Constancy is a Divine Quality and is one of the Virtues of the Christ. It falls on Fifth Secret Ray. On this Ray, God Tabor is the Chohan, Regulus is the Elohim, and Archangel Shaddiel.
Constancy is a very important Divine Virtue to anchor into your world, as it carries you on the necessary rhythmic cycle of application until the appointed hour has come. What if the Elemental Kingdom did not bloom, or produce fruit and vegetables at the appointed hour? What if the Sun did not send Her Light and Love through the Rays constantly, unending, until the time came that the Earth and planets were drawn back into Her Heart?
Just as a point of instruction, if the Elementals did not purify that out-breath from our bodies, or the thoughts and feeling we sent off, we wouldn't be able to survive in outer physical embodiment for more than a few minutes.
So Constancy is very important for your resuCONSTANCY IN SERVICElts on the Path, whether Decrees, manifestations, attainment, mastery. Here I am sharing a Decree just for Constancy. There are many students who can benefit from this. With Love heart emoticon
In the Name, Love, Wisdom, Power and Authority of my own Beloved Presence of God, "I AM," I call directly to the Beloved God Tabor, the Mighty Elohim Regulus, and the Beloved Archangel Shaddiel to answer this call for me. Intensify it without limit every day, until I AM wholly Ascended and Free:
Make and keep me constant
Beloved I AM, to Thee!
Grateful for Thy Violet Fire
Whose use now sets me free.
Make and keep me constant,
In my willingness to serve.
With oceans of Forgiving Love
Held always in reserve.
Make and keep me constant,
When the human wants to quit.
Make me strong, courageous,
And master over it!
Make and keep me constant,
To the very best in me,
Giving Joyous Service
In Freedom's buoyancy.
Make and keep me constant,
In Faith, dissolving fear.
Let me live in "Listening Grace"
And feel the Master near!
Make and keep me constant,
From Love no more to roam;
Until my task is finished
And my Presence calls me Home