To all my Brothers and Sisters. In the past year I have been on a spiritual downward spiral. I felt as though I had lost my connection to my home planet, and to my chosen spiritual path.I had no idea why this was happening to me, it was so hard to keep my focus on anything, it still is hard but its getting better. I had lost contact with my guides, particularly with the Goddess Isis who I had been working with and channeling for 2 years prior to this downward spiral. I felt lost and confused, and alone. I really felt like know one knew what I was going through, unfortunately you can't take time off work for a spiritual crisis. So anyway I was working 3rd shift at this factory and one night I just had the realization that I was not supposed to be there I have others things that are more important than making parts for trucks. At that moment when I acknowledged to myself that there is a greater purpose for me it was like a spiritual whiplash and all my connections came rushing back to me. Later that week I lost my job, the universe works in mysterious ways. Honestly I was not worried or concerned I some how knew that everything was going to be OK. I am lucky enough to have a very supportive wife who is also a starseed we talked and she told me that if I was not happy that I needed to do something about it. So I did and I am starting school in January I am getting my Bachelors degree in psychology through an online school. After I get my bachelors degree we are moving to California so I can get my Doctorate degree in Transpersonal Psychology. I had never heard of transpersonal psychology before, I just happened to come across it while I was looking at schools. Now I have something that seems like it fits me well, Transpersonal Psychology is the combination of Psychology and Spirituality. I am now seeing the word transpersonal everywhere, I take that as a sign that I am once again on the right path. So I was wondering if any one else has experienced this kind of downward spiral, and if you have what happened to you what did you take away from the experience, and why do you think it happened. I am just curious if it is just me or if everyone goes through this, and if there are any common themes with these downward spirals. Thank you and Blessed Be. Love and Light.