
Cracking the Egg, 15 Sept 2013, by Elizabeth

It seems that we are all being encouraged to step into our own power. Although I had a lengthy private session last night with my assortment of mentors and guides, none stepped forth today to give a message through me.

Still, I felt compelled to write something and the following is what emerged. As with any channeled material, take what resonates with you and leave behind what doesn’t. Each of us approaches the truth in our own individual ways; no truth is better than another, they just are what the individual involved needs for the moment.

As our consciousness levels rise up, we will find that many of the truths we once thought as being infallible, are now open to question. It is up to each of us to move beyond the borders of old patterns of thinking and to expand our individual horizons. By doing so, we are like the chick, cracking the egg that keeps it caged in darkness. As we crack the egg open, we begin to emerge into a whole new world.

Sometimes I am amazed at the synchronistic nature of the channeled material that arrives at my cyber doorstep via the Internet. Today, the theme seems to be gathered around the tremendous change that is currently transforming our world.

Yes, this process has been underway for a long time. Yes, some of us are getting very tired being transformers and anchors for the Light, but now, real change is beginning to manifest into the physical. I can feel it in my heart.

And I am beginning to feel it in the air. Freedom is here, for everyone on the planet. The illusion of the third dimensional paradigm is being stripped away from our etheric, astral and mental bodies. Stripped away by cosmic winds, the old ways of not believing in our power, beauty and potential, is nevermore to bother us.

As many voices have said, the underpinning foundations of the rigid third dimensional paradigm were removed last December, as the Shift began to officially get underway. Collectively, we decided to gather up humanity to ascend into finer frequency levels, but first the energies of change had to step gradually through the mental and astral bodies and are only now beginning to manifest into the physical.

All around us we see massive change underway, mostly a change in the way people view their world and in how they view themselves. The awareness that each person is valuable, worthy, and important is finally penetrating through the sticky layers of negative thought-forms that have kept people stuck in old ways of thinking.

Those who are willing and able to step out of the sticky web of illusion will see to spider webs vanish in the warmth of the new dawn.

Perhaps your eyes will not see the changes in your world at first, but your heart, that delicate sensory instrument, will feel the difference. My sensitivity and awareness of changes in my preferences and what I want in my life has greatly shifted, just in the last couple of weeks.

Some things that were important for me no longer are of any interest. I am changing, rapidly, in a manner that is hard to describe with words. I just feel different.

I see it every day as people are noticing that the old ways of doing things, of following orders without thought, just doesn’t work anymore. Some of my acquaintances are questioning everything now and the questions are disturbing the status quo.

Power is being taken back by the individuals; the power of choice is upon them. Right now, they are not sure what to do with that power, as it brings responsibility and decision with it. It is not the time to ignore things and look away.

As awareness increases, one must learn to look on the world and see it as it is, but to also see it as it can be what you want it to be, for your own self and for the collective.

As we have been taught through years of conditioning by our adult mentors and families, many people will continue to attempt to think and act in the old, rigid ways of judgment, criticism and blaming others, the old passive-aggressive mannerisms that have haunted those who have felt powerless to change their circumstances and their worlds.

However, due to the new energies of radical change, this will no longer work for these individuals. They will be compelled, by the spirit within, to look at themselves in a new light, a harsh light at first for some, as secrets long withheld from the light are revealed.

However, as the secrets are revealed, these individuals will find themselves relieved of burdens which they no longer have to carry, tucked away in their unconsciousness.

And the secrets will be revealed as not having any more power to bring up fear, grief or anger, but will be revealed as simply nothing to be afraid of - the paper tigers of imagination.

Every family has had its secrets. Every state, corporate body and institution has had its secrets; now, they are being exposed, whether or not the individuals involved want them to be.

The light is stripping away the covering darkness, the deceit and the illusion of control over others. Keeping secrets allows others who have found out those secrets to have power over others, thru threat and blackmail. By the mass revelation of all secrets, that hold, that power no longer exists.

The next step of the individual is to release judgment, against self and by projection, against others. By finding peace within, you emanate peace to those who are around you and by osmosis the peace is conveyed throughout your world.

You become a peace warrior, one who can go through the world with an open heart, without a weapon in your hands, without the need to defend yourself as the light is your shield and armour. It pushes through your unified field and out into the world.

Like a miniature star, you begin to shine forth the light and love of creation into your daily activities. You are become BIG in your world, by allowing the love and light of your higher centers to move in and through your lower bodies, into the mental-emotional, the etheric and into the physical, anchoring into the earth beneath your feet.

Forgiveness of your past indiscretions, both big and small, must come, intertwined with the release of self-judgment and judgment of others. If you are unable to forgive, you will be unable to grow and move into awareness that you are beautiful, powerful and gifted.

Forgiveness is necessary for it is a step towards acceptance of self, which blossoms out to acceptance of your greater Self, your multidimensionality.

The energies that are affecting each and every living being on the planet now, the cosmic rays, the warming of the planet by the decrease in the electromagnetic field of the sun, all of these things are bringing change of every corner of the world.

None will escape the consequences of change, but change can occur with ease and flow in your life as you consciously release old patterns of “must be this way” and “I should”, “if only” and other limiting thought forms.

And this process is being accelerated in such a way that no one will be able to resist the changes. It is your choice to open and flow or to act like a logjam and resist the flow of the winds of change.

From what I have seen of logjams, smashed up against the hard walls of granite canyons, I would advise going with the flow, letting go of the shore and allowing the river to carry you into a new way of being.

It is a choice that either you will make or will be made for you, due to circumstances looming into your world.

For many years, I was very uncomfortable in this world. It was a dark, contradictory place where virtue, peace and beauty were not appreciated. Deceit, death and drugs were looked upon as the means to derive pleasure - something that I could not understand.

I stopped trying to understand and began to follow my heart, learning to listen to intuitive nudges, reading books, listening to lectures and then finally listening within, to the silent voice that resides within each of us, the Christ Self.

I discovered that each of us contains the seed of rejuvenation and peace; that we must look within and till our own garden before we can turn and help our neighbor.

However, as our ability to hold the light and love within our body increases, it affects our perception of the world around us, as well as how others see us, too.

We are connected to each other and to the earth and stars by a web of energy. This web is real and so what affects one will, in turn, affect all around you.

As you raise up your light, you begin to radiate like a tiny sun, as a Christed one who radiates light into your environment, affecting friends and enemies alike.

Those who are more sensitive will be the first to notice the difference in how you carry yourself, how you react to events around you, how you manage to find beauty and delight in all things.

They will be attracted to the light, even though they might not understand it yet on a conscious level. And by allowing themselves to be attracted, they will commence on the first step toward their own enlightenment.

And there are those who have always practiced the art of prayer and mantra, who have always allowed God a place in their hearts and their lives.

These quiet ones will find the transition into the expansion of consciousness an easy one, for their hearts and minds are already in quiet alignment with source. It matters not what religion you follow or if you follow any religion or spiritual practice; no way is better than another.

It is how you let go, let God, and open your heart to the possibility that you are greater than you seem, how you allow judgment and contention to disappear from your thoughts and emotions, how you can discover forgiveness, how you can open to the beauty in the small precious moments that life presents to you each day… that will enable you to allow change to happen in your life, with flow and ease.

Water rages through narrow channels and rips away all blockages. So do strong winds, as we have seen in viewing the after effects of tornados and cyclones.

The cosmic energies that are affecting each of us during this intense period of transition are much the same, only greater in power. Nothing will withstand the forces through resistance.

Allow the winds of change to move you through the transition with grace and ease. There is nothing to fear and nothing to prevent you from being able to create what you want to occur in your world, but your own fears, judgments and inability to forgive.

Let go of those things that are no longer of value in your life. There will be many stopping points along the way for readjustment. What was once important to you will no longer be quite as attractive as you begin to accelerate and flow with the rising frequencies that are taking this world from the lower third dimension up in frequency to the fifth.

You will find little resistance in letting go these things as you adjust to the changing frequency levels, often at a level that is not immediately apparent to your ego mind.

Your human body has the capacity to adjust to the changes with ease and grace, if you allow it to by releasing your self-created blockages.

Your body was designed originally to be able to carry within it many frequency levels. By opening the heart, reconnecting the energy body, the Merkabah, the sphere, and the cube, you reconnect with the higher frequencies that have always existed around you.

Each step on your journey will enable you to step into your power, open to your creative abilities, and to begin to utilize the gifts that are stored in your higher bodies.

You are a potential star in the making, not a glitzy artificial star of Hollywood, but a real heavenly star, anchoring the highest energies of creation that a human body can carry and still retaining your physical body in integrity.

You have the potential to walk upon this blessed earth carrying within your body the cosmic energies of the Creator, while still walking in living and breathing body and enjoying physical sensations. And along with the higher energies, comes the abilities to heal everything that is currently out of alignment in the world, the pollution, the social problems of injustice, corruption and decay, the poverty, illness and disease.

All these things can and will be brought into healing through the raising up of each individual’s awareness of their own power, light and grace.

None of us contains the entirety of the Creator in our abilities, but by working together, we can as a collective perform miracles. Our lives and this transition is a miracle. Open your inner eyes and begin to see beyond your self-imposed limitations and see the endless horizons that surround you. It is a wide open field of creation filled with light and love that surrounds you now.

It has always been there, but now our eyes and hearts are opening up to it, as we begin our journey Home. Home is in the heart, your golden heart center and in your connection with your higher self and with Mother / Father God.

We have the potential to return completely back to Source, if it is our choice and our dharma, or to remain in embodiment to do the work here.

Much lies ahead of us, many choices, some easier than others as each of us seeks to find the way to follow. There is no right or wrong way, just the one that currently resonates as the one for you to follow. No longer do you need to feel obligated to follow the path that someone else has created for you. You have been given your freedom; it is your choice and your responsibility.

Let these choices and responsibilities be as a burden of light as you join hands and hearts with those who are your guides and mentors; call out to the angels and ascended masters for assistance and guidance and realize that while they can give assistance, they cannot do the work for you.

It is up to each of us to master and create our own journey, to discover the smile and to feel lightness of heart as ease and flow comes into your life.

What seems as insurmountable and negative in your life is in reality an opportunity for growth. The power and creativity that exists untapped within is there for the asking if you but ask. You will receive, but you do need to take the first step and allow room for miracles to occur. You are a miracle and your life is a miracle.

Every day you have the potential to step into your godhood, here and now. Let today be that day when you begin to feel the warmth emanating from your heart center as you focus your attention on it. And then in the stillness of your heart you will begin to hear the silent guidance that is always available for the asking, but first you must ask.

It is a matter of free will. Assistance can only be given if you ask. This is the first indication of the power that you have over your own life.

Ponder this for a moment and begin to open up to a new way of looking at who you are, who you really are… a facet of the diamond heart of the Creator, beautiful, complete and filled with light. If all you see are dust motes then let go, relax and settle deeper into the void.

Those motes are gold dust and the gold is the Christ light emanating from your heart center. Find the smile within and step into the light. You will find welcome there from those who love you well. You are going Home.

I bow to the divinity within each of you; Namasté.

I AM Elizabeth / Tazjima Amariah Kumara, your sister in light and love.

Copyright © 2013 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. http://bluedragonjournal.com/


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Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Yep indeed some ships do appear near underwater areas and these ships have the ability to travel underwater easily. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7zZoXHqla4"
38 minutes ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Yep indeed some ships do appear near underwater areas and these ships have the ability to travel underwater easily. https://youtu.be/C7zZoXHqla4?si=js1BfBJtle9FjPbK"
38 minutes ago
Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"And of course the Deep State would do this. This is what happens when you have folks that should be in Mental Asylums or locked away in prison in charge of the country. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2025/01/despicable-joe-biden-relea..."
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
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