Hadron Cern Collider Activation, Planetary Alignments
That which is Cosmic Awareness is available. Please proceed.
Today is the 10th of August, 2015. Will Berlinghof is the Voice of Cosmic Awareness and Callista is Energizer and Questioner. Awareness, do you have any message for the human collective at this time?
The main message this Awareness has at this time has to do with an event that is coming, that is in approximately one week's time. This event being an alignment, a planetary alignment of planets and heavenly bodies, if you will, that will be lined up to allow a certain opening in consciousness to occur.
It is also a time that certain ones in the power structure, those who are the Elites, the Powers-That-Be, the Cabal, that these ones are also aware of this auspicious occasion of the planetary alignments on the 15th of August and it is their plans to use that day and the energies available to start up the Cern Hadron Collider. That this is part of an agenda they have to mute or deflect the building wave that is approaching the Earth, that is seen to be approaching at this time and building up to an event around the middle of September where a crescendo of energies will cascade upon the Earth Itself, on to the Earth Itself.
But first is this event for August 15th and the starting up of Hadron Collider in Cern, Switzerland. That many are concerned of this, some are even gathering certain forces to try to prevent this from occurring.
That this Awareness would suggest to those who are concerned, who feel isolated from action because they are not part of another group, but do have genuine concern about the Cern event, the Hadron Collider being activated, that they can indeed do something on their own, any individual can do something on their own. They do not have to be part of a group that is gathered together in cyber space to be a part of action against this event being successful.
That the suggestion this Awareness would have for all those who have concern, yet feel isolated, is that you simply hold that the Cern Hadron Collider will not function on the day. That which is the intent of those behind the Collider, their intention is foiled, will not come to fruition because you hold it to be otherwise, you hold it to be an unsuccessful event.