a message from Leonard Jacobson
Wednesday, 26 May, 2010
Question: I understand the need to be more present in my life, but how do I deal with difficult emotions like anger or sadness when they arise?
Leonard's answer: If you are carrying repressed emotions from your past, particularly from your childhood, you will need to allow these emotions right of passage through you so that they can be released. Just feel the emotions as they arise within you. Identify them, confess them and express them in a responsible way, but do not become identified with them.
Do not believe in the story that your feelings are presenting. The story is always from the past. The present moment is free of the past. Whatever it is that you are angry or hurt about is not happening now, so it would not make any sense to believe in it. It is just a memory that you are caught in at some unconscious level.
Let the feelings up. Allow them conscious expression within you. One of the keys to awakening is to come into right relationship with your feelings. Everything that arises within you is seeking unconditional love and acceptance, even your feelings and emotions.
It is only when you repress your feelings that you create an inner disharmony which eventually leads to disease.
~Leonard Jacobson
Copyright Leonard Jacobson.