Cmdr. Sundeelia: What’s Next?


Cmdr. Sundeelia:  What’s Next?

What comes next on planet Earth is an excellent question, but one that will only be answered through the gradual outplaying of events that lay before us.

Since I am officially “retired” in your parlance – the truth is far different – my presence “here” has ample time to view the ‘news” via the Internet, on alternative sites, through the Reader on WordPress, and through my own observations, including feelings, as to what is currently going on in this swiftly transitioning world.  And consequently, write about my observations.  As with a channeled piece, take what resonates and leave the rest.

As the President of the United States (POTUS) Donald J. Trump is now the primary person upon which the world focus now resides, for good or ill.  A significant portion of the American populace doesn’t know quite what to make of Trump, especially if they still follow the mainstream media news reports, that is.  Others detest him outright, who, IMHO I will say that this particular fraction of Americans have been completely brainwashed and indoctrinated, and stripped of their ability for critical thinking and logic by a toxic combination of mind-numbing drugs, poor quality processed foods, excessive sugar, water poisoned by the nerve-agent fluoride, and sprayed like bugs through geoengineering.  Add in a toxic educational environment that is, in reality, designed to create mindless little robots who mouth the official story and you have a dangerously endangered and dumb-downed public.  Frankly, it is a wonder to me that any of you can survive at all and a reflection of the inherent toughness and adaptability of the human species present on Earth in these latter days.

Chaos has been sown on this Earth, this sacred blue-green planet, with the sole “evil” intent to control and dominate the existing human population.  In the relatively recently revealed plans of the global elite, it has been pointed out that there exists the intent of wiping out, yes, killing at least 90% of the population, leaving only the elite or rulers and their well-controlled slaves or servants.  The elite has told you their plans, blatantly, laying them out in plain sight, knowing that the distracted population would most likely miss the message, being too busy with their cellphones and other electronic toys to pay attention.  Yet there have been a brave few, patriots on behalf of ALL humanity, who have been willing to look, pay attention, learn and finally create a plan to foil, once and for all, the plans of the once hidden cabal, the real aliens among the indigenous human race.

We, of the Pleiades, and our allies of the Galactic Federation of Light, are aware of these plots and counterplots and so we look on with great interest to see in which direction the population will go.  Will they blindly follow their erstwhile masters, looking for free handouts on the way or will they remove themselves from the sheeple and strike a blow for freedom?  Our people, who have fought our own battles with the Enemy that you now face, hope it is the latter choice.

Striking a blow for freedom doesn’t always translate to mean one must literally fight in combat.  Acting as an agent of change can take on as many roles and paths as one can imagine.  Being a vegetable gardener in the midst of a deserted city can be to act as a rebel against the establishment that wishes to see people starve in the midst of plenty.

There is the need to question EVERYTHING that you have ever been taught.

I’ve never been attracted to politics, but I find myself watching reports about what is going on and doing some of my own research into the origins of the problems now plaguing the United States.  Since I live in the States, I know it best, so choose to use it as an example.  Basically, what people are now facing is a choice between low frequency and high-frequency ways of living.  I could label these two choices, just as easily as “good” and “evil”, but which one is evil and which one is good.  That depends on your point of view.  As an example, the so-called elite, who have singled themselves out from the rest of the people; consider their way the right way.  They believe that they have the God-given right of conquest over the rest of humanity if they are truly a part of humanity at all.  They believe that their “gods” will return and wrestle the control of the world from all others, leaving it in their hands for good and all.

That brilliant but deluded scenario will not play out this time.  For these “elite” as they regard themselves, above and better than others, are not of the generations of Man, but an scions or descendants, actually hybrids, of the remnants of a race that crash-landed on the Earth after the destruction of Marduk, and consequent stripping of Mar’s atmosphere, and being chased here by their enemies… the Pleiadians and other agents of the Light.

The elite, at least some of them, are the scions of the fallen “angels”, although they certainly were never angelic, but a race of beings known as the Belials who entered this quadrant of Creation through a portal near the constellation of Orion.  Immediately, they began to attack and conquer the worlds within the lower Orion star system, only halted by the higher frequency levels of Bejelium, which is still today remains free of all influence from the dark ones and their allies, the negative Reptilians.  Great Beings such as Metatron, Lord Orion, and Lord Melchezidek make their home still in this world that contains the highest frequency levels currently available within this Quadrant.

The heavens from which the Belials “fell” were the higher frequency worlds of the Sirius and Pleiadian star systems, as well as many others, who long fought the War in the Heavens, aided by Archangel Michael and His Blue Ray Legions.  As a consequence, besides their foothold on Rigel and the lower Orion worlds (including the Belt worlds), the Belials have been denied further access to Sirius and the Pleiades and any other enticing worlds out there.  Soon, this last remaining outpost on Earth will be lost to them, as well, as the planet undergoes her ascension back into the higher dimensions, from which she fell over 12,000 years ago due to the inroads of the Belials and the destruction of the great Sky Crystal.  The “fall” was a fall in frequency levels, from the sixth dimension to the fifth and finally to the third dimension.  And the Earth is one of the lowest vibrating planets still in existence in this Quadrant, but not for long.  The attention of all the lighted worlds of this Galaxy and many of those well beyond are now focused on this tiny planet at the edge of the Galaxy, as the Earth undertakes her birth into the frequency of the fifth dimension.

This rise in frequency levels will be gradual, but consistent, especially when the contrary ways of the erstwhile “elite” are ended once and for all.  The only way to succeed in this mission is to forcefully cut off all sources of funding that the elite has used to further their nefarious plans, which is to shut down the Central Banks, all over the world.  Since the majority of these banks are owned by one family, the Rothschilds, this will effectively limit their influence on governments in the future.  This is one avenue that POTUS Trump and his team of patriots is currently pursuing, to break the American Republic free of the octopus arms of the Federal Reserve.  As with most inventions of the cabal, the Central Bank was not designed for the good of the people, but a way to control, dominate and crash the economy of a country and bring its rulers and leaders to their knees whenever such a display of force was needed.  The cabal is very afraid that this is now taking place in America, as it has already taken place in a few other countries, namely Russia, Syria and Iceland.  And they can’t do anything about it but scream, threaten and bully in their own narcissistic way, primarily through their chosen organs of propaganda, the mainstream media news, and the controlled film industry.

In the words of Douglas Gabriel, it only takes a few people to create a Revolution.  Less than 5% of the colonists participated in the first American Revolution.  Most colonists wanted to remain within the control of Great Britain.  The patriots knew that the destruction of their individual freedoms as British citizens was slowly being eaten away and that an arrogant overseas government would naturally fail to understand the needs and wants of the long-distant colonists.  So, despite the pleas of their countrymen, neighbors and sometimes family members, the patriots struck out for an ideal of Freedom that had not previously been allowed to exist upon this planet, not for many generations since before the Fall of legendary Atlantis.

Today, the patriots are still few but their numbers are growing as the Internet connects like mind to like mind.  Minds that have formerly been closed off, perhaps frightened by the prospect of change are suddenly coming awake, on fire, to become enlightened by the Flame of Freedom, the Violet Fire that is the signature frequency of the incoming energies of the New World.  Their efforts which have failed in the past, even after the first American Revolution, are now supported by the incoming rush of Cosmic Rays as your planet trails its Sun through a new and higher frequency part of space.  We have seen the future and in it, the Light has won, but you now must allow events to play out, step by painful step.

This is truly a cyberwar that is taking place on your world—information against the control of information.  Information, as we have told you in the past, is Light.  To be informed is to be given the tools and knowledge in order to make wise decisions.  The wisdom part of the decision-making process is entirely up to you and your ability to tune into your own inner guidance.  If you are incapable of accessing this inherent wisdom, you may make unfortunate decisions.  When faced with a major potentially life-changing decision, it is wise to sit on it for a while and let the decision form itself within until the feeling that it is complete and feels “right”.  Then you can move forward.  A sense of ease will accompany any decision that has been carefully made.  Keep in mind that your decisions may, if reached in this manner, completely contradict everything that you’ve been ever taught, but it will emanate from your own inner Truth.

The Second American Revolution is actually more than an American revolution for it will affect the rest of the planet, the rest of the world’s population, with the effective goal to FOREVER free this planet from the control mechanisms placed upon it by an alien force.  This ultimate goal will be attained through the works of the patriots on the ground, the ground crew, aligned with the Light Alliance and the positive extraterrestrial forces of the Galactic Federation of Light.

People who have followed the teaching of the New Age often mistake or discount the necessity of doing a little dirty work before an individual can succeed in their goal of creating a beautiful and abundant life for themselves.  They may refuse to work on themselves, clearing their own karmic debris from their genetic lineage and their own individual incarnations.  They may insist that everyone follow the methods that they have found effective, thus denying others a free will choice to choose what works for them, which may be totally opposite to what is being sold.  They may speak out against the POTUS and his team, unwilling to look beyond the vivid ego of Trump to see how effectively he is acting as the spearhead of a movement.  This movement, designed by patriots, is expanding across the country, as more people realize that the vacuous promises given by socialist Zionists are paper promises, designed to con the people into continuing to give their power away to an ever-growing and invasive federal government.  Behind the false promises lies total dominion and control, the Orwellian nightmare of 1984, this has been, truly, the full intent of the global elite all along, minus that 90% of useless mouths…people who refuse to mindlessly obey and are killed for their resistance.  Few people realize that it was the plan of the corrupt secret government to round up and kill outright at least 25 million Americans.  That was the use intended for all those secret FEMA camps and piles of pre-made coffins.  All of that would have played out under the Clinton administration, under the orders of her global Zionist puppet-masters, the Rothschilds family, and their hidden masters, the 13 Black Families of Europe.

Make no mistake; you have all been given a reprieve by the election of Trump, whether or not you personally like the man.  Take the time to learn more about the Second American Revolution and decide to hold a little gratitude for an individual chosen by retired members of the American military to lead this country back into the Light, perhaps kicking and screaming, but onward and upward nevertheless.

In my own readings, I have been drawn to the works of Tyla and Douglas Gabriel, aka Betsy Ross and Thomas Paine, of American Intelligence Media.  I also value the reports from the SGT Report, X22 Report, Lionel, Anti-school, You Are Free TV and many other patriotic freedom-fighters who are currently fighting a battle against an attempt of full-scale censorship on the part of YouTube, Google, Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms.  This is a war of information.  The denial of information is a denial of the Light.  The ability to decide what you want to read or view should be a right for each citizen no matter what country they reside within.  Yes, that includes China and countries of the Middle East.

Freedom will come next upon this planet, but it will take a struggle and take unpredictable turns.  Be able to find YOUR center and place of calm within as the chaos swirls about you, whether energetically or as flying bodies.  Freedom needs to be earned.  It isn’t valued when it is handed to you on a plate.  We know this well for we had to fight for our freedom long ago in those legendary star wars that covered millions of years and tracked across the Galaxy from end to end.  Fight well, people of Earth, and we will fight alongside you.  The Flame of Freedom still burns on the High Altar of the Temple of Purification.  Let it burn, also, within your own individual hearts.


I AM Sundeelia VaCoupe, of the Starship The White Winds (aka Eliza Ayres)

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