Cosmic Awareness ~ New Year's Message


Jan. 1, 2014

Channeled by Will Berlinghof



That which is Cosmic Awareness is now available. Please begin.

Thank you Awareness, and thank you for being available for the Rainbow-Phoenix
session of December 31, 2013/January 1, 2014. Will Berlinghof is the Interpreter for
your messages, Joan Mills the questioner and energizer. The Law of Light, the Law of
Love and the Law of Unity have been invoked. Is there an Opening Message you would
like to discuss at this time please?

That this Awareness does have an opening message, a New Year’s day message. It
wishes to present this on the first day of 2014 and the last day of 2013, straddling that
which is the classic recording of time on the temporal planet of Earth, the linear
recording of time which is perceived as a forward progression always. That there is little
scope or understanding for that which is the reality that most levels of consciousness
beyond the temporal, material, dualistic world would understand. That which is the
Eternal Now, that which is the focus in the moment of experience, the moment of
engaged consciousness that other layers and levels of consciousness know.

That straddling these two dates: January 1, 2014 in the land that is known as Australia,
and 2013 in North America where the questioner/energizer lives is symbolic in that it is
neither about 2014 as being the proper and right date, nor 2013 December 31st being
the proper date, for what is being created, what is being experienced is the moment
that is Now.

That this Awareness is speaking to you from that moment, from that focus, that which is
the Eternal Now. It knows no linear progression of time, It knows no date, It simply is in
that moment of focus, of that which is the Now. That this Awareness would ask those
who are on the temporal timelines of the linear planet, the linear reality, to remember
this. That you too are not simply restricted to a linear forward motion, but are a focus
personality in the Now, always in the Now.

That which is behind is simply that which is no longer the focus, for certain experiences
have been had, have been gone through in that which was the past now. Certain
experiences await in that which will be the future Now, but in this moment, in this time
that is Now you are complete, you are whole. Take this knowing with you into that which
is the new year of 2014, that which is yet to be experienced, the future Now that lies

Having this as a new basis for understanding how you engage in this temporal reality that
is in third dimensional, dualistic reality, will help you pass through any and all events that
may be there for you yet to experience, for you will always see that you are in the
Moment of your Now, thus you are also in the moment of your power. When you are in
the moment of your power you have the ability to choose and to act in certain ways.
When you realize you are a powerful creator being that extends beyond time and space,
you can remove yourself from time and space. This does not mean necessarily that you
will disappear in the moment but even this is achievable when one has gained sufficient
knowledge and understanding, acceptance and truth in one's life of that which lies
beyond the conceptual truths that so many live by, the programming that so many follow.

On a lower level of this, one by understanding that one is in a moment of power by being
in the Now, focusing in the Now, can direct their energies towards successful
accomplishment of that which is desired from the deeper level. That this means that you
can choose the future moments and you choose them in the moment that is Now.

Thus it is that you do not play victim to the exterior, to time, to the manipulations of
others, but from your point of power and from the moment that is Now, you choose and
create the reality you wish to experience, the reality that is best in alignment with your
higher being, your expanded consciousness. It exists in this eternal moment of the Now. It
sends to you always information and guidance to help you navigate through the time
streams that you are experiencing. As you raise your own perception and understanding
of how you too can escape time and space, then you will see that you create a reality
where anything and everything is possible.

Again, this Awareness must add there are gradients of understanding of this principle and
many lifetimes are sometimes needed to reach the highest understanding and the highest
manifestations of these principles. But you have all had many lifetimes and you are
advanced beings who are awaiting events, who are understanding of yourselves that you
are moving somewhere, moving towards greater comprehension and understanding of
your true being. That this true being is not simply a being subject to the ravages of time,
subject to the manipulations of elite beings, power beings that have control. That you can
raise yourself above those ones, that you can raise yourself above that which is the prison
of time and space.

That 2014 will be for many an opportunity to commence doing exactly this: of raising
themselves beyond the conventional perceptions of time and space, of raising
themselves into higher awareness and higher understanding, of calling into their lives
their ascended being. To merge with it, to learn from it, to take the steps to become
fully integrated with it, with that which is your expanded consciousness, that which is
your ascended being.

Do not worry about this matter, do not dwell on this matter. Simply play with these
concepts in a lighthearted way, in a way that does not force one to create and if one is not
successful to condemn oneself for not creating, to put oneself down, to be frightened or
upset with oneself because they did not achieve these high goals.

When one has goals one works towards them and if one is in the moment and something
does not quite manifest or come to be exactly as you expected it, do not be disappointed,
do not admonish yourselves. Shrug this off and know that the next moment or perhaps
the moment beyond this or even the one beyond that may bring the success, the changes,
the shifts.

You are part of a collective consciousness, your own as well as others. The others of
course being other sentient beings that co-inhabit the planet with you. They too are in
their Eternal Now even if they do not recognize or understand this. As you, the individual
begins to comprehend this more and more, you will free yourself of the shackles of that
collective mentality that works along certain parameters that hold a certain paradigm of
beliefs about time, about space, about manifesting in one's life, about being involved in
the unfolding events.

All of this becomes redundant when you move beyond the shackles of time that are
around the ankles of all who are on the physical planet, all who have never questioned,
have never sought, have never attempted to see beyond the veil. As beings who are here
at this time from that which is the greater consciousness, as beings who are here as
volunteers to help the shifting in consciousness, it must always be remembered that the
shift, the changes begin at home, begin within you. A major point in this is freeing oneself
from the restrictive nature of time as perceived on this earthly, materialistic realm.

As you play with this, as you remove yourself more and more, you will see that time
seems to fall away. It will become a journey in the moment and maybe you may not even
remember the day, for days become blended. That is part of how one releases from the
temporal prison – that one is simply in the moment experiencing what the moment has to
offer and flows with this, flows into the next moment. Minutes, hours, days do not matter,
not even months or years or decades. What does matter is that you are in that place of
focus in the power of the moment and from that point you can exert your will, you can
exert your intent, you can exert your alignment with Spirit as It leads you forward.
May 2014 be for one and all a time of discovery of that which is the moment, that which is
living in the moment, and living in one's power.

That the year ahead has many events that can occur. Some are of a major nature of
cataclysm and upheaval, some are minor. But as one moves through the year ahead, and if
one is in that place of focus in the moment, realizing their connection to the greater truth
of their being, realizes that in that moment they can create that which is necessary in the
moment, then it will not truly matter if one is in a catastrophic situation or a minor
situation of shift. One will simply flow through that moment and find oneself on the other

Many have recently expressed thoughts and feelings on the fact that it seems that no
major events have yet unfolded, many of the promises and predictions that have been
made by many sources, many voices, have not yet materialized. That this is indeed a
difficult thing for those who have within themselves the sensing and the knowing that
something is about to occur, and have been long awaiting this something.

This in a way is focusing outside of yourself, of again anticipating events in the exterior
world to show the truth of the teachings and the predictions. That Spirit is strong and
powerful and those who are corrupt and dark will be swept away and that which is the
new promised land be reached. That this is still coming, it is still ahead and this Awareness
can say that many will experience events in this year of 2014 that will be of great

But this Awareness will still maintain rather than look beyond the parameters of one's
own circle, that one looks inwards to the center, to the moment, the present moment, the
moment of focus, the moment of Now. One stays in this focus and creates within their
own personal circle the reality they wish to experience. It may be that baby steps are still
required to take it from day to day, to take it from moment to moment. But when other
events do unfold, one will not be upset by the exterior events, no matter their magnitude
or significance. One would be able in such a state to weather any and all storms, be they
of major impact or minor degree. What is important is that as you learn to stay in the
moment, stay in the center of your being. Then that which occurs outside of the
parameter of your being, outside the circle of your life is that which you can float upon
and still remain stable and strong and in focus.

That for those who wish the major events to occur, the major catastrophes, the
disclosures of government and corrupt ones, the spiritual shift of all of these things and
more – that this Awareness says to you, to one and all: focus on yourselves, focus on
finding the center of your being, being in the moment of Now and the moment of your
power. Do not worry about what is happening or not happening. Know that the only
measure truly of one's success is that which you achieve in your own personal lives and
in your own personal circle.

As you change the facts of your life, as you change the effects of life on you, the
individual, you will find that you reach out and thus change the outside of your being or
that which you are floating in in terms of the life and the life experiences you are having.
That the entity John Lennon was once asked if in the way he and Yoko Ono perceived
things, was it not a bit naïve of them to extend Christmas greetings and the wish that war
is over, if you want it. The reply that this entity gave is that it may seem a little naïve to
think that their wishing peace to all and suggesting war could be over if one wished it,
may seem naïve. But what it did show them, what it gave them was the realization and
the empowering of that which is the individual wish and desire. That as they saw this as
the great possibility in their own lives, they knew that they were creating a reality that
could be so for themselves.

In this, this Awareness says do this also. Wish all well but stay focused on how wishing
this to others, holding it to be so for others, shifts your own focus and what you create
and how you experience the Now. That when one puts out that one lives in a world of
peace and works towards creating this in their own lives, this energy does radiate
outwards, does extend outwards. You make it your own personal reality first and
foremost. You thus call into your lives those experiences that do support this inner
knowing and belief.

If one is continually waiting for peace to manifest outside without creating peace within,
then one will wait a long, long time. That this is again a message often repeated by this
Awareness but one that has great significance at this time, in this moment, this moment
of Now.

That this Awareness wishes all a wonderful journey through the Now of that which lies
ahead. May you find your focus, may you find your point of power, may you find your Now
and may it be Now.

That this completes this New Year’s message from this Awareness.

Thank you Awareness. That was absolutely wonderful, very inspiring. Thank you.

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