Posted by Benjamin Fulfor October 25, 2010

Although I have been trained as a skeptic and a believer in science, somethingso unusual happened this new year that I believe it must be an omen. OnDecember 21st a group of shamans held a ceremony by a lake in the Philippinesthat locals believe to be the home of a goddess. The Shamans, including arevered Maori lady, also believed this lake to be a portal to other dimensions.Whatever the case, there was heavy rain and thick cloud cover as the groupheaded to the lake for a ceremony to mark a change in how Western civilizationbehaves. When we arrived at the lake suddenly an area of blue sky appearedimmediately above us. All around there was still heavy cloud cover and rain.However, directly over our heads, in the middle of the circle of blue sky therewas a new moon. Then on new year's eve the world experienced an unheralded butprecious event, a blue moon on new year's eve in the West and a blue moon onnew year's day in Asia. A blue moon means a second full moon in one month. Afull moon on new year's eve happens only once in every two decades or so. Forboth to coincide is something that only happens once in many centuries. Thus Ibelieve we have had a very auspicious beginning to 2010, the Year of the Tiger.

It is interesting to note that while the group of Shamans and elders washolding their ceremony to mark the clean-up of the polluted lake, FederalReserve Board agents were in the Philippines trying to cash $250 billion worthof gold-backed bonds in a desperate effort to keep their fraudulent institutionafloat. The bonds are fake and they would not be allowed to cash them even ifthey were real.

There was also a lot of consternation and angst in the Japanese secretgovernment after it was revealed the Emperor went to Washington in an effort toget cash to finance the climate change fraud in Copenhagen. George Soros wasalmost certainly counting on this money when he offered $100 billion in"climate change loans" to developing countries. When Black DragonSociety members in Washington froze the funds, the Emperor was forced toconfess to the Chinese vice-President that he had returned empty handed.

So now China has contacted the Black Dragon Society with promises to helpfinance a campaign to deal with the real problems facing this world: poverty,war and the destruction of eco-systems.

The Black Dragon Society was also contacted by the Kokuryu-kai (the nametranslates as the Black Dragon Society) which is run by the descendants andspiritual descendants of the founders of the original Black Dragon Society. Weexplained to them that there was no sense fighting over a name. We explained tothem that when I was inducted into the Red and the Green I was asked to start aWestern version of that society.

The Western group that sprang up spontaneously across the world has very simplerules: we agree to work together towards shared goals and we agree to protecteach other if attacked. This Western group is now capable of mobilizing theBritish Empire, the Vatican, the Muslim world and much of the USmilitary/intelligence establishment.

We explained to the Kokuryu-kai and the Chinese that the West would neversubmit itself to rule from the East and likewise the East should never submititself to rule from the West. Instead we proposed a 50/50 partnership betweenEast and West. There will be many key meetings in January to iron out thedetails.

There are now several groups with active plans for implementing a new paradigmto replace the one of endless war and genocide being pursued by the criminalswho have taken over Western civilization.

One group centered on the British empire would like to begin construction ofmassive free energy facilities to remove salt from sea-water and use theresulting fresh water to turn the deserts green. This group is allying itselfwith the Middle Eastern monarchies and plans to work simultaneously inAustralia and the Arabian peninsula.

This group also wants to pay the world's deep sea fishing fleets to stop allfishing for two or three years in order to allow the oceans to replenishthemselves.

A different group based in Australia but with powerful connections throughoutthe G7 proposes turning the deserts green by using etheric weather engineeringtechnology. They also plan to start cleaning up the world's most polluted sitesusing zeolite, an abundant mineral that absorbs toxic substances and preventsthem from interacting with the environment in a harmful manner. They also havefree energy technology.

A third group based on the US military-intelligence establishment proposes a5-year swords to plowshares transformation of the Pentagon. This group has thepotential to develop the over 6,000 patents that have hitherto been suppressedfor "national security" reasons. One technology they possess isanti-gravity. This would make automobiles obsolete and allow roadways to betransformed into gardens. They claim to control technology that allows the creationof portals into other dimensions. They claim (we have not seen proof but haveheard this from many credible eye-witnesses) that many so-called undergroundbases around the world are actual such portals. Hopefully we will soon be ableto see if this is true. If so the implications are more than mind-boggling.

This group will no doubt join forces with the various "programs" andtrusts that have been fighting the Federal Reserve Board for decades.

A fourth group linking the Vatican and Russia sent us the following proposal:

We are working with leading world scientists from top prestigious institutionsin Russia, they are developing many innovations in the fields of energygenerating (heat and/or electricity) using water as fuel, manufacturing newelements and isotopes from cheap materials, converting radioactive materials(waste) into stable condition, desalinating sea water to produce fresh waterwithout any salted residuals, transmutation of poisonous materials into inertmaterials, municipal waste recycling, motors of higher power at lowerconsumption of electricity, special converters and transformers, earthquakeprediction, New Approach Towards Understanding Origination of Matter and Energyin Universe from vacuum, many technologies for the nuclear energy industry thatwill be the top energy by 2050 according to EDF, and much more.

There are many technologies/projects in need of investment that are on themarket, some that are about to enter in the market and some that need moreyears of investigation. At any time it can be arranged a meeting in the severalprestigious institutions in Moscow or the Officials/scientists can go to Japanto make the presentations.

Then there is a fifth group based in Japan that is planning to build a majoruniversity/research and martial arts center north of Tokyo. This group plans totransform the Japanese right/wing and yakuza establishment into a benevolentsociety that will always act in defense of the weak and the down-trodden. TheChinese have already agreed to help this group.

Of course the new financial system has to be put fully online for all of thesegroups to get started with their plans. This in return requires the dismantlingof the Federal Reserve Board and the corrupt Washington D.C. corporation.

On this end we are hearing from multiple sources that a special Interpol forcein the US has begun arresting or killing all those who are still trying torevive the old financial system. This may have to do with why Obama is lookingso old and haggard after his "holiday" in Hawaii.

There are several key settlement dates in January that may finally force thecorporate propaganda media in the West to start revealing the truth. We willknow the turning point has been reached when the brainwashed sector of Westernsociety is finally told the truth by their corporate overlords. The arrest orjudicial killing of CIA Director Panetta would be a very good indication ofchange.

Also, we need to see what happens when the financial markets open for the newcalendar year. A member of the British royal family says there is a strongchance a new currency to replace the US dollar may be announced as early asJanuary 6th.

The Black Dragon Society has also made the following proposals to the Japanesegovernment and the Chinese Red and Green. First we support the Chinese plan tocreate an entirely new United Nations and base it in Laos. Second we believethat a Chinese dominated replacement for the World Bank should be set up inHong Kong. In parallel to that, we propose setting up a G8-dominated worldeconomic planning agency in Osaka. After that, all US dollars held outside ofthe US should be renamed Hong Kong dollars (or whatever) and put under thecontrol of these three institutions.

Existing institutions like the World Bank and the BIS can continue theiroperations but they will have to start generating their own savings and becomeself-financing if they are to survive.

The various commodities exchanges and stock markets will also have tothoroughly audited and the systematic fraud they have allowed to take placeneeds to be exposed. This process has already begun with the Chinese refusingto honor fraudulent contracts with various US and European based financialinstitutions.

It is also important to set up a South African style truth and reconciliationcommittee to begin the process of uncovering the secret government that hasbeen manipulating humanity for centuries. Much of our history and even ourscience is going to have to be rewritten and retold.

In any case, we believe the great global turning point many predict will happenin 2012 will actually begin this year. We are headed into uncharted waters butthe prospects are bright indeed.




Other wonderful events that may have nothing to do with Obama have apparentlyjust happened.

According to very good sources I am in contact with, as of October 14-15th, therewas a stunning new move made by China, on a full-scale international level,involving the governments of every country in the world.

This move sent terrified US and European leaders and insiders rushing over toShanghai, begging the Chinese not to continue down this road.

However, China's plan appears to have been incredibly well-designed, with allthe classic elements of Sun-Tzu's "Art of War."

It appears that it is now too late for this plan to be stopped.

China has just made it's "kill-shot" move, and they may well havesaved the world by doing so.

Apparently no one has been killed in this process, but when I correlate whatI'm hearing with what Fulford has said, it does appear that China will push foran international truth tribunal -- though they will apparently not be seekingthe death penalty.


More importantly, by breaking down the corruption of the internationalfinancial system, China and her BRIC allies (Brazil, Russia, India, China --also Argentina and others) can take a leading role in restoring prosperity onthis planet.

The saddest thing, which I have heard from many top insiders, is that wealready have the capability to desalinate ocean water, green the deserts,eliminate poverty, homelessness, hunger, disease and sickness -- and giveeveryone a significantly improved lifestyle.

Contrary to the widely-held insider belief that doing this would create amassive "population bomb" that would destroy the planet, thereal-world data shows that population growth significantly decreases oncepeople are allowed to develop.

They can even reach zero population growth, as in Japan. These cultures nolonger need to have multiple children to ensure their own survival.

Teleportation, time travel, gravity shielding, free energy, matter synthesis,near-instant healing, earthquake and volcano alleviation, stabilizing theEarth's axis -- all this and more is already within our grasp.

The reason why the elite have refused to let these technologies emerge is theyfear everyone would become a couch potato -- and their control over this planetwould be forever lost.

Nonetheless, it is clear that any attempts to throw off China's plan will bemet with significant lethal force.


You may remember hearing that in 2009, the top insider bankers in the US had topay China in gold bars for their own bad debts, as an aftermath of thefinancial fallout from 2008 -- where many derivatives funds like LehmanBrothers spontaneously imploded.

This collapse, according to Fulford, was China's doing: "Why should we bepaying you to kill us?"

Once the devastated bankers were finally forced to pay up, after a prolongedperiod of hemming and hawing, China drilled into the "Good Delivery"bars.

They were made of tungsten, with only a thin layer of gold electroplated on theoutside! Completely fake!

This appears to have been when China's plan really kicked into high gear -- butit took some time to develop.


According to Fulford, the international fiscal year ends as of September 30th.This year, the big players covertly running the US and other countries wereagain unable to pay their debts.

This was the final event that apparently led to the implementation of China'splan.

Fulford has been alluding to something like this in the works from China forsome time now.

As others may also have felt, it has been almost exasperating to read his paidblog and hear him tease about something big that China was doing, over and overagain -- but then not say what it was, because it was important that he notscrew it up or stop it from happening.

With all the reports I'm hearing, I am almost certain that this is what he wastalking about -- and they just flipped the switch.

I apologize. I am not stupid. I am definitely not going to get specific, as Ido not want to thwart this effort.

However, from what I have heard, the plan was so well-executed I highly doubtthere is much that could stop it at this point.

If it works as intended, there should be a time where it can be discussed openly and indetail.


The black-ops community is now literally running around like a chicken with itshead cut off. Everyone is telling me the same thing.

It's become chaos. Factions are breaking up. Former allies are now enemies.Former enemies are now friends. Single factions are now fragmenting intomultiple, opposing elements.

Fulford has been saying for some time that "One Million Satanists,"i.e. members of the Luciferian Illuminati, are seeking amnesty and refuge invarious countries -- but no one is willing to shelter them. This also seemscentrally related to what I am hearing.

The public summary of Fulford's paid blog from last Sunday -- October 18th --reads as follows (emphasis added):

"The royal families of the West and the secret Illuminati royalty areplanning an emergency summit meeting in Vienna, Austria, next month in order tocome up with a strategy to save their plan for a New World Order fascist worldgovernment, according to a senior CIA source and a member of the Rothschildfamily.

The summit is being called because a global police and intelligence operationis closing in on their leadership with multiple investigations on many levels.

It is hard to see how the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateralcommission and their secret rulers are going to escape these probes unless theyagree to surrender and promise to appear before a South African style truth andreconciliation committee."


I am also told that certain human ET groups are working behind the scenes, hereon the ground, to help ensure various plans succeed. This may include China'splan, though there are others going on as well for similar purposes.

We may never publicly know the details of the ETs' involvement in all of this,unfortunately -- at least not in the beginning.


Related blog entry and articles:

Major announcements due for mid-November, legal action against illuminati possible this week Posted bybenjamin October 25, 2010

Events are starting to unfold at an accelerating pace as the ancient "New WorldOrder" continues its collapse. First of all, sources in Japanese militaryintelligence say there will be "huge announcements" sometime inmid-November, no doubt linked in part to the November 11th G20 meeting inKorea. The other big move is that the $1 trillion lawsuit involving Daniele DalBosco, the P2 Freemason lodge, the Davos forum and the UN will be backed by thePentagon and will become public news possibly as soon as this week. We havealso confirmed that all members of the Bilderberger, the Trilateral Commissionand the Council on Foreign Relations have been individually warned and are"very scared." There is very little detail about the Novemberannouncements available at present because a high level purge of the top ranksof the Satan worshippers is still underway, according to a dragon familyrepresentative. The Japanese military police also refused to provide moredetail so, we will just have to wait and see. However, the Dragon family didsay they were allied with "good aliens" who were horribly mistreatedin the 1940's and that they have been working on the current coup at a highlevel for a very long time. Hopefully the announcement will involve the releaseof suppressed technology. The Pentagon's ambassador to the White Dragon Societyhas previously mentioned that according to the American Academy of Science thatover 6,000 patents have been suppressed for "national securityreasons" and that these patents will now be mostly made available to thegeneral public. The Dragon family also says "we have incredible secrettechnology at our disposal." We will just have to wait and see for moredetails. In a related move, a very senior pentagon official contacted the WhiteDragon Society last week to say the Pentagon was currently backing PresidentObama because Obama had begun a systematic purge of Khazarian Satanists from theUS government. That means the talk of a temporary military government is onhold for the present. The Khazarians and some members of the Jewish lobby, fortheir part, have begun an intensive anti-Obama campaign. Obama is expected toreceive nothing but negative publicity over the coming months. At the sametime, he has become a high priority assassination target, according to multiplesources. The infighting in Washington is expected to intensify over the comingweeks as a powerful lobby will continue its push to replace Obama with HillaryClinton. Clinton is said to be "desperately doing everything she can tomake sure she is a part of the new financial system," according to a topCIA source. On the more conventional news front, the current leaders of theplanet are doing everything in their power to reform and put on a good face.Part of this is the carefully orchestrated Wikileaks campaign that seems to beaimed at showing the old system is capable of dealing with wrong-doings liketorture and civilian killing by individual troops. The old order is alsoclearly willing to throw a few of their own, like Tony Blair, under the bus inan attempt to cleanse their image. The big questions is if Wikileaks is thereal deal, then why have they not published "secret documents" aboutwhat really happened on 911? The more significant move was to shift the balanceof power at the IMF away from Europe. The new IMF voting structure increasesrepresentation for Brazil, China, India, Turkey and other developing countries.The voting structure is now such that Japan has the casting vote in-betweenWestern and non-Western interests at the IMF. CLIP

Beijing promises growth from grassroots (Oct 19, 2010) THIS IS BIG!

BEIJING: China must lift the incomes and spending power of hundreds of millions offarmers and workers to keep the world's second-biggest economy from falteringon its ascent, the nation's leaders said on Monday. China's broad blueprint forreleasing domestic wellsprings of growth by giving citizens better incomes,welfare and housing was issued by the ruling Communist Party's centralcommittee, after a four-day meeting that settled on the nation's next fiveyeardevelopment plan starting in 2011. Over that time, the Chinese economy couldgrow by about 50% to $7.5 trillion, powering past Japan and moving closerto the biggest economy by far, the United States, government economists haveforecast. But domestic rifts and inequalities could drag down China byfettering household demand and stirring unrest, officials fear. The partymeeting urged them to maintain a "sense of peril". "Stick tomaking welfare and improving livelihoods the fundamental starting and end pointfor faster transformation of economic development," said the communiquefrom the meeting, which was issued by state-run media. While the United Stateshas pressed China to rebalance its economy by raising the value of the yuan,the meeting showed how focused Beijing is on domestic policies to coax growthaway from exports. It did not mention the currency. The party leaders vowedmore balanced income distribution, improved healthcare, and a stronger socialwelfare net so ordinary citizens feel more confident about spending savings."We must persist in the strategy of expanding domestic demand andmaintaining steady and relatively fast development," said the officialstatement from the meeting. "Accelerate the formation of a new pattern ofeconomic growth driven by coordination of consumption, investment andexports." The parliament will approve the plan early next year, and theparty announcement did not give specifics about growth targets and policies.

From Global Depression to Global Governance - The role of the corporate elites' secretiveglobal think tanks (October 19, 2010)

We now stand at the edge of the global financial abyss of a 'Great Global Debt Depression,'where nations, mired in extreme debt, are beginning to implement 'fiscalausterity' measures to reduce their deficits, which will ultimately result insystematic global social genocide, as the middle classes vanish and the socialfoundations upon which our nations rest are swept away. How did we get here?Who brought us here? Where is this road leading? These are questions I willbriefly attempt to answer. At the heart of the global political economy is thecentral banking system. Central banks are responsible for printing a nation'scurrency and setting interest rates, thus determining the value of thecurrency. This should no doubt be the prerogative of a national government,however, central banks are of a particularly deceptive nature, in which whilebeing imbued with governmental authority, they are in fact privately owned bythe world's major global banks, and are thus profit-seeking institutions. Howdo central banks make a profit? The answer is simple: how do all banks make aprofit? Interest on debt. Loans are made, interest rates are set, and profitsare made. It is a system of debt, imperial economics at its finest.

(...) The global economic crisis arose as a result of decades of global imperialism -known recently as 'globalization' - and the reckless growth of- speculation,derivatives and an explosion of debt. As the economic crisis spread, nations ofthe world, particularly the United States, bailed out the major banks (whichshould have been made to fail and crumble under their own corruption andgreed), and now the West has essentially privatized profits for the banks, andsocialized the risk. In other words, the nations bought the debt from the banks,and now the people have to pay for it. The people, however, are immersed intheir own personal debt to such degrees that today, the average Canadian is$39,000 in debt, and students are graduating into a jobless market with tens tohundreds of thousands of dollars of student debt that they will never repay.Hence, we are now faced with a global debt crisis.

(...) Already, towns, cities, and states across America are resorting to drasticactions to reduce their debts, such as closing fire stations, scaling backtrash collection, turning off street lights, ending bus services and publictransportation, cutting back on library hours or closing them altogether,school districts cutting down the school day, week or year. Simultaneously,this is occurring with a dramatic increase in the rate of privatizations or"public-private partnerships" in which even libraries are beingprivatized. No wonder then, that this month, the Managing Director of the IMFwarned that America and Europe, in the midst of the worst jobs crisis since theGreat Depression, face an "explosion of social unrest." Justyesterday, Europe experienced a wave of mass protests and social unrest inopposition to 'austerity measures', with a general strike in Spain involvingmillions of people, and a march on the EU headquarters in Brussels of nearly100,000 people. As social unrest spreads, governments will likely react - as wesaw in the case of the G20 in Toronto - with oppressive police state measures.Here, we see the true relevance of the emergence of 'Homeland Security States',designed not to protect people from terrorists, but to protect the powerfulfrom the people.

"Crisis is an Opportunity": Engineering a Global Depression to Create a GlobalGovernment (October 26, 2010)

Problem, Reaction, Solution: "Crisis is an Opportunity" - In May of 2010,Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Managing Director of the IMF, stated that, "crisisis an opportunity," and called for "a new global currency issued by aglobal central bank, with robust governance and institutional features,"and that the "global central bank could also serve as a lender of lastresort." However, he stated, "I fear we are still very far from thatlevel of global collaboration." Well, perhaps not so far as it might seem.The notion of global governance has taken an evolutionary path to the presentday, with the principle global political and economic actors and institutionsincrementally constructing the apparatus of a global government. In the modernworld, global governance is an inter-lapping, intersecting, and intertwined webof international organizations, think tanks, multinational corporations,nations, NGOs, philanthropic foundations, military alliances, intelligenceagencies, banks and interest groups. Globalization - a term which waspopularized in the late 1980s to refer to the global spread of multinationalcorporations - has laid the principle ideological and institutional foundationsfor this process. Global social, economic and political integration do notoccur at an equal pace; rather, economic integration and governance on a globallevel has and will continue to be ahead of the other sectors of human socialinteraction, in both the pace and degree of integration. In short, globaleconomic governance will set the pace for social and political globalgovernance to follow.

(...) The process of globalization has firmly established a globally integrated economicsystem, and now the global economic crisis is facilitating the implementationof global economic governance: to create the economic apparatus of a globalgovernment, including a global central bank and a global currency. This processis exponentially accelerated through economic crises, which create the need,desire, urgency and means of establishing a structure of global economicgovernance, purportedly under the guise of "preventing economiccrises" and "maintaining" the global economy. The sameinstitutions and actors responsible for creating the crisis, are then given thejob of determining the solution, and are then given the power and means ofimplementing it: problem, reaction, solution. They create a problem to incur aparticular reaction for which they then propose a predetermined solution. Whenpressure needs to be applied to individual states that are not followingdictates of the institutions of global governance, the market is turned againstthem in a barrage of economic warfare, often in the form of currencyspeculation and derivatives trading. The result of this economic warfareagainst a nation is that it must then turn to these same global institutions tocome to its rescue: problem, reaction, solution. The global economic crisis,really having only just begun, will in years to come spiral into a Great GlobalDebt Depression, plunging the entire world into the greatest economiccatastrophe ever known. This will be the ultimate catalyst, the most pervasivecrisis, and most commanding 'opportunity' to implement the formation of aglobal government. CLIP - NOTE FROM JEAN: VERY detailed andcomprehensive article worth reading - despite its length! The entire Bilderbergcabal's economic shenanigans are clearly exposed! Here is the conclusion...

Herman Von Rompuy became President of the European Union in 2009, a new positionestablished by the Lisbon Treaty passed the same year. Rompuy was selected asPresident following his attendance at a meeting of the Bilderberg Group.Shortly after being given the position, Von Rompuy gave a speech in which hedeclared that 2009 is "the first year of global governance."As DenisHealey, a founding member and former member of the Steering Committee of theBilderberg Group for over 30 years, stated in 2001, "To say we werestriving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair.Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn't go on forever fighting one anotherfor nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt thata single community throughout the world would be a good thing."

So while institutions and organizations of global governance continue to grant themselves more powerand expand their control and authority over the world, the people of the worldmust wake up to this process and seek to stem and stall its advancement. Aglobal government would represent the people of the world even less than theyare already not represented through their national governments. Institutions ofglobal governance are totally unaccountable to the people, totallyundemocratic, and are inherently totalitarian. As Gideon Rachman wrote for theFinancial Times in December of 2008, "for the first time in my life, Ithink the formation of some sort of world government is plausible." Whilearticulating the need for a global government, modeling it on the European Union"going global," he examined the setbacks that the EU had in thisprocess, suggesting the same is likely in the process for global government.Specifically, he identified that whenever the people were involved in theprocess, they would act to stall or reject the process of integration. Thus,Rachman concluded, the European Union "has progressed fastest whenfar-reaching deals have been agreed by technocrats and politicians - and thenpushed through without direct reference to the voters. International governancetends to be effective, only when it is anti-democratic." In other words,if we want global governance, we must kill democracy in the process.

What this implies then, is that the people have the potential to prevent this processfrom taking place, but only if they become directly involved in rejecting it.This means that people's movements need to stop recognizing the legitimacy ofthese international organizations and institutions, complaining only that theyare not included in discussions, and instead demand that they be dismantledaltogether in favour of forming new governance arrangements - political,economic and social - that actively represent and empower the people over theentrenched powers. This is no simple task, in fact, it is likely the greatest,most monumental and challenging task that has ever faced humanity. So it seemsnecessary that the people not waste their time, not waste their votes, voices,or ideas, and work together to promote true progressive and humane change.There is hope in humanity yet, but so long as we allow the powerful toaccumulate more power for themselves, we cannot expect things to get better forthe majority. We must take advantage of our freedoms in order to fight for andpreserve them. We can either be free thinkers, directing the course of our ownlives, or we can be slaves to bankers. - CHECK ALSO: ILLUMICORP - Part 1 - If the Illuminati were to make aninitiation video, it may look a little like this.

Imminent Big Bank Death Spiral (27 October 2010)

The mortgage & foreclosure scandal runs so deep that ordinary observers can conclude theUS financial foundation is laced with a cancer detectable by ordinary people.The metastasis is visible from the distribution of mortgage bonds into thecommercial paper market, money market funds, the bank balance sheets, pensionfunds under management, foreign central banks, and countless financial fundsacross the globe. Some primary features of the cancerous tissue material aremortgage bond fraud, major securities violations, absent linkage to propertytitle, income tax evasion, forged foreclosure documents, duplicate propertylinkage to single mortgage bonds, NINJA (no income, no job or assets) loans tounqualified buyers, and more. In fact, more is revealed it seeems each passingweek toward additional facie to high level and systemic fraud. The world iswatching. The growing international reaction will be amplified demand for Gold,from recognition that the USDollar & USEconomy have RICO racketeeringcomponents extending to Wall Street banks and Fannie Mae mortgage repositories.The centerpiece question, when the US bond fraud is coupled with Europeansovereign debt distress, comes down to WHAT IS MONEY? The answer is Gold &Silver and not much of anything else. Other assets like crude oil or farmlandare effective hedges against tainted money, but when they contain debt tethers,they too are vulnerable. Huge flows of funds are fleeing traditional assetgroups. CLIP

China commerce minister says dollar printing hurting China (Oct 26, 2010)

BEIJING,(Reuters) - Dollar issuance by the UnitedStates is "out of control", leading to an inflation assault on China,the Chinese commerce minister said in comments reported on Tuesday.Chen Deming,speaking at a trade fair in southern China, said that exporters had done a goodjob of preparing themselves for exchange rate changes as well as rising labourcosts, but were suddenly confronted with new challenges."Because theUnited States' issuance of dollars is out of control and internationalcommodity prices are continuing to rise, China is being attacked by importedinflation. The uncertainties of this are causing firms big problems," Chenwas quoted as saying by the official Xinhua news agency. Chinese officials havecriticised U.S. monetary policy as being too loose before, but rarely in suchexplicit language. At the G20 meeting in South Korea which ended on Saturday,Chinese Finance Minister Xie Xuren said that issuers of major reservecurrencies -- code for the United States -- must follow responsible economicpolicies. Along with posing an inflationary risk, a weak dollar also placesappreciation pressure on China's yuan since its value is so closely tied to theU.S. currency.
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  • oh in the philippines. Don't care if westerners doesn't believe, there is no need for proof. The world will know eventually anyway. There are many experiences from -strayed tourists in the rural areas related to other dimensions.

    Like at some beach resort; There was this guy so miss a flight back to the city, it was very late so he decided to find a hotel to stay the night. There is this guy who offered to take him to the hotel he knew, since he is not familiar to the area, he accepted. They arrived at the small hotel, there are the women receptionists, but there doesn't seem to be anyone else (a fellow customer?) - anyway it looked airey. He stayed the night.

    Next day, when we got back to his work to the city and presented the bill to the company, they were confused because there are no Hotel in that area. Looking back to the place, the hotel doesn't exits. And there many similar cases for tourist victims.
  • Very interesting to read. The media have in the last month said the Reserve Bank is going to increase interest rates and it was to be at the end of Oct or early Dec now all of a sudden (and they are all shocked) the Reserve has decided this wont happen until Feb next year. Hmmm, this is definately out of left wing only because when the bank says it's going up then it does but all of a sudden they can't seem to increase it even though they say they will.

    God bless the new true and honest restructure of the financial system coming.

    Susan xx
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Drekx Omega replied to Drekx Omega's discussion The Soul of Mother Russia Resonates With The Incoming Aquarian Ray - Like Attracts Like
"I would always recommend a very trustworthy supplier of gold and silver bullion. Anything from China should always be avoided....My tried and trusted favourite bullion merchants, are Baird & Co of London....
"Baird & Co. is one of the UK’s leading…"
8 hours ago
Agarther Z left a comment on Comment Wall
10 hours ago