
Dear Lightbearers,


This article looks into how human mindsets change and a new world forms around those altered minds, which will no longer be in lack of resources...because humanity will be utilising the technology of LIGHT...and replacing the pardigm of competition, within a fossil fuels economy. Replacing the profit motive with higher aspirations and putting aside the survival impulse and that of greed for ever more limited planetary resources...


How is the mindset that supports this profit and competition impulse ended...??


Well I suggest that what really changes lives are the technologies used and these can change societies and cultures too...For example, look how the world has become such a smaller closer place, thanks to the internet and satellite TV...and PCs linking households on one continent, with households on another...Of course, with the exception of commerce, the PTB feel threatened by this and now their entire system is on the verge of ruin and transition into something better...


Why do people use money at the moment...?? Because they have no choice in the matter...unless they are living within isolated tribes with bushcraft skills, in isolated areas....so this would exclude the majority...

With aetheric energy devices, power need never be paid for again, as it is virtually limitess and on tap, without the need for a mains power supply or electricity grid, which can currently be regulated by energy supply companies...and customers charged ever increasing amounts to keep warm in winter and cool in summer...

So the dominance of banking, corporations and monetarist governments are coming to an end.


Free energy is a cornerstone we are going to reach....FREE ENERGY ALLOWS A GOLDEN AGE...it allows freedom for the individual from slavery to banks, corporations and governments.


How about food, must we grow our own to be independent from supermarkets...?? To some degree, yes, yet we would still need to purchase seeds...and farming is a full time commitment during the seasons.....Of course, the state likes to license all activities, so unless you live in an isolated area, the state will try to tax your profits...


BUT, technology again makes this concept of payment and taxes redundant....Federation duplicators can create matter of identical molecular structure to a sample provided...the template retained for future duplications....

Apply this technology to foodstuffs, clothing, equipment, spare parts, water, homes and appliances and you see the potential freedoms offered..

If a juicy steak were duplicated, the duplication would be molecularly identical to the original, under the microscope, yet would not be sourced from a living animal...something that a vegitarian could consider...

Although, the GFL ETs have no need to duplicate prime cuts of steak, as they are vegetarian on principle, the starving peoples of Africa may benefit from the free gifting of such devices, under our abundance programmes, along with the necessary training in their operation and application.....supported by armies of volunteers and lightworkers, who will all be free to devote time to such work...As each will be free of debt and wage slavery...


So now, we see a world in which technology and freedom from the profit motive, dominates thoughtforms and behaviours....Now we are beginning to see in this vision, a world in which money would loose it's allure and status...as "things" can be created technologically...which is a case of mimicry of the 5th density state of being, in which natural abilities to manifest anything required, are commonplace...Clothing, food, water, habitation, transport, energy, etc...And then if we add holographic technology and natural telepathic skills, we can also see why telecomms suppliers will no longer play a role, and also the predatory banks and stockmarkets will be consigned to history books...How life once was on Earth, before we collectively and individually, entered the LIGHT AGE......and put the financial imperative behind us.



Selamat majon dramu kas….!


Drekx Omega, Cmdr, GFL Ground Crew (East England Sector)


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  • Yes, I have used an advanced device that changes the properties of water, using implosion technology...

    The principle of like attracts like, applies when imploded water is passed into a harmonically spiralled copper tube, which is gold plated...The spiral is based on fibonnaci numbers, as with the logarithmic...all tending to phi, the golden mean...If such a tube is then filled with imploded water, which contains enormous amounts of VRIL or prana...then it behaves an an antenna, drawing higher levels of aetheric energy.....Having becomed charged and then comes into contact with another water supply, or even food stuffs containing juices, or wines, etc....then the aetheric properties are projected into the consumed water or food...

    Thus, we are utilising natural planetary energies, to vivify our own aetheric life force.....this technolgy was used in ancient Atlantis and water was transported within curved pipes, rather than the straight ones ignorantly used in the modern world...this mimics the spiral flow of water in nature, as it rolls down a mountainside, within curved streams, containing rocks, that also keep the water curving in on itself, this spring water and mountain water is so full of lifeforce...unlike stagnant and dead ponds, where water is motionless...

    These natural principles have been lost to science, but will one day be mainstream...

  • Beautiful post. Nature is completely abundant and I am sure with the technology things will get infinitely much better. As for being vegan I have been a vegan all my life except milk I dont consume any animal product. Not even eggs. There are all varieties of plants which can take care of all our physical body's nutritional requirements. Plants products have high vibrational energy and healing properties like water. With advent of time our knowledge will increase and our blessings will multiply. Love and Light
  • Then bring on the duplicator technology I for one can't wait until cruelty in any form is forever just a horrible memory from the old world order, nice one Drekx love Lou ;) X
  • Oh so true dear Louise....I only consume free range eggs...and as you suggest, being vegan is a slow starvation, of sorts...children especially require a good diet, as they develop...And yes, the food industry must put profits lower on the list, in comparison to animal wellbeing....obviously duplicator technolgy removes all these issues and still affords people with sufficient nutrition...Love, Drekx x   ;-)
  • Hey,

    This is why we did not last as vegans, we were having flax seed and many various duplicates but my nails and hair were still saying not enough and the kids needed more so you have to put what your bodies are telling you first.

    I did learn all about what they do to the animals and barbaric springs to mind :(...So I think we just have to really look at how the meat, fish etc is produced and try and make informative choices on where we buy from. I still can't believe battery farmed eggs are legal and that people still buy them. A soul is a soul at the end of the day. People see me as too soft I don't.

    Love and light back atcha :)

  • Hi Louise,

    Nice to hear your thoughts on this...  :-)

    I do not eat red meats, but fish does contain certain essential fatty acids, which are very beneficial for health and brain function...flax seed oil is not an appropriate substitute for fish oils sources of these omega 3s, if you are aged over 30..

    So people that don't consume these EFA, because they cut out fish and fish oils, are presenting themselves with cardio-vascular, nerve and brain limitations....

    Obviously, duplicators would remove any karmic link with the slain animal consumed...


    Also, eggs are an excellent source of VRIL, along with nuts, fruits and seeds.....so going vegan is not sustainable if we want to remain healthy in 3rd density bodies...when 5th density, our tastes will change because our senses magnify considerably, so that flavours become much more acute....

    I have tried the highly nutritious "ambrosia" consumed by ETs and it tastes like nothing at all...neutral flavours and absolutely tasteless....but is full of life force energy...proteins, carbs, EFA, vitimins, minerals, all the body needs for 3rd density function...which ascended beings visit all the time....

    Yes, the commercialisation of food sources has created much imbalance...not just for animals, which is so cruel, but the absurd way food producers pump water into meat, or feed hormones to get greater sizes, etc....

    Much love and light, dear Louise,


  • Yay Drekx I have always felt that way too and although I went totally vegan for nearly a year I now eat fish again. I do try and make sure it's responsibly sourced. My kids were horrified the day they found out we were turning vegan lol.. They eat meat again now but I don't I just hate the abuse they suffer for mass production it's really bad over here. Respect Lou :)
  • Unlabeled,

    Our current monetarist system considers people in unemployment as less than...the church also considers "idleness" a sin....But, in truth, someone may have talents unrecognised by the state, or potential employers...

    Most people are thinking and feeling, even if they are not doing work for money.....This distorted notion that one has to be continually working in order to have value is rubbish, created to produce a land of peasants and lords...making people servants to feudal lords...with chuch blessing...the beginnings of capitalism arefound in feudal mindsets...all with church blessing.....for commerce. So that the elites could party in style, while their employees/surfs, worked until their bones  and joints broke into illness...

    We are all being and doing, even if that energy is not understood...

  • Mr.Ed,

    Hello my friend....I think I've mentioned it before, but ETs do not eat meat, but they do consume a tasteless soup, which is deliberately bland in flavour, as a blessed relief from daily high sensory abilities...As simply passing flowers in a garden, their senses are so acute that they are massively aware of their environment...tastes, smells, sights, sounds, touch, etc...so a neutral floavoured soup, which is viscous and looks like "transparent jelly," in a bowl, is prefered for consumption...it is a perfect balance of all the essentials and full of vril....

    The act of killing animals fir meat is karmic...and such meat does lower vibration...but duplicated meat does reduce the effects of that considerably, within karmic law..and this option is something for starving people, who require an immediat supply of high quality protein...the meat selected for duplication would be free of all chemicals and hormones...

    Personally I have a preference for white meats, such as fish and chicken...I'm not a vegan...


    The karmic law itself lowers vibration, not the proteins and minerals extracted from meat, as long as they are free of chemicals....Obviously tribes in the jungle hunt and consume animals for meat.....but when done on a commercial scale, the karma is higher...

  • But what is a person who does not do anything?
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