The Eye of Truth is that divine understanding within you which sees only brilliance in yourself, and when you are in close alignment with this Inner Eye, your perception is at its clearest.
Your perception of your world, your brothers and sisters and all that seems to exists, is entirely dependent upon the quality of your self-perception. "Clairvoyance" as it is largely taught in your world is highly erroneous, for true clear seeing has nothing to do with perceiving duality. Clairvoyance doesn't belong to human minds, it belongs to Pure Consciousness.
While your human world makes a mockery of the "All-Seeing Eye," the only real Eye that sees is the Eye of Truth (as some call it), and this "eye" is nothing less than perfect divine understanding, which KNOWS that only God's Eternal Love is real.
There is no room for error in perfect understanding, simply because there is no room, no space, no "here-and-there" nor "this-and-that." There is only That Which IS, which cannot be captured by the use of words and labels.
Those who claim to have clear perception are not the ones that are actually in close alignment with the Eye of Truth. While the ego brags, the True Self is silent. Total self-confidence is the attitude of your "Higher Self," and once you accept this awareness with high consistency, you are then traveling the High Road of enlightened awareness.
A "true psychic," in the highest sense, is not one who clings to polarized thinking and special labels, such as, "I am psychic and this person is not," for example. All beings are "of the mind/soul," for you all exist within--and as part of--the Universal Mind/Soul, and until you accept this consistent awareness of what "psychic" really means (even if you do not use the word "psychic"), you cannot enjoy a clear perception of yourself and your personal reality.
There is no clear seeing without a firm, unmoved foundation of unconditional love. "I see clearly" is generally a statement for those who repeatedly lie to themselves in order to feel self-important to themselves and to others.
The only truly grand statements that are made that are genuine are those that are channeled through the "Christ Mind" within you, and these statements are only made with an awareness that ALL OF CREATION IS BRILLIANT, meaning that divine brilliance (AKA "the Light") is sensed/felt/seen/known as your True Nature.
Your manifest universe is a metaphor. You are (*apparently*) living a metaphorical "reality." Nothing that is manifest is in itself Absolute, but Absolute Reality indeed exists, and is the only existence, and this divine existence is the true "All-That-Is."
Nothing that *appears* is what Actually IS. Of course, the wise one understands this with tact and diplomacy, never confronting one who may be starving, for example, and saying, "Your hunger is but an illusion!" :)
There is no "Yes, but..." when it comes to Oneness, and although you may have appearances in your world that often seem to contradict Divine Reality, know that attempting to "attack" what is TRUE--your Infinite Nature--does nothing to affect Divine Truth Itself.
True clairvoyance is that which doesn't waver in perception. It is "100%" consistent and unmoved, and is what the mystics referred to when speaking of "seeing with the heart."
They mean the Spiritual Heart, not the emotional heart that has its "ups and downs." Unconditional love is the only Divine Feeling. Your eternal brilliance is undeniable to Me, and no appearance (not even happy appearances) are enough to contain the Infinite Light that you really are!
The true "All-Seeing Eye" is the Spiritual Heart, My children, and instead of trying to use your human intellect to "grasp" a higher understanding, instead ALLOW yourself to remember with greater frequency that you are a powerful, intelligent being, which means that ALL beings are naturally intelligent in essence. ESSENCE, remember, not appearances. Give your allegiance to the Invisible Source Reality.
You can only heal your world through healing your self-perception, and if you insist that your self-perception cannot be expanded and more enlightened, you are not being honest with yourself, for the nature of your personal reality is one of expansion of thought.
As you expand your awareness of the simple thought/feeling, "I AM," which is your undeniable sense of existence, of being, you step more and more into the role of your Higher Self as a "Clear Seer." Amen.