satanic vatican

One of the greatest shocks to Humanity after The Event will be the revelations around the global (below they only claim “national”) pedophile rings.

I stumbled on this website while looking for something else, and since there are no coincidences, I’m goin’ with it. Thanks to LiveLeak for sharing.

Satanists run the planet, or have been, and next to the Extraterrestrials, this is probably the biggest secret of all their depravity; feasting on and sexually abusing Humans, particularly babies and children. It’s often repeated, ritual abuse, over many years. We are prey.

There has been great difficulty keeping this film in circulation so it must be powerful. You can access the video below.

The coverup is not only a matter of the film disappearing, but many who meant to investigate and reveal the truth were assassinated. That’s nothing new as it’s the predators’ favourite method of conflict resolution. Very effective, and permanent.

Once we examine the potential for the Illuminati to blackmail and bribe people as a result of their unwilling or willing participation in these Satanic rituals it is a smaller step to conceive how they have been able to control Congress and the bulk of governments of the UK, Australia, Canada, the Vatican, etc.—not to mention police departments, and anyone who might pose a threat to their diabolical habits, and to censor material such as this which may have awoken a few more people had it been allowed to air. 

Where do so many missing children go? Can you face the answer? If you understood just how many practicing Satanists there are in America alone, the question would be moot.

Here’s another: Why are we hearing about so many priests involved in sexual abuse cases these days? 

This aspect of the global conspiracy to control Humanity is a major one, but certainly not representative of the whole problem. One must start somewhere, and bite-size pieces are more palatable. I wish I had a spoonful of sugar to offer with this, as it’s a bitter pill to swallow.  ~ BP

satanismConspiracy Of Silence

(Banned Discovery Channel Documentary) (croatian subtitle)

“Conspiracy of Silence” is a powerful, disturbing documentary revealing a nationwide child abuse and pedophilia ring that leads to the highest levels of government. Featuring intrepid investigator John DeCamp, a highly decorated Vietnam war veteran and 16-year Nebraska state senator, “Conspiracy of Silence” reveals how rogue elements at all levels of government have been involved in systematic child abuse and pedophilia to feed the base desires of key politicians… Check this out! Satanic Ritual Abuse:http://mysticalmusingsandpolitics.blo…

Based on DeCamp’s riveting book, The Franklin Cover-up, “Conspiracy of Silence” begins with the shut-down of Nebraska’s Franklin Community Federal Credit Union after a raid by federal agencies in November 1988 revealed that $40 million was missing.

When the Nebraska legislature launched a probe into the affair, what initially looked like a financial swindle soon exploded into a startling tale of drugs, money laundering, and a nationwide child abuse ring. Nineteen months later, the legislative committee’s chief investigator died suddenly and violently, like more than a dozen other people linked to the Franklin case.

So why have you never heard of the Franklin cover-up? Originally scheduled to air in May of 1994 on the Discovery Channel, “Conspiracy of Silence” was yanked at the last minute due to formidable pressure applied by top politicians. Some very powerful people did not want you to watch this documentary.

You may find yourself becoming angry or upset while watching “Conspiracy of Silence.” Many people do. However, consider that each of us has at times in our life acted out of selfish motives when it comes to sexuality and ended up hurting others in one way or another.

Let us take this information not only as a call to stop this kind of abuse at the nationwide level, but also as a call to examine our own sexual relationships and make a commitment to deep honesty and integrity in our own lives around this most sensitive issue. Thanks for caring and may we all work together to build a brighter future for ourselves and for our world.

A copy of this videotape was furnished anonymously to former Nebraska state senator and attorney John De Camp who made it available to retired FBI Agent Ted L. Gunderson. While the video quality is not top grade, this tape is a blockbuster in what is revealed by the participants involved.

NOTE; This film had to be reassembled from remaining VHS fragments after an all-out effort was made to block the films release and destroy all extant copies. Every
effort has been made to restore it to the original and complete “meant to be broadcast” version.

For additional information on this video, and download information:…

Here are some related articles:………

See the video at

That link doesn’t seem to be working, so you can view it here: (thanks,  D)

The film has Croatian subtitles.


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  •  and its very sad that some people have lost their lives in the mist of these investigations .I prayer for the souls of their families who had to go through so much suffering ...we need to end the generation of abuse and take some tought measures to see this kind of abuse doesn not happen ..

  •  i remember as child i was interrogated for something i didn't do and i was afraid of this teacher and so other children in class .Some of these children didn't want to leave their parents once they arrived in class and i remember the teacher's voice as being rather harsh and she was vindictive and manipulative and someitmes she would pulls us by the ear and march us to principle's office and the principle was not a friendly person either he was far worse ..My mother didn't put me in reform school i had asked her before she pass on ..

  • Larry King is a disfunctional psychopath .Anyone who works with children have to go through the toughtest screening process before they are allowed to work with children ..Boys Town was featured in 1940s movie i watch starring Bing Crosby ..Psyhopaths have the highest level of testerone and they are more sadistic .. They can see who is vulnerable and they use manipulation to cover up their crimes .Just how many pedophilia rings are there ? There is many,many of them around the world ..Arizonia Wilder tell her story.And for many decades David Icke and Kevin Annett are exposing many of these pedophilia rings and all the gory  details on child abuse ..i use to read many detective books and magaizines and i found some of these stories contained ritual scarifice and the front covers of these magazines showed provocative scenes ..Detective John Dougles complained about this and i haven'st seen any of these magazines .This was back in the early 80s i had an interest in psychology at the time ..i see this video was taken in early 90s i remember the a lot of controversial information about child abuse .It very unfortunate that children who become adults become dsyfunctional after they have been abused but some have decided tell all and have written books about this type of crime .Child abuse continues from one generation to the next .Children don't have to placed instituions but they can be improved if there is need ..The Boy Scotts Organization and HD Club was another children's organization i believe this was back in the early 60s and perhaps going back in early 1940s ..In the early 60s i was seven years old at the time .I was put into what they call refrom school this was when i was living in the U.S ..There is so many schools for children including private schools and different organizations ..

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