*Christ Michael* - THE ROAD TO HOME

Telepathic Messages :Last Updated: Feb 25th, 2009 - 15:56:30THE ROAD TO HOMEBy CM and EveFeb 25, 2009, 15:43THE ROAD TO HOMEEnergetic jobs „beyond“ our awarenessCM through Eve24th and 25th February 2009What happened beforeYou know, when something happens in my life for the first time my reaction is like "ok, that happened" When it happens twice it causes me to look up with a question mark, but when it happens the third time already I'm somehow sure that there is something to reveal for me.Well, recently all in all 3 people brought to my mind that they had – while meditating – experienced my energy as a support in making contact with CM – and without my concious awareness. One sent me a long email about and two of them gave me a personal call to tell me.Therefore I turned to Candace to ask her as follows: I wanted to ask you if you have ever heard about people - human beings - who can energetically form a gateway for others - maybe as a part of their soul job or so. - or what you think that all of this is about.This is what she replied: What you describe is most certainly possible. These ones' probably could go through their own door, but they yet lack a bit of confidence in their abilities and thus since they feel connected to you, you provide the conduit.I felt fine with that, and went on to consider a bit more about this. Then CM „knocked at my door“ and spoke to me as follows.24th February 2009Hi, this is CM. I saw you fancying with the thought to talk to me and guess what, here I AM. There's nothing hidden to me, dear. I know you addressed Candace regarding that energy holder thing you have been considering all day long. Of course I could tell you now „Why haven't you turned to me directly“ (smiles) but I won't as I appreciate your being in contact with Candace. In your inner resorts you are pretty well aware about how this comes, that you seem to be the gateway for people who long to be in touch with my energy. I don't really need to repeat all reasons, and you do already have a little more „glimpse“ about who you are in the cosmic understanding. You have „brought home“ far more people than you are aware of and this works smoothly and fine. You're some kind of conductor who guides the energy of the people, so that they can find and enjoy the presence of mine. That's easy for you to fulfill, as you are so deeply connected to me.I had to interrupt here, as I was very tired (late that evening) and asked him to go on the next day.25th February 2009CM, it's me again.Welcome, dear. I appreciate you being online again. So, right, we were talkig about gateways in connection with multidimensionality. For sure, as long as you are there where you dwell now, many things will still keep hidden for you. But this does not necessarily mean that there is no interaction beyond your awareness. Having a contract to serve on a level like yours – there is a much wider range in which you can act. The few people who told you about your holding energy for them are just the top of the iceberg – as you have been – as I mentionned - the coach home to many more. This is a work done in the spheres of „beyond“, unknown to the public. First comes the reducing of distance and second the establishing of connection, so that the souls can personally „take my hand“ for the road to home. The road to home is the most important thing ever, the true purpose and meaning of the universal carreer. Therefore we have cosmic guides or lighthouses like you, wayshowers to my presence. You have given evidence for many times that you are solid as a rock as well as infused with my love through and through. That's one of the reasons why people are being drawn into your reach for support.When you have a look at your life you will find that the basics and the grounding are starting to reform. That's a natural result from what your heart is projecting out to universe, your personal earning from your doing your „job“ out of loving dedication and faith. This is cosmic law, which automatically rewards you for anything good you put in.My dear ground crew members, when you are feeling that you are very special I tell you – that's true. What you have been doing here on this quarantine planet during the ages is truely extraordinary, you have been standing up again and again, although „in deep water“.What you personally are – right now – perceiving as Eve, is just a small part of the being. And this is the reason for your amazement when you came to the point to realize that you yourself form some kind of celestial energetic gateway, a coach, or – if you like – a stewardess for a safe shipping home.Do you remember the little girl named Annette, whom you met early in your childhood. The both of you went to the store for getting yourselves an ice-cream and you took her by the hand and guided her home, as she was younger than you, and you told her how how she had to hold the ice-cream – at the stick – so that it wouldn't melt.Eve: yes, but I forgot about mine, which melted most definitely.That's the risk on your job, dear, to forget about yourself. There have been many situations where you held your portion of ice-cream in a way to produce a „melting down“ - as you were so dedicated in service to others. Don't forget to enjoy your portion of ice-cream, dear heart. You know, I like ice-cream, too, and when you enjoy, I do that likewise.You have made the road to home for many souls a sunny road to go. For you folks on Urantia the time of the pressuring priests and overlords is over. What is due to come is the age of true brotherhood between the HU-man and other kindoms of animals, plants, elements.... There will come a time where you will sit down there, maybe on a lovely mountain top, together with your perfect mate, looking down on the fertile creation that's in full blossom - on men lovingly enacting with each other – telling: Well, it has been a long road to go, but here we are, we have co-created this beautiful world into the days of light and life and it has been worth „any dime“of investigating efforts and energy, as now all is again in unity with CM. (grinning). How do you like that image?Eve: I would like to have that tomorrow already!It will be tomorrow – in a cosmic understanding, in which I have received my sovereignity over this universe yesterday. Some day you will have your temple of Morontia and we will have a big party. And the greatest doubters of the now will then say – well, I have known from the beginning that CM would make it. (big smile) Yes, Dear. That's likely. I advise you to keep your inner sight permanently on the holy symbols that stand for my presence and universe, the balanced even cross in the circle for the awareness of Christ, the dove for the holy mother spirit, and the three concentric circles that stand for my beloved seed planet of Urantia and also for the holy trinity.These symbols will keep on reminding you that there is going on much more behind the scenes. In this energy you will simply be untouchable, as it brings to you protection straight from the core of my sacred heart. I will never ever forget about my bravehearts who serve so dearly the greatest good of all. Always lovingly connected, this is CM, buddy and big Cheese.It touched me very deeply to hear CM reminding me of the little girl whom I met when I was a child. Her grandma was living in the appartment upstairs and when she came visiting her I was often invited too, so that we could play with each other. I kept meeting that little girl just for a short period, as her life ended in a tragic way. She just returned from vacation with her parents and the first thing she did when she came home again was to sit on the swing in the garden. Below on the ground there was a concrete paving slab and she fell down from the swing, hit the concrete with her head and was dead immediately. My grandpa took me to her grave and I can still see me standing there, trying to conceive what had happend, asking myself where she was now, as I still felt myself holding her hand..So, actually, we never know where the people we are holding hands with will be taken by their road of life, after we let the hands go, and we really cannot be sure about what else our energy undertakes beyond our awareness. But as long as we are acting out of love and pure intention, there is no need to worry.I thought I would share this with the public, as many among you are also doing „energetic work“ beyond their awareness, forming gateways for others who want to be home.By heartEveCandace: Eve wrote me the most marvelous letter of the above experiences and another unrelated directly, but in a way. When I got up that morning and was checking mail as I usually do first off, I skimmed it briefly, was a long mail, and went on to take care of the shorter jobs of mail while I awakened. I felt Eve's energy during the "peek" at it and then intensely when I went back to review it better. And I wrote that to her, but I don't know if she knew at the time I was answering that she was around me. And here she is, right now, as I post this, and I send her back a "hug."CM would have picked up on Eve writing that to me, but I also enjoyed the letter so much I was telling him about it. Even when you do anything in love to another in awareness of it, your higher selves are also making connections. Some of you who are often so tired and don't know why, is because perhaps you are working more than one job??? I would say yes. Many of you have written to say you feel when you get up in the morning you have worked all night! Well, yes you have!All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by©2005-2008 AbundantHope - All rights reserved
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  • Thank you for sharin this with us!
    How can I make CM respond to me when I talk to him?
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