
Dec. 15, 2013

Channeled by Will Berlinghof

Source: http://rainbow-phoenix.com/


This is an excerpt from a teleconference which took place between Rainbow Phoenix members. Some members requested that excerpts from this teleconference be made available to the general public because of the time-sensitive nature of the information.


Questioner 1: It's kind of related to your last reading about the guy that had the question about the attack in Texas, I believe, and it's related to Ison and you talked about like the ships or the weapons from this chamber and I kind of wanted to clarify – was like a treaty was made some time in the long past and then part of the treaty was you had to keep the weapons in this chamber, and that's why they stole them, or is it just the Anunnaki just kept them there for some later date and then they just retook them to use right now, and maybe explain who the entity Zoroaster was and what the specialty of that ship that they found. It's kind of related to the same question, so that's my question or combination of questions, thank you.


Cosmic Awareness: That you are indeed asking an interesting question. That the weapons and devices that were taken from the underground chambers in Iraq were not from the Anunnaki but rather from that which is known as the Galactic Federation. That these devices that were removed were known of by certain ones that are of the Anunnaki, of the Orion/Reptilian faction. That these devices could be used as weapons. Indeed some are weapons and that because of a treaty, as you have correctly identified, the agreement at that time was that these weapons and devices would not be used in an aggressive way in the future.


However that agreement was that which was broken when those forces entered into the chamber, broke into the chamber and took these devices, this equipment advanced in technology back to the United States, back to Fort Worth in Texas. That this prompted a response on the part of the Galactic Federation ones and this is what was seen in the attack on Fort Worth. That these devices were either recaptured or destroyed. That there is nothing left at Fort Worth that could be used in a detrimental way. This Awareness would also say that these Galactic forces were in association with Enki, the Anunnaki that battled against his brother Enlil and that he too, if you will, was thus involved not directly in this action but did have knowledge of this event and what precipitated it. Does this answer your question?


Questioner 1: Yes, is Enki as we know entity Zoroaster, is this the same entity or is Zoroaster something else? The ship, that special ship that they found, which seems to be kind of related maybe to the devices that were so found in the chamber?


Cosmic Awareness: This too is correct. The name Zoroaster is an ancient name, a name that sometimes indeed was associated with Enki and did represent the solar Sun God and that concept of a solar deity. That this being so, Enki and Zoroaster were one and the same. That this is still that which is a connection between the two. There are many names for those Anunnaki ones who were so prevalent at earlier times, in earlier times. Many of the names of the gods of ancient times were names applied to various of the Anunnaki: Enki, Enlil and others, Anu as well. Does this again answer your question?


Questioner 1: So was that the ship that they found, was that like he had his own special ship or something or was that something totally different?


Cosmic Awareness: It is seen that it was not Enki's personal ship. That it belonged to those forces that were campaigning for Enki, his forces, his troops if you will. It is not seen that this was his personal ship but it was an advanced model of those who were aligned with Enki including many of the Galactic Federation ones who are again back, again involved in an effort to break the domination of the Anunnaki that it has had for so long, and that this is why the entity Enki is again aligned with these forces of the Galactic Federation.


Questioner 1: Ok, thank you. I was kinda just trying to clarify all that, thank you very much.


Cosmic Awareness: That this Awareness thanks you for bringing these questions up for clarification. It is sometimes confusing, for there are many names of the entities. But these entities, these Anunnaki are the same players over and over again. The most current name for the entity that is known as Enki is St. Germain. There is now another is that is presenting itself under the ancient name of Marduk. But it is not the son of Enki, as was originally the case. It is seen that this is one from the Anunnaki, from the Orion/Reptilians that is using this name to create certain confusions for those who may be familiar with Marduk and the legends of Marduk, and that in presenting itself as Marduk, the one known as Enlil is making an attempt to create a situation in accordance to that which is known by those Orion reptilians from the fourth dimensional levels of what could be occurring on the planet.


Remember, if you will, that they are based in the fourth dimension and have access to many timelines. That they choose certain timelines to reinforce and energize so that these timelines may suit their wishes and this way they can propel the world forward, humanity forward. But of course it is not so that one must partake in their manipulated timelines. This Awareness is but speaking of this at this time for you to understand that if there comes forward more information of the entity Marduk, that you know truly who this one is and who he is associated with. He is associated with Enlil and the Anunnaki forces, the Orion/Reptilian ones who are still seeking to stay in control and manipulate the future to their benefit.


Questioner 1: Ok, thank you for that answer.

Cosmic Awareness: That you are indeed welcome. This Awareness thanks you.


Questioner 2: I don't hear very well but I will ask my question. Awareness, I greet you with respect and humbleness and I would like to ask please, will the arrival of comet Ison create upheaval on Earth and how does comet Ison relate to the great spiritual event that is to take place? Thank you.


Cosmic Awareness: That the comet Ison is already interacting with the planet and other planetary bodies such as Mars and of course the sun. That it is part of a celestial plan, a Divine plan that has much to do with ending the old energies on this planet, disrupting them, bringing them to cessation, to ending and introducing new energies, new forces that will become the norm on this planet.


That for many this may be experienced as an event of great magnitude that is difficult in nature, for it is seen that part of what is occurring here is a shifting further of the electromagnetic forces and fields that are already in a tentative position and are on that which could be called the "tipping point". That this event of course would cause great disruption on the planet on various levels, in particular to all electrical devices, electric magnetic devices, motors, engines, computers, satellites, for it is seen that the satellites will also be affected, both in their orbits around the planet as well as on Earth where they are based, where the communication centers, the linking centers to the satellites are based.


That it is also seen that which has long been awaited, a polar shift, could as well occur during these times but it is not guaranteed, it is not said by this Awareness that this will be so. It is seen simply as one of the possibilities that could occur shortly. But as this Awareness has so often said in the past, you are not to be in fear of these events but to recognize these are events that have long been planned, and that each and every individual can mitigate the seriousness of their own experience of these events.


This is one reason why you are all searching and seeking. Not simply to protect yourselves in this serious time but to understand rather how to adjust your energies, how to enter into these events without fear but rather with an inward certainty and assuredness that all will be well, that you and loved ones will be well. This Awareness has often used the analogy and example of being a surfer and surfing these wild waves. That if one is at all frightened in the experience, this would make the surfer tentative and fearful, and in such an attitude there is danger of falling off the board and into the waves. One must rather be bold and assured and confident. One must enjoy the experience and feel the excitement and exhilaration that often attend this matter, this type of work, this type of journey. That this is known by many as an adrenaline rush, which is why so many seek extreme sports to have such an experience of being alive.


But in this case it is not the adrenaline that will be rushing so much as the spiritual energies that are strong and are motivating one into a heightened experience. During this heightened experience: work with the energies, flow with the energies, go with the energies. Do not be frightened of what is happening but rather always be aware that these are indeed the Divine plans, these are indeed the plans of that which is the God Force Itself and that you are all part of the God Force. You are all part of the plans.


As far as Ison goes, that you need not truly worry about what it is bringing. It is but one agency of the Divine that is meant to bring such shifts in consciousness, not only to each individual but to all of humanity and even to Mother Earth herself. That the energies of Ison are thus in alignment with the energies of the Divine and that even though there are ones who are on ships in that which is called Ison, they too are in alignment with the Divine on this matter. Is this clear to you?


Questioner 2: Yes, Cosmic Awareness, yes. I just want to ask please, in what way is it at all related, this arrival of the comet? Is it related to the great spiritual event we are expecting to take place?


Cosmic Awareness: It is indeed related but it is not singularly the only event that will trigger this great spiritual event, for this spiritual event is much, much more. It is perhaps a catalyst but there are other catalytic forces that are also at work at this time. Even now at this time the planet is going through meteor showers and much is being deposited on the planet at this time that has great strength and power. Many minerals are being deposited on the planet and it is also seen that there are certain minerals and crystals that are in the tail of Ison that are also to be deposited on the planet. These crystals will have great value in times ahead. Yet many may see the debris and the falling from the skies of this debris as great catastrophe and great upheaval. But again it is part of something much greater.


Therefore Ison is indeed of great significance, but it is not the only event nor the only comet that will help propel things forward. It is seen that in approximately a year's time another comet will come and accelerate events even more.


Remember this Awareness has said many times that this is a process. Many expected a singular event last year on December 21st. There was an event that was deep indeed but there was not a singular event, a shifting of all in that moment on the 21st where everything changed. But one could say it was the beginning of the final phase of transition. Ison is also part of this final phase of transition, and that even though events may be occurring that many might…


That Ison is part of many events. Do also think in terms of human events and how there are catalyzing events on the human field that will also have great impact as well. There are many, many events. Do not focus only on one. Remember that these events are all part of the great design and the great plan. Does this help understand the situation with Ison and its particular significance, which is of course a great significance, will bring much shifting and much energy to the planet soon?


Questioner 2: Thank you, Awareness. Most grateful. Thank you very much.


Cosmic Awareness: You are indeed welcome.


Questioner 3: I have heard it in many places, different sites and I know there is a being channeled called Zora, he also said that this time around it is called also NESARA or Basil in which, for instance everything is going to start with the reevaluation of the dinar which is an Iraqi money and that will trigger the reevaluation of different currencies, number one. But then NESARA is the program in which, they call them the “white hats” are going to get rid of all the bad guys and bring a more fair planet for humanity and they're going to put in jail all those reptilian peoples that have been subjugating humanity, so it's different sources.


That this Awareness would say that this is a bogus report, a false report. That reports of this nature that suggest such a glorious turn of events, where all will be benefited and uplifted by such actions is not seen as that which is the truth of the matter. The reason this Awareness asked where you saw this is because often reports that one sees on the television, hears on the radio or reads over the internet are not the truth. There are many who are misusers of the internet and in particular those same forces, those corrupted ones that would have the populace believe certain things so that they can slide in that which they are wishing to achieve. One way that these ones control those who are Lightworkers or spiritual ones is to give such a message out, such promises. But they are not seen to have any great validity by this Awareness. Furthermore this Awareness would remind you that one's true abundance begins with oneself and in oneself. If you focus on abundance flowing to you personally, first and foremost, you create then your reality and in this reality you will find abundance and prosperity available to you, unlimited and expanding to infinity, if that is your strength of imaging and imagining. But this particular report, especially in its association with NESARA, which has so often made such claims, such grand claims only to have them not manifest, is not seen as valid.


What is seen as possible is that the Powers That Be on an economic front may attempt some coup of world economies and present that which is the one world currency, and argument presented to benefit humanity. That the claim will be that it will benefit humanity and many will think this is the prosperity that they read about, the plan for prosperity, but that there is an ulterior motive. Do not get sucked into this. Rather understand that when you establish your own abundance and you realize that all can do so, that you may begin to teach others how to do this in their personal world and in their personal lives. And if they then teach another and that other teaches yet another and so on and so forth, that eventually all will come to a place of personal abundance and collective abundance. But in terms of this claim there simply is no validity as seen by this Awareness to such a claim. Is this part one clear to you?


Questioner 3: This is what I'm asking because if there is all these bad people going to surrender to these reptilians and get screwed, and on the other hand all these happenings,


I mean it is very confusing because I don’t… it's hard for me to believe that anything of that kind, of that nature could happen. So I don't know. That's why I'm asking you, because I have a big doubt about everything.


Cosmic Awareness: But you do know. You sensed it. You have just said so to this Awareness that you have great doubts. This means that that which this Awareness has so often called the BS detector is working. There is suspicion, there is doubt, there is uncertainty of this and a deeper feeling that it is not what it seems to be. Simply hold this, be open to what comes but know that you are not comfortable with this claim, even though it sounds so good, so promising, exactly what so many spiritual ones want to believe without ever taking responsibility in their own lives to create their own levels of abundance and prosperity. This is a common fault for those who are Lightworkers who do not wish to look into the dark, who do not wish to question but only wish to believe such grand prophecies and predictions and claims.


It is the responsibility of yourself and each and every spiritual seeker to truly feel these matters out, to check with the BS detector, to see what you feel about it, and trust nothing if it is of a nature that makes you suspicious and uncomfortable. You do not need to worry about this claim, for it will not have much effect on you unless you invest your personal energies in such a claim or other similar claims and it distracts you and it pulls you aside. Sense this, feel this, know this, trust your instincts on this. Work towards establishing and holding your own abundance in your life, which this Awareness sees you are accomplishing quite well at this time. Trust that which is your personal experience of your reality, for that is all that matters, not these claims made on the internet or through the media. Simply that which you yourself are directing and experiencing is that which matters most. Is this clear to you?


Questioner 3: Yes, thank you. 

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  • Also, regarding the Ison as in 3D manifestation viewpoint whether she still cloaked or diminished, please refer to the up-to-date Vid. 

  • If this message would be correct in everything, we might be surprised as Saint Germain = Enki = Zoroaster, and NESARA just as BS! But, until now the Ison with no remarkable effects... I remembered another similar message claiming that Saint Germain as Enki at the Esophoria Site by Helen.

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