It is my belief that cammander Esseeina also known as alexandrah Stahr has written the blog below for or about cammander Athena . Both of these ladys claim to be the one and only doughter of Ashtar Sheran from the Ashtar cammand. What I see here is a bold movement by Cmdr Athena to move into the site of Ashtar Cammand Crew by the help of one member of the crew here. This in return has sparked  a fire in her sister and rival to be the one and only doughtier of Ashtar S. When I tried to post this blog earlier ,only the title appeared and no text. Also weird is my short comments that I write daily are taken off quickly and when I comment on a blog I am sent to the back of the line. So what I am hoping here is for the people to see the big game that is going on. Meaning that there are several Ashtar's and Ashtar commands site's and doughters now who all claim to be the real one's. Then there's several more Jesus-Sananda's who are supposed to be the head of the GFOL and Ashtar plus all the other factions that are involved in this Ascension event. Then on top of that you got  Yeshua who is supposed to be another aspect of the many Jesus -Sananda's and now even Sanat Kumara and Matraya are also supposed to be aspects of Jesus-Sananda. So that nobody really knows what is going on. What I wanted to do here is to show how silly all of this is. And let Cmdr Athena be taken down a few notches by her Twin sister as some people on this site are beginning to worship her and I think that that is a big mistake. I think maybe we should all step back and look at the game plan they are presenting us with. And who is who and what is what,understand me,Adonai

2.10.12 - Lesson in Discernment from Alexandriah Stahr

Light-workers Hello

 I hope that you take in the following information in the manner it is sharpen your discernment skills.

 It seems like the dark forces are catching up. In response to my last newsletter, I got an inquiry from a reader who admitted that she has been reading the newsletter for several months and wanted to reach out to me and share her work. Apparently, she claims that she is working with the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation of Light and Council of 12. She also sent a website link. Therefore, when I got to her website I see that she is referring to the MATRIX and to a new grid system…hmm…seems if you do not know any better that she is doing similar work to me. I want to address this as nothing could be further from the truth and I thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to teach you all a discernment lesson.

 First of all, let me say that I do NOT surf the internet looking at other people’s Ashtar Command Websites as it is too depressing to see the crap that is out there. I am too busy receiving and translating the information I receive into useful session work for my clients. Long ago when I complained to Ashtar about all the false teachings out there, he advised me to just put my work out there and let people discern for themselves. Having said that, I am mostly unaware as to what is out there unless one of my clients or readers bring it to my attention and I bring it to Ashtar’s attention so they can deal with it.

 In this situation, I want to point out the following facts to assist with the discernment process.

 First of all, I introduced the idea of The Ashtar Command – Solar Star Command dismantling the Master MATRIX in 2008 when I first introduced my blog. This was after 8 years of working on dismantling the Master MATRIX and removing MATRIX Programming from clients without discussing this with anyone other than the clients I worked with, one on one. So I started this level of my work in 1999 when the movie the MATRIX first came out and under strict instructions not to discuss the mission publicly…for exactly the reason I am addressing here now, which is that the dark forces then copy the message and put their distorted spin on it.

 I have published my blog messages going back to the beginning in 2008 in my book: Ashtar and Sananda Planetary Updates Volume One, released in 2011. If you want the original information then order it from  The 2012 version will be released later this year.

 Secondly, I am the only authorized person in embodiment to do this work…Why do I say this? Because it is true and it has been told to me by Ashtar on more than one occasion. I am not saying that Ashtar does not work with others, what I am saying is that Ashtar does not work with others to do the work I have been assigned to do. Others have their work they are assigned to do. Mine is to dismantle the MATRIX and to free the consciousness of mankind from their MATRIX Programming. In addition, I have been given extensive training in discerning the dark forces and those who would imposter the Ashtar Command. This is direct personal experience over many years of life experience, which at some point will be documented in my book on the subject.

 The Ashtar Command works with their own personnel who are trained over long periods of time to do the work they are trained to do. In some situations, they only need one person, as is the case with the work I am trained to do. Ashtar has told me on more than one occasion that our channel is a secure channel and is for my ears only unless and until I make it public on the blog. Ashtar does not just blast out a message for anyone to receive. That is what the Andromedon High Command does, as was discovered some years ago when the ship they were broadcasting from was destroyed and their communication system was shut down. This ship would broadcast so called messages from the false Ashtar Command and was able to be picked up by many channels on that frequency. As I said, when it was discovered, the ship was destroyed and the communication system was shut down. In checking, I am being told that the Andromedon High Command now works with individual channels much the same as we do which of course makes it harder to shut them down except when they are brought to my attention. Then I turn them over to Ashtar to deal with.

 Getting back to my work, I have always been told that my work is my work and that yes many would try to copy it but that they would be unable to do so. They may say whatever they like but they are not connected to the same channel that I am so they cannot channel the energy I channel and/or duplicate the results that I get. Since I am the Quadrant Commander for the Healing Division of the Ashtar Command – Solar Star Command, my channel is with myself who is always on board ship, as well as in embodiment here. In addition, Ashtar knows the level of consciousness that I am at and knows that I have been cleared to discern the dark force imposter energies that falsely claim to be Ashtar Command or any other members of the Collective Christ.

 Spiritual Discernment has been my bi-line since I first began this work. It is also why you do not see me linking to any of the Ashtar Command websites out there. Although I would love to work in cooperation with others, the only ones I find I am able to work with are those who have been clients of mine and have done the work. Even with that, many have fallen by the wayside over the years as not being able to stay committed. They do the work for a while and then when they find out the sacrifices it takes to really be doing the work, they lose interest.

 Thirdly, I am going to describe the feelings I had when I read this woman’s email and when I went to her blog website. Many times, you can go to a website and will read information that seems similar or that you cannot put your finger on what is not right, but you can “feel it.” What I felt when I tuned into the channel and her sources was this prickly invasive feeling in my crown chakra and I knew these to be “Andromedon Tentacles.” I also know that reference to the “Ashtar Command” and the “Ashtar Galactic Command” and the “Galactic Confederation of Light” and the “Council of 12” are all references to the false Ashtar Command known as the “Andromedon High Command.” The “Andromedon High Command” are the creators and maintainers of the MATRIX not the Christed Ashtar Command – Solar Star Command who are here to implement the Divine Plan of Lord Sananda and the Collective Christ.

The Andromedon High Command’s energy is creepy and invasive and is in no way related to the true Christed Ashtar Command – Solar Star Command of which I am a part. They are invested in distorting whatever information I put out to confuse people and distort the true message of Commander Ashtar and the Solar Star Command.

 Whether or not this woman is aware of who she is actually channeling is hard to determine. In her message to me, she seemed sincere, but the energy that is channeling through her is unmistakably Andromedon. Only after doing the "Soul Freedom Series" on her would I be better able to determine her origins. Many times, the Andromedon High Command rides in on people’s interest in the Ashtar Command – Solar Star Command. Most people do not realize that there are many Alien Race Commands out there that are simply Dark Force Commands who would love to trap the unwary. I go on record for identifying the Andromedon High Command and revealing their dark force agenda to imposter the real Ashtar Command-Solar Star Command. I will continue to point this out until these websites are revealed for who they really are.

 In addition, while I am on the subject, I want to say that the picture of Ashtar, on the Internet, showing him in a turquoise uniform, blonde hair with a “spit curl” on his forehead and his hand held up in greeting is in fact the “false Ashtar” from the Andromedon High Command. Ashtar does NOT have blonde hair. He is a no nonsense commanding presence and would certainly not wear his hair in such a ridiculous manner. These are the kinds of tiny details that trigger my suspicion and add up to identifying the false from the true on the physical level. It is really very simple. When you know the real thing and the real vibration, it is easy to recognize a fake because the false cannot duplicate the original. Think about it, if you are familiar with a famous painter, artist or musician, you can recognize their work. If you are not familiar, it is easy to fool you because you have no basis to compare it to.

 I haven’t commented on the picture before as I was glad when it came out and the false Ashtar sites began to use it because it meant that they wouldn’t be illegally using the original Ashtar picture by Celaya Winkler which I hold the copyright to and is available for sale in my store, .

 To assist you in discerning these websites, always check the date of the website to see when they started putting out their information and if you compare it to my site, you will see that I always predate them. My original copyright for my first was 1995-1996. I was the first Ashtar Command website to be on the internet. My blog, was created in 2008 and the reference to the Ashtar Command changing their name to the Solar Star Command was announced on my website, on 1.1.2008.

 This brings me to another false Ashtar Channel on YouTube called Commander Vrillon who is obviously reptilian and who jumped on the name change as soon as I posted it on my website. Anyone who thinks there is any connection between the Christed Ashtar and this creep needs their head examined. But since this guy is getting thousands of hits on his videos, it makes me think that people really are gullible. No one can be handed spiritual discernment, it is something that is earned as a side effect of doing the clearing necessary to clear away false frequencies. Since discernment is an art not a science, I will continue to point out the obvious on the physical level wherever I can.

 The first and most obvious way to know is that most of these other websites simply give information; most of them do not do anything about it or offer any solutions. They simply rehash general information or put out false information about supposed sightings and such so that they can then discredit the real Ashtar Command. As I have said before many times, the Ashtar Command does not do fly-bys. The Ashtar Command ships are visible to those who are clairvoyant and tuned into their vibration. Also, be wary of any website that does not tell you who the author is and by what authority they have to put that information out there.

 Many people think that the Ashtar Command is a “club” you can join. That seems to be the impression that the false Ashtar Command Sites give…I should say the Andromedon High Command sites. I have been channeling through the Ashtar Command – Solar Star Command technology for people to get free from Implants and Imprints and clearing karma since 1989. That technology was expanded to freeing people individually from the MATRIX and its various MATRIX programming since 1999. I Am the Quadrant Commander for the Star-Esseenia Division/Healing Division of the Ashtar Command – Solar Star Command and as such have complete access to all of their healing technology. Even if I do not use it or offer it on the physical level, I would recognize it as coming from my division. I AM Ashtar’s daughter and can recognize the dark forces a mile away. I am the product of my own clearing work. Every session they give me for others, I have done on myself including this latest one of removing the “Dark Force Alien Identity MATRIX” aka the” Soul Freedom Series.” I say this so that you do not think that I think I am above any of it. I am simply saying that Ashtar has trained me well for this mission and I do not take it lightly.

 Recognizing Andromedons:

 The Andromedons are the Sons and Daughters of Lucifer. They are a race created by Lucifer and are imbued with characteristics of Lucifer. The first sin in the heavens was jealousy of God and the honor that was due God. Lucifer and his children are arrogant, jealous and competitive and are the authors of the New Age belief that “we are god!” Christed souls know that they are the Sons and Daughters of God, which is an important distinction. Although we can be “One with God” we are NOT God ourselves. Andromedons think that because we are imbued with the ability to “create our reality,” that that quality makes us equal to God. The truth is that this concept is the root of the rebellion in the heavens, which is that Lucifer wanted to create in his own name rather than in God’s Name. This is the important difference between Children of God vs. Children of Lucifer. Children of God create in God’s Name and Children of Lucifer create in their own name and for self-serving reasons.

 Andromedon people are the highly successful people on the earth plane. They are intelligent and highly psychic. They read people instinctively and if they are not formally doing readings and psychic prediction work they still do it and use it in their lives. You will find them in all areas where they can have influence over people as in actors, musicians, artists, sales people, etc. They are arrogant, jealous and competitive in their personality and they use humor as a way of putting others down. They are the guy who is always telling jokes or the gal that giggles incessantly as she thinks everything is funny. They commonly are the ones who use the “lol” in their emails or comments. Clairvoyantly they look like the aliens in the movie “Alien” with Sigourney Weaver. They have these nasty tentacles that they use to hook into others so that they can vampire your energy and while they are sucking on your life force, they read your weaknesses so that they know how to manipulate you. They also use these tentacles to “feel” into the future, so they make extremely accurate psychic readers but since they are serving Lucifer and the MATRIX, you are trading their ability to read your future for your own ability to create your future.

 There are various types of Andromedons:

 Andromedon Telepaths – They can read your mind and your weaknesses. Having a conversation with them can be extremely stimulating as they easily develop rapport with you and know exactly what to say to influence you for their benefit.

 Andromedon Empaths – They work the same way but on the emotional level. They send out a sweet loving energy to make you “feel” good but if you disagree with them, you will find yourself in an emotionally manipulative relationship where they send you the message, this relationship is “special” and “I will never find anyone else to love me like this person does.” This is not true but it is very seductive. By the way, Obama is an Andromedon Empath, which is what makes him such a powerful speaker. Dark Force he may be, but if you have read my blogs about him, he is still our best bet at this time as the alternatives are much worse.


Andromedon Sexopath – Yes these sexy people use their sexual appeal to bind you to them and then suck the life force from you in exchange for hot sex.

 There are many other types but these are the ones most closely related to the Andromedon High Command.

 The new “Dark Force Alien Identity Overlay MATRIX” is the next step in discerning the truth of your being and those of others. As I said in the newsletter, I am being guided to make this session available for others to learn and use but due to this latest attempt to distort my message, I will have to get more guidance on this. Until theneither call or email me to order your Soul Freedom Series directly from me.

 In closing, I want to say thank you to all of you who do bring to my attention these false websites that try to distort the true message of the Ashtar Command – Solar Star Command.

 Let me also say that becoming a channel is both a natural thing as well as a committed path where you are responsible for what you bring through and pass on to others. Channeling is a natural ability designed to be used for your own personal guidance as well as for the benefit of others if this is your calling. It takes some time to clear out your channel of MATRIX filters so that your channel is reliable. Don’t be so quick to put up a website and proclaim your messages until you have taken the time to prepare yourself and validate your sources and their reliability. If you don’t, then you fall into this category of false channels of which they are a dime a dozen and are doing more harm than good.


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  • This is nearly 3 yr ago so I don't remember everything that has happened. But as stated then and now, there is a lot of impersonation's going on. Shortly after this blog I found out about the  "VISITORS"  from ALLIES OF HUMANITY and that pretty much summons it up ( which I am still posting today). They can impersonate anyone exactly and perfectly, they fool everyone even myself many times. Put that together with all the many F.F. and we got great disappointments in the New Age movement. That is our greatest problem right now on this and many other sites. I don't know if you are Ashtar's daughter or not. I have no way of proving it but you may have to prove it by how you conduct yourself. L&L Adonai

  • Thanks Masteroflight, I like your comments they are always uplifting and positive. Also I went to the blog link. I am already a member now too of Starseed. But I don't like that they have to approve all the blogs. They didn't approve one of mine so I stopped going there much. But something strage is happening with the Pleidieans, I keep running into there work, especially the vids. And I like there work very much, I feel good with it in my heart center. I wrote about them in my book both good and not so good like the faked Pleidieans and Billy Myier.Sorry I didn't get to read much of that link but I am going to. I feel connected to them. Thanks ADONAI

  • Unklightworker, as comments go, that was a beautiful peace you wrote. I could not say it better. I am just trying to wake people up with what is really going on with all of this channelling. I do like channelling better normally because there is or should be no ego involved. The best channelling is from what is called the trance state and the full body channelling. Thats when a entity takes over a persons body for a short while and the person leaves and comes back when its all over. My last teacher before Jesus was MAFU a full body channeler. Sorry I couldn't get to all the other positive comments. I thank you all. Blessings Ta ADONAI

  • Remember folks I only wrote the intro not the blog. It was sent to me by newsletter. I am not taking sides on who is the real daughter. besides she claims that the new Ashtar that is on this site is the false one and so is the daughter. I don't take much heed in the two of them. The Ashtar image or person has changed many times in the last 30yrs that I have been following his reports. And this wk there is a new blog with his photo in B+W and they have touched it up by putting make-up on him to make him look much more female. So I don't know what is going on, except maybe we should be channelling our own higher selves. There's to much strangeness and fake identities out there for me to take any of this serious. I saw to many people clambering after lady athena's blogs without considering who she really is. Maybe all we have on this site and others are each other. So we should should be kind and not slander those who propose a new direction or way of thinking or perceiving this show that is going on. And yes this could be dis-info and so could many other blogs.. Adonai

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Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Yep indeed some ships do appear near underwater areas and these ships have the ability to travel underwater easily."
1 hour ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Yep indeed some ships do appear near underwater areas and these ships have the ability to travel underwater easily."
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Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
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