones want to keep us enslaved. This is the reality of the situation. As you did not listen for more than two minutes, you did not manage to understand the whole message. It is true we must not live in Fear, that only gives energy to these lower 4th Dimensional entities. Things are changing and soon these Reptiles can no longer hide within those people that control us once the veil dissolves. You cannot know anything of what Chris Thomas has said in two minutes when the two videos equals two hours of information.
A member of my site asked me to listen to this but I could not listen past 2 min.,Blossom Goodchild's guide has said in these days it is important to choose that which is of a vibrational match and this is not a match to mine,listen to your hearts people, not buy into the fear of the mind matrix, your feelings will guide you to YOUR truth,for me personally and I have been working with light beings full on for the last 2 years I know my truth THAT THEY AND US ARE LOVE all else is an illusion and this illusion is trying so hard to remain within our conscious it can not, Patrica-Cota-Robles has said the tipping point has happened and it is done, we are shifting people so lets do it with open heart and align within it's frequency it will be a much less bumpy ride and you will know your soul truth.
~The Federation of Light~
Each and every one of you as an individual is responsible for your own Ascension. You cannot simply hope that you will be taken along with the tide … it is not like this. For you cannot move into a vibration unless the entirety of yourself as a soul sphere is able to sit comfortably in that new place. It simply does not work in a way that would allow this to beTherefore …. This is why we are asking those of you who ARE aware to assist. This is why you are here. Not just for yourselves, but for your world as a whole. As a ONENESS. It is essential for those in the KNOW to liberate those who are not yet able to understand this movement into Higher Realms. It is interesting to us, that some have slipped away from reading our words, for they are not to do with what you in your world express as UFO’s and all the phenomena that goes with it. And yet …. What theses souls do not understand is that these words of LOVE that we offer is exactly what all this UFO phenomena is about!!!!
*11/11/11 is around the corner to lets be in our hearts for that cosmic event see fire the grid on face book as Ben said faith can move mountains
We all want to see a better world, but the evil beings have been going all out to try and stop us ever seeing it! We must not allow them to do this! We must stand together as one Brotherhood of Humanity and stop complying to their dictatorship.
There are also the higher beings who have contacted many people for decades - who do not abduct - who give powerful guidance to us in channellings that come thru many people. They told me 20 years ago that they refused to give our governments the high technology because we were not evolved enough as a race for this - it would be misused - which of course it has been when they got it from the other ets. They tried to reason with the governments of the time and told them that they would never be allowed to come out in the greater galactic space with their weapons because of it affecting the universal arena. This has happened with many space explorations being affected by these higher beings and they are turning off nuclear war heads as you may have seen with the airmen witness coming forward recently.
These higher beings advise us to raise up our energies thru meditation - formal meditation where we gain mastery of our lower mind, be in the now moment thru awareness exercises, feed ourselves high level real food and be ready for all the changes physical and metaphysical that are coming as the planet raises to the fifth dimension.
That is all I have to say on the matter.
Many Thanks
Thanks for having an open mind.