Its the End of the World as we know it now;
the Corona Virus has taken over somehow;
Its # nine on the NWO list, to take us down;
Its not the same, this one has a Crown:
Its designed not only to make us very sick;
but to put in there NWO and make it stick:
To control our lives at every point with Fear;
With lies and Deception drawing us ever near;
They called it Pandemic but its just another flu, a lie;
They deceived us greatly about the numbers to die:
And when it didn't happen, they admitted there mistake;
But it was to late,they put there people in power to create:
Turning many lost people against one another;
Driving violence and crime against there Brother:
Controlling there minds and Bodies to wear masks;
Making people to keep there distance, slavery at last:
Many people have no clue to whats really going on;
Martial Law put in effect, there Freedom is now gone:
How did this happen, aren't we smarter than that ?;
How did they fool us, did we believe there lies as fact?:
Where did all of our jobs go, small business exist no more;
like all the jobs lost to china, shipping them all off shore:
This is a grand old scam they have cooked up this time;
Soon they will have people working for a nickle or a dime.
Maybe we should ask W.H.O., Who is behind it all;
or Bill Gates and G. Sorros who is funding it, waiting for us to Fall:
How about CDC and dr.Fausi, would they lie to the people?;
They are all members of the same club of Eugenic cripples:
They are bent on destroying 90% of us, to put in there NWO;
Only a Poor class left to serve the mega rich for a starter:
WAKE UP People , this 1% can't control all the peoples Minds;
Stand up for your freedom, send them to where the sun don't shine:
By Rev. Joshua Skirvin 8-31-2020