Coming False Flag Events
Today is the 20th of March, 2016. Will Berlinghof is the Voice of Cosmic Awareness, Callista is energizer and questioner. Welcome Awareness, do you have a public message at all for this time please?
That this Awareness does have a public message for this crucial and critical time. It will start rather than in this moment of time to a time five days ago, to that date of March 15th, that which is also known as the Ides of March. That several weeks ago this Awareness did suggest that an event might occur on the 15th of March, that would have great significance and be part of that which would be a false flag event hosted by the powers-that-were as they struggle to continue to manipulate and control events on this planet. That in the meantime after that which was shared by this Awareness, events occurred of such a nature that those who were planning on carrying out this false flag event were exposed in their intent and, as a result, they did not proceed as planned.
That the false flag event was meant to involve a holographic arrival of extraterrestrial beings that were meant to shake the essence of humanity to the core as a new reality was introduced with the proposal that these ones were here to assist humanity. Included in this would be the arrival of one who would represent himself as the true Messiah, of the true faith and the faithful ones, who have been awaiting the Second Coming. That this plan did not occur, not only however for the reason of exposure of these plans through this Awareness and other sources, but for another very important event that this Awareness will now discuss.
That there is that which is known by many as planet Nibiru, that is entering into the solar system and that there are those who have observed this who have taken pictures, long distance pictures, of this planet that has entered into the far reaches of the solar system, and that has been progressing forward to planet Earth. That there are those contained in Nibiru that have historically been known as the Anunnaki, the Anunnaki are ones who are a combination of races but in particular the Orion race and the Reptilian race and that the Anunnaki are a combined race now. That these ones have been moving towards planet Earth steadily, but that an event occurred just before 15th of March, the Ides of March, that has altered things considerably. That event was that these ones and Nibiru itself has been stopped in its tracks, whereas their initial plans and the plans of the powers-that-were was to bring in the false Messiah which would be followed up by the arrival of the home planet Nibiru that would then convince humanity to become followers of the true Messiah and the true chosen people. That this has now been halted, that there are those forces of Spirit, those that some call the benevolent ones or the benevolents that have halted Nibiru in its tracks.