Conscious Life Expo - David Wilcock - Slides

Conscious Life Expo - David Wilcock - Page 1 - New Intel, The Human Evolutionary Leap, Sacred Geometry, Illuminati Secrets, and More

Conscious%2BLife%2BExpo%2B2016%2BCover%2BArt.jpgThis presentation quite possibly contains some of the most important information you will ever encounter.  I say this because, for the first time ever, an individual has combined proven, scientific fact from multiple disciplines, and with them, (in a way) single-handedly solved the scientific "unified field theory".  Not only this, but as we look at the scope of this information, we may also realize that these facts have very significant philosophical and spiritual implications for each one of us.  If we want to know who we are, why we are all here, and what our true purpose is, this information is very likely to help us answer these questions.

We know that knowledge is power.  Each of us has our own right to this inherent, internal power, but in order to use this power to its full potential, we have to bring our own knowledge to its full potential.  This is most important when there are those around us and within our society who deliberately try to take this power from us.  With this realization, our learning becomes vital to our very survival and prosperity.

Many have tried their best to distract from this information, to counter it, to launch preemptive, disinformation campaigns against it in order to lessen its impact, but their efforts were all in vain.  The knowledge is ours to explore if we so choose.  So with that, here is David Wilcock's lecture from the Conscious Life Expo 2016 (in paraphrase, along with complementary information and links).

The Cover-Up

Here on Earth, the Military Industrial Complex is simplistic. The UFO cover-up is child's play.  Compared to everything going on above our heads, in what has recently been coined the "Secret Space Program", these terrestrial issues are trivial and small.  The industrial progress and innovation going on in outer space, both within our solar system and beyond are astounding.

Currently, off world, this Military Industrial Complex is in regular trade with roughly 900 different species. You may ask, "Well why have we never seen any of them?"  The answer is simple.  These beings do follow a prime directive of sorts.  (The Star Trek series was actually fairly accurate on this matter.)  There are rules of interaction, and these rules are enforced by very benevolently, high-level beings who maintain the "game" in fairness.  The overall goal of these rules is to allow every species to undergo their natural evolutionary process uninterrupted, and to make sure that no one learns of matters of outer space until they are ready.  (This is right around the time they become space-fairing.)  From our limited, Earth-bound perspective, we don't know how far interstellar, technological advancement has gone.  We on Earth, have no idea what's truly out there.
Every piece of technology that you can imagine from any sci-fi movie is available now.  Anti-gravity, free energy, replicators, teleportation devices...  All of this exists now.  The "Star Trek" age already came.  We were just never formally told.  Most people will find these statements difficult to believe, but they are true, nonetheless.

Boeing and McDonald Douglas actually make modern space craft parts, and are in regular trade with alien species. We Earth humans are actually known among other species for being good at building things, even though our spiritual development is severely lacking.  These companies developed anti-gravity vehicles that were originally back-engineered from the Roswell crash.  (Yes, Roswell really happened.  Many cases like it have already been officially declassified.)

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The truth really IS out there: CIA releases thousands of declassified 'X-files' on aliens, flying saucers and other unexplained phenomena 

Think about it.  If the Military Industrial Complex had this space-fairing technology way back then, why would they not use it?  Why not travel out into space and see what's out there?  They did use these craft, and when they traveled out into our solar system, they found numerous ancient ruins, and signs of an ancient, and yet extremely advanced civilization (not to mention 900 different species).

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At this point, we have known for a long time that the MIC is in fact, the group who calls themselves the "Illuminati".  This Illuminati group had a mass depopulation agenda that was to involve a fake alien invasion.

Think about all of the alien invasion-themed movies that have been made over the past four decades.  Even in the past two decades, the number is staggering.  There is every flavor of violent, monstrous alien themes out there design not only for entertainment and fear, but for predictive programming as well.  The Illuminati group behind these themes planned to blame aliens for the destruction they, themselves would cause, and because the masses would have been so used to the idea, people would have easily believed this lie.  Thankfully, this plan failed.

There are specific beings in our solar system who recently arrived by the thousands (as early as the 1980's).  These beings have been helping planet Earth in different ways on our path toward evolutionary change. These are the Sphere Beings.

In the Early 1980's these spheres were showing up in a visible way, first to the SSP (Secret Space Program) personnel, and then in a more publicly-visible way in recent times.  These spheres range in size from the size of our moon to that of Jupiter. The Alliance (the positive side of the SSP) has termed them "sun-cruisers", as they periodically make themselves visible near the sun on satellite arrays such as SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory).  Four insiders independently gave David the same information on these spheres. For their own reasons, these Sphere Beings chose Corey Goode to be their spokes person, as they refused to talk to anyone else.
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Sun Cruisers - with David Wilcock and Corey Goode: Slides and Commentary from the Conscious Life Expo

The Truth of Propaganda 

What if you've been lied to your entire life?  Try to imagine the scope of what that deception would entail.  How far could reality stray from your limited perspective?

(At this point, David Wilcock shared about the contact he has experienced in his dreams with higher beings. These beings told him to share his awakening experience, and about his gradual process of learning that our accepted "reality" is basically a “con job”.)

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B1.jpgImages like this represent the truth behind American advertising. It has basically been a "snake oil" sales pitch which Americans have historically accepted as truth.

According to the "Soda Pop Board of America", drinking soda at an early age can help your child fit in during their awkward preteen and teen years.

Alternative Source...


This sounds ridiculous now, but back then, it was considered helpful information to assist people in "proper health and wellness" for their children.

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B2.jpgDuring WWII, women found out they were "useful" in industry.  They were told that they could build weapons and do their part in helping America "succeed".

Toys were a great way of instilling a positive attitude toward war.  Kids got to practice dropping nuclear bombs with toys like this.  "You too can practice bombing the hell out of innocent people." (This wasn't actually stated, but it seems to be the message of toy-makers like this.)

Today, this wouldn't sell for any reason (except for maybe shock value), but back then, it was completely acceptable.

(One point to note...
In the moment, propaganda, never actually registers as propaganda.  It just looks like helpful information (or a toy), and with regard to America, as much practice as the governance has had on this type of deception, they are, quite literally, some of the best propagandists in the world today.)

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The Anatomy of Propaganda – Examining Multiple Tactics of Psychological Manipulation in Media Today 

American Mind Control: The Cost of Secrecy Part 1 – Examining the Effects of Secrecy, Propaganda, and Organized, White-Collar Crime 

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B4.jpgIf this is you, you are exactly what they want.  They (cabal interests) want you eating junk, and watching TV.  They want you to be happy about dropping nuclear bombs on the "enemy".  Complacent, suggestible, naive, depressed, and unconscious of anything more...  This version of "you" is most useful to them.

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B5.jpgThe Snowden revelations blew the lid off of the concept of a "benevolent government" that is supposedly protecting us from all of the terrorists.  Instead, we learned that it is not some enemy overseas that this government considers to be the biggest threat.

They seem to consider all of us (the common people) to be the threat.

...But to whom?
CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B6.jpgThis illustration incorporates the all-seeing eye, and features some familiar faces (Zuckerberge, and both Yahoo, and Google personalities).

It demonstrates the conglomeration of social media and the internet in general.

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B7.jpgThis spells things out pretty accurately.

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B8.jpgThis is the American way.  Waterboarding, enforced torture, global surveillance...  This is their police state.  It's already here.

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Understanding the U.S. Torture State

The disappeared: Chicago police detain Americans at abuse-laden 'black site' 

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B9.jpgTheoretical physicist and author, Dr. James Glattfelder, made an interesting discovery.  He took all of the transnational corporations in the world, organized the data with regard to profit, and wealth distribution, and used supercomputers to crunch all of the numbers.  This is what he found.

80% of all the wealth in the world is earned by only 147 corporations.  Two thirds of these corporations happen to be mega-banks.


The Network of Global Corporate Control

Who controls the world?

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B10.jpgThis complex network of transnational corporations (economically speaking) is actually one control group that only holds the illusion of multiplicity.  This group extracts wealth out of our planet, and it is many levels deep.  All of these banks and corporations are interconnected.. ...But where does all the money go?

If you move ten dollars from one place to another, it's still somewhere on the planet. To put it logically, if the world is truly "out of money", it's because the money is going somewhere else.  If you have a world GDP of 62 trillion, that money is on Earth somewhere. You don't get a global economic collapse just by moving money from one place to another, unless that place is off of the planet.
As Wilcock put it, "Someone is ripping us off."

If you haven't caught on to the possibility that our beloved government is not what it seems, you haven't read about Operation Northwoods.
CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B11.jpgWhen reading this document, keep in mind that all joint chiefs of staff signed off on the plans within it (all top military officials).

On March 13, 1962, this plan was presented to president Kennedy as a series of false flag operations.  The goal was to frame Cuba in some type of fake terror campaign, and use numerous self-inflicted acts of staged violence as an excuse to invade/destroy them.
Here is an excerpt from the Operation Northwoods document.

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B12.jpg"8. It is possible to create an incident which will demonstrate convincingly that a Cuban aircraft has attacked and shot down a chartered civil airliner enroute from the United States to Jamaica, Guatemala Panama or Venezuela. The destination would be chosen only to cause the flight plan route to cross Cuba. The passengers could be a group of college students off on a holiday or any grouping of persons with a common interest to support chartering a non-scheduled flight.
3. This plan, incorporating projects selected from the attached suggestions, or from other sources, should be developed to focus all efforts on a specific ultimate objective which would provide adequate justification for US military intervention. Such a plan would enable a logical build-up of incidents to be combined with other seemingly unrelated events to camouflage the ultimate objective and create the necessary impression of Cuban rashness and irresponsibility on a large scale, directed at other countries as well as the United States. The plan would also properly integrate and time phase the courses of action to be pursued. The desired resultant from the execution of this plan would be to place the United States in the apparent position of suffering defensible grievances from a rash and irresponsible government of Cuba and to develop an international image of a Cuban threat to peace in the Western Hemisphere.
a. We could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba.
b. We could blow up a drone (unmanned) vessel anywhere in the Cuban waters. We could arrange to cause such incident in the vicinity of Havana or Santiago as a spectacular result of Cuban attack from the air or sea, or both. The presence of Cuban planes or ships merely investigating the intent of the vessel could be fairly compelling evidence that the ship was taken "under attack. The nearness to Havana or Santiago would add credibility especially to those people that might have heard the blast or have seen the fire. The US could follow up with an air/sea rescue operation covered by US fighters to "evacuate" remaining members of the non-existent crew. Casualty lists in US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation."

These people will create a fake incident, garner a public reaction, and then go about achieving the agenda they had from the beginning.  This is, in essence, 9/11.  This is also Malaysian Flight MH37. This is every war these types of people have planned. It is a common method for malicious and unwarranted seizure of control.

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Operation Northwoods 

They wanted to use this method with a fake alien invasion. This would cause indignation.  It would wipe out large portions of the population (achieving that agenda).  It would help them justify their New World Order and world government, and to ultimately maintain strict control.  ...But they had opposition.

There is a positive side to this, and it is known as the "Earth Alliance".

The Alliance includes some of the largest countries on the planet. These are generally the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa).  Outside of these countries are typical cabal-controlled Europe, Australia and America.

This alliance executes strategic hacks and data dumps that are specifically designed to target, and take the cabal down.  There is also the Secret Space Program alliance who often work in conjunction with the Earth Alliance.  Both these groups are ready to deliver a final blow to the cabal, but they need our consent to do so.

David has had trusted insiders independently confirm all of this same information over the past 20 years.  Down to the detail, this story lines up, and there is no doubt in his mind that this is real.  He has received threats to back off from unknown persons.  He has had his life threatened at least once, and as each of these insiders disclose this information, which they know could easily get them killed, they further confirm the seriousness of the situation.

David mentioned that during one of he and Corey Goode's meetings, a black Chinook helicopter paid them a visit.  The chopper hovered very close to Corey's house for several minutes--so close that they could see one man sticking his head out and looking down at them.  This is highly unusual, as there are no military bases near Corey's home.  This was also during a time of important delegation among the various space programs.  It was also after Corey had been threatened and warned to back off from the "Full Disclosure" narrative.

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Corey Goode Stalked by Black Chinook Helicopter

The bottom line is that this is real.

Part of this Alliance wants this full disclosure to happen, but within this alliance, not everyone is on the same page.

There is an issue with the Alliance.  China, among other factions, wants to delay full disclosure for another 100 years.  They say that the Federal Reserve got their chance (one century) to control the world economy, and they should have their chance.  To add to this complication, the cabal has infiltrated the Earth Alliance, and is causing division to an extent. They are pushing for this partial-disclosure plan to tell some of the truth, but to keep the more embarrassing aspects completely hidden.
They want to give us money, and a small amount of advanced technology.  They basically want us to be fat and happy (just like "couch potato"-kid), and in exchange, they will tell us only some of the truth--ultimately keeping us under control.  This is not at all beneficial to the whole of humanity.
(David shared his method of disclosure as deliberately revealing new information in front of large crowds.  By doing this, he covers himself so that the information can be recorded, and so that there is no way that it can be completely forgotten.)

For this partial disclosure, the cabal planned to reveal the truth about the ancient builder race, 9/11, and the crimes of the Bush administration. Along with this, they planned to give out more funny money as a bribe. This money would not be much different than what we have now.  It would still be based upon "Babylonian, money magic". In exchange for all of this, they would still get their New World Order, and most likely get another century to try and wipe out three quarters of the population.  As Wilcock stated (and I would have to agree), it would not be a good idea to accept gifts/bribes from such people.

This cabal has been working on the partial disclosure since the 80's. (They may have to change this plan though, as Wilcock disclosed the plan at the CLE in such a big way.  This may be a good thing.)

So we know general information about this partial disclosure.  Lets see what it truly looks like.
CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B13.jpgThe X-Files reboot aired after 14 years of absolutely no word from this title. It seems out of place.

If you haven't already noticed, this poster is more than it appears to be.  It serves as a prime example of Illuminati tactics.

The Illuminati give you clues of their true identity.  This is because, according to their religion, if you don't see their clues, this equates to consent, and they can proceed with whatever plan they are telegraphing.  It's as though they rub the truth in your face, but at the same time, they don't want you to see it.

As David said, the first and second episodes of this X-Files reboot are most relevant. It's basically a documentary/data download. They go over chem-trails, the banks, UFO's, martial law, NWO and more. As the show exemplifies, part of the partial disclosure narrative is that there are no extra terrestrials. They cover the subject in the beginning, but instead of coming out with this, they replace it with the idea that they spliced human children with alien DNA, and that all of the 'greys' that we see are actually human children.  The cabal is trying to sell us this partial disclosure so that they can maintain control.

On the surface there is this message of partial disclosure, but underneath, the message is much different.
Lets look at the image.

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B14.jpgWhen we flip this image, we get closer to the truth behind this reboot.  Of course we see the Illuminati trademark (the all-seeing eye). Notice both eyes are looking at the pyramidal eye. This is their way of telling you that this is their platform and that they are the ones speaking.

This is not accidental.  The Illuminati practices black magic, and believe that they have to show their face in whatever they do.

This is their version of a cosmic free-will principle.
Spacer.jpg CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B14%2B-%2B1.jpg
Here is an overlay of the poster and Masonic symbol. These two images line up perfectly. There was absolutely no photo-manipulation required.  Their chins are lined up perfectly with the Masonic square.  The slopes of their collars are exactly in line with the Masonic compass.  The representative "eye" at the top of the upside-down pyramid lines up with the compass hinge.  The lower pyramid has a black triangle counterpart which points to the G. (The G means "god", which is actually their god, Lucifer.)

They deliberately designed the poster around the Masonic square and compass.

This is the Illuminati version of a spell.  This is them telling us that it's a spell. They want to introduce these ideas so that people don't notice.  They think that if people are too dull to see them, then they deserve to be enslaved, but if we see what they are doing, they can't proceed.

It must be our decision to see.
CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B16.jpgJust three days before the show aired, the CIA disclosed UFO reality.

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B16%2B-%2B1.jpgHere is what the article has to say.

“Take a Peek Into Our “X-Files"
The CIA declassified hundreds of documents in 1978 detailing the Agency’s investigations into Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). The documents date primarily from the late 1940s and 1950s.
"To help navigate the vast amount of data contained in our FOIA UFO collection, we’ve decided to highlight a few documents both skeptics and believers will find interesting. Below you will find five documents we think X-Files character Agent Fox Mulder would love to use to try and persuade others of the existence of extraterrestrial activity. We also pulled five documents we think his skeptical partner, Agent Dana Scully, could use to prove there is a scientific explanation for UFO sightings.
The truth is out there; click on the links to find it.”
They tell it like a joke so that people will write it off, but this is no laughing matter.  This technology could literally save the planet. We would have free energy, food replication technology, advanced healing technology, and much more.  We would no longer be dependent upon fossil fuels and proscription drugs to keep us alive and functioning.  It's people like this who want to wait a century to make available, that which we need right now.
CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B16%2B-%2B4.jpgThis is how they want their partial disclosure to go.  This is not to the benefit of the entire planet.  This would be completely devoid of true accountability and responsibility, and would ultimately be devoid of actual change.

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B16%2B-%2B3.jpgThis partial disclosure is not at all what we want.
It would basically involve bigger war, more lip-service, more enslavement, torture, and debt-based society.  Plus, they would get another century to start their WWIII and kill three quarters of the population.
(Also, who's to say that at the end of the next century they would not do the exact same thing they're trying to do now, which is rationalize their way into continuing crooked business as usual?  They are trying to stall progress now.  What would stop them from stalling it again in a hundred years?  This goes without saying, but I will say it anyway...  Untrustworthy people should not be trusted.  Ever.)

This is our choice, and our destiny, not theirs to hold over us for another century.

If we want Full Disclosure, we have to fight for it.  To push for this full disclosure, Gaia is looking for new talent in a number of different areas.  This company is on the front line doing everything they can to push for true change.

Visit Gaia Careers

These people, who want to end the world and wipe out the majority of the population, want us all to wait a hundred years to disclose.  Needless to say, we've waited long enough.  Be part of the fight. Go to to apply for jobs now.
The Science of the SSP

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B16%2B-%2B2.jpgThis science we are about to study is like a weapon of truth to slay the Illuminati. This information, if properly spread, will dismantle any possibility of the negative timeline of partial disclosure.

Mainstream science has been selling us a sort of number magic so that no one understands it. They place this knowledge behind advanced degrees, and anyone who studies it is conditioned to doubt anything beyond what they are told by the manicured, scientific establishment.   They want you to be a couch potato, instead of an active learner.  They want you to believe that there are no possibilities beyond that which convention tells you.
If the universe is benevolently and intelligently designed, why would it not be somewhat simple to understand?  The universe is alive, and we have evidence to prove this.

To start this study, lets look at DNA.


CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B20.jpgThe Human Genome Project was a study designed to map out the human DNA sequence.  It was under the assumption that all genetic traits could be explained and expressed through DNA code, but there were many inconsistencies within this study.

It is impossible for DNA to have all of the information necessary for complex life.  The DNA molecule is too simple to play this role.  What we have read in text books on this matter is simply to not true.

During the Human Genome Project, a theory was tested, but not many positive results emerged.   Only 34,000 human genes were discovered. They made many assumptions based primarily upon theory, and failed to gain the entire body of evidence necessary for calling the currently accepted genetic model "factual".
CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B18%2B-%2B1.jpgA worm known as "caenorhabditis elegans" is a commonly used test subject in these genetic studies.  This worm has exactly 969 cells in its body.  Its brain has 392 cells.  In comparison, the human body has 50 trillion cells.

C elegans has 24,000 genes.  That means there is only a 10,000-gene difference between the most simplistic organism tested by science, and the entire human body.

The fruit fly has 15,000 genes in total. This makes absolutely no sense according to the currently accepted model of genetics.  The current DNA theory is wrong.

Where does all of this complexity come from?

These scientists estimated that only 10,000 genes were necessary for creating intelligence.  Yet we have countless complex computer systems that don't even come close to artificial intelligence, and they have far more than 10,000 instructions in their programming.  The genetic model does not work, and DNA is not complex enough to hold all of the code necessary for creating intelligence, let alone the entire human body.

It is quite possible that the DNA molecule does not contain the code itself, but is more of an antenna that pulls this code in from somewhere else.  It is very likely that light is this code. Light is the signal that the DNA is pulling in, which is why so much more complexity is seen than the DNA code alone can account for.

DNA Attracts Light
CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B17.jpgIn 1984, scientists Dr. Pjotr Gariaev and Vladimir Poponin discovered what is referred to as the "DNA Phantom Effect".  Simply put, these two scientists measured the photon distribution in an empty, completely dark, hermetically sealed room, and recorded the results.  Then they observed the difference of photon distribution with a strand of DNA inside the room, and were astounded by the results.
CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B23.jpgThis image is the data from a photon counter in the room in both cases.  Without DNA, the distribution seems random.  When DNA is put in the room, it attracts the photons to itself and holds them.  To put this into perspective, there are no known forces in nature that can do this except one.  That is a black hole.  This DNA showed the same gravitational force of a black hole.  Notice also, in the case where DNA is in the room, there is not one stray photon.  They are all arranged in a helix,  just like the DNA strand.

DNA most likely attracts light because the light has something to do with healthy function.

(We now know that cancer is a scrambling of ultraviolet light at 260 nanometers.  We now know that all carcinogens cause this dispersion.  We know this because of further studies by more unrecognized scientists.)
Modern biology has no explanation for this.

Related Article...

The DNA Phantom Effect

The Research of Dr. Pjotr Garaev
Light and DNA Code

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B20%2B-%2B1.jpgLight may, in fact, have the information necessary for creating complex life.

It was Vladimir Budacovski who discovered that light could repair genetic abnormalities in living organisms.

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B26.jpgThis is an outline of Budakovski's work.

(David shared, at this point, one fact about Planck's constant, saying that there is plenty of room to work with within the photon, with regard to size and capacity for informational storage.)

Spacer.jpg CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B25.jpg
Budakovski didn't just leave his theory as such.  He put it to the test.  Simply put, he took a live raspberry plant with a cancerous tumor on it's stem, and zapped it with a hologram created from a healthy raspberry plant.  The results were, once again, astounding.  The raspberry plant healed itself after receiving this light energy.  He would do this numerous times in order to conclude that this holographic technique was a curative measure for such tumors.

It is likely that light, in some way, has the capacity to carry the proper genetic code from a healthy plant to a sick plant in order to heal the sick plant.  (This may also work in reverse as well.)
CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B27.jpgThis brings us to the work of A.B. Burlakov.

Burlakov proved that bio-cellular light emissions could be transferred from one organism to another, with significant effects.

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B27%2B-%2B1.jpgBurlakov put growing fish eggs next to each other.  They were hermetically sealed and separated so that nothing but light could be exchanged between them.

Here's the amazing part...  If he put older, more mature eggs next to younger eggs that were more recently laid, the older eggs would actually suck the life force out of the younger eggs.  The older eggs became stronger and more vibrant, while the younger eggs withered, experienced deformities, and had a significantly higher rate of death.  Burlakov also noticed that mother fish would make sure to never lay their eggs next to other fish eggs.  This experiment may have definitively proven why.  Living beings can pass energy from one organism to another through light energy alone.

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The Illuminati/cabal deliberately enslaving us so that they can steal our energy in different ways to make themselves stronger, and this is the science that tells us how this is possible.
DNA and Human Emotion

Dr. Glen Rein's breakthrough study of the effects of emotions on DNA provides another piece to this puzzle. For the explanation, we turn to the Phoenix Center for Regenetix.
CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B28.jpg"The view that all healing is really self-healing is strongly supported by Glen Rein’s inspiring research in DNA’s response to coherent emotions.

Dr. Rein found that positive emotions compress DNA—making DNA more robust and arguably more available for activation, healing, and transformation.

On the other hand, negative emotions decompress DNA so that it cannot be activated through linguistically expressed consciousness.

It is up to us as individuals to determine—and if necessary, upgrade—which emotions we regularly experience as well as which emotionally charged attitudes we typically entertain so that our DNA can be activated successfully."


This test was done by placing the cells from a human placenta into test tubes.  Rein then employed the skills of several individuals who were trained at creating emotions.  The tests showed that cells, when exposed to more loving emotion, grew more healthy and strong, while those that were exposed to anger unwound and began to break down.  (This was observed by noting the amount of light that passed through the DNA as apposed to how much light was captured by the DNA.  Healthy DNA captures light, while dead DNA allows light to pass through.)
CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B30.jpgThe cabal and Illuminati are saving us to harvest our energy, and this experiment proves that this is possible.  By harboring negative emotions, one organism is able to steal vitality from those around it.  When a person is angry toward you, it is scientifically proven that they are actually damaging or even killing cells within you.

This is the principle that explains why the placebo affect works.  Emotions have the ability to heal, or hurt.
CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B32.jpgRein proposed that this was a genetic holdover from the animal kingdom.  Picture the alpha male of a group at the mouth of a cave fighting off a sabertooth cat while everyone else cowers toward the back of the cave.  It would make sense that these people would send their admiration, their hope, their trust, and all other positive emotions to the alpha male, physically making him stronger and more able to defeat the foe.

This is also a reason why the "home field advantage" exists in sports.

(This is also a strong indicator of the true reason behind violent false flag events.  The cabal may create a fake threat, and after staging an act of violence, behave with confidence and intent to "defeat the enemy".  By doing this, they become just like the alpha male at the mouth of the cave, and steal our energy.)

This is also why the aristocracies of the past insisted upon placing their own image on currency, and may also explain why the cabal loves to use celebrities to promote the Illuminati image in modern times.

Spontaneous Evolution

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B33%2B-1.jpgThis is another very interesting fact about life that is not typically discussed within the publicized side of science.

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B33.jpgWe know that caenorhabditis elegans is a helpful test subject in the world of biology.  This worm also happens to be lactose intolerant. (They can actually die from it.)  In lab tests, a group of these worms were placed in a lactose-rich environment, and the results observed.

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B34.jpgMany of the worms died, as lactose is typically too difficult for these worms to digest.  There were, however, a few worms that didn't die at all, but instead, spontaneously evolved.  These worms developed a new mouth so that they could more easily ingest and process lactose.  This is unprecedented, and proves that spontaneous evolution is scientific fact.

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B35%2B-%2B1.jpgA similar experiment was conducted on drosophila, the common fruit fly.  A number of these flies were genetically altered so that they were born without eyes.  All genetic expression of an eye was removed.  So there was no chance that eyes could be expressed (according to the current model).

After this, these flies were only allowed to breed with other fruit flies who were also enhanced so that they were born with no eyes.  So according to the mainstream, DNA-code theory, there is no possibility that these flies could ever have children who did have eyes.  However, the results were much different than expected.

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B35.jpgNo matter how many times, or how many ways these scientists tried, the fruit flies would always develop eyes.  Their genes would alter so that they would revert back to the original, two-eyed version.

This never took more than 5 generations to occur.

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B36.jpgOnce again, life found a way.  This proves that DNA code is not necessary for such complex expression to occur.  Logically speaking, the code must come from somewhere else.

Think about this concept for a moment.  What does this imply about Monsanto's "terminator seed"?  No matter what change they try to make to the seed, it will eventually, and predictably revert back to it's original, natural form, just like the fruit fly.  This may be why they want it to be illegal to replant any portion of the previous year's harvest.  Farmers might find out the truth.

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B37%2B-%2B1.jpgLet's see what the deal is with jellyfish.

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B37.jpgThis is the scientific observation that states that a lobster or jellyfish, if damaged in some way (even in extreme situations), will actually regress to a previous stage of development, and then regrow as one or more new lobsters or jelly-fish.

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B38.jpgThe life cycle of a jelly fish consist of multiple stages.  First, it is an egg.  The egg develops into a "planula" or larva.  This planula embeds itself into the ocean floor where it grows and becomes an "attached planula".

The attached planula develops into a polyp, then a budding polyp.  The budding polyp then transforms into a "ephyra" (also called a "young medusa"), and this medusa matures into an adult jellyfish.

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B41.jpgThis complex cycle is shared among jellyfish, and so is this ability to grow new organisms out of damaged tissue.

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B39.jpgMarine biologist Christian Sommer found a jellyfish (turritopsis dornhii) on a snorkeling trip that had been injured, but this jellyfish wouldn't die.  Instead it began to age in reverse.

This is Professor Shin Kubota of Kyoto University.  He is a highly-acclaimed marine biologist as well, and snazzy dresser to boot.

Yes, that is a jellyfish hat.

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B40%2B-%2B1.jpgProfessor Kubota also encountered an injured  jellyfish. The one he found had been caught in a plankton net and impaled.  There were spikes sticking through it's body, but instead of dying, this jellyfish folded up its body and reverted back to its polyp state.

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B40%2B-%2B2.jpgSo we have this ability of reversion, and regeneration in jellyfish.  They seem to be able to, in a way, pull code into their DNA in order to repair themselves.

This genetic expression seems to go beyond DNA code expression.

DNA from "Nothing"

We've discussed characteristics in DNA which seem abnormal, but can we get DNA from non-living material?

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B43.jpgThis is Dr. Luc Montagnier.  Montagneir won the Nobel Prize in Biology for identifying the HIV virus, among other notable achievements.

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B44.jpg"Any man who can look at you condescendingly, like a librarian, or an old tax accountant with all test tubes, and shit around him, is definitely on his game."

- David Wilcock of my favorite quotes from this presentation.
CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B45.jpgLets take a look at Montagnier's experiment.

He took two test tubes of water (one with DNA in it, and one without), put a coil of wire in both tubes, electrified the wire, and let it sit for a number of hours. After a time, he tested the apparently empty tube, and to the surprise of many, actually found DNA in it.

Reference Article...

Can Our DNA Electromagnetically 'Teleport' Itself? One Researcher Thinks So

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B46.jpgMontagnier actually made a miniature version of the conditions we find on the Earth's surface.  Here, we have water and the Schumann frequency.

Life may have spontaneously generates here on Earth the same way it did in Montagnier's tests.

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B47.jpgLike many of these daring, maverick scientists, Dr. Montagnier has some rather negative language circulating about him, despite his laundry list of achievements.  On this matter I will simply say this...

No matter how highly acclaimed, how well-documented and revolutionary the discoveries of a credited scientist are, if that scientist defies the mainstream opinion, they will almost always be ostracized and shunned by the mainstream, scientific establishment (or at least the printed reports supposedly representing it).

Consequently, you will often find more credit given to ignorant, untrained, and uneducated skeptics/critiques of the scientist than the trained, educated, practiced scientist themselves.  This is unfortunate, but if all goes well, we won't have to deal with such censorship for much longer.

The bottom line is that just because the cabal buries the work of such bold scientists does not mean that we are required to ignore it.  Just because the obstinate mindset of the mainstream scientific community doesn't make room for new, unscripted discoveries doesn't at all mean that we have to be just as obstinate.  Contrary to popular belief, no one has the right to tell you not to learn what is true.  Another contrariety to note, unreasonable stubbornness does not at all equate to intelligence.  In fact, quite often, the opposite rings true (though discernment is keys).

Related Article...

This Discovery About Our DNA Should Be In The Forefront Of Mainstream Knowledge

With that said, lets continue with the presentation.

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B48.jpgWe have seen proof that life is not always needed to create life.  According to the standard, commonly-accepted theory of evolution, life didn't need life to generate the first time.  If spontaneously generated life occurred once, why would it not happen again?

The universe is trying to make life all of the time.

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Sea plankton have been found on the International Space Station – but how did they get there? 

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B59.jpgLet's take a look at another example.

We'll examine the work of Professor Ochoa Pacheco.

Pacheco basically took sand from a beech in Venezuela and put it in a hermetically sealed container with water for a day.  This was the control.

Here is an image of the control for the experiment.  It's just dead, lifeless quartz crystal.

Dr. Pacheco then heated the experimental container to white hot luminescence (also in a hermetically sealed container) let it cool, then waited 24 hours.  Only after he did this did creatures start to grow.

There is no explanation for this, according to the current understanding of biology.  Organisms aren't understood to grow out of nothing.  According to the mainstream model of evolution, life cannot come from non-life (except for the one time).  If anything, they should be growing in the container that wasn't heated, but they didn't.  They grew only after they were heated to a temperature that definitively kills all life.  Still we have these unprecedented results.

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B52.jpgThis is from the experimental set.

These are vegetables and animals growing from sterilized matter.  This looks a lot like a leaf.

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B60.jpgThis is a close up of the above slide.  It looks very similar to what you would see if you looked at a leaf under a microscope.
CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B61.jpgThis one looks like a white blood cell.

This one looks like a kernel of corn.

Related Video...

Wisdom Teachings: [#118] Scientific Proof of Spontaneous Life

This one has spines.  Where exactly did it learn how to grow spines?

This is likely the result of an intelligent universe, and the light waveform that creates everything else.

Reference Article...

CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B56.jpgWhat about the human code itself?

What does the information we have just discussed say about the validity of random, Darwinian evolution?  It's not random.  It's intentionally scripted.  It's been scientifically proven to occur under stress in order to meet the need of the moment.

Remember, there is only a 600-gene difference between the human body and c. elegans (the worm).  The DNA code model does not add up.  However, this code can be expressed without any genetic material being present.  It has been shown to be not DNA-based, but energetic and fractal in nature.
CLE%2B2016%2BSlide%2B57.jpgFractal geometry employs a concept referred to as "self similarity and all levels", or more simply, "self similarity".  This means that no matter how far you zoom in or out, you will always see the same shape.

This form is called the "Mandelbrot set".  It is a pattern found in multiple natural systems, yet it can only be mathematically obtained with an imaginary number.  That is the square root of negative 1.

Fractal geometry can be seen throughout the universe, even within the human body itself.  We will find that this fractal geometry is the key to understanding all systems within the universe.
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