One of the most persistent/devastating of the ascension symptoms is the excess weight light workers have put on at this time; and all attempts to shed this fat suit has proven futile. We have literally not been able to expand our energy field so our body has expanded in its place.
Mankind has evolved in a society where most religious traditions disfavor spiritual aspects of life there by penalizing the development of our etheric bodies – compromising our energy templates. These templates which have been holding our energy in a physical form will be fully released with time depending on our rate of energy integration – it’s a gradual process.
We all have a personal energy field around us that we call the human template which corresponds to our energy signature. And we are now progressively releasing these templates as a result of the present evolutionary process we are undergoing. We will soon get to a stage where the energy will not encounter any resistance, because we have sufficiently purified our physical, emotional, mental, and etheric bodies - by getting full engaged in our clearing/energy word (Grounding, Grids, Meditation, etc).
Symptoms are as a result of the blockage of higher energy flow, it’s somewhat like having a blockage in a hose - the higher energy is like water moving at a greater pressure through the hose; any unpurified area will yield Standing Waves – dysfunctional/blocked energy. Whatever it is we are experiencing shows us where we still have some work to do, something that needs releasing because it's blocking our being a clear vessel for the higher energy.
Ah yes the issues of it , the baggage the addiction or any thing else that could bring you down and not up. So quitting alcoho it figures that the next addiction up or down would present itself .Yes food. So in alcohol the word toast has been prevelent for thousands of years. ANd words have meaning and frequency that is absolutely put into the drink, the wine the elixer> St Germaine . Ramtha, Ashtar , have personally confirmed that the blessing of something historically is and has been part of the process of this body being immortal . Then I have also confirmed this process through observing the writngs of many channeled info coming through tht this is indeed possible . But wht I am getting at is to hold your beverage and instill it with beautiful words that have intention and will be manifested is called for wine any way " THE RIGHT USE OF THE VINE"
So you can see maybe what I am saying about right use of. Is there excess? over use? wrong use?
fflat out glutonism? So in quitting alcohol from that extreme to cold turkey is a swing and from one extreme to another with out owning the experience of the middle path.
So I have work to do how about you? middle path? YES. Over indulgence? HMMM. So its in our face
Peace be with you . HMMMMMMMMMM Making peace with the right use of ? Cheese cake?
Some where in there the airy fairy answer is probably love but truly the answere is Mastery
Many ascended beings call there students masters or master because . What is it that you are Mastering?