
Dear Lightworkers,


In an update from November 2010, Salusa suggested that there are a number of "federations" (plural) that serve the Light,” and S was suggesting those federal star nation structures, comprising more than one star nation, are political unions, within the greater cosmic union, we call the Galactic Federation of Light, or GFL…

Salusa also refered to the "Intergalactic Confederation" which seeks to unify the galaxies under Lighted leadership, of which the GFL is a part, along with the Andromeda galaxy. Yet no further details were provided, so I will now do so. Moreover and frankly, readers should take any of Mike Quinsey's "channeling" with a pinch of salt...

One example of a "smaller federation" aluded to, within the GFL, would be the Plejaren Federation, that some erroneously refer to as the “Pleiadian Star League.” It extends beyond the Plejares star cluster.....

The planets that owe alligiance to the Plejaren Federation, as members, are as follows:


Erra (Plejares Tayget System)

Bardan (Coma Galaxy)

Luseta (Plejares Tayget System)

Askal (Plejares Tayget System)

Njsan (Lyra System)

Druan (Nol System)

Deron (Vega System)

Deneb (Cygnus System)

Sater (Lyra System)

Timar (DAL Universe)


The Plejaren have representatives on the Main Galactic Federation Council in the Vega system…A planet named "Deron" and within planet Deron, a crystal city even more splendid than Shamballa.


At the GFLMC, the Sirians are represented by Chief Representative Kalestra, who is the prime representative for Akanowai on the GFL Main Council.

And working to the Main Council are the Liason Groups, both regional & local..


Until the official formation of the Solaris Star Nation, the Sirian Regional Council represents and acts on behalf of this system, via the Local Liason Group and SOL system Local Governing Council....which includes representatives from Inner Mars, Venus & Earth...(Ascended Masters.)

The Sirian Star System once negotiated semi-independently, but now chooses to conduct the great majority of diplomatic missions from within the political structures of the Galactic Federation of Light.


Selamat gajun akanowai dajoie….!!


Col. Drekx Omega, Cmdr, GFL Ground Crew (East England Sector)


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  • Yes, the original human colonists that settled Earth, were the Lyrans...Who also settled both Sirius B and the Plejares....So that is what I meant....we are all genetically and spiritually related family, as galactic humans, all of whom originated within the Vega star system, spread out across the Lyra constellation and then, across the galaxy and beyond it..
    Let us just say that Lyra is the common denominator.....that links all galactic humans..
    The Lyran colonists on Earth, were the founders of Agartha and Lemuria.
  • Hello Drekx, as you said on May 15, 2022 at 2:18pm, in that earlier post, "In effect Earth is our colony home" do you mean by "our" Sirians or Plejadians or both? thank you
  • Personally I have never met the famous Semjase.....However I have studied much of her work and history....I placed a rendering of what she is purported to look like, in the intro, above...However, Billy has improved that rendering, with an almost photographic one, like Quetzal's......I'll attach it here...
    She is very beautiful and could easily walk down an English street, in any town, village or city and nobody would guess that she was from planet Erra.....

  • An ET friend I sometimes consult, outside of my Sirian kin, is Quetzal, from the Plejares....I note that he has an eye colour identical to my own....And I view him as being family, in much the same way as if he were an Earthman....In effect Earth is our colony home.......We arrived from outside it and made it our home, in cosmos.....Many forget that simply living on a planet, makes us part of cosmos....We are part of this Universe, as with our brothers and sisters of the Plejaren Federation and GFL...And we even have kin outside of this Universe.....Truly amazing, but totally truthful...

  • That cosmic lady has such gorgeous features....Because all Earth Humans, genetically and spiritually, originate, off-world and higher dimensionally, we understandably have natural instincts of attraction to the forms of certain off-world races, of galactic Humans...This natural attraction, in itself, proves that Earth people are related to many Humanoid people, off-world.....
    Sometimes nature provides the answers that may elude those who are strictly observing something, without using intuitive skills....Gut feelings can work wonders for seekers of truth....as well as logic and mindful considerations...
  • Note how the Plejares have their own Federation, within the greater one...And it extends to the parallel universe of DAL, due to the historical ties between Plejaren pioneers and the planet Timar, Akon system..
    Made famous among Earth people, by Asket....

  • The Sirians do not and will not use Mike Quinsey as an outlet for any real information...He now "channels his higher self," which is somewhat fanciful....As he is not an ascended master and we all have higher selves, with which we may, or may not, connect....It's all about light quotient....The better the antaḥkaraṇa (Sanskrit: अन्तःकरण) , the better the comms...We each build this conduit in mental substance, to start with and it is also built from the Monad, higher self, down the planes to connect with the incarnatee's building efforts...Once functioning, spiritual impulses may be relayed from higher to lower....
    So why would anyone need Mike's higher self, when they have their own...?? lol
  • Although at one time, some years ago, Mike Quinsey was a useful conduit of Sirian energies...Unfortunately, he has now been retired from the work, as he was hijacked by CIA psyops....and was deliberately mixing facts with fictions....and thus no longer to be use by the Sirians as an outlet...

  • Indeed, we use the term "starseed" to describe those who incarnate on earth in human bodies, born of earthly parents, but having an original spirit of off-world origin...some from the Plejares, and in my case and that of Kelly Lightchalice, of Sirian origin, planet Samanet...

    Some members on ACC mistakenly accuse me of claiming to be an ET, when I have never done so....I have been told by the Sirians that I'm in contact with, they my original spirit form got karmically bonded with earth, about 13 millennia ago and I have been incarnating here since....The same as Billy, but a different cosmic lineage...

    And also, I have been told that my original ET clan still considers me as remaining connected with it....The "Atars" or Spirit Warrior clan....

  • are you sure? i cant buy this and anything from Billy...but i guess the truth is somewhere between the lines as always :)

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