TO KNOW WHO WE ARE by CHRIST MICHAEL | Email this article Printer friendly page |
22 December 2013
[SK: This followed after yet another tortured moment of mine over the world's ills and humanity's general suffering of so many, many kinds:]
CM: And now it (SK:the mess of the world) will be rectified from within in a holy manner by you Ones.
Did you think, any of you, that your own long hard years of suffering and preparation therein was purely for your misery?
Did you think that each time you achieved integration within by some lesson in your world that it counted only towards your personal evolution of soul?
Did you believe when you fully came into acceptance and forgiveness of Self and another it was only for YOU?
No, my most beloved Rainbow Warriors of the Light. You ones on Earth have been through very powerful initiations of and into your own Self to test your mettle. And only the strongest have survived.
Those who are able to stand fully in the Light of their own Trust within which is Trust of the God within you each.
Yes, all these varied and respective trials and tribulations that continue have been for one purpose alone:
And that has been for you to TRULY KNOW WHO YOU ARE.
Are you getting it now, beloveds?
We do hope so.
The road/s have been tough and steep. But these have been the requirements to bring you to that place within of balance and unwavering devotion to this Master Plan for Earth and her people.
As Creator Sons/Daughters bearing witness to and being involved in your own testing, this will give rise to your own greatness on your individually chosen upward ascent in the longer term.
In the shorter term: You have come here to to do wondrous service to and for others and the Planet.
And we congratulate you and tell you both you have all but arrived at the start/end point.
With our greatest admiration and my personal gratitude to you each.
This is your beloved CM Aton of Nebadon
Signing out this day.