Cosmic Awareness ~ Moment of NOW Versus "Busyness"


Jan. 1, 2014

Channeler: Will Berlinghof


Please proceed.

Thank you. With reference to what Cosmic Awareness just spoke of with regard to the “Now” moment, does this mean that someone must be busy, active and engaged in something or just quiet, even if they are quiet? Could you elaborate on that please?

That this is an important understanding. That one is in the moment and when one is in the moment one may sometimes be active and engaged for that is what is required of the moment. But that also one can equally be in the moment when one is simply kicking back, when one is relaxing, when one is not doing anything of great significance apparently.
That in the westernized world the concept of activity, of being engaged, of being busy is very much stressed, that there is seen to be something wrong in simply relaxing and going with the flow. The irony here is that often those who are engaged in busyness are not even in the moment for they are thinking of other things. They may be busy but they may not be in alignment to what is truly needed in the moment. Spirit is involved in the moment for this is where It resides and when you, the individual, are able to move into that which is the freedom of the moment, you raise yourself to a level of comprehension that allows you to go with the flow of Spirit. Spirit will always guide you directly if you allow it.

If you are focussed into that which is the center of your being, then you will always be
engaged in what is the most optimum use of the moment, whether that optimum use
involves activity or just being relaxed, being comfortable, even zoning out. That therefore
when one is in the moment the energies that are available are those energies appropriate
to the individual in that moment. When one is in the moment of the Now and is engaged
and active, that which is the activity is much more easily accomplished and seems to
flow along quickly and smoothly; it is not an endurance contest, a torture for the
individual. Equally, when one is relaxed, that no matter what one is doing, whether it is watching TV, listening to music, taking a walk, sewing, or doing whatever; one can also
find that they receive much insight, much awareness, much thought that is beneficial
even though from the judgment level of those who feel it is important to always be
busy, these ones are not doing anything of worth or significance.

This is of course a judgment call and it is often so that those who are the busy ones will judge others as to the quality of their busyness and when they are not busy enough, that judgment will be of a negative nature. Many of you have endured this and experienced this in your lives, where parents or peers or bosses or authorities of some description make judgment on you when you are in the moment. This effectively has taught most how not to be in the moment, for when they are in the moment often they are called day-dreamers, time-wasters, ones who are not accomplishing anything of significance.

This is so deep in many that it adverts them from those experiences often of being in the Now, being in the flow of Spirit, allowing themselves to do exactly what they feel like doing versus doing what they think they should be doing, must be doing. Therefore, the ability in staying in the Now very much has to do with letting go of old perceptions and concepts that one has been taught. This can be very challenging for some but at the same time it can be very liberating as well to simply do whatever one wishes to do in the moment and to find that by doing so, one is in their power.

When one is distracted, when one is busy because one should be busy when one is doing that which is not necessarily that which one wishes to be doing or desires to do, that this distraction also disconnects one from that internal connection, to one's own center and one's own spirit.

There are of course still times when certain things must be accomplished because one has responsibilities. This Awareness is not suggesting one abandon all in order simply to kick back all of the time, but when one is in true synchronization with what one wishes and needs, they will understand when it is important to be responsible for others and the duties one has taken on in relation to others, or/and/when it is important to be responsible to one's self and what one needs.

As one becomes more familiar with paying attention to what one needs and following that which is the true desire of the moment, one can gauge these matters, one can determine and choose at those times and in those moments what is truly necessary and most important to one as one is seeking to live within the center of their being versus that which is a distraction, that which may simply be busyness for busyness’ sake.

Therefore, truly allow yourselves to feel the moment and the energy of the moment. When, for example, you find that you have hit a wall, when there is physical exhaustion and all you wish to do is lay down, do so. If in these moments the mind chatters away and tells you that you must be doing something, that you cannot simply go and lie down – this distraction can indeed be detrimental to one, for with the energies being what they are at this time the need may be to lie down and allow the body to go through difficult transitions that are occurring constantly now on the planet. If one disregards this and one goes and keeps oneself busy, not even for one's own sake but because this internalized expectation drives one because one thinks others will judge them on their accomplishment or lack of accomplishment, then one is not in the center, one is not in the moment. This can be very detrimental. This most definitely suits the desires of the Powers That Be, the corrupt ones, that have educated the people to believe they must be busy, they must work hard in order to consider themselves worthy and successful.

That this is of course a personal matter and each and every individual must look at this matter in their own way, at their own time. But when one is in a position to truly follow the inner instincts, the inner need and desire versus that which is the expectations that they hold on themselves, that they think others hold of them, then this is the time, this is the opportunity to choose as you wish, to do that which you feel within yourself is the most important thing to do, be it lying down and relaxing and letting the body heal or
unpacking boxes of books.

That this is an important area that this Awareness wishes individuals to consider at this time and during the year ahead. It will manifest itself in many, many ways for each individual and for individuals. Simply take it one step at a time, one moment at a time, and as you do so and become more and more familiar with ascertaining what your true needs are, what your spiritual inclination is, you will become better at doing for yourself that which is the right thing for you and not that which is the expected thing of others, not that which you think others expect of you. This too is part of being in the moment and stepping into one's power.

That this completes this answer, this additional information on the Power of Now.
Thank you Awareness. That was excellent, very educational as well. Thank you. It is very much appreciated.

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