My shadow self, what have you come to teach me today?
That is very interesting, in regards, to what you consider teaching, because nothing in life can be taught, all is a serious of transformations, and, in some ways, it is a series of remembrances, where we remember, who we Truly are, through, understanding, who we are not, yet, there is a process here. As life is an evolving process of re-creation, so are you re-creating, yourself in the next grandest version of the greatest vision you ever held about who you are. Who are you?
This is a grand question, and a grand imagining, yet, when we focus on that which we are not, who we are, is not, and through that understand that who we are is not, we also understand who we are. *laugh* The simplest answer to be given, is that all is divine creation, even though we spend much time in re-creation. If we re-create the past, how then do we move forward into our future?
What we resist, persists, what we embrace, goes away. That is the nature of the experience, that God Self, has set up for God Self, to see God Self, yet the grandest illusion is this: that you need anything at all, and so through not-needing, yet coming from a place of Pure Will, that is not withoutpure purpose, we come to define what reality means to us, through our own Higher Selves.
You have forgotten, nothing more and nothing less, who you are, and who you are, is the creator of your own universe, all your thoughts, words, and deeds, create your reality. All of your intentions, create your experience. You are the mind’s eye of your own actions, your source, and your Truth, to which all leads back.
We have come here to experience, not to know, for inherently, you know all there is to know, yet you believe that you are less than your experience. You are the experience, my friend.
I knew you once when you were never afraid, for fear is our greatest enemy in this life, fear=FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL. You have a grand respect for who you are, and were not afraid to champion the understands of others, in the face of who you were.
Yet, through fear, of what other would do TO YOU, you allowed yourself to be controlled by F.E.A.R., and then somewhere along the way you started to blame yourself and all others for your experience.
Yet, there is none to blame, for all are beautiful and holy in God, have you forgotten, so, my dear friend, that all is God, even the very particle of hate, even hate itself is God, just in a different form!!!
It is not hate that is the problem, but when we allow ourselves to be driven to its worse state, rage. Rage is the state of experience where one has truly not accepted their natural human emotions, it is from repression, and all of what is called, “Deviance of thought.” Is ultimately derived from the same source, repression. The fear changes form to meet the demands of the mind, and the mind is ultimately chaotic.
When you buy into your own press, you lose the source of its own meaning. I never buy into my own press, I know it bullsh*t! Why? Because all is an illusion, and others are always creating their own illusions, it is their reality! Yet, the problem comes in when they believe or define, that their illusion is the grandest illusion, and there in sits the issue at hand, you have bought into your own illusion.
Pure source is always creating, changing, and transforming, and the Ultimate Truth is always going to contain one of three things, Joy, Truth, and Love, that is Unlimited, Eternal, and Free. There is no wrong or right in God’s world, only human beings create their definitions of wrong and right, hard one for you, I know!
There is no such thing as Universal Wrong and Right, only human beings, in their own choices, have agreed upon those things, but God did not. It is, as the Andromedans say, Always agreed upon reality.
So choose your illusion wisely, when you know yourself as source, and not only source, but THE source, of your own creation, you will understand that all it is not up to you to lose the illusion, but to use the illusion, for your benefit, and the benefit of the whole.
We are always selfish, for there is nothing that we do not do, ultimately, for our selves, even the very expression, of helping another, is generator from the first I idea, that I am doing this because it makes “me” feel good. There is no selfless acts, my friend.
And that Truth does not necessarily sit good with others, nor is Truth going to sit good, until it does. Truth is rarely comfortable, because it goes outside of what others define as their reality. Do you see this?
So long have you allowed yourself to please others, to placate them in their own understandings, that you have forgotten to speak your Truth, and have allowed others, through your own intentions, to decide what Truth is for you.
You did not come here to be a paradigm for others, only for yourself, and then to be a new paradigm, that would ultimately challenge the very foundations of what culture is.
That is being the new, my friend, any time you step into the new, and most of all, embody the new, others, not all, but relatively, who are still living in the fabric of the old system, or any system really, are going to be nay-sayers. Of course they would wish you to conform, it keeps the system working. If someone comes along, and breaks the system, those still in it have to examine what isn’t working, and then, most of all, they have to do something about it!
Ultimately, my greatest gift I can give you is this, remember that, “So what if others don’t like you!” And most importantly, “So what if they do!”
Because there will be those who love you, others who hate you, for no other reason that who you are, and the experience you are living, and there will be those who feel neither, yet, regardless of who they choose to experience themselves of in relationship to you, you still must be you.
I will go now for you to think on these things but know this, “Soon the Sun and the Moon will be one, the Light and the Shadow, merged as two, soon the people will not be a reflection of themselves, nor able to turn away from their own inner conduct, soon all will have to face who they are, be brave, my friend, this has just begun.”
Thank you.