
LT said:

"Hi Commander, Since we have all of this great communication going on, I want to thank you and our Star Brothers and Sisters who are working so selflessly and efficiently for the good of all! I honor you and love you all deeply. I can hardly wait for the day that I can hug you and show you the sincerity in my eyes and heart. Have you seen the thread "Dutchsinse 5/24/2011, Dozens of tornadoes…" I have not looked yet today. I spent a lot of time checking things having to do with haarp. People have sent me a lot of info from all side of the issue. I wanted your opinion, if you don’t mind. I have this gut feeling that they may be using it for some things, but they are also using it to help with things in some ways, and to keep their communications up through anything. It is the same feeling as when we were discussing the Gulf and the chemtrails and upper atmospheric grid and all last year. Any info you can add to help us have more understanding, so we can concentrate our energetic efforts the right way? Thank you so much! Love Always, LadyT"




Drekx response:

Hi LadyT, I’ll pass on your very kind compliments to my contacts…It was also nice of you to make such sweet comments about me, which are truly appreciated.. Thankyou, dear friend…..   :-)

About HAARP, yes there is much confusion surrounding the times when it is deployed and those natural Earth changes which sometimes are assumed to be HAARP related…The dark enjoy this confusion and fear generated by the uncertainty…and thus, attempts must be made by people not to play their game of fear. The planet is changing anyway, as the tectonic plates reconfigure to allow a new geographical topography. HAARP can only create earthquakes that are primed to happen anyway. It cannot realistically harm areas outside earthquake zones and tropical regions…
It has been used to put pressure on nations that the Anglo-Amerikan Cabal want to force into obedience. For example, those nations that sometimes swim against the tide of the dark’s plans for global domination. Which are now on the wane, anyway.

In the past, countries such as Chile, China, Iran, Pakistan, Japan, Haiti and Afganistan have all been subject to HAARP attacks….All for geo-political reasons.
The recent disaster in Japan had nothing to do with HAARP and everything to do with the raising of the Pacific landmass…a natural process, who’s effects were greatly contained by the GFL…yet still a problem, nevertheless.

HAARP is also used to create delays to Federation projects that relate to the higher atmospheric layers…I’ll place some background to the technologies:

Located in Alaska, HAARP is a microwave beam transmitter station that bounces a billion-watts of power off the ionosphere, reflecting it back to Earth at a specific angle of incidence, to create a piezo-electric effect in the Earth’s crust, which can cause Earthquakes, when the target location lies on a tectonic fault…such as in parts of Japan, Chile, China, Haiti, etc…

It is used for poltical purposes, to force "co-operation" from governments who may be seen as unreliable to the plans of the NWO elites….

The plasma effect is usually witnessed prior to the ground tremours and certain frequencies of ionisation colours, including blues and reds, have been reported…

HAARP can also be used to supplement the energies of a storm, turning it into a hurricane….the effect of microwave on water droplets…

Sometimes the Divine Plan is confused with the shanagins of the Illuminati, especially when esoteric facts are overlooked and all "strange happenings" are considered to be "nefarious HAARP skullduggery," or weather control by the dark forces. In truth, these particular events are benign and desperately needed to protect the planetary life and continuance.

These changes are necessary for several reasons, one of which relates to the preparatory energies of the NEW FIRMAMENTS, which have to be anchored, using the aetheric technologies of our Agarthan friends…

The Ice Firmaments are described most succinctly by Sheldan Nidle in an official GFL message of May 2006, extracted as follows:


"As just noted, Mother Earth is a living entity supporting a vast regime of eco-systems. When the two layers of firmament once more surround the planet, the many environments of your world can begin to change. The deserts transform into broad savannas and the jungles into dense forests in which both temperate and more traditional tropical varieties of trees and shrubs flourish. The previous temperate and sub-tropical habitats will start to merge. Over time, the former tropics will become part of this renewed flora. The ice caps of the Arctic will melt, turning that land into a place of exquisite vistas where sweeping grasslands give way to forests and the sea. Once Mother Earth is enveloped by her newly raised firmaments, these can act much as the former Arctic and Antarctic to regulate the temperature of her outer surface, thus greatly balancing the current extremes of pole and equator." end quote.

Paragraph quote sourced from:


Note that these vast spherical ice sheets are held in place gravitationally, using crystal temples around the planet. Obviously, such temples have not been built yet, albeit the preparatory seeding work has commenced in the atmospheric levels at which the projected ice sheets are to be manifested.

Note that the prime anchors for the two firmaments are now in place and have been since early 2006. This bizarre condition is completely necessary preparation work for re-ordering the atmosphere’s multiple layers and has produced a global weather pattern situation that confuses those scientists who specialise in meterology, along with many other associated fields..

Please MAKE SPECIAL NOTE of the atmospheric altitudes where the rapidly manifesting Firmament layers are located.
And compare these locations to where the NORMAL jet stream is, in comparison…

Note that the layering of the Firmament anchors points are located at 16,000 feet above the surface and the second is 35,000 feet above the planetary surface. Naturally this will effect the jet stream…which, as mention in the article above, is placed at similar altitudes to where the outer layer is planned to be situated…

Note that both Firmaments have been destroyed and re-constructed in Atlantean times and the last destruction has not been rectified till this epoch we are now entering. So Earth has been placed without appropriate firmament protection since before recorded history and the rise of Sumeria….

The Agarthans are very determined to aid in this new re-construction project, long overdue…Hope this explains….




LT said

"Wow! That was a huge amount of information. Thank you so much!
So, haarp is not used for any good, like keeping up communications or reducing storms?
We need to be clear, to focus the right way with what is happening.
I believe we have the capability to either help with what needs to be created, and to help lessen storm effects and harm,
or work to lessen malicious effects if that is what they are doing. I want to know how to work with it or against its ability to hurt people and the Earth. Too many people just want to be hateful and angry and keep letting that grow into doing something to actually damage the equipment…and we know how that scenario would end up. That is my underlaying worry.
Do you have a way of turning malicious acts with something of this magnitude into using the energy from it towards things you are doing to help? This would make the most sense to me, and would frustrate the heck out of those with ill intentions. Is this part of what the Agarthans are wanting to do? How can we help? Love to You! LadyT"




Drekx response:

LadyT, HAARP vibrationally stresses the ionosphere and does not aid humanity, nor the earth, in any way….It weakens the integrity of the atmosphere, creating holes in it..
The PTB that sanction HAARP can only exacerbate storms, using microwave on water droplets, creating more violence…this is neither in aid of planetary transformation, nor in aid of the biosphere…and is done for selfish reasons only…Anyone who is telling you that HAARP is helpful to mankind, is either deluded or deliberately covering up…Agarthan technology will aid in the natural transformation of earth, because it is based on the lifeforce principle…not destructive entropy.

HAARP is, in itself, just a technology, so neutral, but we must have a change of policy with regards to it’s use…we need regime change in Amerika…


Selamat gajun akanowai dajoie….!!


Drekx Omega, Cmdr, GFL Ground Crew (Eastern England Sector)





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  • divine intervention as many are saying has been decreed NOW, this action taken will help us all, the weapons of the controlers  are too great for the human masses alone. we are not alone on this, t.p.t.b.  am sure are aware of this as fact.  proof ==all we have to look at for example is nasa soho and all the HUGE objects orbiting the sun and still going on today, nasa has been trying to censor the scope by putting sqaure black dots to hide what is seen. i feel a lot is going on behind the scenes. maybe mankind will be free soon, with finaliy told the truth of all of our history to present time and become mentored on how to behalf for our own good, and all concerned, and be welcomed into the galactic neigborhoods, maybe we are ready to grow up into a galactic human as it has been written about by many.

    bless you all

  • Hi drekx,

    I agree with you; We need regime change in Amerika to free humanity from the prison grid being strengthened.

    There's a real problem though, when people drool over government leaders instead of putting this blind trust in God. I refer to the Ziopuppet in Chief specifically. I made this comment on another thread and was immediately erased. Imagine that? :) Personal attacks being deleted is understandable, but to censure truth here at A.C. is sad.

    Timeless love and light...

  • and yes we must raise hell about this as a whole collective

    oops, I meant about awareness
  • I'd assume the people behind the controls of harp technology aren't all their, (in the head), I do not see them as somehow in any way sane, and able to reasonably understand what they are truly doing, I'd assume their are plans, and yes we must raise hell about this as a whole collective

    anyhow, are GFL or other able to monitor the level of "awakening" or consciousness etc in humanity? something strange like that? I think it was mentioned their is technology now that can actually do this somehow that scientists here on earth have brought about?

    another strange thought, counter harp technology, a kind of counter effect of a method, yes I have absolutely no clue how such could be done. though if existed than I'd assume we won't know about it publicly for some time, as I understand why that would be
  • This is said by iliuka, HAARPS

    Q: The great floods in Pakistan, some has put forward a theory that this is a techtonic movement of plate, in connection with coming predicted incidents...

    Ili: It is HAARPS

    Q: Is it HAARPS???

    ili: So it is. The techtonical movements comes later when Istanbul falling.



    Q: Was it HAARP which caused the quake in Japan?

    ili: Its not total correct. See, it can be said; If you looking out to the great galactic inspiration, humanity are now deprived of its dispotions for Earth. Its now, like it is said, the great intergalactic councils that rules. What humanity do can affect the weather. However, it is the Universe  which rules now.


    Q: Illuminati - the aristhocraty in Europe, USA, are they the 10 lost tribes of Israel?

    ili: You can say so, correct.

    Q: So it become illuminati?

    ili: Correct, correct. Much of its power is lost, for this reason there are power that is constructed. Its so, and influenced thrue what humanity collected, however it can not become a victory.

    Q: No, so they loose the power over this HAARP-antenna?

    ili: Correct.

    Q: Did they use HAARP in Japan?

    ili: They do. However, there are other influences now, like we speak, dismissals is compleate now. Its the intergalactic councils which rules now.

    Q: Then HAARP are now partly rended harmless?

    ili: Correct.   (160311)

  • Hi Drome,

    Yes that frequency is a good one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nm4f3U1i_k0




    Think of your planet as a small blue bubble in a VAST COSMOS....it is fragile, so please treat it with some respect..currently, you only have one world to live on, so count your blessings and don't abuse them...



  • oh chill music Drekx...

    .. but it should be on 432Hz.

    Better for the Heart and for Earth. (see discussion I posted)

  • Piezo-Electric yes. :)

    But Electro is also fine, I understand you Drekx. :)


    Nice one Hedoknight, if now all people on the planet say the same...

  • World Governments: You are on notice. I want my planet back. I never chose what you are doing. I have sovereign rights here and I retract your authority to do what you are doing to my planet and to our species and to all life here. You are fired. I choose those who embrace life, preserve it, live it, and bear humility in their intelligent care of that which is our existence.
This reply was deleted.

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