Because the source site simply post the pdf version, so I simply quotate a summary. Seban.
Source: Infinite Shift ~ Peace, Love, and Abundance (you may download 13 pages pdf file)
"This Awareness is now available for the questions on this day.
Thank you. Today is December 4, 2013. Our first question is from TH concerning the Comet Ison. He sent a website, the address of the website is included in the transcription:
He writes: "Today the information concerning Ison. The headline concerns Comet Ison silently zapped the U.S. Army Military National Guard Base for two to three hours. This occurred on May 21, 2011 in Fort Worth, Texas. This was for our own protection against our so-called leaders and their bosses. As usual, this was not covered on the mainstream media.
"The related commentary included was that the U.S. government was warned about this possibility occurring but did not listen. Several questions come to mind for clarification or additional relevant information if such is not sensitive or inappropriate at this time".
The first question: "Did the U.S. government have technology from Afghanistan that they should not have used? Although they were warned, they did not listen, they were "spanked" big time for two to three hours, then silent. It was a slaughter."
(Note: Explosion of Fort Worth in High Quality! The photographer did not know this was related with GFL.)
"Please proceed to the next question if there is one.
Yes, he has one with regard to Ison. "Did Ison really break up into many small pieces when it got close to the Sun as many are saying? If so, what happened to the Galactic Federation craft that were with it? How does this affect its mission regarding the planet Earth? Was the breakup known and planned for or was this the result of an attack from the Orion/Reptilian forces?" Your thoughts please?
Things are not always what they seem. Also, do not always believe the reports of ones who seem to be there to tell you what happened, but who have in actuality a hidden agenda. In this case there are those who would wish those who have been following Ison to believe that it has broken up and thus is destroyed, is no longer a comet of any significance but rather simply a scattering of particles and pieces.
However, as this Awareness has said, things are not always what they seem. That there are certain vessels that are still there, that are still part of the comet that was known as Ison. That this Awareness upon looking at this situation sees the situation before the breakup of that which was the central mass, that which was considered to be the comet Ison. That this central mass was also surrounded by that which was known as the coma of the comet and that a solar flare hit the coma and seemingly blew it away, exposing the central core which was immense in nature. That this central core kept diving towards the Sun and at that point of perihelion suddenly broke up and disintegrated.
Certain ones, even ones well respected in the UFO circles came forward and announced that Ison was no more, that it was only a clustering of particles and pieces, that it had been destroyed by solar activity and proximity to the Sun. It was also convenient that many of the satellites that were trained on the object ceased to be operational to the public exactly at the time of perihelion and indeed for several hours, days afterwards.
What was eventually shown after perihelion was reached and the comet started its back-swing towards Earth and outwards again was the cluster of pieces and particles that are now being shown. But they are still not being shown accurately. That this Awareness has for many weeks maintained that there were vessels in the coma and in that comet itself. That which was seemingly the hard mass in the middle, the comet/asteroid that was left after the coma was blown away was again not what it seemed to be.
That the forces that were using the comet have the technology to bring around them a mass that can disguise and hide what lies within. That there were within the hollow core of the comet, the mass at the core, several ships within the core itself. There were also ships outside of the core, some of which were clearly identified when photos of Ison were filtered on previous occasions. These ships are still there, although they are cloaked. The ships that were within the comet's core are still there, they too are cloaked. What did occur was a release of the mass that is interpreted as the comet's core into the clusters that are now being photographed and being claimed to be the destroyed comet core.
That in effect the mass of the pieces is still that which has an energy to it, but more importantly the vessels that were in and around the comet core and hidden in the coma are also still available and have swung around and are heading for this planet, this planet Earth at this time. Furthermore the debris field that trailed the comet is immense in its size and span and that the Earth will be going through this tail field of debris on and around the 26th, 27th, 28th of December, and that there are still many things to be played out. This story is by far not over or ended."
That the major purpose of the disinformers upon announcing the destruction of Ison was to shut down conjecture that this comet had any significance or importance. It has been the illusionists' trick all along of allowing certain things to be seen and other things to be hidden. This illusionist trick has been played on both sides, both those of the Galactic Federation, who for their own reasons chose not to be obvious in the approach of these craft as well as the Powers That Be who do not wish humanity to be aware that there is a flotilla approaching the Earth, that had connections to comet Ison that were sending out rays and beams of frequency, that are sending these rays now towards Earth to affect the electromagnetic fields that will bring Earth through a debris field, to plant on the planet certain minerals and jewels and objects. This is still to come, this is still to unfold, but this Awareness will say categorically that which was Ison, although may no longer be what it was, that which was the core no longer massed and intact, is still a recognizable object that is heading towards this planet and that this object is composed of various vessels as well as much debris that will have impact on the planet.
That this is that which is seen in the weeks and months ahead but in particular, just after that occasion known as Christmas, December 25th. In particular, December 28th is when the planet is fully in the tail of the comet, the debris tail of that which is comet Ison even if it is not what many thought it was. It is of great significance, greater than any other event that has ever been reported, for it is proof that there is indeed an extraterrestrial force that is coming towards the planet.
Whether it is ever fully and truly reported remains to be seen, and if the Powers That Be can have their way it will not be reported and they will try to shield humanity from this knowledge and this information.
(for more information, please refer to the downloadable pdf file.)
Yes ,Seban, those are some of the vids out there but there are more that show ships as well. I don't think the sphere faded out I think NASA erased them but others were leaked out. What I am trying to show here is that there is more to this EVENT that what meets the eye, in preparation for the coming Holiday big Event ! Adonai
FW, I thank you dearly for that support.
I'm gonna need a lot of support for the coming weeks since I'm being attacked from all directions at the moment. I don't know what the "naughties" are up to for the new year, but apparently I have what is needed to foil their plans so they're trying VERY hard to get me out of their way right now. So if you all could include a thought or two about me in your meditation tomorrow, I'd be eternally grateful. And I PROMISE to use the energy in a way that will benefit the earth.
FW, you're gonna have to cover for me there. At that exact time I'll be in a meeting with the govt where they're going to decide wether they're gonna lock me in prison for the thing I didn't do or if they're just gonna suffice with just destroying my life for it.
Doing a peaceful meditation during that time will be impossible for me.
Other related video...
Dear rev.joshua, I am not sure whether you meant this video.
Also, please refer to the message of Cmdr Val Again Comments on ISON - by Terese ThorPosted by Valana on December 10, 2013 at 5:48am in VOICE OF THE ALTAIR COMMAND Back to VOICE OF THE ALTAIR.
BTW, I am wondering why the AH site announced oppositive position on the Ison. I felt the Esu from AH site and Sananda might be different identities. Or, maybe the channelers from AH site might compose the message with their own story after several misfires of their own Stasis theory.
"Targeted Messages
Dec 11, 2013 - ISON Target for Readers 
ISON was an ordinary COMET discovered by your scientists in 2011 and then a whole internet collection of false facts being made for new age readers. There was not ever a ship with it, or a cluster of ships within it, or any other such stories. Please put to rest all this material out there. ISON is not more except a traveling group of fragments. Esu"
Sebanyoth, great wotk, now we are getting somewhere that all can understand. Did you or anyone else see the vids that were leaked out by NASA workers, 4 of them got fired over it. Those vids not onl show these ships but others near the sun when Ison entered and existed it but also another huge planet and mothers ships near it. I only have a note book so I could not post them, maybe someone else will. They are supposed to be coming to earth to join up with ISON and those ships with her. Its going to be a very big EVENT for the Holidays huh. Just maybe this is the big Event we all have been waiting for that didn't happen last year, cause the world wasn't ready. I hope they are now, cause ready or not here it comes or at least it seems to be, along with Ascension ! We are all one, Happy ISON Holiday. Adonai
Thanks Nancy and rev.joshua! The around motherships may be as follow:
As to the rest of it, they too talk about that this is the beginning of a type of Disclosure that the DC ad the world cannot be in Denial . Of course that means also that soon or sometime there after, when the world has gotten over the shock that we are not alone, some kind of Contact should occur. They did not mention much about this part and when I went to the link, I got nothing but pics from NASA and there's. So that means more info is coming. They also haven't talked about the other mother ships much and there connection to the other inter-dimensional planets, that are also coming here or near enough for us to see them. They have been seen off and on for the last 7 years. One as a 2nd smaller sun, 30 times the size of Jupiter another about the size of Pluto and blue in color and now possibly a 3rd one some say could be a small brown dwarf star. At any rate some say they are towed here, others say they are rogue planets like Planet-x or Nibiru that was knocked over here from our neighbor Galaxy. What will happen when all of this comes together for this Holiday, I truly don't know. But it does have something to do with Ascension and Christ-consciousness. This will go down in history! Adonai