It’s been a while since the last newsletter. We have been very busy clearing energies on a massive scale and other projects. With all the events unfolding we can no longer ignore the obvious. Things just are not right, they have not been right for a very long time. Nothing is as it seems, and nothing is what we were told. What is not right or in alignment with Universal Law is all coming to the surface. The chaos we are experiencing, is the healing. The overlords, those who be lie ve, they control this planet are being seen for the vile, sociopaths they are. They have two agendas, profit and control and they will do anything to maintain that control. If humanity wakes up to what they have done its game over so all of humanity is a threat. Imagine if 8 billion people figure out who they are and what they have done. That is exactly why they want 7 billion of the population gone and have been very vocal about it. We cannot depend on lawmakers at the highest levels to enforce universal law or any law for that matter. The highest levels are corrupt.

We cannot depend on the lame stream corporate sponsored media, social media as well to tell us the truth or politicians. Politicians in most cases are not going to vote against other politicians because they all have dirt on each other. There are two reasons why politicians will not be honest with the people with what is unfolding globally. Most have dual citizenship with Israel backed by AIPAC the political arm and lobbyist of Israel. If you want to know who they are, they are the ones screaming the loudest to destroy Hamas putting on quite a show for their handlers. The other is Jeffrey Epstein who was Mossad and had blackmail tapes on many of them. Is there any doubt why we have never seen the list of Jefferies clients? There are photos of prominent politicians from Biden down, Adam Schiff allegedly visited over 70 times, that long list also includes both parties. We are in no way supporting or downgrading the atrocity of what was carried out by Hamas. It was brutal and heart wrenching!

No one is asking why, what drove them to this extreme hatred. Palestine was their land and now they have been reduced to a 5 by 25 mile postage stamp over the years. The Rothchild’s, Khazarian Jews created Israel which over the years displaced hundreds of thousands of Palestinians taking over almost the entire country. To this day they are treated as second class citizens. Know your history. Here is a map showing the history of Palestine.


There is a difference between Khazarian Jews and the Jewish people. Know the difference. Do your research. Did you know that Ukraine used to be called Khazaria? Any bells go off? Anyone connecting the dots, figuring out who is really in control? Could it be Khazarian Jews, the International banksters who financed every war since Napoleon? A Satanic/Luciferian death cult that has infiltrated governments globally? Most cannot handle the truth. You will never hear this on mainstream news because they own it. Most of social media as well.

Whenever the masses give their power away to outside forces and officials in time it is used against them. In a Republic the power remains with the individual protected by the constitution. We live in a constitutional republic not a democracy based on common law. Unfortunately it has been corrupted by those who seek power and control over others and will do anything to maintain that control. The war and disease profiteers undoubtedly are in control. For now.

They control the banks, the media, most of your politicians, almost every institution and have corrupted the original constitutional republic. This is going to be reset but it is a monumental task due to the extreme level of corruption. Our only option in the past has become like going to the foxes to complain about losing our chickens with expectations of them doing something about it. By their nature they will eat your chickens now that you told them where they are.

After the endless manmade plagues created in biolabs, millions of deaths, 250,000 children now and counting have died suddenly after the vaccine according to the CDC. The CDC and the WHO continue to boast the vaccines are safe and effective. They never were safe or effective, their own hidden research proved this from the very beginning.

History has proven the endless wars we have engaged in were based on lies, misinformation with hidden agendas. The big question is who gains from the wars and disease. The war and disease profiteers. Who are the war and disease profiteers? It’s a no brainer, those who profit, the billionaires who are in control behind the curtain. Who is doing their bidding? The ignorant, the critically thinking and morally impaired supported by those living in denial of the obvious. Those turning a blind eye to what is happening all around them adversely affecting them, their families and the planet watching their freedoms being whittled away to nothing. The socially engineered who be lie ve the power elite are going to save them and the planet.

The global elite also known as the NWO, or WEF as their public forum stated clearly their goals are the opposite. The green new deal, the wars, the plagues, are nothing more than transfers of wealth to the war and disease profiteers. Your alphabet agencies work for them, some of which were complicit in starting these wars, the distribution of bioweapons included. Yes, Cov19 is a bioweapon. They have mansions, multiple cars, yachts, personal jets yet tell you that you have to do without, reduce your carbon footprint. You will own nothing, eat bugs and be happy is their slogan.

We cannot overlook the Mossad when it comes to all these false flags within the IDF. One question that needs to be asked again and again, how did Hamas have an open door with a welcome mat when the IDF knows when a grain of rice is moved in Gaza? Warnings were ignored. Why? Is the end goal wiping Gaza off the map, a war that includes all their other adversaries in the Middle East? Did they need this event to get the world behind them?

Israel is having severe political problems. The people are tired of war, they want peace. Most want to do what is right to heal the past. Mothers from both sides are marching in the streets with their children demanding an end to the senseless killing.

The power elite needed this war as a distraction. They need to take the attention off all their puppets especially in America which are being exposed daily for their corruption. They are the same folks that demanded everyone be vaccinated, children as well which experienced Cov 19 as a mild cold easily fought off by their own immune system. They demanded 100% vaccinations of the Israeli people, so how is it they have their safety first and foremost? This is base common sense. It is all coming together for those with eyes to see. Did these same folks destroy an American naval destroyer to bring us into war against Iraq, Iran and others who oppose them? Does the Gulf of Tonkin event ring a bell? Why did the Israeli Air Force fire on an American ship hoping there would be no witnesses to blame it on other countries, their adversaries? Did the same group take down the twin towers and building 7 to get us to go to war against Iraq? Why were Israelis caught cheering, dancing on a van when the towers went down? The one they charged for orchestrating the event Osama Bin Ladin was from Afghanistan? He and George Bush Jr. used to play in the same play pen and their parents were in business together. Were there ever weapons of mass destruction? Bush Jr. joked about it ignoring how many American soldiers lost their lives or were crippled in a war that made no sense. How much more obvious does it have to get.

Until the people take back their power from the war and disease profiteers we will always have war and disease. Pain suffering death and destruction is all they have to offer and they are all getting rich from it. Guess who is paying for these wars? You are. It is your tax dollars? Guess who is carrying out their wishes in ignorance, denial or due to being integrity and morally challenged? Guess why the lame stream media goes along with all this?

These same power elites are behind the demoralization of America. This includes drug, child and sex trafficking, a multi-billion dollar industry. They are behind open borders and the illegal immigrants flooding into not just America, other countries as well. This is a downward spiral into social, economic and environmental collapse if not checked. They created the problem and they have the solution. Global dominance with the vast majority living in abject poverty under complete surveillance with no freedoms or rights is their solution. If we do not rise to the occasion and demand an end to the wars, the weaponized viruses, the bio weapons, the poisoning of our food, water and air, the engineered food shortages we are a doomed civilization. Something a non-human scaley or gray civilization would love to see.

The reason there is so much inhumane activity on earth now and in the past is because of nonhuman interference by those who care nothing for humanity or the Earth. They are at war with the Creator in all Creation. Call them what you wish, every religion has their names for these ungodly demonic figures and the people they possess. Those of humanity that serve them have also fallen to an ungodly level of existence void of any love, joy, bliss in service to self. Wealth and power over others are all they seek, losing all empathy and connection to their soul. Their lust for power and wealth is insatiable. They are narcissists with massive egos committing treason against their own people and that will be their downfall.

What they did not factor in is a higher power, a greater plan, an event no man/woman can stop. It is the planetary liberation, the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth. It is an event backed by God/Creator/Great Spirit itself along with the beautiful many Ascended Masters, Saints and sages, Spiritually and Technologically Advanced Off Worlders. It is cosmic in nature, measurable, and has to do with grand cycles. There are also those of noble character in positions of power and influence who see the writing on the wall. The world the war and disease profiteers desire is unsustainable, it is on a downward spiral leading to social, economic and environmental collapse.

We now have a choice individually and collectively if we are going to take this downward spiral. The upward spiral is living a spiritual life in harmony with each other and nature. The two realities are dividing. Everything is being amplified and revealed. What took years, sometimes lifetimes to come around, the karmic boomerang is taking hours and days. The Apocalypse is also known as the great reveal where nothing is hidden. All the iniquities will be shouted from the rooftops. Time to get right with Creator. It is also time to live according to Universal Law. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. This is Universal Law. It is also known as Unity Consciousness, the Law of One. There is no division in God, God is omnipresent, act accordingly. It is not hard to do. The hard part is being brutally honest with yourself and others finding the courage and impeccable integrity within. Have fun with that. This is going to be a very intense ride challenging people to their bones.

Time to pray for help on high, act and be the solution. We cannot expect the leadership of today to solve these problems. It is like Einstein said, “Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result is a form of insanity.” We are in what has been referred to as end time madness. Hopefully this will interject a little sanity into what is unfolding. Do not be duped into participating in these wars. Choose Peace.

Be well,

James Gilliland

ECETI Stargate Radio and As You Wish Talk Radio

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