Mary Magdalene Diary of the Ascension 2

There is a new rumor on Earth that says Mother God lives at Mt. Shasta. Well, that is a little bit true, because Mother God lives every where.

I would like to tell you the true story of Mother God, who is Eternally and Infinitely Everywhere. Mother God was created through the Experience of Mary and Jesus about 2017 years ago. God chose to send a male and a female Creator Being to Earth so that HE could have the experience of being a Lover and being a Mother. These were experiences that Father God had never had until he sent Mary and Jesus to Earth. The mission of Jesus and Mary was to allow God to experience the love of a man and a woman in all of the ways it can be experienced. God wanted to experience the birth of a child though Mary Magdalene. God had also experienced the actual experience of going through birth as he placed himself within Jesus when he was being born through Mother Mary. Mother Mary was not a Creator Being. But God needed to have a mortal hybrid being give birth to Yeshuwa ben Joseph, so that God would be within Yeshuwa during the experience of opening the first second third and fourth seals at birth. God wanted to experience the life giving experience of the first seal while experiencing it as a heart and soul experience of the fourth seal.

God was with Mary and Jesus in many different ways during their very short time together. Yeshuwa was twenty six when he found Mary, so we were only together seven years. Our baby, Josiah was only six when his father was nailed to the cross.

There was a very great reason why God chose to expand himself beyond his Father experience. He decided that because there were so many problems in his universes that were created as a result of the Fallen Angelic Races who became fallen because God ordered them not to have sex with mortals, and yet they disobeyed this order. God also wanted to become a Mother God who could be more compassionate of His/Her children and find a way to bring them all back home again. God was in Yeshuwa when he was nailed to the cross and then lowered down into hell to tell Lucifer and all his creation that they were forgiven and that they were all invited to return to the Over Soul together with Jesus.

This was the beginning of the two thousand year project that is climaxing on Earth this year. I, Mary Magdalene returned to Earth to complete the part of this project that would give the new birth to Earth as a result of the twelve Ascension Portals that I created that connect Earth of harmonic universe one into Terra Ha of harmonic universe two.

I completed that project in November of 2016 and by February 2017 the two harmonic universes began their connection. The first few month of 2017 was like being on a run way preparing for a take off into a new reality. The take off has begun now. The Ascension Portals that I created and opened into a new reality that will allow the entire universe to pass through Earth into new times and realities in the future.

These portals allowed Gaia to become the Savior of the Universe. Mary Magdalene is known through out the Universe as the one who allowed Mother Gaia to become the savior of the universe. And this great job was given to me because I was the one who allowed God to experience himself as Mother God a little more than two thousand years ago.

Jesus and I have been working on this project again for the last thirty years or so.

Now, I am inviting the Original Ones to land on Earth and use my Portals to continue their Ascension journey into new times that do not yet exist. This is how the new correct consciousness is being returned to Earth. It is the Original Ones who are coming from the Creation Realm itself to Earth in order to change the Consciousness of Earth to align with the Mother God idea that is being birthed through this new consciousness.

There have been several race lines whom I have invited to use my Portals so far. The landings began in February. The races have included Alpha Centauri, Andromeda, Sirians, Venutians, Sirians and most recently the Yayels, who are now called the Chikani have arrived. These great beings who have been waiting to complete their ascension for several millions of years will be on Earth for a year or two helping the Earth move through her ascension before they continue through my Portals.

As soon as they pass through my Ascension Portals, then the thirteen stargates of Earth will open, to allow the landing of the Unversal Race lines. The Original Ones are coming from the Cosmic Realm, they will be followed by these same race lines in the Universal Realm.

This is the plan of Mother God who has been using her Creator Beings who are on Earth at this time for this special project.

Mother God is allowing all of her children to re unite, to be re born as a new family of One, who will learn that they can all live together, and share the traits in their DNA to create a wonderful new experience.

Mother God has many other Universes, but right now, she is focusing on this special project that is centered on this planet Earth, who has merged with Terra Ha, who is the new fourth dimensional Earth who all will move to within the next twenty years.

Mother God, Mother Gaia and Mary Magdalene have successfully started the rebirth of a new type of a family in the universe.

Now, my time on this Earth's stage is over. I have completed my mission.

Now, Jesus will begin his mission.

Jesus told me that he will not be using the name Jesus. So, anyone who says they are Jesus is not Jesus. He will be the one that you will KNOW BY HIS WORKS.

I have been communicating with the one called Jesus, Jesus Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, Yeshuwa ben Joseph and Aspects of the Consciousness of these Beings.

All of Jesus aspects are in him now. He will be the only speaker on Earth now. He will not use his name Jesus this time.

The following is my dialogue with Jesus several months ago.

Ariel told me that I had an intimate connection through the sacred sex that we created within and through God as His Experience of this Love between a man and a woman as God Himself. Since our relationship of God creating himself in human form as both a man and a woman to actually CREATE a NEW VERSION of himself, that new Version of God is the combination of the Mary and Jesus Consciousness or Frequency Signatures woven forever through the Universe as the NEW GOD, who became the Father Mother God of the New Testament.

From the moment that my Soul and the Soul of Jesus were woven together into this new Experience of God becoming a Mother, that merging together through sexual intercourse and through the experience of being a mother and father that God would directly experience, will forever mean that Jesus and Mary are ONE.

This is the dialogue that I had with Jesus. This can be heard on the audio youtube page of my website,

Crystal Magic Orchestra. com and read in my book, Mary Magdalene's Ascension Diaries.The following is taken from my book, Mary Magdalene's Ascension Diary TWO.

Mary speaking to JESUS
So,I always have that part of you within me. You are within my Soul. So, we are the true sense of what a true Soul Mate really is.

And do you feel that way when I talk to you?

Yes I do. And that is why I said that I didn't feel that way with those other aspects of Jesus and I kept feeling like there is something the matter.

You were my lover. You were that part of me that I share in the most intimate way so that I could relate that experience to GOD through our relationship.

I'm still searching for information about that time and that event and that relationship because to me it is the greatest event that has ever taken place.I would like to know the difference between how the Universe was before this love was placed into it and how was it after this event.

It was the first time God had experienced Sexual Love, and physical love. There was love in the universe before but it was not the same kind of love. We EXPANDED on this kind of Love.
We made it more full, more beautiful, more personable, and that is what we did when God experienced what we did. Of course he loved his children like a Father would love a Son, but not as a Wife. He did not have a Spouse. He did not have a partner.
When WE came together, HE understood that kind of love. The physical, the erotic, the beauty of bringing that kind of love into existence at God's level.
Do you understand?

Yes. So, that changed God.

It did.

So, God always called himself our Father before then and then after we came together he became Father Mother God, after that.

Yes, very well. That is a beautiful way of putting it.

So, he was not just understanding the love between lovers, HE was understanding the love of a MOTHER through us.


So, this is where the confusion comes in about the Mary being the Mother of God and the Mary being the Mother of Jesus.

Mary was the mother of Jesus, but she was not the mother figure to God. We became the Example of what true mother hood and true bonding was all about to God.

I'm wondering if that experience within God had anything to do with His decision to put out more of a forgiveness and compassion to Lucifer and the Fallen Angels and inviting them home? Did that have something to do with that decision?

Listen Carefully. If you look at the Old Testament in the Bible you see violence, you see hatred, you see God acting in a way that was not like he acted after Jesus. After WE BONDED, his thought processes about humanity and about the Species changed. His Love became Greater and more affectionate toward everyone. And that is the change that you see in the New Testament, where there is no more fighting, no more anger, no more destruction, but yet he becomes a beautiful full God understanding the emotion that he created in his people

I think most people in the world think that the God in the Old Testament was a different God than the God in the New Testament. So, this changes the story. This is the TRUE STORY.

Yes, and also there was some occasion when some of the violence was caused by aliens and not by God. But, some of the violence was caused by God because he got angry.
But, when God experienced what we did. Experienced the love and the fullness of it that changed him permanently.

So, my story that I would like to change about this Huge event--THE CHANGE OF GOD HIMSELF- has always left out Mary Magdalene. And I want myself put back in the story.

Then write the book.

That is what the book needs to be about.


And I started writing that book yesterday, and I put it out as a newsletter so that you would read it before we had this conversation. Did you read what I wrote yesterday?

I am sorry Mary. I did not. What did you write yesterday?

Exactly what you just said.

Well you see, I already knew it.

I always write first and ask second just to find out if I am right or not, because I love being right.

Oh Mary. You always did love being Right. Even back when I knew you. And sometimes I would make you mad because I would say, no Mary, I am right. (laughs)

So, we were a typical male and female relationship?

Yes, but much greater in many ways.

So, since we had that relationship, did Mary Magdalene have to be more right than normal females on Earth?

Actually, she did.
Because she knew who her partner was.

So, Joe is experiencing the same Mary Magdalene that you did.

YES But he is quite alright with it.

Yes, but he went through quite a process to get used to it.

Every couple has their problems. We did. But we got through them because we knew it was meant to be the way it was.
And GOD learned many lessons from us and from our experiences.

It is such a Magnificent Story. Has it ever been told before?

No. I do not believe this story has been RELEASED to humanity

The following is taken from my book, Mary Magdalene's Ascension Diary TWO.

The truest meaning of Divine Feminine would be the Quality that was added to our Father God when Jesus and I allowed God to Experience through us the Love between a man and a woman and the love of a Mother. I am the Cosmic Female who had intercourse with the Cosmic Male in order to Create a Power of Love that Sings through the Universe and will change the Universe forever. I am the Creator Being who God created to Experience Mother hood through. This experience of God created a Cosmic Orgasm that changed God forever and it created the Music of the Spheres through the Universe from the frequency signatures of Mary and Jesus weaving together as one new Soul that represented a new God. This God who decided to change into a Mother with Compassion for her children changed the way things were done in the Universe. It is this new Divine Feminine Aspect of God that is creating the change in Consciousness all over the Universe because the Frequencies of Mary Magdalene saturate the Universe with this Mother God Experience.



Mary Magdalene Diary of the Ascension 2

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