
This is the story about the Violet Sphere or Orb that I'm holding in my hands which was created by the D-6 Stellar Wave Activation of Sirius and the completion of the D-5 Violet Wave Infusion from the Pleiadian Alcyone Spiral. This was the day the miracle of Stellar Wave Activation and Infusion took place simultaneously on Earth. And this is the picture that the Sirian Council wanted me to take. This was also the day that the Fifth Dimensional Dolphins Ascended into the Cloud Cities to prepare the path home to the Violet Sun.

That was the date we created the Ultra Violet Blue Sun Album.

The Electric Over Tones of the Subharmonics were returned to Earth through the Stellar Wave Activations and Infusions. Over tones are frequencies of Consciousness from our Starry Families of our Higher Selves Original Creation, and Base Magnetic Tones are from our original Root Race Families. Our DNA is made from Over tones and Base tones in the 12 Subharmonic strands. Those overtones and base tones were disconnected from specific chakras to remove the immortality from our race line.

The picture (violet orb at website) was taken the day the Cosmic Twins were involved in the process of the Stellar Wave Activation and Infusion of the Violet Wave. The Stellar Waves brought in the electromagnetic activation of the Earth's 12 Crystal Star Grids.

This is a true story of how DNA Activation actually takes place through the Universal Plan of Stellar Wave Activations and Infusions, followed by DNA strand Initiation and Consummation. The races of Earth are finally reclaiming their reality of their 12 strand DNA construction and returning to the heavenly land of Terra Firma. The per-requisite for this reality is activation of the 5th DNA Strand.

Our Guardians have sent Universal Life Force Currents of Light and Sound Consciousness Waves called Stellar Wave Activations and Infusions for the purpose of activating the DNA. There is no other way to activate the DNA than to participate in these Activations and Infusions of the 12 dimensional frequencies which are inherent in the Stellar Waves.

Stellar Wave Infusions and Activations create the time acceleration shift that is needed to advance the evolutionary blueprint through consciously assimilating these energies into the body. Yes, the wave infusions and activations did take place. No, not everyone consciously assimilated these activations into their blue print that would begin to create better health, vitality, multidimensional awareness, access to knowledge of all lifetimes in all dimensions and immortality.

If the stellar wave frequencies are not assimilated into the body, the time acceleration would create degeneration of the body rather than the re-birth process into immortality.

Those who are on the Ascension Path will accelerate their ability to communicate with the Guardians until complete telepathic communication with the over soul is reached. Communicating with dolphins is one step in the process.

There were Six Waves of Infusion and Six Waves of Activation.

The Waves and Infusions came from fields of Consciousness. The D-4 Solar Activation in 2000-2004 together with the Blue Wave Infusion of 2002-2006 caused the Solar Spiral to align with Earth's Merkaba fields. That caused the frequencies of the Earth's Consciousness Field to rise exponentially.

Next, the D-5 Pleiades Activation of 2004-6/2008 and the Violet Wave Infusion of 2006-2010 increased the Earth's frequencies exponentially again by adding the consciousness of the Pleiades-Alcyone Spiral to align with the Solar Spiral Merkaba Fields.

The third activation took place 6/2008 and ended in 2012. The third activation was the D-6 Sirian Activation. This activation followed by the Gold Wave Infusion allowed the Sirian Spiral to align with the Pleiadian-Alcyone Spiral Merkaba Fields.

This Third Activation that took place in June 2008 is the time that this picture was taken for the purpose of showing the Violet Wave Infusion and the Sirian Activation simultaneously taking place.

The picture is showing the completion of the Violet Wave Infusion. The Violet Wave Infusion was completing at the same time in June, 2008, that the D-6 Sirian Activation began. I was asked by a representative of the Sirian Council to move to Monterey, in order to be there at this exact moment in history.

The Cosmic Twins were living in Redwood Shores, and had wonderful, well-paying jobs when Zaurak, my Starry Brother from Sirius B, came to our living room in April, 2008, and asked us to be completely moved to Monterey by May, 2008. We immediately gave our resignations and began packing, and started searching for the correct apartment to move into in Monterey.

This is the reason that the Violet Frequency was activated within me as I connected my consciousness into the Elohim of Hearing in Gaia to bring the highest frequencies to Earth through music. When I exhaled this Violet Wave, the 5th DNA completed its activation, which is called DNA consummation. At the same time, the D-6 Sirian Activation began.

This Stellar Wave Activation was required to begin the activation of the 6th DNA strand. The 5th DNA consummation could not complete until the 6th DNA initiation had begun. This is the process of DNA activation.

This process of DNA activation is a huge Universal and Cosmic plan which required the Consciousness of the entire Solar System, the Pleiadian Consciousness, the Sirian Consciousness, Arcturian, Orion and Andromeda Consciousness. These streams of consciousness brought in the Over Tones of the Subharmonics into the DNA.


Dr. Angela Barnett

Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.


The process of healing and activating DNA requires the understanding of the complete process of how the human angelic raceline was originally created from the ULTIMATE DNA ARCHETYPE, which means the original 12 DNA template made in the image and likeness of God.

That template is replicated in every thing in our Omniverse. That template is within each atom of our body, in each molecule of each elemental, in every breath we take. That template is like a tiny microchip of perfect Divine Consciousness containing the Intelligence, Supply, Truth, Substance, Life, Love, Mind and Soul of all of God's ideas being manifest in every dimensional form.

That perfect template was tampered with by Invader races over and over again during the past 5.5 million years. The original template of the archetypal man had the form of the immortal man removed from it over five million years ago. This amount of time is still no time at all in the True Mind of God. This reality didn't really ever exist in the Mind of God.

We are now being shown how to regain our Oneness with the Mind of God as it was before our templates were tampered with.

First, we need to know that our archetypal template of our body is the same template of our original Star. Our original Star was created by Sun Alcyone in the Andromeda Galaxy. That Star was blown apart and scattered outside of our original Galaxy and into the Milky Way Galaxy.

So, you see, that template was within our original Star and then separated into many pieces. Those pieces were within the Planets in the Milky Way Galaxy. Each one of those 12 pieces had to be created from a Star System of its own.

So, there were these 12 star systems that needed to be reintegrated into our Archetypal Template. In order to bring that consciousness of the 12 star systems into Earth's morphogenetic template, the Guardians arrange 12 Stellar Wave Activations and Infusions from each of those Star gates.

It is these 12 Stellar Wave Activations and Infusions that were required to put our original TEMPLATE back together at at the planetary level, solar level, galactic level and universal level. We needed each of these Stellar Wave Activations to Heal and Reinstall each of the 12 strands of DNA subharmonics into each of the 5 or 6DNA within our bodies in order to restore our original template to be the way it would had been 25,500 years ago. We need the complete 12DNA within all 12 Strands to return to the Divine State of the Universal Being that we were 5.5 million years ago.

These Stellar Wave Activations were also required to melt or transmute away the Jehovian Seals that were placed in the vortexes of the Crystal Star Seals of the Earth's Grid. There were original 12 Crystal Star Seals in the Earth's Grids. Each of these Star Seals was a Star Gate. The Earth needed each of these Gates to be reopened to the flow of consciousness of each of those 12 Star Gates.

We needed to align our D-3 (Third dimensional Planet) to

D-4 (Fourth Dimensional Sun)

D-5 Pleiadian Alcyone Spiral

D-6 Sirian Spiral

D-7 Arturian Spiral

D-8 Orion Spiral

D-9 Andromeda Spiral

Between 2000 and 2017 we needed to have Six Activations and Six Infusions of these Dimensional Frequencies.

The year 2008 was when Pleiadian Violet Wave Infusion was complete and the Sirian Activation began. That D-5 and D-6 Wave was the Key to turning the rest of the Light On. The Guardians gave us the gift of fast forward by bringing in the Stellar Waves in 2012 that were not due until 2017.

The Stellar Wave of June 2008 is when the picture of me holding the Violet Sphere in my hands was taken. This was the grand event that shows the activation and infusion of the Violet Wave, the Violet Flame and the Violet Sphere that insures Earth's attunement into Gaia. The remaining Stellar Wave Infusions needed the help of this Portal being cleared that is shown in these pictures. Each sphere aligns with another sphere unil we are completely realigned inside of the Sun.

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