













As rebel light workers and warriors, our part of exposing the Dark one's is nearly over. We have done our job and now it is up to those who are now awakening, including light workers to do theirs and finish the job. The world is asking for Hope and signs of the New Earth, so now we turn our own awakening to the stars and the Great Alignment of this New Age as Jesus called it. The alignment and activation of light on the planet and its life forms was successful with the help of meditation and the Monoliths . Now it is time for the next stage to be manifested, the age of Light and Love. And sense its almost Christ-mas, which is the birth of Jesus the Christ and the Age of the Holy Spirit and what it means.

The Father Creator decided to let the Lucifer Rebellion run its course of self destruction to regain his own sovereignty. He also saw a need from his creations for help in restoring his Love and Light. So together with the Universal Mother Spirit, he decided to incarnate down into each of the material light forms, from 9th Dimension down to the 3rd D of consciousness. He visited each one as one of there own and instructed them on there evaluation to God Head and then lift them. Except in the case of the lower 3D humans, where he decided to become one of them from birth on to adulthood. And this is where the Universal Mother Spirit comes into play. The mother Spirit connects our Creator Father to the one who created him, called the Eternal Son and the Eternal son is connected to his Creator , the Alfa and Omega or the Father of Fathers,also by the Mother Spirit.

Now to make a long story shorter, our Father, Michael of Nebadon decided to send his seed to the Mother Spirit and create what is called the Holy Spirit and the Mother Spirit gave birth to the Holy Spirit by implanting this life form into the womb of a young mother called Mary, who was already married to a man called joseph. So she mixed this H.S. sperm with hers to Create Joshua ben Joseph or Jesus for short. This Jesus was half human and half Holy Spirit that connects man with his Creator Father through the Universal Mother Spirit, which makes him a Demi God which means he is not a creator God and so has less power than the orginal but still a God. And then the Creator Father himself incarnated into this man Jesus for his 7th and final bestowal and resided into his mind and left the Universe in his older brother hands and his first Created Arc-Angel also called Michael. From here on it starts to get a bit complicated but it is necessary to tell this at this time of awakening for those who want to know the truth and the whole story of how God becomes man so that he and they may become one, so that all the misinformation and lies implanted by the Lucifer Rebellion may be dispelled. And so Jesus became the means for man to connect to his Creator Father.

Jesus is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit and we are his manifestation in this world through the ''Spirit of Truth''. Jesus did not realize fully who he was nor for sure that God was in him as well as the H.S., although he suspected it to be true until his baptism and the Father them said out loud for all to hear. This is my son, in whom I am well pleased. From that time on Jesus was sure of his divinity and began teaching in earnest. Jesus had many of the hardships that we have today living under the NWO. He lived under the Roman Empire and his father Joseph was killed in an accident where he worked for the empire as a construction worker. The roman govt. did not keep there promise that if he was inured or killed, that the roman empire would compensate for him to his family. So Jesus at 13 had to become head of the family as a carpenter and take care of all his earthly brothers and sisters. At age 22 he left the family in his brothers care and took off traveling around the known world at that time, learning from the sages and taught as well, until he was 30 years old and came back to his country and family to teach his people the truths of his Fathers kingdom. As we know he created his own spiritual movement with many disciples and apostles. Many people thought he was there to save them from the roman empire including his mother Mary. But he was there to create a new spiritual movement of Love and light, and to expose the untruths in the Jewish religion. And in doing this he was a rebel exposing the untruths and corrected them with the Truths. And this was his demise and it was the Jewish leaders who had him crucified for he was a direct threat against there power structure that they had set up.

In his death of the body,he was almost 36,Jesus showed all that we are not separated from our Father Creator and that we do not die but just change body forms and that you cannot kill the sons of GOD, and in his resurrection that we are immortal as infant or baby God's evolving back to our Father. Of course Jesus taught many many more things, not only to those people but to the future generations as well, for most of the world at that time had little or no education. He spoke of a time in the future he called the New Age, where the people were under a dark empire, where he and the holy Spirit would help liberate them, he called it the ''New Age of the Holy Spirit''. Where people would brake free of there Slave masters and Ascend into the higher Dimensions, where the old age of lies and deceptions would fade away and a New Golden age and a New Earth would be Created. Where he and the H.S. through the Spirit of Truth would return to help create this new Golden Age of Peace. So after his death and resurrection in which he attained all 9 of the material realms and Dimensions he them returned to his people and bid them for-well for he could no longer materialize in human form he then rose up into the sky on what is called the Pentecostal day. At that time he poured out from himself the Holy Spirit and sent it to all on the planet, to indwell the human mind, to those who were open to it or who asked for it to be a guide, a teacher, a comforter, a long distance operator to the Father and to the son, assuring us that we are not separated and can never be as long as we follow the Fathers will, eternal life is ours for we are created like him and from our Father image to be a Christ.The only will that our father asks is to forgive and Love ourselves and those who impose there will upon us. And the H.S. will guide us in learning to do this, to become a CHRIST, just as Jesus did.

Now for the really advanced students, the light workers and rebel warriors, there is more. When Jesus pored down the H.S. upon all of mankind, he did so to create the completion of the ''Holy Trinity''. Which consists of a Triangle with the Father Michael on the top and the son Jesus on one side at the left bottom and the H.S. on the other bottom. And there is a Trinity of Trinities. the 2nd being our Creators father called the Eternal son connected by the universal Mother Spirit and the 3rd being the Father of Fathers connected to the Eternal son by the Mother Spirit. but at this time in our evolution we are mostly concerned with our own Creator Michael and his son Jesus-Sanada and the H.S. which connects us together. The H.S. that Jesus sent down to indwell us resides in our Super Material mind that is imposed over our brain. He exists in the upper part of the back half, we as spirit or the I AM, exists in the middle part of that back half and the Ego exists in the lower half until the Christ sets in and the 3 become one. There is also another fragmentation of the 1st original GOD who is called the Mystery Monitor or Adjuster who exists in the back half of the back half. He is our possible future self, that we could possibly bond or fuse with someday when we become completely Christ-ed like Jesus did, he was the 1st to do so.

Normally the H.S. adjusts our thoughts by giving us a signal usually a tone we hear in our minds and in our ears, it can also be a clicking sound when we make a correct decisions or give that decisions if its to big ,to the H.S. to make. The H.S. also has a direct line to the son JC and to the Father, you could say he is our long distance operator and translator to both the Father and to the son. As we learn to Forgive we then learn to Love and as we do this we become Christ-ed and the ego that we created in our infancy, who turned against us will then disappear,for he was only a fantasy, that turned against us and was not real in the 1st place. Only Truth is real and like the ego the outer world around us is not real, it is and illusion. The real world is inside of our mind which connects us to the Spirit Realm where we came from and Truths come from above, a double meaning, meaning the top part of our mind where the H.S. resides and the Spirit Realm. When we become Christ-ed all 3 parts become one and then we are ready to become one with the mystery monitor adjuster in the back part of our mind. But that is very rare but it does happen JC was the 1st to bond with the indwelling  Adjuster called the MYSTERY monitor and until then we are to become bonded, or married to the H.S..

The H.S. along with the Adjuster will see us to our after life process when we die the body, they make sure that we survive back into our old home on the Mansion worlds where we will once again rest and then go back to school and then go and reincarnate into a new body on another world to learn that .. ''We are all one''. The H.S. goes back into the Creator from which he came with all the recordings he made while helping us be connected to the Father. The exception to this is when we become Christ-ed and bonded with the 2nd ADJUSTER fragmentation,M.M.. Then we will begin a journey not only to our Father but even a longer journey to our Grandfather the Eternal Son and then someday in eternity back to our Father of FATHERS. So set back and enjoy the ride, for we are all one. We know this is a lot to take in but there is always more to learn. JC gave the people as much as they could take in at that time. And those who had no education and could not understand he gave parables so that they could understand on there own terms. His disciples he gave much more info and now that we have entered this New Age. The Old Testament was the Age of the Father [ Michael], The New Testament was the age of the Son [ Jesus] and this New Age is the Age of the Holy Spirit. and the H.S. can enter our minds much easier. Much more info and truths will be given us, for our minds are being stimulated by these new energies coming down our DNA is being lifted and we are using more of our mind in this New Age of the H.S.. We are all one.

Adonai Rev. Joshua


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  • Sorry to bring this Christ-mass blog out so late but my wi-fi went out after I wrote it for a wk, enjoy. Adonai
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