Isis Beloved School of Consciousness & Retreat
Glastonbury Tor
Creating Joy
Dearly Beloved,
Whenever I ask people what they really want, the answer is always love. To love and to be loved and to feel love, to be part of it, to be all of it. To be enfolded, to be nurtured by it, to find the Joy in the love that is the essence of existence. Yet so often it seems that love passes us by, that we are in a situation that we believe to be loving, only to find out that it is no more than manipulation and control. Most of us have been there, perhaps all of us.
I would like to share with you some thoughts about reaching the depths of love that simply has no words. It cannot be analyzed by mind but is reached sometimes through the mind and the thoughts. A love that can be remembered, a love that can be brought into this time, this moment, this now.
Before you can love another, you must love yourself for you will never find that mirror that you so desire in another if your own space is not true. As children we are rarely taught to love ourselves, to nurture ourselves, but more often to give to others, to be useful, to be of service, to be open and generous. Yet, taking time for yourself is essential, and never more than now during the Shift of the Ages. As you focus more on yourself, you can let go the old beliefs, the old attitudes inherited from those around you and go into your Heart space, for here and only here will you find the Truth, and here and only here will you find the Joy of your own being.
Do you love yourself first and foremost with an open Heart? If you are reading this without being in Joy, stop right here, right now, and smile into your Heart and consider how you feel. Do this before you proceed so you are hearing all these words from your space of Truth.
When the illusions of the world are strong, when you believe them, when you do not have the ability to see through them, life is fraught with difficulty. If you believe you have to look a certain way, to act a certain way, or to copy others whose pictures you see so frequently in the press, those who set trends, those who create ways of being that are acceptable in an illusory society.
None of this matters. Not to the Heart, not to the Soul. It is a case of stepping into your authentic self, the self that knows, the self you can hear from the small quiet voice of your Heart. You came to this planet to bring Joy, and if this is not your goal, if this is not your way of living, then stop, stop right now. Ask your Heart, am I feeling Joy? Am I feeling that wonderful, exuberance of the child that skips and dances for the very sake of it? The passion of it, the feeling of it. Am I smiling?
Joy is your goal, Joy is your way of being. Yet so few walk and talk such things. When you meet a joyful person, it is like a Light in a darkened room, and you want that, you want it so much, that it becomes the focus of where you are going. And this Joy that bubbles up in your Heart will not be quiet, will not be still, for it is your life, it brings an aliveness so beautiful, so exquisite that every waking moment is a delight. When you wake in the morning and you feel Joy, you may want to greet the dawn as we did so long ago in the Temple of Isis at Philae in Egypt, with our arms outstretched in praise.
We were part of it all you see, part of creation. We learned to breathe with the rhythm of the Earth, our Beloved Gaia. As small children we were laid gently upon the Earth with our ear against her skin to hear her rhythm, to follow her breath.
We delighted in so much that has been long forgotten in an age where the mind rules. Perhaps the way to move into a loving, joyful space is to be more with children, to see that they laugh at nothing, but laugh until they roll on the floor clutching their tummies, in such absolute expression of delight. Children when they are very young still have imagination and are free. Where is that child within you? Do they still have a voice? Ask yourself this to the stillness of your Heart.
In this time of vast change that we are all experiencing it is more important than ever to love yourself, to close the door, to be still, to meditate, to breath, to go into that deep place in the Heart that knows. If you are spending your days at some type of work in which you do not have Joy, consider why you are doing it. Consider the time it takes; consider if this is what you were born to do.
You are here on this Earth to emanate Joy, to be that Joy, to feel it in every cell and atom in your body and to know it intimately. This is not a doingness, it is a beingness, a stillness, yet it is alive. You cannot capture it any more than you can hold water in your hands, you cannot bottle it, you cannot contain it, other than in every moment of every second. It is your Essential Self, and is the most precious thing of all. It will show in your eyes and show in your smile. It will show in your hug.
It will Light up your Life.
© 2015 Isis Beloved. All Rights Reserved.
So much Love and Joy,
Isis Beloved is a Bringer of Joy, a Healer of Hearts,
A Visionary, a Cosmic Traveller, a Master Healer and Teacher of Healers.
She lives in Joy because her Heart is open to the level of Light.
Only when the Heart is fully open, can Joy be felt and remembered.
In order to move into the new world, Heaven on Earth,
It is your Heart that must lead the way.
During times of great change we often need support to understand what is going on around us. We also need to raise our consciousness for this understanding. Please contact us if you would like to expand your awareness, open your Heart fully and access your Deep Knowing and levels of Love and Joy that have been waiting for you for so long.
Isis Beloved School of Consciousness & Retreat on Glastonbury Tor
Shambhala, Coursing Batch, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 8BH, UK.
Telephone+44 (0) 1458 837915 email-