Convenient Links for You
Two announcements:
We post the link for our radio shows on Facebook each week. We have just set up a special service, as many have requested, so that people who wish to have the link for the time and topic of the shows can receive an email each time there is a show. We are just starting this service, so you can go to the following link to make sure you are signed up to get the announcements. Makes it easy for all. You can try it out today. We will have all the bugs, if there are any, worked out by the next show.
Here is the link:
Today's show will be a Healing and Teaching session with Meg Davis and Sananda. Meg and I will do a special presentation on auto-immune diseases - the connection between nutrition and psychological issues. Come join us at 2 EDT today, and we will go together to the Arcturian healing ship with Sananda.
Today's show:
Love, Kathryn
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Internet Radio shows:
Book by Kathryn E. May, PsyD: Who Needs Light?
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