Many of you have asked how it is possible to disconnect from the old 3D earth reality and live day to day and this blog addresses this very “puzzle” for your human logical mind may try to teach you that it is not possible. Many of you see the distractions clearly within the old 3D earth reality and you can also feel the frequency of that which is in place and APPEARS to be the actual construct of the human life experience and this is where your human logical mind will attempt to blind you. The old 3D earth created reality has always APPEARED to be real, the human life experience APPEARS to be real but ALL shifts and ALL moves at all times for in TRUTH ALL is energy and energy constantly flows, shifts and changes.
Many of you at this time are literally praying for miracles but allowing your human logical mind to attempt to “define” what a miracle is and as this is not TRUTH it is not supported in the New Earth reality. It is to be noted that in order to birth a new reality then the letting go of the “old” reality must be undertaken but the old 3D earth created reality reference points are no longer in place, they have dissolved. This allows for rapid expansion of the human life experience on ALL levels of your BEing. At a human conscious waking mind level this translates to you personally having more “room” to maneuver, this also translates to more OPTIONS available to you and many of them are still hidden in plain view.
I realise that it may seem relatively easy to state “create your own life experience” and the human logical mind will instantly ask “how is this done?”. Well one way of working with this is to understand that the old 3D earth created reality has NO HOLD OVER YOUR HUMAN LIFE EXPERIENCE, however it will not come knocking at your door and introduce itself and say “by the way I have no say in your life anymore, sorry for all the chaos I caused”. It will remain silent hoping you havent worked it out by FEELing the shifts and changes in the frequency of everything that is now unfolding in your waking life experience. Many of you are being presented with new opportunities but allowing any ”past experience” you have had to filter out what is being presented to you, I would remind you all gently that the ONLY way to determine if something is a lower dimensional frequency or a higher dimensional frequency is to FEEL said frequency. Trying to work out or worse ASSUME is to walk blindly, ALL is energy and ALL is frequency, the energy signature of EVERYTHING in this universe is available to ALL, so work at a frequency and energy signature level at all moments and TRUST how you FEEL.
Many of you may be under the distortion that a new reality is created overnight and that by totally disconnecting from all that is presently in place on this planet will see it starve of energy and something put in its place for you, this is further distortion and is a scenario that is supported by the old 3D earth created reality for it sees you PAUSE IN THE VOID. The void being the place of pure energy, it is the space between spaces, it is where you move into from the old 3D earth created reality and is where you CREATE your New Earth reality from. What you create must have the frequency of TRUTH and the LOVE that IS but aside from this the world is literally your oyster, whatever you wish to experience CAN BE EXPERIENCED but you have to create it, you do this by dreaming it. What is it that you wish to live on this planet? this is your starting point.
Now many of you may be reading this and saying “okay lets go with this, I wish to live an abundant life and be luxuriously happy”. Then your human logical mind may try to persuade you that you are being selfish, this is a teaching of the old 3D earth that sought to teach you dis-empowerment, this is a very deep teaching within the spiritual arena and one that should be dissolved fully. It is NOT selfish to wish to live in abundance, the more that you have the more that you can SHARE with those around you, the more that you can be happy the HIGHER the frequency and more expansive your energetic signature is. As ALL ARE ONE then your higher frequency will then push and exert pressure on those around you to move them to a higher more expansive frequency so it is a win/win situation at all moments of all moments.
Many of you look to the financial state of the planet earth and allow this “bigger picture” to blind you at a personal level. Money JUST IS, it is a TOKEN of abundance on this planet, money ITSELF is not the distortion, what is the distortion and what has created the problems as it were are the teachings around money, that is what you have been TAUGHT TO BELIEVE about money. It is these teachings that will work to attract or repel money into your human life experience, nothing else. How many of you grew up with your parents stating to you “money does not grow on trees”. This is factually incorrect of course as money is paper and paper comes from trees. :-) However on a serious note how you FEEL about money and your belief system that was created within the old 3D earth created reality is what drives money into or out of your life. Many of you are allowing the old 3D earth teachings to persuade you that it is outwith your control and is something that is taken from you. NOTHING CAN BE TAKEN FROM YOU on any level for ALL is energy, you can however be persuaded to GIVE your energy away and this is why the old 3D earth reality was created to begin with. It is VERY good at persuading, it gives part of a picture at any one time and will never openly show you the whole picture at any point. In short is “spins” the whole of the human life experience. It is your CHOICE at all moments of all moments of whether or not to give your energy away or to work to expand your energy, you cannot do both at the same time, hence moving into the void will see you remain in the void until you begin to create.
At this moment in this your human life experience your SOUL is showing you the steps to take in order to create your life in the New Earth reality, all that prevents you from taking these steps is the whisperings of the old 3D earth created reality that seeks at all moments to pull you back down in frequency by attempting to teach you that you are something you are not. YOU ARE A VAST BEING OF LIGHT, you came here to live TRUTH in the LOVE that IS in this your human form. TRUST the process that your SOUL is now showing you and asking you to interact with. ONLY YOU create your life, what YOU create is your responsibility and is YOUR creation at all moments of all moments, dream and BE.
A reminder that I will be discussing this further on the BEYOND THE LOOKING GLASS RADIO SHOW which airs at 7 – 8pm (est) USA on the pyramid one network.