Greetings dearest brothers and sisters! I AM Commander Ashira of Neptune, I am your friend and ally. I come today to salute and greet you, to congratulate you ~ because as our boots on the ground, you are demonstrating enormous perseverance and diligence. These are challenging times, changing and transitioning to a new paradigm can be quite difficult to traverse. But what we are observing, dearest hearts, it is that you are so willing to go down into the trenches and do the physical, do the energetic work, and so much more for the human collective, your brothers and sisters, and for so many others. And yes, the cleansing and removal of the old shackles of disempowerment are absolutely necessary so the new has some space in which to operate, but there is still this belief that you have to do it alone and all by yourselves. And I am here to assist thee and to help you to remove these beliefs, for this is not your true mission. It is not quite the way it was designed, that you work so hard ~ because this is what you are doing, you are feeling and believing that you need to do it all immediately, and then you find yourselves depleted and low. The way we are suggesting ~ and of course we are giving thee our examples, our teachings, and our cooperation and assistance ~ is so that you can hold the space and stay present in every moment.
And it doesn’t matter if you hold the space for your children and home, for your entire town, your country, or for an entire galaxy, your Presence is what matters. Your energetic, peaceful presence, and the love that you emanate is what assists others and clears the air more than anything else you might be doing. And yes, at times you speak to ~ heart speak ~ or embrace your soul family physically, or mentally and energetically, but what means the world to your fellow brothers and sisters is that you Are There for them. You are being Present and you are giving them a tremendous gift by truly listening ~ deeply and compassionately ~ while at the same time you acknowledge their existence, their path. So you might give a heart felt suggestion, you might send healing light to clear the space, you might even do some work for them, but dear hearts, it always, always has to be with them, with their knowing and with their equal cooperation. You are not required to do anyone's work, and yes, there is fine line between lovingly helping other souls through their challenges and hardships, allowing them to learn their lessons and expanding their consciousness by taking full responsibility for their own lives, and actually doing it for them. Just because you can do it doesn’t mean that another one can’t. Be there and love them, encourage them and cheer them on their way but always and always keep your eyes open and follow your straight path and dream. Everyone has the capability and soul desire to evolve, everyone is loved and guided, protected and encouraged by their mighty unseen guardians and heavenly family ~ there are no exceptions.
Just as you see us lovingly tending to those of you that are calling on us, working with you and assisting you, in the same way allow others to come to thee and extend your heart and wisdom to them without crossing the boundaries and taking unnecessary burdens on your sweet selves. When you hold yourselves in high energy and integrity, you help others to raise their energy so that they can see for themselves and follow their own path. When you clear your own path you clear the space for many, and this is the true work that needs to be done.
Please turn within and find us ready to light your way and to assist thee so you yourselves can forge forward on your own paths. We need you to stay strong and mighty, we need you to pave the new way to anchor those beautiful Cities of Light!
I am closing this message but know that we are only a thought away from you! You are so very much loved!
A nice soft, furry message. The writer, stroking a pet as she imagines and muses, which words of cuddly comfort, would best architecture tranquility in her resonant readers. HOWEVER, always remember that these boards are monitored by those who do not need comforting, for cuddles sake and would rather read truth, for TRUTH'S SAKE......
Which galaxies, name them using English, or a cosmic language such as Lyran...If outer galaxies, from who's perspective...? Ashira or the Milky Way...? If "unified forces," are we to be kept in the dark as to their purpose and qualities, apart from naming a ship 'neptune,' one of this system's planets, presumably not Ashira [almost Ashtar.]
United States of America>>a political status and continental geography.
Galactic Federation of Light>>a political, cosmic & spiritual status, within the Milky Way galaxy.
The Outer Hebrides>>a geographical grouping, among 500 small islands, off the NW coast of Scotland [politically UK.]
I could use further examples, but I'm sure you will see the illogic surrounding Ashira's something about something from someplace, somewhere, out there somewhere, or somesuch somethink, or mebe nothing>>>:)