Co-Creating Reality through the Mind of God
How do we begin to change the world into the perfect kingdom that we really want to live in? First of all, when we look at a situation such as the drastic Earthquakes that are allowing our poles to shift into the alignment needed for our continuous connection into the Mind of God, we must close our eyes and create the image or the picture of the situation being completely removed and re-created through the Mind of God. There is no situation on Earth that cannot be completely undone, redone, unmade and co-created in the new reality that the Mind of God in man can create. When we become the creators, we choose what happens and what doesn't happen in the world that we live in.
We can only do this when we raise our frequencies into the Cosmic Frequencies that align us into the Mind of God. These frequencies must become known, realized, understood and felt. They must become as familiar to our Consciousness as the picture of a cat in our minds eye. They must become consistent.
The more we dwell on the frequencies of the Cosmic Breath of Creation and focus as we breathe these frequencies over and over all day and all night, we can begin the process of manifesting the world that we want to live in.
This isn't going to happen by watching youtubes of tragedies or peace rallies. This will only happen when we close our eyes and paint a picture of a new reality. We heal others by seeing them as already healed and already in the image and likeness of the breathe of Source that created them. We heal situations such as the tragedies from the Earthquakes in the same manner.
We are not just talking about having good thoughts and thinking nice thoughts. We are talking about removing the mortal mind and turning on the frequency specific Mind of God that projects a movie from our mind exactly like a movie projector projects a movie onto a screen. That movie that is projected is exactly what we create on our frontal lobe before we breathe it onto the movie screen of Secondary Consciousness.
I see a new world. I see a new spring with brand new baby birds, flowers on all of the trees, streams running clearly, a brand new atmosphere full of Divine Love, a brand new mind completely emptied of fear, guilt, lust, war, reactions and judgement. I see a grand new mind that can co-create through the mind of God instantly. I see a brand new world within a new chemical structure producing fresh air, fresh water as a result of the technology that has always been ours. I see a brand new world where there are thousands of crystal body merkaba space ships landing all over Japan healing people by the thousands. I see a brand new world where beings are taken into space ships through a torsion field that transmutes them into pure light and creates within them an immortal body that is placed on the Earth. I see a brand new world where all know how to heal themselves instantly. I see a brand new world where everyone knows how to become an orb and travel through the stargates to all universal systems. I see a world where we all manifest together as star seeds who live on the new star Mother Earth and watch her become the Terra that she was 50,000 years ago and watch her become the Gaia she was millions of years ago, and watch her become the original star that she was before she was blown out of the Aquarius System as we open all twelve of our stargates and travel into all of the star systems.
It is very easy for me to see this reality because this reality is already with my Future Self and it is already with Mother Earth's Future Self. And the good news that might seem a little hard to believe during the process of the pain that is needed to force people to begin to see the reality that will only become real when everyone chooses to stop allowing someone else to create the world that they live in and to start creating their own world through the Mind of God is this:
It is Finished!!! When we all decide that it is Finished. When we all decide that the man made world of illusions that we create in our mortal brains is not the world we want to live in it will be finished. When it is finished we get to start manifesting anything that we want to place in our reality field. We can create new flowers, new sunsets, stars that twinkle in our hands. We can be as wealthy as a great land owner, drift on a yacht or ride on a star. This will be true very soon. As soon as all agree that it is finished!!!
Simple principles of Understanding that must be changed in our New World.
1. We are not physical - We are Spiritual.
2. We have a physical body that is governed and operated by the Mind of God. It will no longer be operated by the mortal brain.
3. We have a physical structure and a light body which becomes a crystal body that can dislove into a Golden Egg and disappear into other dimensions.
4. We are no longer destined to live only in this hertzian frequency of third dimensional density. We can raise our frequencies into infra red, ultra violet blue and disappear into the plasma dust fields of gamma waves.
5. We were created from the Breath of Source through an idea placed in Primary Consciousness and revealed into expression as Secondary Consciousness.
6. We were created from ideas of a Gold Light, Blue Light and Violet Light. These sparks of light were breathed into the Sounds of our Angelic Consciousness on the Cosmic Realms of the 15th Blue flame, 14th Gold Flame and the 13th Violet Flame. While we are eternally connected to these original breaths of creation, we can always return to and co-create new ideas through and with the Mind of God as we re-connect into these waves of creation.
Our Violet Flame family of Dolphins and Whales are now connecting with our Consciousness as they weave their frequencies into our DNA to evolve us into our new forms of multi dimensionality.
We are re-connecting to all that we originally were. We originally were created as this idea in the violet flame 950 billion years ago. The essence of this perfect self has been maintained deep within the etheric realms of the heart of Mother Earth. Our dolphin families have waited 950 billion years for our consciousness to be remembered into theirs. We have had many Light Councils assist with this re-alignment, including the Crystalai Council who aligns throught into the Music of the Spheres, the tone of home leading us back to the etheric streams of light that are woven into our heads through the mind of God centre and the mid brain system. Our Aquafarian families are blue crystal sixth dimensional entities who hold and contain all that we were as the Breath of Source in their aqua blue crystal bodies. They are the entities that we return to at the Soul Level.
We can recapture these frequencies and consciousness and weave them back into our cellular structure. This is what causes us to shift into our Crystal Bodies and to travel in our Merkaba bodies.
Good Article ! Like it..