Connecting To Our Higher Consciousness With A PendulumWe all have the ability to access our intuitive capacities by using apendulum. Learning to use a pendulum is like learning any otherskill. It requires time, determination, trust, balance and persistentpractice. Given these, success can be expected. Every object, animateor inanimate, gives off energetic radiation, and our expanded sensescan feel and measure these energies. The intuitive, or super-conscious mind is the recipient of this information when we accessthe bridge to it.The pendulum is only a communication device between the conscious andthe subconscious mind. The pendulum itself does not gives youanswers. It is nothing more than an object to give you the means orlanguage to make conscious the Intuition. Successful use of apendulum is a matter of establishing a clear, precise and consistentlanguage between the two parts of the mind. The subconscious mindtakes all communications literally. It takes time for thesubconscious to understand what is expected of it and respondaccordingly. It is necessary to approach the pendulum withenthusiasm, optimism and the confidence that you are able to use it.It is an incredible skill that can allow you access to information,knowledge and wisdom beyond all limitations.How the Pendulum WorksThe pendulum can be thought of as an extension of the intuition,since it is used to gain access to information that exists at thesubconscious level of the Inner Being. It could be said that itstrengthens or amplifies the intuition because it converts thesubtleties of the intuition into a more obvious form of physicalmotion. When you ask a question of the pendulum, it is your ownintuition that answers it. The pendulum merely allows you tophysically see what the intuition already knows. As an extension ofthe intuition, the pendulum can give you information from the sametwo sources as the intuition: from your own subconscious mind; andfrom your guidance, spirit, or guardian angel. Because of how itoperates, the pendulum can only answer questions that are phrased sothat the answer is either "yes" or "no".Connecting to Your Higher SelfLimited views and opinions are stifling. They detach us from reality,decrease our awarenss and shut down our mind. We all have a limitedview of some areas of our lives. Gaining a broader perspective isself awareness. Being able to open up your mind, allowing a free flowof thoughts and ideas can be liberating. Welcoming a new opinion orway of doing something can bring new meaning to your life. If yougive up your closed thoughts and make way for a different opinion,you may be surprised at the outcome.Striving to meet difficult goals has pushed us to stretch thehorizons of what we think is possible. We share the ways in whichobstacles and challenges have made us stronger, and given usconfidence to continue setting goals and dreams in our adventures,our business, and in our day to day lives. This is conscious living.You only want to work with your Higher Self. Any of your guides,spirits and angels can go through your Higher Self. Start by speakingto your spirits either aloud of in your head. Tuning in to any energyis the ability to quiet the mind, allowing your inner self, orintuition, to perceive truth. By practicing this art, we develop asensitivity toward inner information and the ability to condition ourmind to listen on a much more subtle level. This developing can giveus the ability to sense energy and actually perceive on an even moresubconscious plane.Universal Symbols of Shape and ColorThe following shapes and colors have a Universal meaning, yet inalmost every religion, culture and part of the world, they have theirown specific meaning to go along side these definitions. These shapesare Universally recognized and play a part of our subconscious mindin one way or another. The colors represent one general idealism; yetcan represent something entirely different if used in a differentcontext.Circle (ball): An ancient and universal symbol of unity, wholeness,infinity, the goddess, and female power. A romantic attachment ordeep friendship and a sacred space. The circle symbolizes the sacredand spiritual including the "sacred" earth. See pendulums in thscategory.Diamond (faceted): Because of its perfect symmetry, the diamondvibrates toward harmony. This makes it an excellent shape formeditation gardens or those used for culinary purposes. As this shapealso vibrates toward the solidity of Earth, it's a good bet formagical gardens involving prosperity and abundance, and issues of thefamily, home, and hearth. See pendulums in ths category.Heart: generally, hearts represent love, but may also indicate aromantic disposition. True love, happiness, financial gain, lastinglove, and love for other.Hexagon: is a polygon with six edges and six vertices. The wordhexagon is derived from the Latin hexagnum, from Greek hexagnos,having six angles. This hexagonal star is faceted and carved fromnatural crystal. Use it for balancing Chakras, laying on problemareas, creating a crystal grid, to amplify the power of your otherstones, power up your positive affirmations. Place this star in anyroom where you want to create a balanced, healthy environment. Seependulums in ths category.Octagon: Eight denotes the intermediary region between earth andheaven or, microcosm, between body and spirit; and the octagon is asymbol of the "best" part of psychic substance that is the vehicle ofspiritual light. The octagon expresses the nearness to heaven of thepsychic elements in question, and by being almost circular in form itexpresses their all but spiritual nature.Oval: This voluptuous and feminine shape not only representscompleteness, but is also a symbol of the infinite. It conjures upthe idea of wisdom and the power of longevity and for all eternity.See pendulums in ths category.Rectangle: The rectangle symbolizes the female form. Intelligence;Protector; Divine contemplation. The rectangle also symbolizes theequilibration of the fourfold forces.Square: The square represents the physical world. Like the quarteredcircle, it points pagans to the four compass directions: north, east,south and west.Star (merkaba): are drawn by ambitious people and may suggest adesire for self-promotion. Little stars indicate optimism, whileasymmetrical stars suggest excess energy. A sign of hope, love, joyand prosperity, protection against fires, good fortune, hope, love,fertility, energy and harmony. The unique qualities of the star(merkaba) are the divine light vehicle used by ascended masters toconnect with those in tune with the higher realms. "Mer" meansLight. "Ka" means Spirit. "Ba" means Body. Mer-Ka-Ba means thespirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, (wheelswithin wheels), spirals of energy as in DNA, which transportsspirit/body from one dimension to another. See pendulums in thscategory.Triangle (pyramid): Associated with the number three. Pointingupwards, it symbolizes fire, male power, good luck; Pointing down, itsymbolizes water, female sexuality, goddess, religions, take care.Combination Ball and Triangle: energy point with ball adds both theelement of a point, which vibrates toward harmony and the Universalsymbol of unity. This makes it an excellent shape for meditationgardens or those used for culinary purposes. As this shape alsovibrates toward the solidity of Earth. The ball or circle is anancient and universal symbol of unity, wholeness, infinity, thegoddess, and female power. See pendulums in ths category.Pendulum Colors and Their ConnectionsRed - grounding emotions, passion, charisma, lust and also thecreative spark.Orange - sexual fire, abundance in career, projects and mattersneeding an added push.Yellow - the color of power, health in body and mind, love of man andthe sun, connection to the God form.Green - growth, fertility, success in things and ideas that growhope.Blue - protection, peace, calmness and spirituality.Indigo - richness of meditation, twilight, deep emotions, seriousnessand contemplation.Violet - the highest Universal power and those things that aresacred.White - purity, power of the moon, allows energy to flow freely,faith.Black - protection, also used to blend or bind elements together.Multicolor - represents the rainbow colors most associated with thefull rainbow spectrum and is most related to the Chakra centers andAura field.The Care and Use of Your Pendulum1. If you are drawn to a particular pendulum, it has probably alreadychoosen you.2. Cleanse your pendulum by running it under luke warm water or do asmudging with sage.3. You can charge your pendulum with energy by placing it on acrystal cluster, in a bowl with hematite or with quartz.4. If you pendulum is made from crystal, look at the specificcleansing for that particular crystal. Some crystals do not like saltwater, sun, extreme heat, extreme cold or water.5. Keep your pendulum in a covered or in a bag to eliminate the dustaccumulation.6. Always ask your question with the proper intention. Keep your mindclear and positive. Do not ask questions that you cannot handle theanswer to.7. Pendulums have different swings. You should determine your yes andno swing, before you start your session.8. Always stop the pendulum from swinging between questions.Andrew Pacholyk, MS. L.AcPendulum Bonanza for healingmind, body, spirit
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