– Message transcribed by Goldenlight, © www.thegoldenlightchannel.com. Please include this credit without alteration and a link to the source message and to this website when reposting this message.
Hi St Germain a lot of the blog sites are talking about the significance of 7-20-14 and that the GCR trigger is going to be pulled on 7-20 or 7-21 could you elaborate on this? Is it a numerology thing?
Yes it all adds up to 7 which is the number of alchemy and magic.. It is the date things will change globally, magically, through alchemy.. I am involved in this through alchemy which is one of the techniques I mastered on earth and also perform from the higher realms. The energy of money is being transformed from being used for evil by the powers that were to being used for good by the new powers that are and will be. Money essence and energy is being transformed through an alchemy process wherein its essence is being transformed from a weapon for disaster war plague etc into a benevolent energy to uplift and restore not only mankind but also your planet earth who is a sentient being known as Gaia..this is being done now before its too late, before the old powers that were destroyed the world and its inhabitants. There is much to be done now to clean up your planet and money will now start being used for good to heal your planet and all beings on it.
The star nation galactics will also be coming into your awareness and eventually into an intergalactic relationship with your planet and they can assist with cleaning up your planet in a more rapid manner if you are open to it. They will not force themselves on you they are very gentle and loving but they do not want to see your planet destroyed as it would affect the entire universe. Your planet and all beings on it are part of an interconnected universe of life forms.. You are not one single planet floating in blank space you are part of a cohesive universe and an integral part of it. What happens on your planet affects all of the rest of the universe. People of the earth need to start realizing this. The goal for the next 10 or so years is to bring your planet back into harmony, reunite with your inner earth population which is a higher dimensional society, and then eventually reunite with your Star families and they will assist you with much higher dimensional technology. It’s all up to you and as you bring your awareness to these issues you will start to attract this cohesive reunification first on the surface of your planet, then within your whole planet including the Inner Earth, and finally with your star galactic nations and star families.
– Message transcribed by Goldenlight, © www.thegoldenlightchannel.com. Please include this credit without alteration and a link to the source message and to this website when reposting this message.
Further reading:
BRICS Establish $100 Billon Bank and Currency Pool to Cut Out Western Dominance –http://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/07/16/brics-powers-up-banking-and-energy/
The DC's trick involving Alchemy was to turn precious metals into "worthless paper" now the real magic of Alchemy for the light movement is to turn that same worthless toilet paper back into precious metals known as real $.. money. That will be the greatest feat in history known to mankind in our future records, indeed huh. Adonai