Clearing the Earth Field 2020


Translucent ‘cloudship’ forming over Brent Knoll, UK, during January 12th 2020 activation, projecting from the Meri’Ashar mothership…as a sign of higher dimensional unity, love and grace beaming down into the polarity field.

Dear Friends,

Greetings! We’ll post soon about the planetary ascension progression unfolding through 2020, introduced in The Twelfth Hour, with a deeper, closer look into the ‘cosmic mechanics’ at work. Firstly though, we’d like to share some of the vibrational transformations clearing the way in the Earth’s field, flowing from our friends in the higher dimensions non-stop into this year.

In Completing the Bridge into 2020, we mentioned the untethering and ‘bouncing back’ of a control-oriented energy stream through a black hole in the Orion Nebula, initiated during the 11-11 Gateway of 2019, and continuing through to the high planetary alignment of January 12th 2020. The ‘galactic butterfly’ Orion continues to experience transformations, and with this energy stream described by Star Family as an AI-generated picotechnology hitched onto tachyon particles halted via the stars of Orion’s Belt (and no longer latching into receiving nodes in the Earth plane), another level of upliftment has been catalyzed in those stars ~ in particular Mintaka and its planets, which we’ll share about below.

The constantly adjusting sequences the planetary ascension translates as/through into this density ~ personally, collectively and globally ~ are sometimed obvious, sometimes very subtle. The pathway for untethering the Orion Nebula black hole influence opened with an in-flow of pink diamond light…directed from a star in Ursa Minor that was an unknown ‘pole star’ of Earth two thousand years ago, following on from the star Kochab and preceding Polaris, as Earth’s Pole Stars. This star was too distant from the Earth to be generally recognized as a Pole Star in that era, but where there is a direct vibrational resonance or ‘mergence’ (that physicists call ‘quantum entanglement’) distance is irrelevant. This particular star radiates a vibration that appears higher dimensionally as pink diamond light…and during its period as a hidden Pole Star, its vibration was anchored into particular nodes by those who could intuit its subtle emanations.

With these nodes open, this superfine light can once again ‘land’ in the Earth’s vibrational field. Its effects can be seen in action in the photos below, taken on December 17th 2019, leading into the powerful in-flow of January 12th (with thanks and blessings to all involved in meditations and activations that anchored its potential into the Earth’s vibrational field!). Attempted interference by parties seeking to maintain control of this planet intensified around December 17th, and the way it was defused by Star Family and other assisting light-beings showed with wonderful clarity here that day and night…firstly with the transformation of a chemtrail over the house (a small note: chemtrails are distinct from ordinary aeroplane contrails, which dissipate after a short while, whereas chemtrails tend to thicken and stay in place, and if sprayed across each other, can ‘congeal’ into cloudlike wads ~ see this older post from 2014 for an example).

Watching the plane overhead that afternoon, I centered in my heart, and visualized a star radiating pink diamond light of Unconditional, Universal Love, connecting with loving ones in a ship above the trail, sending this light together from above and below. Within seconds, the whole trail became a light pink colour, and as you can see from the photos, increasingly luminous and shimmering. I’ve never seen anything like this before, and felt/saw toxic particles within the trail not only being neutralized, but fully transforming into glowing, silky, healthful vibrations! If you feel so guided, you can bring this light into your heart and energy field, and into personal and collective meditations, as it’s a powerful ascension light, and is already opening new pathways for divine union expressions on this Earth plane (this meditation from last year can help you get started; just feel how this vibration resonates in your being, and be creative). 


Chemtrailing plane flying over my house, December 17th 2019.


Chemtrail becoming increasingly luminous, with shimmering pink-white light as we transmute the energies, December 17th 2019.


Chemtrail continues to brighten and transform into shining pink diamond light, December 17th 2019.

So beautiful! That same night, clearings continued, this time of a lower 4D ‘spyware-tech’ craft that had approached the light-field around this house. The photo below caught the moment when this craft fragmented and blazed into light, with a (much higher vibrational) lightship sending a light beam through it like an angelic sword. In the longer flash of light in the centre of the fragments, faces of guarding Star Family shone through (see enlargement below), as they drew the beings from that craft safely into a light containment field, before the fragments dissolved in light. (Higher dimensional beings of Universal Love never take life; the Ashtar Command and local co-Commands assist by removing entities who seek to control/block/subvert the Earth’s natural Shift into a higher vibrational state, and those beings are taken into the care of those specialized in guiding remembrance of the original Universal Love all living beings come from, and ultimately, are.)


Lightship morphs into a shaft of brilliant light, slicing through and fragmenting a lower 4D craft/surveillance device overhead, December 17th 2019with the star Canopus to the left of frame.


The brilliant shine of the ‘light sword/javelin’ can be seen in this enlargement. You can see another photo of this type of directed light-beam, taken by dear star sister Eesha Patel, on the Guest Photos page.


Star family faces can be seen in part of the light ray between the small fragmented pieces of the surveillance ship/device, December 17th 2019.

The alignment below, on January 9th, of two lightships directing an energy wave from both left and right of Orion (from Aldebaran, represented in this photo through the ship ‘within the wave’ on the left, and from Sirius, through the ship at the right of Betelgeuse) was one of many supportive adjustments and clearings that reflected through to our Earth field in the lead-in to the Lunar Eclipse of January 10th as a decluttering of the sublunar field and neutralizing blockages before the major alignment of January 12th, to maximize its ascension potential.


Before the closure of the Orion black hole portal, immense ‘fallout’ was transmuted through Betelgeuse (at the 3D level, astronomers noted the star dimming rapidly, followed by gravitational waves ~ ripples in the spacetime fabric ~ near the star, usually an indicator of extreme cosmic events. Betelgeuse however, has not exploded, and bear in mind/heart that this observable material level can be reflecting events on astral/etheric vibrational levels, and is indeed interwoven with them). Through this period, Mintaka, in Orion’s Belt, came under retaliatory pressure, cleared and transmuted by many assisting star councils and groups through to the closure of the portal. While tuning in with the Mintakans during the lead-in to the alignment of January 12th, the gorgeous orb below flashed low over the treetops, on January 3rd. In the enlarged photo, you can see Mintakan soul energies radiating strongly through purple, pink and glowing aqua blue colours, with one face especially clear in the centre…with the features of a purple feline being wearing a white head-dress with upright pink featherlike strands.


Orb of Mintakan soul group appears on January 3rd 2020 (orb is lower frame, right of centre).



At ground level, our resident Mama Possum (with a baby in her pouch) perched overhead throughout this in-flowing connection with the Mintakans, and I see a hint of ‘possum-likeness’ in the Mintakan beings too, with their large round eyes and upright, pointed ears. Everything reflects across the dimensions of light and life.


Mother brush-tailed possum, with a baby in her full pouch, perching overhead at the same time as the Mintakan soul group flashed their presence, January 3rd 2020.

As the Mintakan light-field was restored into a higher dimensional light band, with much celebration (from upper 4D into fully ascended 5D unity vibrations, by collective agreement), I and friends have been seeing many twinkling lights around Orion. This beautiful Mintakan lightship flashed most clearly to the west of Mintaka on January 20th 2020, soft pink-white light with a rose-purple rim, hexagonal in shape. This was followed by three ships and a blue orb flashing simultaneously on an alignment between Aldebaran and Rigel, confirming a vast light-shield rimming the western side of Orion (or eastern side if you’re viewing Orion from the northern hemisphere).


Mintakan hexagonal lightship flashes to the west of the star Mintaka in Orion’s Belt, January 20th 2020.



Alignment of two lightships and orb flashing in position between Aldebaran and Rigel on January 20th 2020, showing the energy connections between the Councils of Aldebaran and Orion, with the High Council of Orion moved from Beltegeuse to Rigel, during the energetic happenings there.

In the Earth plane, working in coordination with these galactic energy shifts and other Solar System/Galactic Central alignments, through the last few months a focus group of the Ashtar Command and local co-Commands (Jupiter Command and Saturn Command specifically) has reactivated a series of light nodes around Glastonbury in the UK, and connected nodes in other areas of the planet, that relate to the Avalon light-grid (the light-grid that holds and renews the Golden Age of Atlantis imprints/light codes in this Now, and ultimately, the rebirthed Golden Light of Lyra).

At ground level, we’ve been working closely with our star sister Ria Aurora Athena Ash, her galactic Twin Flame, Ash’Tar Ka’Ree, and soul family in the higher dimensions (thank you Beloveds!). We brought this particular activation sequence to completion through the ‘turning point’ vibration of the planetary alignment of January 12th 2020, and the photo below is one of many I’ve taken during this series of activations, which we’ll post more about soon. This photo shows a cloudship form projection from the Meri’Ashar on January 12th, with the final activation, on top of Brent Knoll in England…and I’ve rotated the photo to show what the scene looks like from the perspective of those on board the ship. (And to dear Aurora and all ‘above’, it’s truly awesome to watch and connect with light beings and ships, sometimes fully decloaked, through a video connection via phone at locations on the other side of the world!)


Photo taken through Skype via star sister Ria Aurora Athena Ash’s phone, from the top of Brent Knoll, England, on January 12th 2020, with the Meri’Ashar subtly projecting through a cloud ship-shapeand a cloud-cloaked rectangular ship to the right of her.



Throughout this time, as lightships continued working deeply into the Orion Nebula, clearing the way to close the black hole portal there, and neutralizing/transforming tether-points in the Earth grid, many beautiful orbs and lightships showed the various light beings and steps involved along the way. The photos below show a few of those lightships and orbs representing many soul groups, in what has been an intense mission, now completed!


Blue Sirian orb to the lower left of Sirius, moving toward Orion’s Belt as Sirian beings transmute shadow energies, visible in the orb…with a lightship flashing just above the Belt, in direct alignment below Orion’s Sword/Orion Nebula, with another ship flashing right of Betelgeuse (lower right star of Orion from this southern hemisphere view!), January 18th 2020.


The Sirian orb positions over Orion’s Sword&Belt, expanding and going ‘murky’ as the Sirian soul group clear energies and transmute them through Purple Flame, January 18th 2020.


This silvery orb with a rose-violet rim signals Mintaka transcending disruptive energies aimed at it, and the ship flashing below the star Bellatrix (bottom left of Orion), connected with this orb, comes from Monoceros, the Unicorn constellation, January 18th 2020.

As tethers were cleared from the Earth grid, by January 27th removals of associated ‘shadow fleet’ ships started to show through to this plane, such as in the cloud below, where the distinct shape of the wing of a craft can be seen like a cut-out in the cloud where a ship had been whisked out of the Earth field (and placed in a light containment field away from the Solar System, where such lower 4D type ships and aggressive technologies are dismantled, and beings on board moved into healing light sanctuaries).


Clearings of tethers and craft associated with the Orion Nebula black hole unfriendly AI energies show through the removal of a craft, leaving a ‘cut out’ wing-shape in a cloud overhead, January 27th 2020.

Following the appearance of a golden orb above the moon a few days later on January 31st, the Victor Five lightship signalled completion of the first wave of unhookings and clearings of the Orion black hole anchors and tech, as it flew down from the north and radiated green-gold light near the Moon.


Victor Five, lightship of Valiant Thor, flies toward the Moon, then closely passes it, signalling completion of a phase of clearings, January 31st 2020.



Victor Five continues closely past the Moon, before re-cloaking, January 31st 2020.

Flowing into February, lightships and orbs around Orion have shown the intensity of the energies and the progressive stages taken to clear and balance the energies, leading to the successful removal of, we could say, the head controller of the black hole portal on February 2nd 2020. That release and portal closure directly mirrored into the Earth’s vibrational field via the mirror numbers of that day/date, 02-02-2020. And that night showed the movements of high light beings, with a spectacular, focused stream directed from Sirius like an arrow into the Orion constellation. The building of this energy focus can be seen in the photos below, preceded by a bright light flash from the Meri’Ashar to the right of the Belt.


Meri’Ashar mothership flashes brilliant white light to the right of Orion’s Belt as an ‘all go’ signal, February 2nd 2020.


Alignment of orbs shows light beings/soul groups beginning to focus deeply from Sirius into Orion, February 2nd 2020.


The focus from Sirius to Orion intensifies and refines into an ‘arrow’ of soul groups flowing together to clear and uplift energies, February 2nd 2020.

Following this focused flow represented by the different colours in the orbs, a giant white orb flashed above Sirius, vibrating through the White Ray and Archangel Gabriel’s soul energies, signifiying the angelic overlighting and successful completion of that purifying stream into Orion’s field.


Orb of Archangel Gabriel/White Ray vibration flashes over Sirius, after the grouped light flow into Orion, February 2nd 2020.

From January 27th to February 20th, a very beautiful supporting ‘vibrational arc’, involving the soul emanations of Venus, Neptune and Jupiter has quietly slipped the ‘Fifth Stroke of the Twelfth Hour’ into the Ascension trajectory unfolding through 2020 (beginning with a Venus-Neptune conjunction and completing with a Jupiter-Neptune sextile, with the previous Venus Transit’s 8 year arc from 2004 to 2012 being cycled another 8 years into the present time-frame to lift the Love vibration). The 2020 momentum will continue to build through to the Solstice on December 21st, when Jupiter and Saturn align into a Great Conjunction at 0 degrees Aquarius, which we’ll go into detail about in the next post, in the context of universal light-coding of creation and how it flows structurally through this galaxy and solar system.

The successful integration of the Venus-Neptune-Jupiter higher dimensional inflow on February 20th continues to settle into the light-grids, and most appropriately, on the night of the 20th as Venus climbed above the treetops, the ‘V’ of the Taurus constellation (formed by Aldebaran, the brightest star in Taurus, and the Hyades star cluster) was shining particularly bright, straight above Venus.


Venus at lower left with the Hyades ‘V’ shaped star cluster above. Aldebaran, alpha star of Taurus, is the brightest of the stars, directly above Venus, February 20th 2020.

We’ll end this post with a wonderful decloaked flyover on the night of February 14th, as the ‘Venus soul light’ rolled into the Earth’s vibrational field on the St. Valentine’s Day love wave around the planet. This support ship of the Meri’Ashar, called the Lei’hua, beamed brilliant golden light as she flew slowly across the sky from north to south, before curving back around the star Canopus and recloaking. With all love and thanks to all on board, in particular my Twin Flame, in his 5-7D galactic form Ash’Shari, and our dear children in the higher dimensions, Rosanara and Minkah.

The Infinite Love Wave, uplifting this planet, continues to flow, dear friends. Stay in tune with its current, building behind the screen of chaos, rising beneath the ice of ages, until the ice cracks and the current streams through to the surface perception of humanity.

Love, Peace & Joy to All,



Venus’s orbital pattern every 8 years as seen from Earth...radiating 5D vibrations as Divine Feminine Rose to her soul sister Gaia and all life here.

*We have a continuing New Earth Meditation running every Sunday throughout 2020, everyone is very welcome to join in and help build this energy. Please share if this resonates for you.

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