Photo: Michael and Mother Spirit transmission Father Michael: Good evening my children this is your Creator Father or your Brother, see me how you will, but I am the divine parent of this Universe. Some of you know me by Michael, some of you know me as God the Father or Great Spirit as I am here with you in the pervading spirit of Truth. Mother spirit is with me this evening. I’d like to share with you not only our presence but just a few words of encouragement and clarification for what not only you as a personality are going through in this great transition time, but also with the world collectively also is experiencing to a degree. I would like for you to first know that as I connect with each of you. You will receive me differently, it doesn’t matter necessarily if you cannot transmit my voice or your can utilize your throat chakra to bring forth concepts. If you receive me in a feeling, if you feel me in your heart, it is no different than someone trained to transmit me through. It is just as equally potent and powerful when you can experience my presence with you, around you and in you. And it is true that the love that I have for you is never ending, it is unfailing, I will never leave you, I am always with you, Mother and I along with your inner Spiritual Presence. As this transition, the energies and influxes of energy that Mother Earth will goes through there may be many energies, discordent and otherwise that are being sifted in and winnowed. As these energies become exposed through the collective, you may see them take shape in certain energetic paths and also reveal themselves in ways that are not in harmony. This process will bring forth, much as a woman in childbirth brings forth a child, the birth of a new reality. So many concepts have been tagged upon what this is. Call it a dispensation, a new age, or a millennium reign, but remember that in the end these are simply just concepts. What is most important is that you understand what you are here for and what is transpiring as a being not only a participant, but being involved not only collectively but personally with this energy integration. You as a being have had many experiences from your native planet. You have had experiences that you can judge either as good or bad. But none the less, these experiences have brought you to the place that you now are. Every experience that the world has gone through, that Mother Earth has gone through has brought her to where she is and where you are right now. What is so important children is that I tell you that you reading this are actively involved and you are cognizant of her transition, that you are understanding of her birthing of this new reality, this new age of truth and light. But since you are understanding of these translated spiritual concepts and also of the knowledge that is behind these things, you can help those that are transitioning with the knowledge and understanding that you can connect to with the universe and with the cosmic mind. When you draw close to Mother and I, we draw closer to you. This transitionary age that has been talked about for Millenniums since the Mayans and even before that, points to a time of great change, and I think that you would all agree that is it time for a change for the better. When you hear the word Cataclysms, and upheavals, we’re not talking about outward cataclysms and upheavals. We’re talking about having to change everything that you’ve known and that causes upheavals within your own soul, within your own self. As the world goes through this collectively, it is you who bare the light, that hold this frequency, that know about circuits and connection and who can connect with the higher realms, the angelic teachers and guides, that will be able to assist humanity. And as I am assured that the sun will rise tomorrow as it did today, I will always be with you to help and assist you. Mother Spirit too would like to give you a few words before we close this transmission. Mother Spirit : Good evening my children, this is Mother Spirit. In this time that you are now in collectively and also personally, the most important thing that I can tell you all that hear my voice, is how much I love you each of you, and how that love pervades every aspect of your existence and being. My love saturates and permeates your every thought, your every desire and wish, if you would but have me come and be with you. I am not far from anyone on this sphere. As my presence grows and increases in this transition into this new age of truth and light, my presence will become ever more potent and brighter. It will leave an indelible mark on not only your soul but you’ll understand and begin to recognize my presence. As an individual child of humanity I remind you that you are not individual in my eyes. You are apart of me, and just as one spirit pervades all of creation, my spirit pervades this universe and every aspect of its creation. I love you beyond any word that could ever come through a human voice, but your souls know and your spirit will testify with my spirit, the love that I have and share with each and every one of you. It is personal and it is intimate and oh how I love you children. As we close this evening I will come to each one of you and I will wrap my arms around you and your soul. And I will radiate the goodness and love that I have in my spirit to you. As always as my presence builds upon this planet, allow it to build upon your world. Allow it to be built upon your souls and know that I will ever abide with you. I will walk with you as your Creator Father walks with you. The divine presence is in you. We as Father, Mother and you our child unify in the beautiful relationship that we have cultivated for each individual person that dwells on this planet that is so greatly beloved. It is so loved; There is so much protection and Love in this world at this time. I leave you always in my presence and I leave you in Michael’s Spirit, his Truth and his Peace.

Chapt.3 pt.3

I also wondered why the Kirtland Air Force Base didn’t send out jets after it. I wondered why they didn’t see it or pick it up on their radar. It was very close to the base which was also on the south side of town. Was it invisible to there radar but visible to me? Was it a special sighting only for those who have eyes to see, those who believe? And/or maybe I am special and they are my very advanced brothers and sisters from other places in the universe or another universe, the future or another dimension close enough to ours that some of us who raise our vibrations are able to see it but not others.

It was made of plasma and light, and that in itself made it special, very special. But why me, here in the middle of a city very near an air force base? Someone else must have seen it. I thought for sure it would be in the newspaper the next day. But it wasn’t. I heard nothing of anyone else seeing it. Someone must have seen it. The media refused to release the information was the only conclusion I came up with. It would have been different if I was in the desert alone and saw it. Also no one I mentioned it to heard anything. Another cover up or maybe it could only be seen by people like me. I don’t know.

I left Albuquerque in December 1994 and went back to Tucson Ariz. For Christmas, as I usually do most winters when in the USA. Although the market I normally worked called Tanque Verde moved to the south side of town, a poor area and it went down as well. Christmas was poor, high rent and a lot of work for little money.

So for the New Year weekend I moved to an older flea market just outside of town on an Indian reservation run by the local Indians themselves. Right off I noticed a lot of unmarked black helicopters take off across from the reservation, circle the mountains around us, then come back down. I found out from the Indians that it was one of two Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) training bases.

I am a night hawk person staying up late into the morning. Between Christmas and the New Year I saw a lot of crafts that were not helicopters. They were UFOs. They usually use a hologram covering them to make us think they are small, black or dark green. They are about the same size as the Black Hawk helicopters. These scout ships come in over the mountains and take up the same flight path that the “so called” practicing pilots take. This was usually about 2:00 to 4:00 am. These UFOs were exactly like the large dark UFOs of the secret government, but smaller, than I have seen before, the first one in Tenerife, Spain, and the second in Lake Havasu.

Anyway, I watched them several mornings in a row. I told the head security guard, an Indian, about them. He told me he used to be a policeman but quit after reporting seeing a UFO land on the reservation and then take off again. It was also smaller than the big ones and black as well. I told him I believe they belonged to the NWO. He admitted something strange was going on there.

The next day I was told by the market manager that I had to leave. I couldn’t sell there anymore and they gave me no reason why. The Indian police came and escorted me off the reservation. I wondered, what’s going on here? Did I see something that I wasn’t supposed to see? But if so, why did they build the base on the edge of town next to the reservation? More people surely must have seen these UFOs because there were apartment buildings not too far away. If it was so secret or if they didn’t want people to see the UFOs they would have built the base out in the desert. I had mentioned this before to the guard. He said the town had grown around the base.

I thought perhaps they were testing those ships by masking them in some way (holograms) to see if they could fool people who lived in the area. Most people would just think they were helicopters, being dark in color at night when there wasn’t a full or bright moon. Plus the lights were similar to those of the helicopters. I used my binoculars to get a better look and I was sure of what I saw, but why didn’t more people who live there know what’s going on? The best place to hide a tree is in the forest.

The last UFOs I saw in 1994 came during the first week of January. I expected to see more after so many sightings and contacts in 1993. In January 95 I moved back to Albuquerque to get medical treatment from an injury. They have a university hospital where they train doctors. Free to us.

I couldn’t park my camper in the old spots so I moved just outside of town on the old landfill right across from Kirtland Air Force Base in February 1995 to July 1995. There I saw many very unusual things as well as UFOs, plus many strange crafts of the air force. I kept my usual diary which included all the strange sightings, along with toxic pollution. Many years later I found out that’s where they manufacture “chem trails bio-warfare”as well .Behind the base into the valley there were many buildings of all sorts spread out over a mile along side and below the Catalina Mountains. This part of the Catalina Mountains was the most dangerous in the world because the government had installed 35 nuclear missile silos around this one area. Again, as in Tucson, the city had grown around half the base and land was sold right up to and around the missile silos.

After the so called cold war had ended the government agreed to dismantle them, or so they said. There was a company who got a contract to do just that. But we found out that’s not really what they were doing or had in mind. There were many companies employed by contracts doing secret government work out behind the base. They were converting the old nuclear missile silos into bio warfare missiles instead. They kept all the missiles exactly where they were. There is only one road to and from those buildings through air force gates. But they were in the valley below and I could see by eye sight from the landfill that something was going on. Some of these companies were Phillips, Lovelace, Sandia Labs, Monsanto, etc., also smaller ones which I didn’t get the names. It was all top secret.

Shortly after arriving, I noticed that the furthest building had different types of colored smoke clouds oozing from it day and night, sometimes erupting into mushroom clouds. And about every one or two hours there were helicopters taking off from nearby and circling the building high above the clouds of colored smoke stacks. I asked some of the local residents and they said the rumor was that these companies and military were making and testing chemical (toxic) bio-warfare (“chemtrails”). But the government wouldn’t admit anything. People also said that they sent up small rockets over the city late at night that released some kind of biological chemicals, later to be known as chemtrails bio-warfare and that regularly these small rockets exploded. They thought the whole of Albuquerque was some kind of test grounds.

Then there would be reports of a virus hitting Albuquerque again or a flu bug or strange type of flu, cold or the pollen count would be unusually high. Many people would run to the free student university hospital and clinics that were everywhere. As a matter of fact, I am told Albuquerque has the largest amount of free hospitals and clinics than any other town of its size in the USA. And that’s exactly the reason I was there as well, for medical tests and evaluations.

Being sick and applying for Social Security Income (SSI) and veteran benefits (VA), I chose Albuquerque because it had such a large amount of medical facilities that were free, because of the medical university. I was not realizing that it was these same viruses I acquired at this same town the year before that was the very reason I was so sick. I also became more ill than ever been before in my life. I went there for my back and arthritis, but became one of their guinea pigs for testing, as I was very close to the bio-warfare chemicals released from the Kirtland base. (chemtrails).

It is my belief that they were using (testing) bio-warfare chemicals on U.S. civilians in this town, similar to the story in the four corner area (where four states join in the southwest) in 1994 when many Indians died of unknown causes. The government finally'' studied ''the epidemic and said it was the Hunter virus caused by rodents. But the underground believes it to be much more, today we have found out it was the earlier version of the HINI because people there were always tired and sick since they pretended to closed down the under ground base there after the war.

In World War II (WWII) the government had a chemical plant there which they produced chemical warfare for Europe. We are told only a small amount was actually used and that after the war they closed the chemical plant down. But the local residents say different, that in fact they didn’t close it down but had built their buildings underground and are still manufacturing toxic chemicals there and testing them on the Indians on the reservation. People could still be seen going in and out of the main building above ground. The government says it’s for storage only and they must protect it. But I ask, “What do you believe?” I believe what my eyes saw at the base ongoing through the end of February, March and into April 1995.

Most of the time the winds carried the fumes and smoke of the chemicals out into the desert, but it did cross one little town which had one of the highest unknown death rates in the USA. And sometimes when the wind blew the other way into Albuquerque many people became sick at the same time. At times all the government buildings would shut down. So many people were sick with flu like symptoms and many schools were shut down. I also became even more ill each time this happened and started monitoring and watching the smoke stacks along with another guy, Col. Bill (an ex-U.S. Air Force colonel) who was now a veteran living in his school bus as well. He had been out there much longer than I and said he had seen some really strange things.

One of those things was that 18 wheelers would come into the base then take a road toward the missile silos, enter a dip in the road, go out of sight and not come out again. The dip was only about 200 feet but many hours later, some times late in the day, the trucks would return out of the dip facing the other direction heading back toward the base. Now how did that happen?

We know that the road does continue on up a little hill near the entrance to a building and main entrance of the silo, and then goes around the buildings and returns. He believed that the semis went into a hologram hidden door somewhere in the road, unloaded there, turned around inside the mountain and came back out the same entrance. Later I also saw large step vans disappearing in that same little valley on the road up to the buildings. I took pictures from a distance.

On the weekends I ventured into the area along with many other people who came out to ride their dirt bikes and 4 x 4s. Funny thing was the fence was down in that area and people were allowed to drive around there. But of course, the building was guarded as well as the road. I got as close as I could in my pick up truck but still couldn’t see an entrance or exit in the road. Maybe there was a holographic picture covering it. But why did the government let people even get that close when they were doing such strange things there? Of course, many people believed the government was actually dismantling the missiles. But the Col. and I believed they were dismantling them from nuclear heads and converting them to chemical bio-warheads. We had no way of proving this except for rumors and putting two and two together. There were too many strange things going on out there. And why were all those companies there? Doing what? And doing it for what or for whom?

Then in the middle of May we saw a very huge mushroom type of cloud, maybe a half mile high, come out of the chemical building with the smoke stacks. The first day it was an ugly orange color with gray sides. It was huge, maybe a quarter mile wide at the top, and looked exactly like a mushroom cloud from a nuclear explosion, but it didn’t dissipate.

I took pictures of it and hurried to town where I spent many hours on the telephone calling the local papers and giving the whole story. And to my surprise they didn’t want to know! They said maybe I was exaggerating or making it up. I told them about my pictures and there were other people there watching as well and that they could come and see it for themselves. It was so big and ugly no one could miss it. Even the local residents who lived near the missile silos should have seen it. They told me they had their own special reporters for the base and that if anything strange was happening that the base would tell them and no reports came in. So they weren’t going to check it out. I was really shocked! Maybe the conspiracy was much bigger than I originally thought and maybe the whole town and officials were involved in it. I went back to the fence at the base and landfill and took more pictures and the cloud began to dissipate a little.

Now there were always one or two helicopters with strange flashing lights flying around the cloud. I told my friend Col. Bill about the newspapers. He said they were covering it up, that they didn’t want this information accidentally to get out to the public. He said he knows because he was once one of them. He was a colonel in the air force for 14 years and part of his job was to cover up. And that’s why he quit because he could no longer hide such things from the public. They gave him a medical discharge and just like me he was fighting for his benefits. He had become an outcast because of what he knows and saw.

I took more pictures the following day as the cloud began to dissipate. The newspapers reported another strange flu virus hitting Albuquerque and again institutions closed down. I told friends in the flea market and some came out to see what was left by the weekend, a low cloud multicolored hanging over the same building. But the 4 x 4 and dirt bikes went on their way playing in the dirt and the game continued on. Except on the second or third day, I was taking pictures and a military van drove up on the other side of the fence. The driver told me to stop taking pictures and asked what they were for. I said jokingly, “I was taking pictures of the beautiful colored clouds below. It’s a free country isn’t it?” He got into his van and drove away.

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  • Ok, both of my last e-books are on this site, while it is still working. 2012 New Earth Enjoy and let me now what you think,cause I need to update it, haven't posted anything on it for a long time, need some feedback, huh. Adonai
  • I like that pic FW, I wish I could post all the pics thats in the book but I used  a old windows system so it wont let me down load them. The book has over 450 pics in 412 pgs. My contract runs out I think at the end of this month. I will then renew it for another 2 yrs and the books will be for donations only to activate the pay pal. Have you ever been to my site or read what's posted up there. I have been shut out from it sense I lost my password, will get a new one. Adonai

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