The dark UFO object shot out a green probe down toward the municipal airport, maybe to put out its radar. I knew then that it was a UFO of some sort; most probably from the NWO secret government area 51 because it was very dark with no markings and moved extremely slow like it was floating as they were learning to drive it. I believe it was back engineered I had seen many black helicopters flying down the river before and had even taken some pictures of them in formation. This huge object was also nearly black. It was hard to tell since it was now getting dark. I finally decided for sure it was an NWO experimental type UFO because it was moving very slowly and making some noise and was being flanked by a fleet of black hawk s. I later learned it came from Area 51 in Nevada (a secret base for the military and NWO where they “back engineer” crashed UFOs).

I went inside my camper for my camera to take a picture of it. But my old camera had a screw type telephoto lens on it with 100 ASA film. When it got directly over head, as I was going to shoot anyway, they turned on the lights. It was only a few hundred feet above me and the lights around it were arranged like those on a 737. Seen from a distance, it would maybe fool people into thinking it was a 737 jet by the way the lights were arranged. Very clever, I thought. Then I noticed my camera had 100 ASA film and a telephoto lens ,so I didn’t bother to take the picture, and again I was sorry I didn't try.

As the NWO UFO passed by me they shot out another probe, this time red and larger and it stayed along side of them as they headed out over the desert in California. Another NWO strange encounter, this one reminded me of the dark UFO that hovered over my camper in Tenerife, Spain, in January 1979 and the X-Files TV shows. I wondered if they were connected. But in that first experience it was faster, dark green, and much less noisy. Who knows?

Afterwords, I went shopping and the cash register went crazy when I got near it. And this continues to happen even now (1998), although not as much. I would say over the past three years about 50 percent of the time when I got up to the cash register they would still go crazy making mistakes or shutting down completely around 25 percent of the time. My truck wouldn’t start half the time either. I later talked to locals and flea market people about my experiences. Many said they saw a lot of strange things going on around there and that even some UFOs were seen at the market but especially the probes and lots of black helicopters. I think there must be a secret government base nearby, or so it would seem, in Arizona, the New Mexico desert, Area 51 in Nevada and Area 52 in Utah.

My next experience was in Val Prado, Indiana, on September 20, 1994. I had been reading steady about the fourth dimension, especially since April when I first came across the “Sedona Journal of Emergence.” I fell in love with it, especially about Ashtar Command and Jesus (who is also called Sananda). I had several different books by both of them from years ago. That night I was studying and then had very heavy dreams about the fourth dimension, time travel and star ships and survival. I was with some guides and a small group of people. We were taken to other planets on a space ship. It was all very real.

I do dream consciously (lucid dreaming) and (remote viewing) and I have been conscious with crystals in dreams for some years now. But still I sometimes wonder what is real and what is a dream? Of course, dreams can be real too but in a different dimension. This seemed very real to me as they were teaching us things we would need to use in our future survival. Also we were learning to travel in time. As we understood the principles we were able to go faster. It all made very strange impressions on me. In the end I was sent back to earth with three others in a capsule. It was very small. We had to travel from fourth dimension back to third then into our regular bodies down here. Maybe we were in our astral bodies and maybe not.

On waking up I had to urinate, but was so dizzy I could hardly stand up or walk. It was very hard to wake up and get back to this reality. Finally I made it to the door and looked up. There was a very bright star. After focusing my eyes I couldn’t believe what I saw. It was a Federation star ship. It just hovered there for awhile. I then felt a connection and feeling inside of me that I had just been on it, that what was experienced in the dream state was real. I believe my experience wasn’t just a dream but reality in another dimension. I believed I was beamed on the ship and what I experienced was real but seemed like a dream when I was beamed back. I remembered them saying they would visit us light workers in our dreams or near dream state and that fourth dimension is very close to the dream world. I had made contact using crystals and knew the other dreams I had with my space brothers were real too, I had proof as I looked out upon the space ship as it slowly moved away.

Then I began to get flash backs of what had happened. I had been very unhappy here and did not feel this was my home even though I have been here several times before. But I longed to go home there was to much evil down here for me to handle. And I had dreams before of my real home which was vastly different from Earth. It seemed that these beings knew who I really was and where I really came from. The other three in the capsule also had the same feelings.

Our space brothers explained to us about our mission and up dated us on it. They agreed that we were not from here and that we chose this mission to be able to ascend to the next level of consciousness more quickly by being here and completing our mission to not only to save Earth but to help save the rest of the light workers. And when this was all over down here we could choose to go back to our real home in another star system or to the new earth Earth or stay on the mother ships that was arriving here now and sometime after the earth was cleansed and restored we could go back there and help set up the new Federation of Nations. ( FON)

And so to help us make the correct decision we would be taken back to our real home for a very short visit. I am not sure how long it took us to get there and back nor how long we were there. It could have been days or weeks but only a few hours had passed down here. Also I didn't remember much of the place except I knew and felt it was truly our home and it was very different from here. The sky was light pinkish purple and there was several suns and moons as well. I don't remember what exactly we did there but I think it was some kind of briefing and up dating us on the Paradigm shift of 2012. This was another gift from our space brothers and family.

After that I didn’t see anything more except some probes in Central America and Mexico. But I did hear lots of stories and one of the best was that a large round UFO came out of Lake Atlantians, Guatemala, and was seen by thousands of people right before I got there. They made postcards about it.

By October 1995 I was in Santa Fe, New Mexico. There I bought a book by Kuthumi called We the Aucturians. An Aucturian is from the Aucturus star system, and is a strange sort of looking creature, barely humanoid, but they are supposed to be very advanced and very old. I had read from Kuthumi before in a book called Jesus and Kuthumi (St. Francis). Anyway, the book explained in great detail about how to make contact with them and even come up on their ship. I studied it for a couple of weeks. I was anxious to go up consciously after having perhaps been up in an Ashtar Command ship in my astral body in my lucid dream state. When nearly finished with the book, I decided to try it.

I pulled my camper behind a mall in Santa Fe, facing my bed due north as directed. I went to bed and opened all my chakras and did the necessary rituals, including releasing all fear. I remember setting the clock to get up the next day. It was 1:00 am.

The next thing I knew my whole truck and camper began to shake violently. Then my body lifted up from my bed and I started to spin around counter-clockwise. Next I went through my roof as my body had already dematerialized and up I went into the sky. The next thing I knew I was slowly materializing again over my bed coming back down and I landed on my bed. What an experience I thought as my head and body were still trying to come around.

After a short time I sat up and felt very sad, thinking I almost made it, but not quite. Maybe it was because I hadn’t finished the book or turned fearful that I didn’t succeed. And I wanted so much to visit them after all the many encounters I have had over 20 years. “What a great loss,” I thought.

Then I leaned over and looked at the clock. I figured only a few minutes had passed, but to my great surprise it was 4:00 am. I had lost three hours. So I did go up all the way after all. I must have. What happened to the lost three hours of time? It was missing. Then I remembered them saying in the book that most of my memories would be erased but enough left that I knew for sure that I had had the experience. So I must have gone up on the ship. I remember going up and coming down, but what about the three hours in between?

So I laid the book down and went into a meditative state of mind. Then I started getting flashes, pieces started coming back to me. I then remembered a humanoid type being showing me around on the huge ship, just bits and pieces, not everything minute by minute. Then I remember giving permission for an exam of my body. Later they told me I still had problems from my last two operations in Australia and that they would try to adjust the healing process but they couldn’t guarantee anything because of the four previous operations in that same area. I gave them permission and they worked on me.

I could barely make out the image of a couple of Arcturians in the background as I went under for the treatment. Most all the beings were humanoid that I could remember seeing except for those two faintly in the background. I am told that it is very difficult for us to accept them because their shapes are so different from ours. Also, that’s why I could only remember parts, because for most people it is too extreme of an experience to handle when they come back down to earth and have to relate it to others.

I wrote down the whole experience in my diary so I would remember it along with all the other UFO contacts and sightings of all kinds. I was happy to have had that experience to add to all the rest. I only told other people who were interested in UFO contact or had sightings themselves, some as adults, many as kids.

Maybe I had an implant while up on the ship, but I don’t know. I seem to remember them talking about it with me, that if I wished I could receive a good guy (friendly space brother) implant so they could keep in contact with me. I agreed but I don’t know if they put it in then or later. I do know that the bad guys (NWO) did try to put a plasma implant in my sinuses over both my eyes into my nose to my brain area. I fought it and thought I threw it out, but it was too late. I will talk about that later. Also I definitely received an implant in my skull at the back of my head near my medulla in 1995 and readjusted it in January 1996. I don’t know if I still have it, but I have the open scar. I will write about this later in the Implant chapter.

So now I have had two or three different for sure experiences of going up on ships by DE-materializing, the first by Ashtar Command and the second by the Arcturians (both which I requested). There must be a greater meaning behind all this I told myself. Why would I of all people have all these UFO sightings and now contact. Maybe I am one of them and agreed to come to earth at this time to remember who I am and was and why I am here. I have also had very many dreams of being on ships and with aliens of all sorts. I even have remembered being an alien in a different past life time. Part of my job here is to teach about them. ( I added this as part of my teaching in 1992, even until today in 1998.)

By the end of November 1994 and the beginning of December I found myself in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I was doing a Christmas craft show and was parked in an empty lot behind the building where the show was, on the south side of town. The show went very late into the night. Afterward I walked the dogs and was preparing to go inside my camper at about 2:00 am.

Looking up at the sky as I always do, over the Catalina Mountains I could see a very beautiful UFO of golden bright light moving slowly, heading toward the middle of town. It was coming so slow that I first thought it was an orb or sphere. Edwards Air Force Base was close in the opposite direction. Then I thought it was a helicopter with very bright lights.

As it got closer I could see it was very definitely a UFO, a very beautiful one, perfect in shape and size. It was all light, golden orange and yellow. It was in the shape of a normal UFO, but I could not see any metal, just bright orange and yellow as though the whole thing was alive (plasma) and made up of a very strange shape and beautiful. As it got closer I noticed small and large patches of a peach orange all over and in it. The blotches of orange glowed as well and were part of the ship. This was the first UFO ship I ever saw up close that was encompassed entirely by light. It must have been created by very advanced sentient and benevolent beings, many thousands of years ahead of us. I believe this was possibly a Merkabah, an inter-dimensional craft, that Ezekiel spoke of in the Old Testament. (Ezek.1:4-28; 2Ki. 2:11)

I ran inside and got a flash light and sent off and on signals toward it. The time must have been after 2:00 am as I wondered if anyone else was seeing this beautiful ship right over the city for everyone to see. It very slowly headed westward getting lower over the city. It shot out a red probe much to my surprise. It looked as though from where I was that it descended at the west end of town or just outside in the desert maybe.  

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  • For goodness sake rev  :) ....honestly.... I actually agreed with some of this and reserved judgement on the rest, however.... does not mean that I do believe nor disbelieve the account, simply that I did not want to inject hurtful critic that perhaps others may/would do, it would be discourteous, impractical and unproductive.

     And in respect of the post, I honestly thought you had simply posted because it was interesting topic (simply went by the title and initial paragraph opening after the pic). If it was your dairy account, perhaps you should have made that much more clearer at the start. 

    Yes I'm a bit of critic rev, but with this I was also speaking from truths and experience, I've also been in the presence of 'beings', my own experience as blog/discussion will attest to that. A good debate with questioning, asking for details, clarifications and being sceptical is what I would encourage, I'm open to this, even within my own experience.

    Just as you, I'm of the opinion that people should think outside the box, I'm trying to help others, as well, hoped to find others that know and seen these 'beings', other than the people I already know. 

    ***Light Being I don't know what to say or answer to you, but you seem to be a  critic. You would make a good book critic.***

    It is good that you have finally simply acknowledged one of my comments, it's a start in the right direction.

    A polite thank you to you.


  • Thanks for the PIcs FW, I needed them more than normal cause once again "they" would not let me post any. I tried several different ones and sizes but still no pic,so. Yes I have had many close encounters as an adult. The last one 4 yrs ago that also involved my neighbor who is now a drunk. Anyway I would like an update from them cause things are getting really strange down here. Light Being I don't know what to say or answer to you, but you seem to be a critic. You would make a good book critic. These things did happen to me as I wrote from Memory and from my dairy. I did it for me, cause there is no one to talk to and I did it for all the other Light workers who have or have not had experiences, to help explain on a more personal basis , sense I have been on this site for some yrs now and post a lot of blogs, maybe people can relate  to it. I am just trying to help,is all I can do. Adonai

  • Blimmey rev…….sounds like the ‘visitors’ that you have described before are peeing about and messing with the persons head???.

    Judging by this statement:

    ***Then I began to get flash backs of what had happened. I had been very unhappy here and did not feel this was my home even though I have been here several times before. But I longed to go home there was to much evil down here for me to handle. And I had dreams before of my real home which was vastly different from Earth. It seemed that these beings knew who I really was and where I really came from. The other three in the capsule also had the same feelings.

    Our space brothers explained to us about our mission and up dated us on it. They agreed that we were not from here and that we chose this mission to be able to ascend to the next level of consciousness more quickly by being here and completing our mission to not only to save Earth but to help save the rest of the light workers. And when this was all over down here we could choose to go back to our real home in another star system or to the new earth Earth or stay on the mother ships that was arriving here now and sometime after the earth was cleansed and restored we could go back there and help set up the new Federation of Nations. ( FON)

    And so to help us make the correct decision we would be taken back to our real home for a very short visit. I am not sure how long it took us to get there and back nor how long we were there. It could have been days or weeks but only a few hours had passed down here. Also I didn't remember much of the place except I knew and felt it was truly our home and it was very different from here. The sky was light pinkish purple and there was several suns and moons as well. I don't remember what exactly we did there but I think it was some kind of briefing and up dating us on the Paradigm shift of 2012. This was another gift from our space brothers and family.***


    Personally…I would tell the person “Don’t be misled or conned by them, seriously…. they ‘these (ET’s)’ the others don’t go around abducting people like that and they would not put a notion in to your head to make you feel that this is not your planet or that you are not human”

    Though I’m doubtful they ‘the visitors’ exist except perhaps in someone’s imagination.  No doubt the person saw something, perhaps….but I’ll reserve judgement on most off it.


    Now this the ‘following extract’ sounds like them, but why the person could only recall this as a ‘memory’ like this is mystifying as ‘the others’ would not blank it all out this way, as all encounters with them are conducted with full memory, awareness and 90% physical and the person is exercising their free will to be there, as in the person has actually been asked or the person has requested a meeting. They would consider anything else as intrusive, discourteous and above all else doing harm.

    ***So I laid the book down and went into a meditative state of mind. Then I started getting flashes, pieces started coming back to me. I then remembered a humanoid type being showing me around on the huge ship, just bits and pieces, not everything minute by minute. Then I remember giving permission for an exam of my body. Later they told me I still had problems from my last two operations in Australia and that they would try to adjust the healing process but they couldn’t guarantee anything because of the four previous operations in that same area. I gave them permission and they worked on me.***

    And this:

    ***I am told that it is very difficult for us to accept them because their shapes are so different from ours. Also, that’s why I could only remember parts, because for most people it is too extreme of an experience to handle when they come back down to earth and have to relate it to others.***

    This not something they would say or do as the ones that are ‘found’ are mentally equipped, stable and more than capable of understanding. That is why and how they find you, because of your actions, thoughts, general behaviour and conduct.

    Oh and they don’t use implants metallic or biological neither they do not require this intrusive method to keep in contact, they see you via your ‘simply put’ soul signature as it is quite long and complicated to fully explain, so very simply it’s a bit like a kirlian photo but much more complex.


    ***As it got closer I could see it was very definitely a UFO, a very beautiful one, perfect in shape and size. It was all light, golden orange and yellow. It was in the shape of a normal UFO, but I could not see any metal, just bright orange and yellow as though the whole thing was alive (plasma) and made up of a very strange shape and beautiful***

    So what the h**l is "It was the shape of a normal UFO" supposed to mean???. The whole thing was alive like plasma and beautiful this does sound about right.


    So in all this sounds like a mishmash of other peoples accounts and portrayed as one’s own, however nothing wrong with that I suppose, at least they did not resort to the usual ‘grey’ scenario. Though there is some mental instability, especially as they resort to the “I’m really an alien and been here for ages and in different bodies.”

    Shame really......real shame.....


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