
By Stephen Cook – December 26, 2013

Source: Golden Age of Gaia http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/12/comet-ison-closest-to-earth-now-mother-mary-linda-dillon-christmas-lights-and-more/

Comet ISON is providing a unique energetic potential to humanity over this festive season and the next remaining  few days of 2013, according to Mother Mary (or the Divine Mother as she is also known).

Right now, this intriguing and much talked-about comet is beginning its closest pass to Earth, as it makes its way through the heavens above (and possibly below) between Christmas night (December 25)  and December 28, depending on where we each live.

According to what Mother Mary told Linda Dillon: “It’s marking a shift, an energetic download of shift where love is being reborn”.

Mother Mary gave Linda Dillon a bit of a startle when she woke her at 4am last Saturday morning,  just before she talked to me on Lift Your Spirit: December 21, One Year On…What Now? last Saturday. I asked Linda about the comet and its role over this week.

Stephen Cook: “Linda, what are your thoughts on comet ISON and it’s relevance to what may or may not be going down. Because it literally comes closest to us, from what I understand and what I still believe, basically Christmas Day, Boxing Day and the day after.”

Linda Dillon: “Now, if you’d asked me this question months ago, I would have had one answer. If you’d asked it of me a few days ago, I would have had another answer.

“But I’ve been having some very interesting conversations – as early as 4:00 this morning when I woke up and was talking with Mother Mary.

“And she was reminding me and telling me  – and therefore telling all of us, because I’m just the conduit – that as much as the higher realms… shall we say, don’t necessarily adhere to dates and timelines that, in fact, on Christmas – and this Christmas, which is now – is that she is once again birthing and bringing to Earth, Love.

“And she did in fact: Two thousand years ago with the birth of Yeshua,  because that was the embodiment of divine love.

“And she is doing so, as she tells us, again this year. And that, of course, has been the forerunner of the gifts of clarity and purity and it’s the birth and rebirth of love.

“And I see that connection with the Comet ISON – which I do not tend to connect comets passing by and giving them monumental import, like the grand cross or the eclipses or what-have-you. They’re energetic? Yes. Do they affect us? Absolutely. Solar flares do, too.

“But I believe this is actually marking…it’s like, again, the discovery and the arrival of the Blue Star. It’s marking a shift, an energetic download of shift where love is being reborn.

“So it IS electromagnetically affecting us in terms of the download.

“It’s coming close enough that it’s interfering with our regular, what we have thought of as our electromagnetic grid, so that impulse (of love) can just come flying at us.”

White Tara, who speaks through channeller Jose Sanchez, talked about Comet ISON this week in her December 23, 2013 message:

“The many new energies and the new light infusing and surrounding you like a golden, silver light is quite beautiful to watch. ISON awakened the new codes within your sun and now those energies are activating the new codes within your DNA.

“Yes many see and saw what they needed to see and out of fear witnessed the ship ISON disappear and apparently disintegrate and for those awakened enough and with the eyes to see, see it and feel it as it approaches and comes closer to your dear planet.

“It carries within it the energies of the new light and the new Earth now fully manifested which is now bringing you closer to your exalted existence. You are to be divine, you are to know the divine and you are to manifest the divine fully in your day to day existence.

“ISON also carries the new reality that will allow and lead to disclosure of life in other planets and that you are not alone.

“For those of you who now know and believe of extraterrestrial life it will pleasantly bring you closer to them and for those in fear it will help awaken their hearts so that they may be ready to accept the truth with courage and peace in their hearts.

Interestingly, before it went quiet on Comet ISON – after initially alleging the comet had disintegrated; even though its own images, such as the one above, clearly showed the comet DID make its way around the sun and continued on its important journey – NASA admitted:

“What remains of Comet ISON appears to brighten and spread out, then fade. The disappearance of a strong central brightness condensation after perihelion is telling, the comet is clearly fainter and more diffuse going out than going in, but it continues to shine”.



“I saw these at 8:30 am on Dec. 25th,” says photographer John Dean of Nome, Alaska. “They were the first Christmas auroras I have ever seen.”


Separately, there is even more going on in our skies during this week. In its post today entitled Christmas Lights, Space Weather reported that:

“Skies above the Arctic Circle turned green on Dec. 25th when the interplanetary magnetic (IMF) field near Earth turned south. This opened a crack in our planet’s magnetosphere. Solar wind poured in and fueled a display of Northern Lights:

“‘I saw these at 8:30 am on Dec. 25th,’ says photographer John Dean of Nome, Alaska. ‘They were the first Christmas auroras I have ever seen’.

“The day after Christmas could be good, too. A solar wind stream is expected to brush past Earth’s magnetic field on Dec. 26th, prompting NOAA to estimate a 35% chance of polar geomagnetic storms. High-latitude sky watchers should remain alert for auroras.”

So, with Comet ISON bathing us in its special cosmic energy as it sweeps as close as it will ever get to us, plus the beauty of the “Christmas Lights’, we have much to “feel” forward to from the heavens above over the coming days.

Meanwhile, according to Tony Darnel, the creator of Deep Astronomy, on January 17, 2014, instead of Comet ISON simply passing by us, as it is now, Earth will cross through Comet ISON’s inbound path.

“Maybe, just maybe, there will be a nice little meteor shower somewhere in the middle of January 2014, from the particles left behind when ISON flew through before,” he says.

My feeling is, just as Mother Mary says, that we are already experiencing something much less visible and far more life-changing.

So I suggest we simply enjoy the ‘impulse of love” she speaks of, as it now comes “flying at us”. And keep our hearts and minds firmly focussed on this intriguing intergalactic love infuser.


Footnotes and Links:

Christmas Lights, December 26, 2013-  http://spaceweather.com/

White Tara as channeled by Jose Sanches – http://absoluteradiance.wordpress.com/2013/12/23/white-tara-on-ison-and-portals-of-love/

NASA excerpt – http://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/nasa-begins-search-for-what-is-left-of-comet-ison/

Tony Darnel quote – http://www.fallofathousandsuns.com/path-of-comet-ison.html


Lift Your Spirit: December 21 – One Year On…What Now? Listen today or at any time: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/inlight_radio/2013/12/21/lift-your-spirit-december-21–one-year-onwhat-now Thanks to Janie for the doing the transcript.


Source: Golden Age of Gaia http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/12/comet-ison-closest-to-earth-now-mother-mary-linda-dillon-christmas-lights-and-more/

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  • Oh...you may read it by selection of the area by mouse.
  • Sorry Seban but there's nothing below as you can see and when I went to the link, I found nothing in English that I could read. The only thing that has been posted today was from Salusa and I don't like to read his stuff, its always the same for the last 3 or 4 years. I think he is a computer an A.I.. But I read this one as there is noting else to read,its awful quiet out there now and its the same old stuff. He doesn't even mention why nothing has happened. He did this exact same thing last yr. I think people are quiet cause they are hoping and praying something will happen, so your right in that respect, that we must give them more time. But when they say, Maybe, just Maybe, we might see a little something from the tail in mid Jan.. Well to me, its a cop out from what they said earlier. Last year they did the same until myself and others attacked them for not keeping there promise and they basically said it was our fault that we were not ready, so there you have it.

     But I will keep my peace for a little while, until I am sure that we have been had yet once again by the Visitors. Then I will call them again on all the stuff that was supposed to happen. For now I am the laughing stock of town and that ain't funny. For I have working for over a decade to prepare them for Disclosure and Contact. I even wrote a 416 pg. E- Book on this. I have put in many thousands of hours for this "Event" and where is it? I am getting pissed off. Adonai

  • Dear rev.joshua, please refer to the following new update for the Ison.




    The following was from google translated from Japanese language, but you may be understand the whole meaning. The Ison was from Andromeda and now in the earth track. In terms of the Source Willingness for the highest goodness, the 3D people is not yet monitoring it cause 3D can be easily composed by Holographic Illusion. That is my understand from also google translated to the korean, LOL. Seban.



    FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 2013
    27.12.2013 A message from the creator AE: ISON
    December 27, 2013 Aeson information from the Creator AE
    Channeler: S-Aeko / Mori-jo Saeko (multi-dimensional language)
    Multidimensional language translation: Nana
    A message from the creator AE: ISON
    Channeler: Saeko Morishiro (Multidimensional Language) Translator: Nana
    27 Dec. 2013

    Some people are, you know that the are you to have a great sense of tension, to try to wake the panic everyone, and also to look forward, but as I said many times, I fire the sun, such as burn out information to say rather, since I are emitting rays, Aeson was said and comets, and disappeared is broken down in the heat of the sun, not the truth, Aeson I cosmic mother ship that was coming from Andromeda.

    In addition, for this universe Aeson mother ship, as I said many times, because it is ever-changing, there seems to be a commotion on the ground "is gone!" And "! Appeared". However, it is not to say that from what we have done to understand the Gaia consciousness and human consciousness, fed to the solar system of the universe mother ship Aeson is, etc., disappeared, and are in the range of the earth already in practice It's such that.

    In order to carry out the best and the realization of the light of our love, and contact of you with us, the support of the maximum towards the transformation and ascension waiting your way, go to to understand the all from is that there are, if not be apparent apparently, is what and how even going to happen, a special energy to strengthen confidence in yourself and heaven and Creator in peace, Aeson supplies Please wait to be prepared to ride the wave of the light.

    The good thing is all, all is perfect.

    Further details, for the content or date and time, not revealing in the same way as gifts for children, let's take the time to become may be looking at the contents of socks fun.

    I would like just to overlap, the three-dimensional world is a holographic, rather than an apparent street, so as not to forget the "that good", and that the progress, growth, and blessing only not actually exist please.

    That's because your mind of God source.

    Forward to reunion! Yahho! Please wait.

    To the extent that is given to a man with a dream of a lot, to one in which light, We are armed with a lot of love and plentiful.

    I love you a lot better.

    Translator: Nana Usami

  • Dear Drek, if you have any strong proof or communication with the righteous GFL, please share your channeling communication with us. Prior to your claims definitely on the misinfo surrounding the Ison, you should first declare why many kind of the channeling messages were misinformed from many Ascended Masters, even Mother Mary. Can you provide us with any righteous communication message from GFL? If you can post your own channeling messages on the Ison is just a comet then, I will take another credible option on your side and weigh two part "evenly." You did not provide any formal contradictory messages on the so-called misinfo. I just understood your comments were simply just from your own "private viewpoint" with 3D dimensional limited concept, not any formal contact with the multidimensional GFL or Ascended Masters directly. So, we cannot conjecture or even judge it with just our 3D concept. That is the basic prerequisite one when dealing and discerning with the channeling messages. 

    BTW, the only side like you seem to be the AH site. That site has been quitely calmed since several misfires of Stasis. Recently, they announced several target message of the Ison as natural comet, in the name of CMAton. But, I don't absolutely believe their stories. The story was not from CMAton. If then the recent Hatonn, aka Soltec message should be viewd as a faked one.  But, I strongly believe the majority part from many kinds of channeling messages. 

  • In Korea, I am also harassed with few members with no remarkable show on the sky. LOL. Dear rev.joshua, your word is well representing on the current atmosphere of disappointment. But, I think still not at this time with absolutely making a decision waning to the disappointment. We should have more flexibly waiting time for the feast event of the sky or our upgrade of collective consciousness and/or DNAs. At least the early January of 2014.


    Dear Drekx, as I previously mentioned, I did not have any opposition on your claim of the possibility, but I recently have posted several messages of the channelings or from religious prophecy parts, although a few other part claimed that the Ison was from even reptilians or Illuminaties. So many conspiracies were prevailed on the Ison. LOL. Anyway, I know the cloaking of myriad spaceships already on the earth from GFL, but this logic of your comment seems to be "not the correct" reason for why the Ison should be just natural comet. Cause I think the Ison was fulfilled or am fulfilling the missions from the eons of time from the intention of our SOURCE. That is my belief or hope!  Everyone, anyway Happy New Year! Seban.

  • Seban,if you were here last year as we prepared for the great Event a year before and nothing happened at least in the physical 3D arena and now the same seems to be happening again. We know who we are and that we are changing along with the Earth and Great Changes are upon us. But people don't see them, for they are blinded by the Fear base info of the MSM. What they need and we need because we must live amongst them, is 3d Proof," A sign in the Sky" With out this Spark they will not listen to us or what we have to teach them,indeed. Sorry to say that it is this way.

    But unless something happens soon, I and many others will soon think that we have been had yet once again. If you cry Wolf to many times, when the wolf does arrive they will not believe and thats a shame for we have to live with these unawakened sheeples, who have no idea of what is really going on, for they are so controlled that they don't even know that they are controlled, Amen,L&L, Adonai

  • So do I! But, we should have one strand of a ceaseless hope for the Event! We've looked many circumstantial evidences, unlike the DC event as you previously disappointed. As I analyzed on the Youtube since few months, many people already received the Lord or Jesus messages for the Event or Rapture or 3DD. Also, the several biblical prophecies were proved to conincident with the advent and path of the Ison.

  • From what I gather from this blog, is that nothing will be seen to the average person except in the extreme polls and that could be explained away by the MSM. And even more so in the after effect of small meteorite showers that was also expected to give a good show is now downplayed to a ''maybe a small show" .And again nothing about the grand show of mother ships and UFO's that was supposed to happen to bring in Disclosure and Contact, Just a new reality that somehow will bring Disclosure. I am so far disappointed in all of this, its beginning to sound like last year ,when nothing happened. The Love thing is very Nice, but we need to have visible Proof to Show people, all those none believers out there, who need a "sign in the Sky's" and if we don't get it , it will just leave us hanging again. And I went out putting up posters all over town here and even used my Mega phone to announce this "Sign in the Sky" was coming. I will be laughed out of town. Fool me once Shame on you, Fool me Twice ,Shame on me". I will wait a while before I write my blog on this to see what happens, if anything, my faith is waning , but still there,indeed. Adonai 

  • Although we could not obviously see the reborn of the Ison at the Christmas day, a series of channeling messages still claim the reviving of the Ison. So, we should be patient on the manifestation of Her in more few days! Seban.

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