Greetings : I am Commander Jai and i am the Commander of my own ship, destiny and light path. and you should be one to:-)
How many failed trips and prediction from unclear, ego based channels it will take untill you you realise you could be doing it yourself, you are truly ready and can really handle such an experience?
The starpeople will not come one day..they are already here ..since the beginning since they were the ones who seeded this world and you are one of their offsprings..
You can see then flying around now and they have beeing doing since "bible time", Vedas time, Koran times, Judaism time,Japan, China, Mayan, Aztecs,Pacif Islands,all the native people around the world have the records and it is common knoweledge to then.
they live just as on the ships flying around as much as they live amongst us "disguised" as can see on their eyes and by the energy they emanate when they are around you just "know"...
Why havent you met anyone one or have gone on a trip somewhere? is because it will only happen when you are truly ready and not when you think you are or just "hope"..a clear intention, a pure heart and a present mind is required for such a thing to happen..there is no need for sending in your bank details, emails and name , put your children on child care..those are things that the cabal wants you to do and keep you attached on this 3D and further away from the true experience, wich is heart based , not Ego/mind based.
The cabal also infiltrate some channels, either throught phisical or spiritual possession if they are weak enough as it seens to be the case with some of then ..a true reliable channel will never give you dates, saying that it will happen if they thenselves dont know if it really will..and thats why they fail all the time, because it comes from EGO, not heart or true guidance.. they should stick to the sweet words and messages planting the seeds ..
I can give you my PREDICTION:things are already changing and you can just look around and you will see: Earth Changes, disclosure happening country by country , either about the real truth about governments, corruption and their fake leaderprophets who promisse "change", but it happens for the worst, and not good(Obama anyone?)
No matter what some leaders say,it his action and true work that will be on the records and thats where you should look at it..most of world governments and their" tools " are there to keep you controlled and tell you what they want you to believe, their truth, not yours and hide their dirt deeds and keep you duped(Government, Media- "brilliant shows"-Cooking, reality, Crime shows, Hospital shows,celebrities famous for getting trashed or getting divorce all the time..what an example)
pharmaceutical control- again to keep you duped, trought medications, and poison you with vaccines agaisnt the "lattest" outbreak of whatever desease is in fashion at the moment..they are the ones that start the outbreak on the first place, to sell you the medication and keep poisoning you.have you notice that they even have pain killer for kids now??
World Religions: again to keep you duped- all major religions in the World were created/taking over by the cabal to again keep you sweet and programed and away from what you truly are : already a GOD in human form.thought many teachings ring truth for many people, they were manipulated and some excluded to keep you from your true GODSELF true: there is no need for Priests, Rabis, Lamas, /gurus, pastors and the like as you can do yourself and they are all controled and taken for the purpose of mind control.. have you seen how many priests doing what they shouldnt with kids that are entrusted with their well being by their parents? have you seen how many Pastors have affairs, take the followers money, get busted and are still forgiven by their followers? what about the corrupt Lamas that bash other religions/philosophies, got bustedhidding money from followers(they said "donations" for temples;and that ones that accept bribes from politician in exchange for "blesings" and "pardom" from their crimes? as if they could bypass the Universal law and intervine in such a waythe more you follow and conform, and accept their truths, the further away you are from your matter what they say and how"cool" they look, they want you to follow their truths and agendas and not your own..a true master would you how to find your own path and not take any money from you and say that they are the only way..the only way is following your heart, guidance and intuition..the true service is the servic to your partners, Relatives, family and can be done everyday also trought yourself on a personall level..
what coud you do? go back in where the your truth really lies..dont meditate for hours on end; every single moment you live is a meditative state..
Connecting with Galactics:
be pure of heart and spirit, (it will be nearly impossible to make a connection if you hold grudges against anyone, think about bashing someone, get back at someone, are feeling like a victim, wish bad to others etc)
close your eyes, go in , and ask for your guides(everyone has at least one!)ask if they love you unconditionally and are working for your highest truth, and come from light ;
ask then to connect with you and say that you want to have an experience;either seeing then, taken some place for Healing, Teachings, Trips , be they in Ships or on Astral Travel;
And remember to ask to be taken back also:-)
open your eyes and it is done.
There are close to 7 billion souls incarnated on this plan right now and thats how many diferent "truths" and experiences are there to be experienced..follow your own.
Disclosure, ascension and earth changes are happening on a daily basis, just be open to have your own..disclosure and contact are already happening and not to worry, it will be very obvious when you start meeting people around you and the Galactics start to mingle with everyone; everyone will tell will know then; they are your family; things will happen in a "flash" and unexpected and when you realize it will all be there for you and everone one else to see.keep updated, but dont expect dates;that ilussion; just know that it will happen when it is time and you will be right in the middle of it when it happens..
You are in control of your own destiny path and your freedom..
Happy everything.
Commander(of my own Ship) Jai Ashtar
thanx for the messages ladies and gents:-0
Others topics to nnote :
I dont need to meditate or do anything to achieve are already light and enlightened..haven't we all originated from the same source? we couldnt be anything else..
Its ok to follow developments on disclosure, Nesara, ascension etc but you can't put your life on hold waiting for one of those to happen desperately..or even to be picked up by the ships because you have enough of being in here, suffering, strugling , missing home etc in this case you would be missing out on living and experiencing this 3D plane , collecting the experiences to take back with you wherever you might go from here..your experience here will be very usefull on other planets, dimensions, etc.. and as the messages about ascension at the end of the year, the dismantling of the Cabal programs and systems, first contact escalate, we should be out there enjoying what could be our last months/year, a kind of farewell and going to another adventures..
Deep in your heart you already know that the Galactics exist(channelled messages, UFO footages, and for some even first hand experience)a nd that most of us came from one of then, making the need for proof unecessary..i dont think the Galactics would be taking anyone up there with then to take pictures to satisfy peoples egos but would in stead take those that are ready to handle the experience and spread the world to whoever is ready to accept..'many will be called and only few will hear or take the call to their hearts"...
Dont worry everything that is being said that will happen, it will, but, not to everyone and even maybe not the way we expect to happen..
there are many ETs / Galactics flying around and walking amongst us..there are even quite a few on this site and our beloved brother Ben Arion is one of then:-0
We are in good hands, and always were, the worst is already behind us and new world is already being born right in front of our eyes if we just stop being so impatience and see things from what they truly are...go out there and have your human experience!! thats our first priority. there rest will be just consequence, its the cicle that happens every few millions/thousands of years and you have done that before..just try and make sure that you do this one even better than the others,and as the Universe is always expanding and creating, so should we...
Peace always
Jai :-)
so nice to read my own thoughts put in words... really loved that message, commander Jai :)
Yeas,it seems very real to me.I spent 25 years on listening to various gurus.They ever use to say they didnt need any money but the "organizers" wanted pretty big money for each "session".I paid and now when I am much more older I am lost without job and enough money to support myself.I spent all my savings and incomings for seeking the truth.In my times there wasnt internet yet.I even travelled to Tibet to get teachings.And later when I was left without anything I first time in my life asked for help.They said"they keep me in their heart but can do nothing because my karma is too heavy..."But i dont bl;ame anybody besides me and now I found the truth and learn how to create.Thank you for the message.