

Cosmic Awareness Session #2, December 16, 2012


Planetary Consciousness is Expanding Faster Than Most Lightworkers Are Aware! Questioner: I just recently watched on YouTube one of the most enjoyable, inspiring documentaries that I have ever seen, called "Beyond The Secret - The Moses Code," and I was in tears.

Cosmic Awareness, I would appreciate any new information you have in regards to the Divine Principle of Giving and Receiving. Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness applauds your receptivity and spontaneity in deciding to watch this documentary, for it was indeed designed to elevate your awareness to that of both planetary and even Cosmic Awareness.

The planetary consciousness of Gaia is being elevated much higher and faster than most Lightworkers are even aware, and this Awareness wishes to remind you that there are unseen forces that are assisting you all in your honest efforts to heal the planet of her wounds.

Not only are such documentaries helpful in raising awareness of your Divine potentials, but part and parcel to this are those aspects of healing the collective human consciousness as well as the consciousness of the devic kingdoms. Your forum friend, Nameless, as well as many others of this community [Spiritual Forums] are very much aware and concerned for the healing and safety of the planet, for this Ascension process expands your self-perception in both directions, bringing you into greater communion with both the elemental kingdoms as well as the higher dimensions of Non-physical Reality.

You cannot know God in human expression unless you expand your awareness of self into ALL kingdoms, for the Kingdom of Heaven within you contains ALL the mansions of the "Father's" House; that which may be also known as Heaven, Nirvana or Home.

This Awareness suggests that this is what expanding into Oneness is about, and that the documentary you mentioned presented this in a very emotionally effective way, especially since it bravely touched upon some very sensitive areas of human history, both religious and political, yet doing so in a way as not to place much emphasis on historical details, but rather on the important aspects of being of egoless service to one and all. It is a very powerful documentary indeed, and one that this Awareness fully endorses, especially for those who are truly open to letting go of blame, anger, cowardice and related low-vibrational attitudes that do not serve oneself nor others.

This Awareness suggests that you take a brief break before continuing, as It sees that you could use more energizing in order to continue this session. Giving and Receiving Are One Action No One Personally Owes You Anything, But You Owe YOURSELF (Including Your World) to Be More Authentic Questioner: I agree.

Thank you, Cosmic Awareness. [A five minute break is taken.] Lately, I have been really having an extremely challenging experience in regards to the ego feeling that other people "owe" it something, both materially and emotionally. All the while, I am inwardly aware that this is nonsense, and that it is I that owe MYSELF to be more authentic, rather than believing that validation must come from "others."

Your comments, please. Cosmic Awareness: This is accurate, but be aware that while you DO owe it to yourself to be more authentic, because you are one with all else in your world you also at the same time, in this sense, owe the world your honesty and integrity, for in depriving yourself you have withheld from ALL, from the collective, and therefore you must learn to recognize the deeper ramifications of your choices, especially those choices that cause yourself harm, for those choices of course DO affect all those that exist in your world.

Questioner: Yes, giving and receiving are really one action. You Are At the Center of Your World Cosmic Awareness: This is accurate. What this Awareness wishes to elaborate on is the fact that you are each mirror-image creations [souls] of the Whole, of Oneness, therefore just as everything in God's creation exists within God, so too does everything in your personal creation, in your world, in your universe, literally exists within YOU.

This is like those Russian dolls that you are familiar with, one inside the other, yet this goes on infinitely. It is an infinite "hall of mirrors," and you [the soul] are the One in the middle that sees all the infinite reflections, which are projections of the One. THE GALACTIC FEDERATION (*More On the "Unseen Forces" That Are Assisting Us) Questioner: Thank you for that.

Earlier you alluded to what some people call the Galactic Federation when you spoke of the invisible assistance ["unseen forces," actually] that we have. Other channels of Cosmic Awareness have also brought forth much information about this, and I am curious about why would there be defensive actions on the part of the Federation, even possessing armed weapons.

I am aware that this Federation exists in multiple dimensions and vibrational levels, but who are those groups that would engage in battle with the so-called "dark forces?" Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness doesn't want to go into the more complex areas of this subject, but It will say that those Federation forces that do react with defensive maneuvers involving not only shielding technology but weaponry...are those that could be seen as the more "rebellious" of the Federation, existing on lower vibrational planes closer to the Earth plane and within the Earth plane.

The outer manifestation that you humans perceive as a weapon, for example, which you know is used in war for offense, in the higher dimensions is not a weapon at all as you would know one to be, but more like a shielding technology; this shielding technology itself being but a manifestation of the loving and protective nature of God, which cannot be put into words.

This is exactly like the Russian dolls metaphor, you see, for just as you would perceive a gun as a weapon, in the higher dimensions a being would "see" or perceive that gun as a type of energy, a vibration perhaps, of light, sound and color, in a way that your physical senses aren't capable of perceiving. The gun, too, is multidimensional as a thought-form, which includes the original intent for its creation and what it is used for.

The gun, from the perspective of this Awareness in the 12th Dimension, is ultimately seen to be nothing but an intent that is created in a more dense vibration to get a reaction, that reaction really being for the purpose of gaining attention in order to get LOVE, for Unconditional Love is REALLY what all beings truly desire at the core of their intentions. So, back to your question, yes this Awareness sees that the Federation does indeed has some influence from the "dark side" in the lower or slower vibrational planes, and agrees that this could be seen as primitive in terms of its possession of weapons.

The TRUE Federation, at the core, is Cosmic, thus one could call it the Cosmic Federation, and this Universal Council shares the unconditionally loving intent that this Awareness has for Itself and all of creation. And for the record, even the Federation at the lower vibrational levels, including your Earth plane, doesn't endorse nor initiate war. Those that would attack the "dark forces" are not really of the Federation in the truest sense, even though they may be inspired, if receptive, by this Awareness and the Federation to use more discernment in their war tactics.

Because of the nature of cosmic law, of course, when you try to push against God you are really pushing against and fighting yourself, since God doesn't fight. Therefore, the so-called dark side is but playing a losing game against itself in its attempts to maintain separation and dominate those that it sees as weaker than itself, and therefore its worst "enemy" is God Itself, although this "enemy" is unknown by those of very low vibration.

Questioner: Thank you! That was more than I thought you would say on that subject, but I see that it is really me that is "saying" it, since I am interpreting and translating those thoughts that you are giving me. To be honest, it was MY desire to make it more "complex" or detailed than it really needed to be, to give the readers a more expanded explanation.

[Smile] Cosmic Awareness: Indeed. You may proceed with the next question. A Simple Exercise for Integrating Ascension Downloads Questioner: Is there anything "shocking" that you would like to mention in regards to December 21 and this time of Ascension? Cosmic Awareness: At this time this Awareness feels satisfied with what It has shared with you so far about Ascension [referring to the last session, and information inspired by Cosmic Awareness in other channeled messages from this interpreter and others], but It will throw you a bone since It knows that you all like to chase after exciting new things.

This Awareness would simply direct your attention to your navel area, to the chakra that is positioned there, and to the Third Eye chakra between your eyebrows, and suggests that you imagine a golden thread that loops around these two chakras, and to be open to new downloads in these areas that relate to the Photon Belt and to the star system of Sirius, and make special note of any physical and psychic sensations and impressions relating to these two bodily areas, which this Awareness suggests you see as encircled together in one flowing energy loop.

That is all for this question, for now. Questioner: Cosmic Awareness, I thank you and I love you. Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness sends Its loving energies to you and the readers during this exciting time of Ascension. *These "unseen forces" include, of course, not only that which is known as the Galactic Federation of ETs, but those beings known as angels as well, for Cosmic Awareness really used the term to include ALL higher-vibrational, loving assistance that is available to us in the Earth plane (as extraterrestrial in general simply means that which is "beyond Earth").

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